Expands TRODynamicRequest for Data Abstract-specific calls done from within the TDARemoteDataAdapter.
You will not usually deal with instances of this class directly, but instead use the *Call properties on the TDARemoteDataAdapter.
- Unit: uDARemoteDataAdapterRequests.pas
- Ancestry: TComponent | TROComponent | TRODynamicRequest | TDARemoteDataAdapterRequest
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)
- aOwner: Owner
Assign override (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
BeginExecute (TROAsyncCallback, Pointer): IROAsyncRequest overload (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
function BeginExecute(const aCallback: TROAsyncCallback; const aUserData: Pointer): IROAsyncRequest
- aCallback:
- aUserData:
BeginExecute (TROAsyncCallbackMethod, Pointer): IROAsyncRequest overload (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
function BeginExecute(const aCallbackMethod: TROAsyncCallbackMethod; const aUserData: Pointer): IROAsyncRequest
- aCallbackMethod:
- aUserData:
CheckProperties (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Validates the dynamic request properties.
procedure CheckProperties
CreateInputComplexTypes (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
procedure CreateInputComplexTypes(aSkipIfAssigned: Boolean)
- aSkipIfAssigned:
Indicates that default setup is used.
property Default: Boolean read write
DefaultNamespaces (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
property DefaultNamespaces: TStringList read
EndExecute (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
procedure EndExecute(const aRequest: IROAsyncRequest)
- aRequest:
Execute (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Performs the remote request and executes the Service method on the server.
procedure Execute(aParams: TRORequestParamCollection)
- aParams: Parameters
FindParam (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Locates the TRORequestParam with a given name. If no parameter by that name is found, nil is returned.
function FindParam(const aParamName: string): TRORequestParam
- aParamName: Name of the parameter
IsFunction (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
property IsFunction: Boolean read
IsNotDefault protected
Indicates that non-default setup is used.
function IsNotDefault: Boolean
ListServiceOperations (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
procedure ListServiceOperations(const aServiceName: string; aList: TStrings)
- aServiceName:
- aList:
The name of the method to be executed on the server.
property MethodName: string read write
MethodNameChanged protected override
procedure MethodNameChanged
Notification protected override (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(aComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- aComponent: component
- Operation: operation
OnAfterExecute (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Fires just after the remote call has been executed (whether successfully or with an exception). You can use this event to inspect the returned Params, or to log execution.
property OnAfterExecute: TRODynamicRequestNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterExecute(Sender: TRODynamicRequest)
OnBeforeExecute (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Fires just before the remote call is executed. You can use this event to make last changes to the list of Params, or to log execution.
property OnBeforeExecute: TRODynamicRequestNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeExecute(Sender: TRODynamicRequest)
OnChangeMethodName (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Fires when method name is changed
property OnChangeMethodName: TROStringPropertyChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnChangeMethodName(Sender: TRODynamicRequest; const OldValue: string; const NewValue: string)
OnChangeServiceName (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Fires when service name is changed
property OnChangeServiceName: TROStringPropertyChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnChangeServiceName(Sender: TRODynamicRequest; const OldValue: string; const NewValue: string)
OnExecuteError (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Fires if an exception was raised during the execution of the remote request (whether this was an exception sent back from the server, or a local one). You can use this event to inspect the raised exception, and optionally choose to not re-raise it, by setting the Ignore to true.
property OnExecuteError: TRODynamicRequestErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnExecuteError(Sender: TRODynamicRequest; Error: Exception; var Ignore: Boolean)
OnFindCustomTypeImplementation (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
property OnFindCustomTypeImplementation: TROFindCustomTypeImplementationEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnFindCustomTypeImplementation(Sender: TRODynamicRequest; const aTypeName: string; aParameter: TRORequestParam; out aImplementor: TROComplexType)
ParamByName (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Locates a specific parameter, based on its name. If no matching parameter is defined, an exception will be raised.
function ParamByName(const aParamName: string): TRORequestParam
- aParamName: Name of the parameter
Defines the parameters to pass to and receive from the call.
property Params: TRORequestParamCollection read write
RefreshParams (TRODLOperation, Boolean) overload (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Reloads the parameter definitions for the call. It allows to load the parameters from a specific RODL operation.
procedure RefreshParams(aOperation: TRODLOperation; aPersistValues: Boolean)
- aOperation: Operation
- aPersistValues: Allows to persist any values.
RefreshParams (Boolean) overload (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Reloads the parameter definitions for the call. It allows to automatically retrieve the RODL from the RemoteService and locate the operation based on the MethodName.
procedure RefreshParams(aPersistValues: Boolean)
- aPersistValues: Allows to persist any values.
RemoteService (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Links to a TRORemoteService component that defines the service to be called.
property RemoteService: TRORemoteService read write
RODLLibrary (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
property RODLLibrary: TRODLLibrary read
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SetupDefaultRequest virtual
Resets to the default setup used for the new v4.0 service interface.
procedure SetupDefaultRequest
SetupDefaultRequestV3 virtual abstract
Resets to the default setup used for legacy v3.0 service interface.
procedure SetupDefaultRequestV3
Indicates that default setup is used.
property Default: Boolean read write
DefaultNamespaces (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
property DefaultNamespaces: TStringList read
IsFunction (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
property IsFunction: Boolean read
The name of the method to be executed on the server.
property MethodName: string read write
Defines the parameters to pass to and receive from the call.
property Params: TRORequestParamCollection read write
RemoteService (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Links to a TRORemoteService component that defines the service to be called.
property RemoteService: TRORemoteService read write
RODLLibrary (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
property RODLLibrary: TRODLLibrary read
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)
- aOwner: Owner
Assign override (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
BeginExecute (TROAsyncCallback, Pointer): IROAsyncRequest overload (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
function BeginExecute(const aCallback: TROAsyncCallback; const aUserData: Pointer): IROAsyncRequest
- aCallback:
- aUserData:
BeginExecute (TROAsyncCallbackMethod, Pointer): IROAsyncRequest overload (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
function BeginExecute(const aCallbackMethod: TROAsyncCallbackMethod; const aUserData: Pointer): IROAsyncRequest
- aCallbackMethod:
- aUserData:
CheckProperties (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Validates the dynamic request properties.
procedure CheckProperties
CreateInputComplexTypes (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
procedure CreateInputComplexTypes(aSkipIfAssigned: Boolean)
- aSkipIfAssigned:
EndExecute (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
procedure EndExecute(const aRequest: IROAsyncRequest)
- aRequest:
Execute (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Performs the remote request and executes the Service method on the server.
procedure Execute(aParams: TRORequestParamCollection)
- aParams: Parameters
FindParam (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Locates the TRORequestParam with a given name. If no parameter by that name is found, nil is returned.
function FindParam(const aParamName: string): TRORequestParam
- aParamName: Name of the parameter
IsNotDefault protected
Indicates that non-default setup is used.
function IsNotDefault: Boolean
ListServiceOperations (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
procedure ListServiceOperations(const aServiceName: string; aList: TStrings)
- aServiceName:
- aList:
MethodNameChanged protected override
procedure MethodNameChanged
Notification protected override (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(aComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- aComponent: component
- Operation: operation
ParamByName (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Locates a specific parameter, based on its name. If no matching parameter is defined, an exception will be raised.
function ParamByName(const aParamName: string): TRORequestParam
- aParamName: Name of the parameter
RefreshParams (TRODLOperation, Boolean) overload (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Reloads the parameter definitions for the call. It allows to load the parameters from a specific RODL operation.
procedure RefreshParams(aOperation: TRODLOperation; aPersistValues: Boolean)
- aOperation: Operation
- aPersistValues: Allows to persist any values.
RefreshParams (Boolean) overload (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Reloads the parameter definitions for the call. It allows to automatically retrieve the RODL from the RemoteService and locate the operation based on the MethodName.
procedure RefreshParams(aPersistValues: Boolean)
- aPersistValues: Allows to persist any values.
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SetupDefaultRequest virtual
Resets to the default setup used for the new v4.0 service interface.
procedure SetupDefaultRequest
SetupDefaultRequestV3 virtual abstract
Resets to the default setup used for legacy v3.0 service interface.
procedure SetupDefaultRequestV3
OnAfterExecute (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Fires just after the remote call has been executed (whether successfully or with an exception). You can use this event to inspect the returned Params, or to log execution.
property OnAfterExecute: TRODynamicRequestNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterExecute(Sender: TRODynamicRequest)
OnBeforeExecute (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Fires just before the remote call is executed. You can use this event to make last changes to the list of Params, or to log execution.
property OnBeforeExecute: TRODynamicRequestNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeExecute(Sender: TRODynamicRequest)
OnChangeMethodName (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Fires when method name is changed
property OnChangeMethodName: TROStringPropertyChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnChangeMethodName(Sender: TRODynamicRequest; const OldValue: string; const NewValue: string)
OnChangeServiceName (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Fires when service name is changed
property OnChangeServiceName: TROStringPropertyChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnChangeServiceName(Sender: TRODynamicRequest; const OldValue: string; const NewValue: string)
OnExecuteError (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
Fires if an exception was raised during the execution of the remote request (whether this was an exception sent back from the server, or a local one). You can use this event to inspect the raised exception, and optionally choose to not re-raise it, by setting the Ignore to true.
property OnExecuteError: TRODynamicRequestErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnExecuteError(Sender: TRODynamicRequest; Error: Exception; var Ignore: Boolean)
OnFindCustomTypeImplementation (declared in TRODynamicRequest)
property OnFindCustomTypeImplementation: TROFindCustomTypeImplementationEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnFindCustomTypeImplementation(Sender: TRODynamicRequest; const aTypeName: string; aParameter: TRORequestParam; out aImplementor: TROComplexType)