

The TDADataTableReferenceCollection class represents the list of server-side data tables (TDADataTable list) or datasets (TDataSet list) that will be published by the server alongside the data tables defined in the schema.

The TDADataTableReferenceCollection is used in the DataAbstract service (TDataAbstractService object). The main aim of this collection is to allow the DataAbstract service to hold and publish data that does not necessarily come from the back-end database targeted by the schema and connection, but also from other sources (from a different database, loaded from a file on disk, or manually filled from code). For the client application, these tables will look like any other data table published by the server.

You can use the TDADataTableReferenceCollection collection as the ExportedDataTables property in the specified DataAbstract service.




This property allows the collection content to be accessed by index.

property Items[Index: Integer]: TDADataTableReference read


Represents the DataAbstract service that is the owner of the current collection of referenced data tables. This property is read-only. The current property is set in the constructor Create.

property OwnerService: TComponent read

Instance Methods

constructor Create

Creates a new instance.

constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)


  • aOwner: Specified input owner (DataAbstract service) of the current collection


Finds and returns a data table (TDADataTableReference object) in the current collection, if the input data table (aDataTable) is found in the current collection, or returns NIL if the input data table (aDataTable) is not found.

function FindByDataTable(aDataTable: TComponent): TDADataTableReference


  • aDataTable: Specified data table that should be found in the collection.


Finds and returns a data table (TDADataTableReference object) in the current collection, if the data table with the specified logical name is found in the current collection, or returns NIL if it is not found.

function FindByName(const aLogicalName: string): TDADataTableReference


  • aLogicalName: Specified logical name of data table that should be found in the current collection.