

TDASQL92OrderByCollection is a part of TDASQL92QueryBuilder infrastructure.

It doesn't have a sense to use TDASQL92OrderByCollection separately from TDASQL92QueryBuilder.



constructor Create (IDACustomConnection)  reintroduce overload    (declared in TDAOrderByCollection)

Creates a new instance.

constructor Create(aConnection: IDACustomConnection)


  • aConnection: connection

constructor Create (TDASimpleQueryBuilder)  reintroduce overload    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Creates a new instance and allows to use existing aQueryBuilder.FieldGenerator

constructor Create(aQueryBuilder: TDASimpleQueryBuilder)


  • aQueryBuilder: query builder

Assign  override    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Copies data from a given source.

procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)


  • Source: Instance whose properties will be copied

AssignOrderByCollection  virtual    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Copies the contents of another collection to the object where the method is executed.

procedure AssignOrderByCollection(Source: TDABaseOrderByCollection)


  • Source: Instance whose properties will be copied

CreateFieldGenerator  protected override

Creates TDASQL92FieldGenerator

function CreateFieldGenerator: TDAFieldGenerator

FieldGenerator    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Referense to TDABaseFieldGenerator that contains rules for generating field name

property FieldGenerator: TDABaseFieldGenerator read write

GenerateOrderByStatement    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Generates ORDER BY statement.

function GenerateOrderByStatement: string

Items    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

This property allows the collection content to be accessed by index.

property Items[Index: Integer]: TDAOrderByItem read write

OwnFieldGenerator    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Uses own generator or not

property OwnFieldGenerator: Boolean read write


FieldGenerator    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Referense to TDABaseFieldGenerator that contains rules for generating field name

property FieldGenerator: TDABaseFieldGenerator read write

Items    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

This property allows the collection content to be accessed by index.

property Items[Index: Integer]: TDAOrderByItem read write

OwnFieldGenerator    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Uses own generator or not

property OwnFieldGenerator: Boolean read write


constructor Create (IDACustomConnection)  reintroduce overload    (declared in TDAOrderByCollection)

Creates a new instance.

constructor Create(aConnection: IDACustomConnection)


  • aConnection: connection

constructor Create (TDASimpleQueryBuilder)  reintroduce overload    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Creates a new instance and allows to use existing aQueryBuilder.FieldGenerator

constructor Create(aQueryBuilder: TDASimpleQueryBuilder)


  • aQueryBuilder: query builder

Assign  override    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Copies data from a given source.

procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)


  • Source: Instance whose properties will be copied

AssignOrderByCollection  virtual    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Copies the contents of another collection to the object where the method is executed.

procedure AssignOrderByCollection(Source: TDABaseOrderByCollection)


  • Source: Instance whose properties will be copied

CreateFieldGenerator  protected override

Creates TDASQL92FieldGenerator

function CreateFieldGenerator: TDAFieldGenerator

GenerateOrderByStatement    (declared in TDABaseOrderByCollection)

Generates ORDER BY statement.

function GenerateOrderByStatement: string