The TDAEDataset class extends TDAEBaseDataset and adds connection support. It is a base class for dataset classes in a Data Abstract Driver.
Please refer to the article How to create a Data Abstract Driver (Delphi) for an overall description.
- Unit: uDAEConnection.pas
- Ancestry: TDAEngineBaseObject | TDAESQLCommand | TDAEBaseDataset | TDAEDataset
constructor Create (IDAConnection, TDataset, string) override (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create(aConnection: IDAConnection; aDataset: TDataset; const aName: string)
- aConnection: Connection
- aDataset: Dataset
- aName: Name
constructor Create (TDAEConnection, string) reintroduce virtual
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create(aConnection: TDAEConnection; const aName: string)
- aConnection:
- aName:
Active protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Specifies whether the dataset is currently active (open) or not. Setting this property to true will automatically open the dataset, while setting it to false will automatically close it.
property Active: Boolean read write
CachedParams protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property CachedParams: TDictionary<string, Integer> read
CanUseNativeFieldData protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Specifies that given field can return data in GetNativeFieldData method
function CanUseNativeFieldData(Index: Integer): Boolean
- Index: Required field index
Changed protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates that SQL was changed and PrepareSQLStatement should be called
property Changed: Boolean read write
ClearParams protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Clears parameter values.
procedure ClearParams
Close protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Closes the dataset
procedure Close
Connection protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Presents the IDAConnection to access information about available databases, tables, columns, etc.
property Connection: IDAConnection read
Connection protected
property Connection: TDAEConnection read
ControlsDisabled protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether data-aware controls update their display to reflect changes to the dataset.
function ControlsDisabled: Boolean
CreateDataset protected virtual abstract
Creates native dataset object
function CreateDataset(aConnection: TDAEConnection): TDataset
- aConnection: owner connection
CreateNativeDatabaseAccess protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Creates an IDANativeDatabaseAccess implementor.
function CreateNativeDatabaseAccess: IDANativeDatabaseAccess
CreateNativeObject protected virtual
Creates the native object.
function CreateNativeObject(aConnection: TDAEConnection): TObject
- aConnection: connection
CurrentRecIdValue protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
not supported
property CurrentRecIdValue: Integer read write
Dataset (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Access to the standard VCL TDataSet.
property Dataset: TDataset read
DisableConstraints protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Disables dataset constraints
procedure DisableConstraints
DisableControls protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Disables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset.
procedure DisableControls
DoCreateNativeObject protected override
Creates a object specific to the given connection.
function DoCreateNativeObject: TObject
DoExecute protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Executes SQL statement
function DoExecute: Integer
DoGetActive protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns current state
function DoGetActive: Boolean
DoGetBOF protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the beginning of the recordset (BOF = Beginning of File). GetBOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened nor Prior was called while the cursor was on the first record (it will not turn to true automatically when reaching the first record).
function DoGetBOF: Boolean
DoGetEOF protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the end of the recordset (EOF = End of File). EOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened or Next was called while the cursor was already on the last record (it will not turn to true when reaching the last record).
function DoGetEOF: Boolean
DoGetRecordCount protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns the counf of records
function DoGetRecordCount: Integer
DoGetSQL protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Gets the SQL statement
function DoGetSQL: string
DoLocate protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Locates and activates a record by key values.
function DoLocate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean
- KeyFields: The semicolon-separated list of fields.
- KeyValues: Values specified by the Variant or Variant array.
- Options: Indicates whether the search is case insensitive and whether partial matches are supported.
DoNext protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns the result of the NativeDatabaseAccess.Next invocation. Please refer to the article How to create a Data Abstract Driver (Delphi) for more details.
procedure DoNext
DoPrepare protected virtual safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Sets the property Prepared of the referred dataset to AValue
procedure DoPrepare(Value: Boolean)
- Value: state
DoSetActive protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Activates (True
) or deactivates (False
) the dataset.
If the Value
is true, the MacroProcessor of the active connection processes the Dynamic Where, retrieves and sets up the query parameters, activates the underlaid dataset (NativeDatabaseAccess) and binds the fields.
If the Value
is false, the underlaid dataset (NativeDatabaseAccess) is deactivated
and the fields are unbound or cleared.
Please refer to the article How to create a Data Abstract Driver (Delphi) for more details.
procedure DoSetActive(Value: Boolean)
- Value: mode
DoSetSQL protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Sets the SQL statement
procedure DoSetSQL(const Value: string)
- Value: SQL statement
DynamicWhere protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implementation of Dynamic Where.
property DynamicWhere: TDAWhereBuilder read write
EnableConstraints protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Enables dataset constraints
procedure EnableConstraints
EnableControls protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Enables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset.
procedure EnableControls
Eof protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the end of the recordset (EOF = End of File). EOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened or Next was called while the cursor was already on the last record (it will not turn to true when reaching the last record).
property Eof: Boolean read
Execute protected override safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Executes the SQL command.
function Execute: Integer
FieldByName protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Finds a field based on its name. If the specified field does not exist, FieldByName raises an exception.
function FieldByName(const aName: string): TDAField
- aName: name of the searched field
FieldCount protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates the number of fields contained in the dataset.
property FieldCount: Integer read
Fields protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Provides access to all the fields contained in the dataset.
property Fields: TDAFieldCollection read
FieldValues protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Provides convenient access to all the fields values of the current record without having to go though the Fields collection property.
property FieldValues[Index: Integer]: Variant read
FindCachedParameter protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
function FindCachedParameter(const AParams: TParams; const AParamName: string): TParam
- AParams:
- AParamName:
FindField safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns an item with the specified name.
function FindField(const aName: string): TDAField
- aName: name of the searched field
FindParameter protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Finds the AParamName
parameter in the |TParams collection.
function FindParameter(const AParams: TParams; const AParamName: string): TParam
- AParams:
- AParamName:
FixFMTBCDIssue protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Corrects a known issue with parameters that have ftFMTBcd type.
procedure FixFMTBCDIssue
FixKnownIssues protected virtual (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Fixes known problems. at this moment, it can call FixFMTBCDIssue if it is required
procedure FixKnownIssues
FreeBookmark protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Frees the resources allocated for a specified bookmark.
procedure FreeBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark)
- Bookmark: bookmark that should be freed
GetActive protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns the result of the DoGetActive invocation.
function GetActive: Boolean
GetBOF protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the beginning of the recordset (BOF = Beginning of File). GetBOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened nor Prior was called while the cursor was on the first record (it will not turn to true automatically when reaching the first record).
function GetBOF: Boolean
GetBookMark protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Allocates a bookmark for the active record
function GetBookMark: Pointer
GetCurrentMacroProcessor protected override
Returns instance of used macro processor.
function GetCurrentMacroProcessor: TDASQLMacroProcessor
GetDataset protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning the result of CreateDataset.
function GetDataset: TDataset
GetFieldValues protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns value of data table's field specified by index
function GetFieldValues(Index: Integer): Variant
- Index: index of the field
GetName protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning a value set in the constructor.
function GetName: string
GetNativeFieldData protected override safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Sets the DataSize
to the according field size value, allocates the Data
memory and copies the content of the field.
function GetNativeFieldData(Index: Integer; var Buffer: TBytes): Boolean
- Index: Required field index
- Buffer:
GetNativeFieldDataType protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns the field type of the Index
function GetNativeFieldDataType(Index: Integer): TFieldType
- Index: field index
GetParams protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning the current parameters.
function GetParams: TDAParamCollection
GetParamValues protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Retrieves the values of the given parameters.
procedure GetParamValues(Params: TDAParamCollection)
- Params: Parameters
GetParamValuesStd protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Retrieves the values from Params2
for the daptOutput
, daptInputOutput
and daptResult
parameters of Params1
procedure GetParamValuesStd(Params1: TDAParamCollection; Params2: TParams)
- Params1: Parameters guide
- Params2: Values source
GetRowRecIDValue protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
function GetRowRecIDValue: Integer
GotoBookmark protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Positions on the record to which a specified bookmark points.
procedure GotoBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark)
- Bookmark: record identified by this
should be active
intVCLTypeToDAType protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Gets mapping |TFieldType to TDADataType.
function intVCLTypeToDAType(aFieldType: TFieldType; ASize: Integer; ADecimalPrecision: Integer; aDecimalScale: Integer): TDADataType
- aFieldType:
- ASize:
- ADecimalPrecision:
- aDecimalScale:
isConnectioninRefreshFieldsMode protected override
Indicates the special mode in which (0=1) where statement is added to Dynamic Where.
function isConnectioninRefreshFieldsMode: Boolean
IsEmpty protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether the dataset contains no records.
property IsEmpty: Boolean read
IsNeedToFixFMTBCDIssue protected virtual (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
This is a virtual method (instrumental interface) to correct possible incompatibilities of the concrete implementation of the dataset (the known issue with the ZEOS driver). Please refer to the article How to create a Data Abstract Driver (Delphi) for more details.
function IsNeedToFixFMTBCDIssue: Boolean
IsTDatasetCompatible protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns true if data access object is TDataset descendant.
function IsTDatasetCompatible: Boolean
Locate protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Locates and activates a record by key values.
function Locate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean
- KeyFields: The semicolon-separated list of fields.
- KeyValues: Values specified by the Variant or Variant array.
- Options: Indicates whether the search is case insensitive and whether partial matches are supported.
LogicalName protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Defines the name of the data table.
property LogicalName: string read write
Lookup protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns the result of the NativeDatabaseAccess.Lookup invocation.
function Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant
- KeyFields: Comma-delimited list of fields
- KeyValues: Variant or Variant array of values
- ResultFields: Comma-delimited list of fields
Name protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns a human-readable name for the command.
property Name: string read
Names protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns data table's field name specified by Index
property Names[Index: Integer]: string read
NativeDatabaseAccess protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property NativeDatabaseAccess: IDANativeDatabaseAccess read
NativeFieldCount protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommandNativeObject by
delegating the call to the FNativeDatabaseAccess
function NativeFieldCount: Integer
NativeFields protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property NativeFields[Index: Integer]: IDANativeField read
NativeFindField protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommandNativeObject by
delegating the call to the FNativeDatabaseAccess
function NativeFindField(const FieldName: string): IDANativeField
- FieldName: name of the searched field
NativeObject protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Access to the standard VCL |TObject which implements the data access.
property NativeObject: TObject read
Next protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Invokes DoNext.
procedure Next
OnAfterExecute (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires right after a command was executed.
property OnAfterExecute: TDAAfterExecuteCommandEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterExecute(const Sender: IDASQLCommand; ActualSQL: string; ElapsedMilliseconds: Cardinal)
OnAfterOpen (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Fires after dataset was opened
property OnAfterOpen: TDAAfterOpenDatasetEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterOpen(const Sender: IDADataset; ActualSQL: string; ElapsedMilliseconds: Cardinal)
OnBeforeExecute (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires before command execution
property OnBeforeExecute: TDABeforeExecuteCommandEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeExecute(const Sender: IDASQLCommand)
OnBeforeOpen (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Fires before dataset was opened
property OnBeforeOpen: TDABeforeOpenDatasetEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeOpen(const Sender: IDADataset)
OnExecuteError (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires when exception is detected during command execution
property OnExecuteError: TDAExecuteCommandErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnExecuteError(const Sender: IDASQLCommand; ActualSQL: string; Error: Exception)
OnOpenError (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Fired if error was occured duting opening of dataset
property OnOpenError: TDAOpenDatasetErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnOpenError(const Sender: IDADataset; ActualSQL: string; Error: Exception)
Open protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Opens the dataset and prepares it for fetching records from the database.
procedure Open
OrderBy protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Represents the collection of OrderBy statements.
property OrderBy: TDAOrderByCollection read write
ParamByName protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Locates a specific parameter, based on its name. If no matching parameter is defined, an exception will be raised.
function ParamByName(const aName: string): TDAParam
- aName: name of the parameter
Params protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Provides access to the list of parameters defined for the command.
property Params: TDAParamCollection read
Prepared protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Specifies whether the SQL statement has been prepared for execution on the database (true) or not (false). Setting this property to true will automatically prepare the statement. Preparing statements on the database server allows for faster execution, especially if the statement will be executed multiple times, as the server will not need to re-parse the SQL text for every execution. Please refer to your database system's documentation for more information on preparing statements.
Note that changing the SQL or Where properties will automatically un-prepare the statement.
property Prepared: Boolean read write
PrepareSQLStatement protected override (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Builds a well formed SQL instruction and prepares it via DoPrepare.
procedure PrepareSQLStatement
RecordCount protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns the count of records
property RecordCount: Integer read
RecreateCachedParams protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
procedure RecreateCachedParams(aParams: TParams)
- aParams:
Refresh protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Reopens the dataset.
procedure Refresh
RefreshParams protected override safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Refreshes the list of parameters defined for the command based on the actual parameter names found in the SQL statement and Where clause.
procedure RefreshParams
RowRecIdValue protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns -1
property RowRecIdValue: Integer read
SetActive protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Activates (True
) or deactivates (False
) the dataset.
procedure SetActive(Value: Boolean)
- Value: mode
SetParamValues protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Converts values from Data Abstract TDAParam values.
procedure SetParamValues(Params: TDAParamCollection)
- Params: parameters
SetParamValuesStd protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Utility method to set the values of Params2
(|TParams) for the daptOutput
, daptInputOutput
and daptResult
parameters of Params1
procedure SetParamValuesStd(Params1: TDAParamCollection; Params2: TParams)
- Params1: Parameters guide
- Params2: Values holder
SQL protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Defines the SQL statement to be executed.
property SQL: string read write
SQLContainsDynamicWhere protected override safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Checks if SQL contains Dynamic Where macros.
function SQLContainsDynamicWhere: Boolean
State protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Determines the current operating mode of the dataset. The state property determines which operations can be performed with the data in the dataset, such as editing existing records or inserting new ones. The dataset state constantly changes as the application processes data.
property State: TDatasetState read
WhereClause protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Where clause as plain string:
(table.Field = 25) or (table.Field2 = "test")
property WhereClause: string read write
Active protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Specifies whether the dataset is currently active (open) or not. Setting this property to true will automatically open the dataset, while setting it to false will automatically close it.
property Active: Boolean read write
CachedParams protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property CachedParams: TDictionary<string, Integer> read
Changed protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates that SQL was changed and PrepareSQLStatement should be called
property Changed: Boolean read write
Connection protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Presents the IDAConnection to access information about available databases, tables, columns, etc.
property Connection: IDAConnection read
Connection protected
property Connection: TDAEConnection read
CurrentRecIdValue protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
not supported
property CurrentRecIdValue: Integer read write
Dataset (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Access to the standard VCL TDataSet.
property Dataset: TDataset read
DynamicWhere protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implementation of Dynamic Where.
property DynamicWhere: TDAWhereBuilder read write
Eof protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the end of the recordset (EOF = End of File). EOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened or Next was called while the cursor was already on the last record (it will not turn to true when reaching the last record).
property Eof: Boolean read
FieldCount protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates the number of fields contained in the dataset.
property FieldCount: Integer read
Fields protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Provides access to all the fields contained in the dataset.
property Fields: TDAFieldCollection read
FieldValues protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Provides convenient access to all the fields values of the current record without having to go though the Fields collection property.
property FieldValues[Index: Integer]: Variant read
IsEmpty protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether the dataset contains no records.
property IsEmpty: Boolean read
LogicalName protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Defines the name of the data table.
property LogicalName: string read write
Name protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns a human-readable name for the command.
property Name: string read
Names protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns data table's field name specified by Index
property Names[Index: Integer]: string read
NativeDatabaseAccess protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property NativeDatabaseAccess: IDANativeDatabaseAccess read
NativeFields protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property NativeFields[Index: Integer]: IDANativeField read
NativeObject protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Access to the standard VCL |TObject which implements the data access.
property NativeObject: TObject read
OrderBy protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Represents the collection of OrderBy statements.
property OrderBy: TDAOrderByCollection read write
Params protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Provides access to the list of parameters defined for the command.
property Params: TDAParamCollection read
Prepared protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Specifies whether the SQL statement has been prepared for execution on the database (true) or not (false). Setting this property to true will automatically prepare the statement. Preparing statements on the database server allows for faster execution, especially if the statement will be executed multiple times, as the server will not need to re-parse the SQL text for every execution. Please refer to your database system's documentation for more information on preparing statements.
Note that changing the SQL or Where properties will automatically un-prepare the statement.
property Prepared: Boolean read write
RecordCount protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns the count of records
property RecordCount: Integer read
RowRecIdValue protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns -1
property RowRecIdValue: Integer read
SQL protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Defines the SQL statement to be executed.
property SQL: string read write
State protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Determines the current operating mode of the dataset. The state property determines which operations can be performed with the data in the dataset, such as editing existing records or inserting new ones. The dataset state constantly changes as the application processes data.
property State: TDatasetState read
WhereClause protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Where clause as plain string:
(table.Field = 25) or (table.Field2 = "test")
property WhereClause: string read write
constructor Create (IDAConnection, TDataset, string) override (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create(aConnection: IDAConnection; aDataset: TDataset; const aName: string)
- aConnection: Connection
- aDataset: Dataset
- aName: Name
constructor Create (TDAEConnection, string) reintroduce virtual
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create(aConnection: TDAEConnection; const aName: string)
- aConnection:
- aName:
CanUseNativeFieldData protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Specifies that given field can return data in GetNativeFieldData method
function CanUseNativeFieldData(Index: Integer): Boolean
- Index: Required field index
ClearParams protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Clears parameter values.
procedure ClearParams
Close protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Closes the dataset
procedure Close
ControlsDisabled protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether data-aware controls update their display to reflect changes to the dataset.
function ControlsDisabled: Boolean
CreateDataset protected virtual abstract
Creates native dataset object
function CreateDataset(aConnection: TDAEConnection): TDataset
- aConnection: owner connection
CreateNativeDatabaseAccess protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Creates an IDANativeDatabaseAccess implementor.
function CreateNativeDatabaseAccess: IDANativeDatabaseAccess
CreateNativeObject protected virtual
Creates the native object.
function CreateNativeObject(aConnection: TDAEConnection): TObject
- aConnection: connection
DisableConstraints protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Disables dataset constraints
procedure DisableConstraints
DisableControls protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Disables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset.
procedure DisableControls
DoCreateNativeObject protected override
Creates a object specific to the given connection.
function DoCreateNativeObject: TObject
DoExecute protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Executes SQL statement
function DoExecute: Integer
DoGetActive protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns current state
function DoGetActive: Boolean
DoGetBOF protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the beginning of the recordset (BOF = Beginning of File). GetBOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened nor Prior was called while the cursor was on the first record (it will not turn to true automatically when reaching the first record).
function DoGetBOF: Boolean
DoGetEOF protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the end of the recordset (EOF = End of File). EOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened or Next was called while the cursor was already on the last record (it will not turn to true when reaching the last record).
function DoGetEOF: Boolean
DoGetRecordCount protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns the counf of records
function DoGetRecordCount: Integer
DoGetSQL protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Gets the SQL statement
function DoGetSQL: string
DoLocate protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Locates and activates a record by key values.
function DoLocate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean
- KeyFields: The semicolon-separated list of fields.
- KeyValues: Values specified by the Variant or Variant array.
- Options: Indicates whether the search is case insensitive and whether partial matches are supported.
DoNext protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns the result of the NativeDatabaseAccess.Next invocation. Please refer to the article How to create a Data Abstract Driver (Delphi) for more details.
procedure DoNext
DoPrepare protected virtual safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Sets the property Prepared of the referred dataset to AValue
procedure DoPrepare(Value: Boolean)
- Value: state
DoSetActive protected dynamic (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Activates (True
) or deactivates (False
) the dataset.
If the Value
is true, the MacroProcessor of the active connection processes the Dynamic Where, retrieves and sets up the query parameters, activates the underlaid dataset (NativeDatabaseAccess) and binds the fields.
If the Value
is false, the underlaid dataset (NativeDatabaseAccess) is deactivated
and the fields are unbound or cleared.
Please refer to the article How to create a Data Abstract Driver (Delphi) for more details.
procedure DoSetActive(Value: Boolean)
- Value: mode
DoSetSQL protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Sets the SQL statement
procedure DoSetSQL(const Value: string)
- Value: SQL statement
EnableConstraints protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Enables dataset constraints
procedure EnableConstraints
EnableControls protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Enables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset.
procedure EnableControls
Execute protected override safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Executes the SQL command.
function Execute: Integer
FieldByName protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Finds a field based on its name. If the specified field does not exist, FieldByName raises an exception.
function FieldByName(const aName: string): TDAField
- aName: name of the searched field
FindCachedParameter protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
function FindCachedParameter(const AParams: TParams; const AParamName: string): TParam
- AParams:
- AParamName:
FindField safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns an item with the specified name.
function FindField(const aName: string): TDAField
- aName: name of the searched field
FindParameter protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Finds the AParamName
parameter in the |TParams collection.
function FindParameter(const AParams: TParams; const AParamName: string): TParam
- AParams:
- AParamName:
FixFMTBCDIssue protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Corrects a known issue with parameters that have ftFMTBcd type.
procedure FixFMTBCDIssue
FixKnownIssues protected virtual (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Fixes known problems. at this moment, it can call FixFMTBCDIssue if it is required
procedure FixKnownIssues
FreeBookmark protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Frees the resources allocated for a specified bookmark.
procedure FreeBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark)
- Bookmark: bookmark that should be freed
GetActive protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns the result of the DoGetActive invocation.
function GetActive: Boolean
GetBOF protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the beginning of the recordset (BOF = Beginning of File). GetBOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened nor Prior was called while the cursor was on the first record (it will not turn to true automatically when reaching the first record).
function GetBOF: Boolean
GetBookMark protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Allocates a bookmark for the active record
function GetBookMark: Pointer
GetCurrentMacroProcessor protected override
Returns instance of used macro processor.
function GetCurrentMacroProcessor: TDASQLMacroProcessor
GetDataset protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning the result of CreateDataset.
function GetDataset: TDataset
GetFieldValues protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns value of data table's field specified by index
function GetFieldValues(Index: Integer): Variant
- Index: index of the field
GetName protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning a value set in the constructor.
function GetName: string
GetNativeFieldData protected override safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Sets the DataSize
to the according field size value, allocates the Data
memory and copies the content of the field.
function GetNativeFieldData(Index: Integer; var Buffer: TBytes): Boolean
- Index: Required field index
- Buffer:
GetNativeFieldDataType protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns the field type of the Index
function GetNativeFieldDataType(Index: Integer): TFieldType
- Index: field index
GetParams protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning the current parameters.
function GetParams: TDAParamCollection
GetParamValues protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Retrieves the values of the given parameters.
procedure GetParamValues(Params: TDAParamCollection)
- Params: Parameters
GetParamValuesStd protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Retrieves the values from Params2
for the daptOutput
, daptInputOutput
and daptResult
parameters of Params1
procedure GetParamValuesStd(Params1: TDAParamCollection; Params2: TParams)
- Params1: Parameters guide
- Params2: Values source
GetRowRecIDValue protected (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
function GetRowRecIDValue: Integer
GotoBookmark protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Positions on the record to which a specified bookmark points.
procedure GotoBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark)
- Bookmark: record identified by this
should be active
intVCLTypeToDAType protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Gets mapping |TFieldType to TDADataType.
function intVCLTypeToDAType(aFieldType: TFieldType; ASize: Integer; ADecimalPrecision: Integer; aDecimalScale: Integer): TDADataType
- aFieldType:
- ASize:
- ADecimalPrecision:
- aDecimalScale:
isConnectioninRefreshFieldsMode protected override
Indicates the special mode in which (0=1) where statement is added to Dynamic Where.
function isConnectioninRefreshFieldsMode: Boolean
IsNeedToFixFMTBCDIssue protected virtual (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
This is a virtual method (instrumental interface) to correct possible incompatibilities of the concrete implementation of the dataset (the known issue with the ZEOS driver). Please refer to the article How to create a Data Abstract Driver (Delphi) for more details.
function IsNeedToFixFMTBCDIssue: Boolean
IsTDatasetCompatible protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns true if data access object is TDataset descendant.
function IsTDatasetCompatible: Boolean
Locate protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Locates and activates a record by key values.
function Locate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean
- KeyFields: The semicolon-separated list of fields.
- KeyValues: Values specified by the Variant or Variant array.
- Options: Indicates whether the search is case insensitive and whether partial matches are supported.
Lookup protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Returns the result of the NativeDatabaseAccess.Lookup invocation.
function Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant
- KeyFields: Comma-delimited list of fields
- KeyValues: Variant or Variant array of values
- ResultFields: Comma-delimited list of fields
NativeFieldCount protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommandNativeObject by
delegating the call to the FNativeDatabaseAccess
function NativeFieldCount: Integer
NativeFindField protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommandNativeObject by
delegating the call to the FNativeDatabaseAccess
function NativeFindField(const FieldName: string): IDANativeField
- FieldName: name of the searched field
Next protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Invokes DoNext.
procedure Next
Open protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Opens the dataset and prepares it for fetching records from the database.
procedure Open
ParamByName protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Locates a specific parameter, based on its name. If no matching parameter is defined, an exception will be raised.
function ParamByName(const aName: string): TDAParam
- aName: name of the parameter
PrepareSQLStatement protected override (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Builds a well formed SQL instruction and prepares it via DoPrepare.
procedure PrepareSQLStatement
RecreateCachedParams protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
procedure RecreateCachedParams(aParams: TParams)
- aParams:
Refresh protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Reopens the dataset.
procedure Refresh
RefreshParams protected override safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Refreshes the list of parameters defined for the command based on the actual parameter names found in the SQL statement and Where clause.
procedure RefreshParams
SetActive protected safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Activates (True
) or deactivates (False
) the dataset.
procedure SetActive(Value: Boolean)
- Value: mode
SetParamValues protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Converts values from Data Abstract TDAParam values.
procedure SetParamValues(Params: TDAParamCollection)
- Params: parameters
SetParamValuesStd protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Utility method to set the values of Params2
(|TParams) for the daptOutput
, daptInputOutput
and daptResult
parameters of Params1
procedure SetParamValuesStd(Params1: TDAParamCollection; Params2: TParams)
- Params1: Parameters guide
- Params2: Values holder
SQLContainsDynamicWhere protected override safecall (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Checks if SQL contains Dynamic Where macros.
function SQLContainsDynamicWhere: Boolean
OnAfterExecute (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires right after a command was executed.
property OnAfterExecute: TDAAfterExecuteCommandEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterExecute(const Sender: IDASQLCommand; ActualSQL: string; ElapsedMilliseconds: Cardinal)
OnAfterOpen (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Fires after dataset was opened
property OnAfterOpen: TDAAfterOpenDatasetEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterOpen(const Sender: IDADataset; ActualSQL: string; ElapsedMilliseconds: Cardinal)
OnBeforeExecute (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires before command execution
property OnBeforeExecute: TDABeforeExecuteCommandEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeExecute(const Sender: IDASQLCommand)
OnBeforeOpen (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Fires before dataset was opened
property OnBeforeOpen: TDABeforeOpenDatasetEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeOpen(const Sender: IDADataset)
OnExecuteError (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires when exception is detected during command execution
property OnExecuteError: TDAExecuteCommandErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnExecuteError(const Sender: IDASQLCommand; ActualSQL: string; Error: Exception)
OnOpenError (declared in TDAEBaseDataset)
Fired if error was occured duting opening of dataset
property OnOpenError: TDAOpenDatasetErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnOpenError(const Sender: IDADataset; ActualSQL: string; Error: Exception)