TDADataTable is the abstract base class for all client data table implementations in Data Abstract.
Client Data Tables are classes that hold live data on the client application at runtime, to make it available to application code and visual controls. Client Data Tables can be filled from a remote source (typically a server) using a remote data adapter that coordinates the connection to the server; they maintain a local history of changes (Delta) and can apply those changes back to the database, again using the Remote Data Adapter.
Data Abstract currently provides implementation of client data table in form of the TDAMemDataTable component.
Other implementations (TDACDSDataTable and TDAADODataTable) are supported for backward compatibility only.
- Unit: uDADataTable.pas
- Ancestry: TComponent | TROComponent | TScriptableComponent | TDADataTable
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)
- aOwner: Owner
Manages whether the dataset is currently active (open) or not. Setting this property to true will automatically open the dataset, while setting it to false will automatically close it.
property Active: Boolean read write
Adds record to the data table with FieldValues values for FieldNames fields.
procedure AddRecord(const FieldNames: array of string; const FieldValues: array of Variant)
- FieldNames: array with fields' names of added record
- FieldValues: array with values for FieldNames fields of added record
Appends record to the data table Dataset
procedure Append
ApplyUpdates dynamic
Applies all pending changes stored in the data table's Delta to the server, using the RemoteDataAdapter.UpdateDataCall.
function ApplyUpdates(RefetchAll: Boolean; ReturnToCurrentRecord: Boolean): Boolean
- RefetchAll: if set to True then data table is closed an opened again thus refetching all the data from the server. False by default.
- ReturnToCurrentRecord: indicates that current record position should be saved and set after applying updates. False by default.
Assign override
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
AttachEventHooks protected virtual
Enables event handlers of data table's Dataset - assigns these event handlers to appropriate Internal
event handler
procedure AttachEventHooks(aDataset: TDataset)
- aDataset: events of
dataset will be attached
AutoIncs protected
Array of negative values that is used for inserting new rows with AutoInc fields on the client. Length of this array is equal to the number of data table fields.
property AutoIncs: TAutoIncArray read write
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the beginning of the recordset (BOF = Beginning of File). BOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened or Prior was called while the cursor was already on the first record (it will not turn to true when reaching the first record).
property BOF: Boolean read
Returns True if bookmarked record exists
function BookmarkValid(Bookmark: TBookmark): Boolean
- Bookmark: bookmark of the data table that is checked
Represents a collection of Business Rules (see more in Business_Rules_in_Depth_(Delphi)) for current strongly typed data table
property BusinessEventsObj: TDADataTableRules read
Used for associating current strongly typed data table to a business helper class . It should correspond to a value used in RegisterDataTableRules
method, called in initialization section of the business helper class unit.
property BusinessRulesID: string read write
Calls aEvent script procedure from ScriptCode
procedure CallScript(const aEvent: string)
- aEvent: name of the script procedure that should be called
Cancels the current operation and puts the data table's Dataset in dsBrowse state.
procedure Cancel
Cancels delta Change for the data table.
procedure CancelUpdateChange(Change: TDADeltaChange; IncludeDetails: Boolean)
- Change: delta change that should be canceled
- IncludeDetails: indicates if delta changes should be canceled in detail tables too.
Discards all pending changes stored in the data table's Delta, reverting the data to the state after the last download or call to ApplyUpdates.
procedure CancelUpdates(IncludeDetails: Boolean)
- IncludeDetails: indicates if delta changes should be canceled in detail tables too.
CheckProperties virtual
Validates the data table properties.
procedure CheckProperties
Clears the contents of all fields for the active record.
procedure ClearFields
Deletes all the rows from data table. If aClearDelta is True then LogChanges is set to False and data table's delta is cleared
procedure ClearRows(const aClearDelta: Boolean)
- aClearDelta: If True then LogChanges is set to False and data table's delta is cleared
CloneCursor protected virtual
Sets Source data table as CloneSource for current data table, shares its data and opens both Source and cloned data tables.
procedure CloneCursor(Source: TDADataTable)
- Source: data table that is
for cloning
CloneSelectedRecord (TDADataTable, Boolean) overload
Inserts current record of Source dataset in the data table
procedure CloneSelectedRecord(Source: TDADataTable; DoPost: Boolean)
- Source: external dataset from where record will be copied
- DoPost: determines if Post should be called after insert. Has True value by default.
CloneSelectedRecord (IDADataset, Boolean) overload
Inserts current record of Source dataset in the data table
procedure CloneSelectedRecord(const Source: IDADataset; DoPost: Boolean)
- Source: external dataset from where record will be copied
- DoPost: determines if Post should be called after insert. Has True value by default.
Points on data table that is a source for current cloned data table
property CloneSource: TDADataTable read
Closes the dataset and discards any local data that had been retrieved from the database.
procedure Close
Returns whether the data table is currently closing (true) or not (false).
property Closing: Boolean read
Indicates whether data-aware controls update their display to reflect changes to the data table.
function ControlsDisabled: Boolean
Allows to duplicate recordset.
procedure CopyRecordSet(aSource: TDADataTable; aPreserveLookupFields: Boolean; aPreserveCalcFields: Boolean)
- aSource: Source
- aPreserveLookupFields: Preserve lookup fields
- aPreserveCalcFields: Preserve calculated fields
CreateAutoIncArray protected
Prepares array for AutoIncs - set it's length equal to data table fields count and fill it with -1 values.
function CreateAutoIncArray: TAutoIncArray
CreateInternalFields protected virtual
Creates fields for aDataset from internal fields collection
procedure CreateInternalFields(aDataset: TDataset; someFieldDefinitions: TDAFieldCollection)
- aDataset: Dataset where fields will be created
- someFieldDefinitions: parameter is not used
Number of the next record that will be added in the data table
property CurrRecId: Integer read write
Custom attributes of the data table. Could be used for example for permissions defining.
property CustomAttributes: TStrings read write
DataReaderFirst protected safecall
If RecordCount of the data table is more then zero then moves cursor on the first record and returns True. record count
function DataReaderFirst: Boolean
DataReaderNext protected safecall
If cursor of the data table doesn't point on EOF then moves cursor on the next record and returns True
function DataReaderNext: Boolean
Reads DataSet to access the internal dataset that TDADataTable uses to fetch data from the server.
property Dataset: TDataset read
Dataset_Locate protected safecall
Implements Locate method of IDADataset - searching a dataset for a specified record and making it the active record.
function Dataset_Locate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean
- KeyFields: Identifies the field or fields (semicolon-separated list) in the dataset that must be matched in a lookup dataset when doing Locate
- KeyValues: value or values of
fields that are looked for in the data table - Options: indicates whether the search is case insensitive (
) and whether partial matches are supported (loPartialKey
Dataset_Lookup protected safecall
Implements Lookup method of IDADataset - retrieves field values from a record that matches specified search values (KeyValues
function Dataset_Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant
- KeyFields: identifies the field or fields (semicolon-separated list) in the dataset that must be matched in a lookup dataset when doing a lookup.
- KeyValues: value or values of
fields that are looked for in the data table - ResultFields: semicolon-separated list of fields which values should be returned
Deletes current record in data table
procedure Delete
Maintains the local changes to the data table that have not yet been applied back to the server.
property Delta: IDADelta read write
Returns True if data table has not nil Delta
property DeltaInitialized: Boolean read
DetachEventHooks protected virtual
detach all data tables's Dataset events - assigns theses event handlers to nil
procedure DetachEventHooks(aDataset: TDataset)
- aDataset: events of
dataset will be detached
Holds the field or list of fields from the current data table that make up the foreign key of a Master/Detail relationship. These fields will be matched against the MasterFields from the MasterSource table.
property DetailFields: string read write
Specifies how changes to the master affect the detail table in a Master/Detail relationship.
property DetailOptions: TDADetailOptions read write
DetectPKDuplicates protected
Indicates if data table should be checked on primary key duplicates before doing Post
property DetectPKDuplicates: Boolean read write
DisableConstraints virtual abstract
Disables data table constraints defined on the server temporarily
procedure DisableConstraints
Disables data display in data-aware controls associated with the data table.
procedure DisableControls
detach all data tables's Dataset events - assigns these event handlers to nil.
procedure DisableEventHandlers
disable data table's events temporarily. Each time DisableUserEventHandlers
is called, a reference count is incremented. While the reference count is greater than zero, event handlers are not enforced on the data table. Always call DisableUserEventHandlers
and EnableUserEventHandlers
in paired blocks to ensure that event handlers are enabled when you intend them to be.
procedure DisableUserEventHandlers
DoAfterCloseDataset protected virtual
does necessary actions after closing dataset - calls business rules script AfterClose
and set CloneSource to nil
procedure DoAfterCloseDataset
DoAfterOpenDataset protected virtual
does necessary actions after opening dataset, such as calling of business rules script AfterOpen
procedure DoAfterOpenDataset
DoBeforeCloseDataset protected virtual
does necessary actions before closing dataset, such as calling of business rules script BeforeClose
procedure DoBeforeCloseDataset
DoBeforeOpenDataset protected virtual
does necessary actions before opening dataset, such as calling of business rules script BeforeOpen
procedure DoBeforeOpenDataset
Does cascade operation for data table with master/detail relationship, such as cascade open/close, cascade delete, etc
procedure DoCascadeOperation(aStreamer: TDADataStreamer; aOption: TDAMasterOption)
- aStreamer: used for reading datasets if All in one fetch feature is selected, but only in the case if master or detail data table don't support RemoteFetchEnabled or they should be filled from different data adapters
- aOption: indicates what operation should be performed for the data table with master/detail relationship
DoOpen protected virtual
Opens data table
procedure DoOpen(IgnoreAutoFetchSettings: Boolean)
- IgnoreAutoFetchSettings: if data table is detail table in master/detail relationship and master table is active this option specifies that data tabe should be opened, no matter if
option set for it or not.
DoRefresh protected
Refreshes data table, simply closes it and opens again
procedure DoRefresh(aDataset: TDataset)
- aDataset: data table's Dataset
DoSort protected virtual abstract
Sorts data table reacords
procedure DoSort(const FieldNames: array of string; const Directions: array of TDASortDirection)
- FieldNames: array of field names on which sorting should be done
- Directions: array with sort directions specified for every field from
This property is used forDynamic Order feature.
property DynamicOrder: TDAOrderByItems read
This property is used to dynamically build WHERE statements.
property DynamicWhere: TDAWhereBuilder read write
Enables editing of data in the dataset.
procedure Edit
EditableDataset_AddRecord protected safecall
Inserts record to the data table with FieldValues
values for FieldNames
procedure EditableDataset_AddRecord(const FieldNames: array of string; const FieldValues: array of Variant)
- FieldNames: array with fields' names of added record
- FieldValues: array with values for
fields of added record
Returns whether the data table is currently in editing mode (true) or not (false).
property Editing: Boolean read
EnableConstraints virtual abstract
Enables data table constraints defined on the server, that were disabled by DisableConstraints method
procedure EnableConstraints
Enables data display in data-aware controls associated with the data table.
procedure EnableControls
Enables event handlers of data table's Dataset - assigns these event handlers to appropriate Internal
event handler
procedure EnableEventHandlers
Re-enables event handlers of data table. Each time EnableUserEventHandlers
is called, a reference count is decremented. When the reference count is equal to zero, event handlers are enabled again. Always call DisableUserEventHandlers
and EnableUserEventHandlers
in paired blocks to ensure that event handlers are enabled when you intend them to be.
procedure EnableUserEventHandlers
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the end of the recordset (EOF = End of File). EOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened or Next was called while the cursor was already on the last record (it will not turn to true when reaching the last record).
property Eof: Boolean read
Exports current delta
function ExportDelta: IDADelta
Returns whether the data table is currently fetching data form a remote source (true) or not (false).
property Fetching: Boolean read
FetchMastersDetails dynamic
Fetches details records for appropriate master record
procedure FetchMastersDetails(aMasterTable: TDADataTable; aRequestMappings: TStrings; IgnoreAutoFetchSettings: Boolean)
- aMasterTable: master table of current data table
- aRequestMappings: list of binded pairs parameter from detail table and field name from master table.
parameter is not usually used, cause for master/detail relationship based onWhere
statement it isn't required at all and for legacy based onParams
relationships appropriate parameter receives it's value in master detail wizard - IgnoreAutoFetchSettings: if master table for current data table is active this option specifies that data table should be opened, no matter if
option set for it or not.
Finds a field based on its name. If the specified field does not exist, FieldByName raises an exception.
function FieldByName(const aName: string): TDAField
- aName: name of the searched field
Gets the number of Fields contained in the dataset.
property FieldCount: Integer read
Provides access to all the fields contained in the dataset.
property Fields: TDAFieldCollection read write
Gives convenient access to all the fields values of the current record without having to go though the Fields collection property.
property FieldValues[Index: Integer]: Variant read
Use Filter to specify a data table filter. When filtering is applied to a data table, only those records that meet a filter's conditions are available.
property Filter: string read write
Specifies whether or not filtering is active for a data table.
property Filtered: Boolean read write
Returns an item with the specified name.
function FindField(const aName: string): TDAField
- aName: name of the searched field
Moves to the first record of the dataset
procedure First
Frees the resources allocated for a specified bookmark
procedure FreeBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark)
- Bookmark: bookmark that should be freed
GetAsBoolean (Integer): Boolean protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a boolean value
function GetAsBoolean(Index: Integer): Boolean
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsBoolean (string): Boolean protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a boolean value
function GetAsBoolean(const FieldName: string): Boolean
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsCurrency (Integer): Currency protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a currency value
function GetAsCurrency(Index: Integer): Currency
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsCurrency (string): Currency protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a currency value
function GetAsCurrency(const FieldName: string): Currency
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsDateTime (Integer): TDateTime protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a datetime value
function GetAsDateTime(Index: Integer): TDateTime
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsDateTime (string): TDateTime protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a datetime value
function GetAsDateTime(const FieldName: string): TDateTime
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsFloat (Integer): Double protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a float value
function GetAsFloat(Index: Integer): Double
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsFloat (string): Double protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a float value
function GetAsFloat(const FieldName: string): Double
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsInteger (Integer): Integer protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a integer value
function GetAsInteger(Index: Integer): Integer
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsInteger (string): Integer protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a integer value
function GetAsInteger(const FieldName: string): Integer
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsString (Integer): string protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a string value
function GetAsString(Index: Integer): string
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsString (string): string protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a string value
function GetAsString(const FieldName: string): string
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsVariant (Integer): Variant protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a variant value
function GetAsVariant(Index: Integer): Variant
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsVariant (string): Variant protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a variant value
function GetAsVariant(const FieldName: string): Variant
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetBOF protected
Determines whether data table cursor reached the beginning of the dataset
function GetBOF: Boolean
Allocates a bookmark for the active record in the dataset.
function GetBookmark: TBookmark
Returns data table that is a clone source for the current data table
function GetCloneSource: TDADataTable
GetDataset protected safecall
Returns dataset of current data table
function GetDataset: TDataset
GetDatasetClass protected virtual abstract
Returns class of data table's dataset.
function GetDatasetClass: TDatasetClass
Returns list of detail datasets for the current master data table
function GetDetailDataTables: TDADataTableList
Forms lists of detail tables (aSame
and aOther
) for current master data table for which dtIncludeInAllInOneFetch
option is set (automatic downloading data for this detail table when filling the master)
procedure GetDetailTablesforAllinOneFetch(aSame: TDADataTableList; aOther: TDADataTableList; aRecursive: Boolean)
- aSame: list of details tables for current master data table, that support RemoteFetchEnabled and filled frrom the same data adapter as master data table. Master table should support RemoteFetchEnabled also
- aOther: details tables for current master data table that either don't support RemoteFetchEnabled or filled from another data adapter them master table
- aRecursive: specifies that filling of
lists should performed recursively for multi-level master/detail
Forms list of detail tables for current master table which should automatically apply detail changes to the server when ApplyUpdates is called on the master.
function GetDetailTablesforApplyUpdate(aRecursive: Boolean): TDADataTableList
- aRecursive: specifies that filling of detail tables lists should performed recursively for multi-level master/detail
GetEOF protected
Determines whether data table cursor reached the end of the dataset
function GetEOF: Boolean
GetFieldIndexes protected safecall
Returns index of data table's field specified by name
function GetFieldIndexes(const aName: string): Integer
- aName: name of data table's field
GetFieldNames protected safecall
Returns name of data table's field specified by index
function GetFieldNames(Index: Integer): string
- Index: index of data table's fieldIndex of the field
GetIsServer protected
Implements GetIsServer method of IDAScriptContext interface- gets a flag indicating wherther the Script is being executed by a server application or not. For TDADataTable returns false
function GetIsServer: Boolean
GetMasterDataLink protected virtual abstract
Returns MasterLink
function GetMasterDataLink: TMasterDataLink
Returns data table that is a master for the current data table in Master/Detail relationship
function GetMasterDataTable: TDADataTable
GetName protected safecall
Returns name of the data table - either LogicalName or Name of the TDADataTable instance (in the case if LogicalName is empty)
function GetName: string
GetNames protected
Returns data table's field name specified by Index
function GetNames(Index: Integer): string
- Index: index of data table field
GetOldValue (TField): Variant protected overload
Contains the original value of a changed field.
function GetOldValue(aField: TField): Variant
- aField: field
GetOldValue (Integer): Variant protected overload
Contains the original value of a changed field.
function GetOldValue(aIndex: Integer): Variant
- aIndex: field index
GetParams protected safecall
Returns list of data table parameters
function GetParams: TDAParamCollection
GetRangeState protected virtual
Indicates if range is set for the data table
function GetRangeState: Boolean
GetReadOnly protected virtual
Indicates whether the data table is read-only (true) or not (false, default). If table is read-only, no changes to the data contained in the table will be permitted.
function GetReadOnly: Boolean
GetRecordCount protected
Returns number of records in the data table
function GetRecordCount: Integer
GetSchema protected
Returns schema of the database
function GetSchema: TDAClientSchema
GetSession protected
Implements GetSession method of IDAScriptContext interface - gets current Session instance. For TDADataTable always gets nil as scripts being executed by a client application.
function GetSession: IDAScriptSession
GetSimpleCloneSource protected
Returns data table that is a clone source for the current data table
function GetSimpleCloneSource: TObject
Indicates if CloneSource is assigned
function GetUsingClonedCursor: Boolean
Positions on the record to which a specified bookmark points.
procedure GotoBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark)
- Bookmark: record identified by this
should be active
Indicates whether the current dataset contains any unapplied deltas or not.
property HasDelta: Boolean read
Returns whether the current dataset or any of its detail tables contain any unapplied deltas or not.
property HasDeltaRecursive: Boolean read
Indicates if data table Delta is reduced.
property HasReducedDelta: Boolean read
Imports external delta.
procedure ImportDelta(aDelta: IDADelta)
- aDelta: delta
Inserts a new record in the data table
procedure Insert
intDATypeToVCLType protected virtual
Returns appropriate standart field type for DA field type. For example, ftString for datString
function intDATypeToVCLType(aDAType: TDADataType): TFieldType
- aDAType: DA type of field
InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo protected stdcall
Indicates whether an interface supports the IErrorInfo interface.
function InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(const iid: TGUID): HResult
- iid: GUID or name of interface that should be checked
Indicates if the current record isn't locked by other tables.
function IsCanEditCurrentRow: Boolean
IsDeltaInitialized protected safecall
Indicates if the data table has not nil Delta
function IsDeltaInitialized: Boolean
Indicates whether the dataset is empty (true) or not (false).
property IsEmpty: Boolean read
isPKDuplicateDetected protected virtual
Checks before posting changes if primary key of edited record already exists in the data table
function isPKDuplicateDetected: Boolean
Checks if event handlers were disabled by DisableUserEventHandlers method
function IsUserEventHandlersDisabled: Boolean
Moves to the last record of the data table
procedure Last
Loads the content of the data table, including the Delta, from a local briefcase file.
procedure LoadFromFile(const aFileName: string)
- aFileName: name of the file from where content of the data table should be loaded
LoadFromRemoteSource virtual
Fills the data table with data from the server, using the RemoteDataAdapter. GetDataCall. If the MaxRecords property does not equal -1, the method loads the next MaxRecords records.
procedure LoadFromRemoteSource(BookmarkPosition: Boolean)
- BookmarkPosition: indicates if cursor position should be saved before loading data and restore after that
Loads the content of the data table, including the Delta, from a stream.
procedure LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream)
- aStream: stream from where data table is loaded
Downloads the schema for the data table from the server, using the RemoteDataAdapter.GetSchemaCall and fills the Fields and Params collections based on the newly obtained schema information.
procedure LoadSchema(PreserveLookupFields: Boolean; PreserveClientCalcFields: Boolean)
- PreserveLookupFields: indicates if Lookup Fields should be saved and added after schema was loaded from the server
- PreserveClientCalcFields: indicates if Calculated Fields should be saved and added after schema was loaded from the server
Fills the ScriptCode property by downloading the appropriate script from the server, using the RemoteDataAdapter.GetScriptsCall. For business rules scripts to run, a ScriptingProvider must be assigned.
procedure LoadScript(aDatasetName: string)
- aDatasetName: parameter is not used
Searches a dataset for a specified record and making it the active record.
function Locate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean
- KeyFields: identifies the field or fields (semicolon-separated list) in the dataset that must be matched in a lookup dataset when doing Locate
- KeyValues: value or values of
fields that are looked for in the data table - Options: indicates whether the search is case insensitive (
) and whether partial matches are supported (loPartialKey
Manages whether the data table will keep track of the changes made to its data using a Delta (true, default), or not (false). If set to false, no log of changes will be kept, and any changes made to the table will not be applied back to the back-end database.
property LogChanges: Boolean read write
Defines the name of the data table. This name will be used to identify the table when retrieving data from or applying changes back to the server, and will typically match the name of the table defined in the server-side schema.
property LogicalName: string read write
Retrieves the field values from the record that matches the specified search values.
function Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant
- KeyFields: identifies the field or fields (semicolon-separated list) in the dataset that must be matched in a lookup dataset when doing a lookup.
- KeyValues: Values specified by the Variant or Variant array.
- ResultFields: semicolon-separated list of fields which values should be returned
Holds the field or list of fields from the master data table that make up the foreign key of a Master/Detail relationship. These fields will be matched against the DetailFields from the detail table.
property MasterFields: string read write
MasterLink protected
Allows to establish Master/Detail relationship. It is used internally in master/detail operations
property MasterLink: TMasterDataLink read
Specifies how values of the MasterFields will be passed to the server to fetch detail data.
property MasterMappingMode: TDAMasterMappingMode read write
Controls how changes to the master affect the detail table in a Master/Detail relationship.
property MasterOptions: TDAMasterOptions read write
Defines the mapping of MasterFields to data table parameters if the MasterMappingMode is set to mmParams.
property MasterParamsMappings: TStrings read write
Sets the mapping of MasterFields to data request parameters if the MasterMappingMode is set to mmDataRequest.
property MasterRequestMappings: TStrings read write
Specifies the data source (and thereby the data table) that acts as master for the current table, in a Master/Detail relationship.
property MasterSource: TDADataSource read write
Assigns the maximum number of records to retrieve from the server when opening the data table. A value of -1 (default) will download all records.
property MaxRecords: Integer read write
MergeDelta virtual
Merges the changes stored in the Delta into the base data of the data table and clears the delta. This persists the changes in the local data, but removes them from the Delta so they will not be (re-)applied to the server. You will not usually call this method directly, it is used internally by ApplyUpdates. Call this method if you want to explicitly prevent pending changes from being applied to the server, but keep them in the local data table. For example, after applying changes to the server, an application might delete records from the data table that are no longer needed locally to keep the memory footprint of the application small. After doing so, it would call MergeDelta to ensure these deletes will not be propagated to the server. (Alternatively, the application could also set LogChanges to false while performing the deletes.)
procedure MergeDelta
Gives convenient access to all the fields names of the current data table without having to go through the Fields collection property.
property Names[Index: Integer]: string read
Moves to the next record in the data table, making it the active record.
procedure Next
Notification protected override
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- AComponent: component
- Operation: operation
NotifyFieldsClear protected virtual
Notifies datasources about clearing fields when controls are disabled
procedure NotifyFieldsClear
Fires right after the data table has finished applying updates to the server.
property OnAfterApplyUpdates: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterApplyUpdates(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after changes are cancelled for data table
property OnAfterCancel: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterCancel(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after data table is closed
property OnAfterClose: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterClose(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires right after the data table has finished a data request call to the server.
property OnAfterDataRequestCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterDataRequestCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
Fires right after the data table has finished a data update call to the server.
property OnAfterDataUpdateCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterDataUpdateCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
fires after record was deleted from data table
property OnAfterDelete: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterDelete(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after record was edited in data table
property OnAfterEdit: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterEdit(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires right after a field was changed.
property OnAfterFieldChange: TDADataTableDataChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterFieldChange(DataTable: TDADataTable; Field: TDAField)
fires after record was inserted in data table
property OnAfterInsert: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterInsert(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires right after the data table has finished merging deltas received from the server.
property OnAfterMergeDelta: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterMergeDelta(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after data table was opened
property OnAfterOpen: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterOpen(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after record was posted in data table
property OnAfterPost: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterPost(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after data table was refreshed
property OnAfterRefresh: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterRefresh(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires after schema was loaded for the data table
property OnAfterSchemaCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterSchemaCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
Fires right after the data table has finished a script call to the server.
property OnAfterScriptCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterScriptCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
fires after current record was changed in data table
property OnAfterScroll: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterScroll(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires just before the data table starts applying updates to the server.
property OnBeforeApplyUpdates: TDABeforeApplyUpdatesEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeApplyUpdates(DataTable: TDADataTable; const Delta: IDADelta)
fires before changes in data table are cancelled
property OnBeforeCancel: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeCancel(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires before data table is closed
property OnBeforeClose: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeClose(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires just before the data table starts a data request call to the server.
property OnBeforeDataRequestCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeDataRequestCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
Fires just before the data table starts a data update call to the server.
property OnBeforeDataUpdateCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeDataUpdateCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
fires before record in data table is deleted
property OnBeforeDelete: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeDelete(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires before record is edited in data table
property OnBeforeEdit: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeEdit(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires just before field will be changed during the update process
property OnBeforeFieldChange: TDADataTableDataChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeFieldChange(DataTable: TDADataTable; Field: TDAField)
fires before record is inserted in data table
property OnBeforeInsert: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeInsert(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires just before delta is merged
property OnBeforeMergeDelta: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeMergeDelta(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires before data table is opened
property OnBeforeOpen: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeOpen(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires before record is posted in data table
property OnBeforePost: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforePost(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires before data table is refreshed
property OnBeforeRefresh: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeRefresh(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires before schema will be loaded for the data table
property OnBeforeSchemaCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeSchemaCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
Fires just before the data table starts a script call to the server.
property OnBeforeScriptCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeScriptCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
fires before current record is changed in data table
property OnBeforeScroll: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeScroll(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires when calculated field need to be recalculated
property OnCalcFields: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnCalcFields(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires whenever error is ocured when doing Delete
property OnDeleteError: TDADataTableErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnDeleteError(DataTable: TDADataTable; Error: EDatabaseError; var Action: TDataAction)
Fires wheneve error is ocured when doing Edit
property OnEditError: TDADataTableErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnEditError(DataTable: TDADataTable; Error: EDatabaseError; var Action: TDataAction)
Fires when data is loaded into the data table and filtering is active for the data table
property OnFilterRecord: TDADataTableFilterEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnFilterRecord(DataTable: TDADataTable; var Accept: Boolean)
OnMasterChange protected virtual
Fires whenever current record of master data table is changed - either by moving to another record or by editing record. Fetches detail records for the changed master record.
procedure OnMasterChange(Sender: TObject)
- Sender: indicates which component called the event handler
OnMasterDisable protected virtual
Occurs when the source dataset becomes inactive. Currently not implemented.
procedure OnMasterDisable(Sender: TObject)
- Sender: indicates which component called the event handler
Fires if key field names contain values that couldn't be found in the data table
property OnMergeDeltaUnknownChange: TDAMergeDeltaUnknownChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnMergeDeltaUnknownChange(DataTable: TDADataTable; const Delta: IDADelta; const Change: TDADeltaChange)
Fires whenever a new record is added to the data table
property OnNewRecord: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnNewRecord(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires whenever error is ocured when doing Post
property OnPostError: TDADataTableErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnPostError(DataTable: TDADataTable; Error: EDatabaseError; var Action: TDataAction)
Fires when data is loaded into the data table from a LocalSchema
property OnReceiveDataStream: TDADataRequestStreamEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnReceiveDataStream(DataTable: TDADataTable; Stream: TStream)
Fires whenever error is ocured during script execution initiated by CallScript operation
property OnScriptError: TDAScriptErrorNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnScriptError(DataTable: TDADataTable; E: EDAScriptError; var raiseException: Boolean)
Opens the dataset and prepares it for fetching records from the database. If the dataset is not empty, the cursor will be placed on the first available record; otherwise, EOF will be set to true to indicate that the end of the (empty) record set has been reached.
procedure Open
Indicates whether the data table is currently opening (true) or not (false).
property Opening: Boolean read
Locates a specific parameter, based on its name. If no matching parameter is defined, an exception will be raised.
function ParamByName(const aName: string): TDAParam
- aName: name of the parameter
Provides access to the list of parameters defined for the command.
property Params: TDAParamCollection read write
Allows to sent "where" clause as text. for backward purposes only. Use DynamicWhere instead of
property PlainWhereClause: string read write
Saves changes in the data table
procedure Post
Moves to the previous record of the data table
procedure Prior
QueryInterface protected override
Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. This is one of the methods introduced by the IUnknown interface.
function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj: ): HResult
- IID: Identifier of the interface to return
- Obj: nterface specified by
ReadDeltaFromStream (TDADataStreamer, TList<TDADeltaChange>) overload
Reads the data table's delta from the streamer. If delta's change has csFailed
status - add it to the list of failed deltas. Reads also deltas of detail tables for current master table which should automatically apply detail changes to the server.
procedure ReadDeltaFromStream(aStreamer: TDADataStreamer; aFailedDeltas: TList<TDADeltaChange>)
- aStreamer: Streamer that contains delta
- aFailedDeltas: List of failed delta's changes
ReadDeltaFromStream (TDADataStreamer, Boolean, Boolean) overload
Reads the data table's delta from the streamer. If delta's change has csFailed
status - add it to the list of failed deltas. Reads also deltas of detail tables for current master table which should automatically apply detail changes to the server.
procedure ReadDeltaFromStream(aStreamer: TDADataStreamer; aOnlyWithSameDataAdapter: Boolean; aRecursive: Boolean)
- aStreamer: Streamer that contains delta
- aOnlyWithSameDataAdapter: Mode
- aRecursive: Recursive
Manages whether the data table is read-only (true) or not (false, default). If enabled, no changes to the data contained in the table will be permitted.
property ReadOnly: Boolean read write
Unvisible field that is created for every data table and contains number of record. Used for internal operations, such as saving cursor position before and returning to it after applying updates to the server.
property RecIDField: TDAIntegerField read write
value of RecIDField for the current record of the data table
property RecIDValue: Integer read
Indicates the active record in the dataset.
property RecNo: Integer read write
Returns the number of records currently contained in the data table.
property RecordCount: Integer read
Re-fetches data from the database to update a dataset's view of data.
procedure Refresh
Receive data from the database to update dataet's view of data. After receiving it compares existing records with received records and replaces changed records with new ones or inserts new ones
procedure RefreshFromServer
Reloads current record from the database
procedure RefreshRow
Specifies the TDARemoteDataAdapter used to exchange data with the server. Remote data adapters handle the communication between the data table and the server and are needed for retrieving data from and applying changes to the server.
property RemoteDataAdapter: TDACustomDataAdapter read write
Decides whether the data table will be filled from a remote source using a TDARemoteDataAdapter or TDALocalDataAdapter (true, default), or manually (false). If enabled, the RemoteDataAdapter property must be assigned to establish the link to the server.
property RemoteFetchEnabled: Boolean read write
Provides options for applying updates to the server. Available options include:
- Changes to records will automatically be applied to the server as they are posted. Enable this option to achieve behavior similar to single- or two-tier database applications, where posting a record in the user interface will directly apply the change to the back-end database. This basically triggers an automatic call to ApplyUpdates for each record change.
property RemoteUpdatesOptions: TDARemoteUpdatesOptions read write
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SafeCallException override
Handles exceptions in methods that use safecall directive.
function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult
- ExceptObject: Exception object.
- ExceptAddr: Address of the exception.
Saves the current content of the data table, including the Delta, to a local briefcase file.
procedure SaveToFile(const aFileName: string)
- aFileName: name of the file where data table content should be saved to
Saves the current content of the data table, including the Delta, to a stream.
procedure SaveToStream(aStream: TStream)
- aStream: stream where data table should be saved to
Contains the Business Rules Script code for the data table. This property can either be assigned manually, or filled from the server using the LoadScript method. For business rules scripts to run, a ScriptingProvider must be assigned.
property ScriptCode: TStrings read write
ScriptingProvider (declared in TScriptableComponent)
Component which performs the execution of the script.
property ScriptingProvider: TDABaseScriptingProvider read write
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
Sorts the data table.
procedure Sort(const FieldNames: array of string; const Directions: array of TDASortDirection)
- FieldNames: array of field names on which sorting should be done
- Directions: array with sort directions (asceding or desceding) specified for every field from
Array of sort directions (ascending or desendig) that defines direction of sorting for every field of the data table. Length of the SortDirections array should be equal to the count of fields of the data table.
property SortDirections: TDASortDirectionArray read
Use SortFieldNames to specify the fields that should be used to order the records in the data table.
property SortFieldNames: TStringArray read
Examine State to determine the current operating mode of the dataset. State determines what can be done with data in a dataset, such as editing existing records or inserting new ones. The dataset state constantly changes as an application processes data.
property State: TDataSetState read
Decides whether the Active property will be stored in the Delphi DFM file (true) or not (false, default). If set to true, setting Active to true at design-time (for example to see live data) will persist this property to the DFM, and the data table will automatically be opened at runtime. If set to false, the data table will not open at runtime until explicitly being opened from code - allowing, for example, to perform additional configurations such as loading the server address from a config file before the table opens.
property StoreActive: Boolean read write
Configures options for the streaming behavior of the data table. Available options include:
- Any schema information sent from the server as part of the data packet will be ignored and the data table will maintain its predefined schema. If not present, schema information present in the data stream can override the configured field settings.
- The data table's notification events for data or row changes will not fire during streaming processes while downloading new data or applying changes (default).
property StreamingOptions: TDAStreamingOptions read write
Unsorts the data table.
procedure UnSort
Returns True if data table has assigned CloneSource
property UsingClonedCursor: Boolean read
Writes Deltas to stream via given streamer.
procedure WriteDeltaToStream(aStreamer: TDADataStreamer; aOnlyWithSameDataAdapter: Boolean; aRecursive: Boolean)
- aStreamer: streamer
- aOnlyWithSameDataAdapter: required mode
- aRecursive: recursive
Manages whether the dataset is currently active (open) or not. Setting this property to true will automatically open the dataset, while setting it to false will automatically close it.
property Active: Boolean read write
AutoIncs protected
Array of negative values that is used for inserting new rows with AutoInc fields on the client. Length of this array is equal to the number of data table fields.
property AutoIncs: TAutoIncArray read write
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the beginning of the recordset (BOF = Beginning of File). BOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened or Prior was called while the cursor was already on the first record (it will not turn to true when reaching the first record).
property BOF: Boolean read
Represents a collection of Business Rules (see more in Business_Rules_in_Depth_(Delphi)) for current strongly typed data table
property BusinessEventsObj: TDADataTableRules read
Used for associating current strongly typed data table to a business helper class . It should correspond to a value used in RegisterDataTableRules
method, called in initialization section of the business helper class unit.
property BusinessRulesID: string read write
Points on data table that is a source for current cloned data table
property CloneSource: TDADataTable read
Returns whether the data table is currently closing (true) or not (false).
property Closing: Boolean read
Number of the next record that will be added in the data table
property CurrRecId: Integer read write
Custom attributes of the data table. Could be used for example for permissions defining.
property CustomAttributes: TStrings read write
Reads DataSet to access the internal dataset that TDADataTable uses to fetch data from the server.
property Dataset: TDataset read
Maintains the local changes to the data table that have not yet been applied back to the server.
property Delta: IDADelta read write
Returns True if data table has not nil Delta
property DeltaInitialized: Boolean read
Holds the field or list of fields from the current data table that make up the foreign key of a Master/Detail relationship. These fields will be matched against the MasterFields from the MasterSource table.
property DetailFields: string read write
Specifies how changes to the master affect the detail table in a Master/Detail relationship.
property DetailOptions: TDADetailOptions read write
DetectPKDuplicates protected
Indicates if data table should be checked on primary key duplicates before doing Post
property DetectPKDuplicates: Boolean read write
This property is used forDynamic Order feature.
property DynamicOrder: TDAOrderByItems read
This property is used to dynamically build WHERE statements.
property DynamicWhere: TDAWhereBuilder read write
Returns whether the data table is currently in editing mode (true) or not (false).
property Editing: Boolean read
Indicates whether reading the dataset has reached the end of the recordset (EOF = End of File). EOF will only turn true if neither an empty dataset was opened or Next was called while the cursor was already on the last record (it will not turn to true when reaching the last record).
property Eof: Boolean read
Returns whether the data table is currently fetching data form a remote source (true) or not (false).
property Fetching: Boolean read
Gets the number of Fields contained in the dataset.
property FieldCount: Integer read
Provides access to all the fields contained in the dataset.
property Fields: TDAFieldCollection read write
Gives convenient access to all the fields values of the current record without having to go though the Fields collection property.
property FieldValues[Index: Integer]: Variant read
Use Filter to specify a data table filter. When filtering is applied to a data table, only those records that meet a filter's conditions are available.
property Filter: string read write
Specifies whether or not filtering is active for a data table.
property Filtered: Boolean read write
Indicates whether the current dataset contains any unapplied deltas or not.
property HasDelta: Boolean read
Returns whether the current dataset or any of its detail tables contain any unapplied deltas or not.
property HasDeltaRecursive: Boolean read
Indicates if data table Delta is reduced.
property HasReducedDelta: Boolean read
Indicates whether the dataset is empty (true) or not (false).
property IsEmpty: Boolean read
Manages whether the data table will keep track of the changes made to its data using a Delta (true, default), or not (false). If set to false, no log of changes will be kept, and any changes made to the table will not be applied back to the back-end database.
property LogChanges: Boolean read write
Defines the name of the data table. This name will be used to identify the table when retrieving data from or applying changes back to the server, and will typically match the name of the table defined in the server-side schema.
property LogicalName: string read write
Holds the field or list of fields from the master data table that make up the foreign key of a Master/Detail relationship. These fields will be matched against the DetailFields from the detail table.
property MasterFields: string read write
MasterLink protected
Allows to establish Master/Detail relationship. It is used internally in master/detail operations
property MasterLink: TMasterDataLink read
Specifies how values of the MasterFields will be passed to the server to fetch detail data.
property MasterMappingMode: TDAMasterMappingMode read write
Controls how changes to the master affect the detail table in a Master/Detail relationship.
property MasterOptions: TDAMasterOptions read write
Defines the mapping of MasterFields to data table parameters if the MasterMappingMode is set to mmParams.
property MasterParamsMappings: TStrings read write
Sets the mapping of MasterFields to data request parameters if the MasterMappingMode is set to mmDataRequest.
property MasterRequestMappings: TStrings read write
Specifies the data source (and thereby the data table) that acts as master for the current table, in a Master/Detail relationship.
property MasterSource: TDADataSource read write
Assigns the maximum number of records to retrieve from the server when opening the data table. A value of -1 (default) will download all records.
property MaxRecords: Integer read write
Gives convenient access to all the fields names of the current data table without having to go through the Fields collection property.
property Names[Index: Integer]: string read
Indicates whether the data table is currently opening (true) or not (false).
property Opening: Boolean read
Provides access to the list of parameters defined for the command.
property Params: TDAParamCollection read write
Allows to sent "where" clause as text. for backward purposes only. Use DynamicWhere instead of
property PlainWhereClause: string read write
Manages whether the data table is read-only (true) or not (false, default). If enabled, no changes to the data contained in the table will be permitted.
property ReadOnly: Boolean read write
Unvisible field that is created for every data table and contains number of record. Used for internal operations, such as saving cursor position before and returning to it after applying updates to the server.
property RecIDField: TDAIntegerField read write
value of RecIDField for the current record of the data table
property RecIDValue: Integer read
Indicates the active record in the dataset.
property RecNo: Integer read write
Returns the number of records currently contained in the data table.
property RecordCount: Integer read
Specifies the TDARemoteDataAdapter used to exchange data with the server. Remote data adapters handle the communication between the data table and the server and are needed for retrieving data from and applying changes to the server.
property RemoteDataAdapter: TDACustomDataAdapter read write
Decides whether the data table will be filled from a remote source using a TDARemoteDataAdapter or TDALocalDataAdapter (true, default), or manually (false). If enabled, the RemoteDataAdapter property must be assigned to establish the link to the server.
property RemoteFetchEnabled: Boolean read write
Provides options for applying updates to the server. Available options include:
- Changes to records will automatically be applied to the server as they are posted. Enable this option to achieve behavior similar to single- or two-tier database applications, where posting a record in the user interface will directly apply the change to the back-end database. This basically triggers an automatic call to ApplyUpdates for each record change.
property RemoteUpdatesOptions: TDARemoteUpdatesOptions read write
Contains the Business Rules Script code for the data table. This property can either be assigned manually, or filled from the server using the LoadScript method. For business rules scripts to run, a ScriptingProvider must be assigned.
property ScriptCode: TStrings read write
ScriptingProvider (declared in TScriptableComponent)
Component which performs the execution of the script.
property ScriptingProvider: TDABaseScriptingProvider read write
Array of sort directions (ascending or desendig) that defines direction of sorting for every field of the data table. Length of the SortDirections array should be equal to the count of fields of the data table.
property SortDirections: TDASortDirectionArray read
Use SortFieldNames to specify the fields that should be used to order the records in the data table.
property SortFieldNames: TStringArray read
Examine State to determine the current operating mode of the dataset. State determines what can be done with data in a dataset, such as editing existing records or inserting new ones. The dataset state constantly changes as an application processes data.
property State: TDataSetState read
Decides whether the Active property will be stored in the Delphi DFM file (true) or not (false, default). If set to true, setting Active to true at design-time (for example to see live data) will persist this property to the DFM, and the data table will automatically be opened at runtime. If set to false, the data table will not open at runtime until explicitly being opened from code - allowing, for example, to perform additional configurations such as loading the server address from a config file before the table opens.
property StoreActive: Boolean read write
Configures options for the streaming behavior of the data table. Available options include:
- Any schema information sent from the server as part of the data packet will be ignored and the data table will maintain its predefined schema. If not present, schema information present in the data stream can override the configured field settings.
- The data table's notification events for data or row changes will not fire during streaming processes while downloading new data or applying changes (default).
property StreamingOptions: TDAStreamingOptions read write
Returns True if data table has assigned CloneSource
property UsingClonedCursor: Boolean read
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)
- aOwner: Owner
Adds record to the data table with FieldValues values for FieldNames fields.
procedure AddRecord(const FieldNames: array of string; const FieldValues: array of Variant)
- FieldNames: array with fields' names of added record
- FieldValues: array with values for FieldNames fields of added record
Appends record to the data table Dataset
procedure Append
ApplyUpdates dynamic
Applies all pending changes stored in the data table's Delta to the server, using the RemoteDataAdapter.UpdateDataCall.
function ApplyUpdates(RefetchAll: Boolean; ReturnToCurrentRecord: Boolean): Boolean
- RefetchAll: if set to True then data table is closed an opened again thus refetching all the data from the server. False by default.
- ReturnToCurrentRecord: indicates that current record position should be saved and set after applying updates. False by default.
Assign override
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
AttachEventHooks protected virtual
Enables event handlers of data table's Dataset - assigns these event handlers to appropriate Internal
event handler
procedure AttachEventHooks(aDataset: TDataset)
- aDataset: events of
dataset will be attached
Returns True if bookmarked record exists
function BookmarkValid(Bookmark: TBookmark): Boolean
- Bookmark: bookmark of the data table that is checked
Calls aEvent script procedure from ScriptCode
procedure CallScript(const aEvent: string)
- aEvent: name of the script procedure that should be called
Cancels the current operation and puts the data table's Dataset in dsBrowse state.
procedure Cancel
Cancels delta Change for the data table.
procedure CancelUpdateChange(Change: TDADeltaChange; IncludeDetails: Boolean)
- Change: delta change that should be canceled
- IncludeDetails: indicates if delta changes should be canceled in detail tables too.
Discards all pending changes stored in the data table's Delta, reverting the data to the state after the last download or call to ApplyUpdates.
procedure CancelUpdates(IncludeDetails: Boolean)
- IncludeDetails: indicates if delta changes should be canceled in detail tables too.
CheckProperties virtual
Validates the data table properties.
procedure CheckProperties
Clears the contents of all fields for the active record.
procedure ClearFields
Deletes all the rows from data table. If aClearDelta is True then LogChanges is set to False and data table's delta is cleared
procedure ClearRows(const aClearDelta: Boolean)
- aClearDelta: If True then LogChanges is set to False and data table's delta is cleared
CloneCursor protected virtual
Sets Source data table as CloneSource for current data table, shares its data and opens both Source and cloned data tables.
procedure CloneCursor(Source: TDADataTable)
- Source: data table that is
for cloning
CloneSelectedRecord (TDADataTable, Boolean) overload
Inserts current record of Source dataset in the data table
procedure CloneSelectedRecord(Source: TDADataTable; DoPost: Boolean)
- Source: external dataset from where record will be copied
- DoPost: determines if Post should be called after insert. Has True value by default.
CloneSelectedRecord (IDADataset, Boolean) overload
Inserts current record of Source dataset in the data table
procedure CloneSelectedRecord(const Source: IDADataset; DoPost: Boolean)
- Source: external dataset from where record will be copied
- DoPost: determines if Post should be called after insert. Has True value by default.
Closes the dataset and discards any local data that had been retrieved from the database.
procedure Close
Indicates whether data-aware controls update their display to reflect changes to the data table.
function ControlsDisabled: Boolean
Allows to duplicate recordset.
procedure CopyRecordSet(aSource: TDADataTable; aPreserveLookupFields: Boolean; aPreserveCalcFields: Boolean)
- aSource: Source
- aPreserveLookupFields: Preserve lookup fields
- aPreserveCalcFields: Preserve calculated fields
CreateAutoIncArray protected
Prepares array for AutoIncs - set it's length equal to data table fields count and fill it with -1 values.
function CreateAutoIncArray: TAutoIncArray
CreateInternalFields protected virtual
Creates fields for aDataset from internal fields collection
procedure CreateInternalFields(aDataset: TDataset; someFieldDefinitions: TDAFieldCollection)
- aDataset: Dataset where fields will be created
- someFieldDefinitions: parameter is not used
DataReaderFirst protected safecall
If RecordCount of the data table is more then zero then moves cursor on the first record and returns True. record count
function DataReaderFirst: Boolean
DataReaderNext protected safecall
If cursor of the data table doesn't point on EOF then moves cursor on the next record and returns True
function DataReaderNext: Boolean
Dataset_Locate protected safecall
Implements Locate method of IDADataset - searching a dataset for a specified record and making it the active record.
function Dataset_Locate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean
- KeyFields: Identifies the field or fields (semicolon-separated list) in the dataset that must be matched in a lookup dataset when doing Locate
- KeyValues: value or values of
fields that are looked for in the data table - Options: indicates whether the search is case insensitive (
) and whether partial matches are supported (loPartialKey
Dataset_Lookup protected safecall
Implements Lookup method of IDADataset - retrieves field values from a record that matches specified search values (KeyValues
function Dataset_Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant
- KeyFields: identifies the field or fields (semicolon-separated list) in the dataset that must be matched in a lookup dataset when doing a lookup.
- KeyValues: value or values of
fields that are looked for in the data table - ResultFields: semicolon-separated list of fields which values should be returned
Deletes current record in data table
procedure Delete
DetachEventHooks protected virtual
detach all data tables's Dataset events - assigns theses event handlers to nil
procedure DetachEventHooks(aDataset: TDataset)
- aDataset: events of
dataset will be detached
DisableConstraints virtual abstract
Disables data table constraints defined on the server temporarily
procedure DisableConstraints
Disables data display in data-aware controls associated with the data table.
procedure DisableControls
detach all data tables's Dataset events - assigns these event handlers to nil.
procedure DisableEventHandlers
disable data table's events temporarily. Each time DisableUserEventHandlers
is called, a reference count is incremented. While the reference count is greater than zero, event handlers are not enforced on the data table. Always call DisableUserEventHandlers
and EnableUserEventHandlers
in paired blocks to ensure that event handlers are enabled when you intend them to be.
procedure DisableUserEventHandlers
DoAfterCloseDataset protected virtual
does necessary actions after closing dataset - calls business rules script AfterClose
and set CloneSource to nil
procedure DoAfterCloseDataset
DoAfterOpenDataset protected virtual
does necessary actions after opening dataset, such as calling of business rules script AfterOpen
procedure DoAfterOpenDataset
DoBeforeCloseDataset protected virtual
does necessary actions before closing dataset, such as calling of business rules script BeforeClose
procedure DoBeforeCloseDataset
DoBeforeOpenDataset protected virtual
does necessary actions before opening dataset, such as calling of business rules script BeforeOpen
procedure DoBeforeOpenDataset
Does cascade operation for data table with master/detail relationship, such as cascade open/close, cascade delete, etc
procedure DoCascadeOperation(aStreamer: TDADataStreamer; aOption: TDAMasterOption)
- aStreamer: used for reading datasets if All in one fetch feature is selected, but only in the case if master or detail data table don't support RemoteFetchEnabled or they should be filled from different data adapters
- aOption: indicates what operation should be performed for the data table with master/detail relationship
DoOpen protected virtual
Opens data table
procedure DoOpen(IgnoreAutoFetchSettings: Boolean)
- IgnoreAutoFetchSettings: if data table is detail table in master/detail relationship and master table is active this option specifies that data tabe should be opened, no matter if
option set for it or not.
DoRefresh protected
Refreshes data table, simply closes it and opens again
procedure DoRefresh(aDataset: TDataset)
- aDataset: data table's Dataset
DoSort protected virtual abstract
Sorts data table reacords
procedure DoSort(const FieldNames: array of string; const Directions: array of TDASortDirection)
- FieldNames: array of field names on which sorting should be done
- Directions: array with sort directions specified for every field from
Enables editing of data in the dataset.
procedure Edit
EditableDataset_AddRecord protected safecall
Inserts record to the data table with FieldValues
values for FieldNames
procedure EditableDataset_AddRecord(const FieldNames: array of string; const FieldValues: array of Variant)
- FieldNames: array with fields' names of added record
- FieldValues: array with values for
fields of added record
EnableConstraints virtual abstract
Enables data table constraints defined on the server, that were disabled by DisableConstraints method
procedure EnableConstraints
Enables data display in data-aware controls associated with the data table.
procedure EnableControls
Enables event handlers of data table's Dataset - assigns these event handlers to appropriate Internal
event handler
procedure EnableEventHandlers
Re-enables event handlers of data table. Each time EnableUserEventHandlers
is called, a reference count is decremented. When the reference count is equal to zero, event handlers are enabled again. Always call DisableUserEventHandlers
and EnableUserEventHandlers
in paired blocks to ensure that event handlers are enabled when you intend them to be.
procedure EnableUserEventHandlers
Exports current delta
function ExportDelta: IDADelta
FetchMastersDetails dynamic
Fetches details records for appropriate master record
procedure FetchMastersDetails(aMasterTable: TDADataTable; aRequestMappings: TStrings; IgnoreAutoFetchSettings: Boolean)
- aMasterTable: master table of current data table
- aRequestMappings: list of binded pairs parameter from detail table and field name from master table.
parameter is not usually used, cause for master/detail relationship based onWhere
statement it isn't required at all and for legacy based onParams
relationships appropriate parameter receives it's value in master detail wizard - IgnoreAutoFetchSettings: if master table for current data table is active this option specifies that data table should be opened, no matter if
option set for it or not.
Finds a field based on its name. If the specified field does not exist, FieldByName raises an exception.
function FieldByName(const aName: string): TDAField
- aName: name of the searched field
Returns an item with the specified name.
function FindField(const aName: string): TDAField
- aName: name of the searched field
Moves to the first record of the dataset
procedure First
Frees the resources allocated for a specified bookmark
procedure FreeBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark)
- Bookmark: bookmark that should be freed
GetAsBoolean (Integer): Boolean protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a boolean value
function GetAsBoolean(Index: Integer): Boolean
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsBoolean (string): Boolean protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a boolean value
function GetAsBoolean(const FieldName: string): Boolean
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsCurrency (Integer): Currency protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a currency value
function GetAsCurrency(Index: Integer): Currency
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsCurrency (string): Currency protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a currency value
function GetAsCurrency(const FieldName: string): Currency
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsDateTime (Integer): TDateTime protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a datetime value
function GetAsDateTime(Index: Integer): TDateTime
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsDateTime (string): TDateTime protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a datetime value
function GetAsDateTime(const FieldName: string): TDateTime
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsFloat (Integer): Double protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a float value
function GetAsFloat(Index: Integer): Double
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsFloat (string): Double protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a float value
function GetAsFloat(const FieldName: string): Double
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsInteger (Integer): Integer protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a integer value
function GetAsInteger(Index: Integer): Integer
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsInteger (string): Integer protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a integer value
function GetAsInteger(const FieldName: string): Integer
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsString (Integer): string protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a string value
function GetAsString(Index: Integer): string
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsString (string): string protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a string value
function GetAsString(const FieldName: string): string
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetAsVariant (Integer): Variant protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by index as a variant value
function GetAsVariant(Index: Integer): Variant
- Index: index of data table's field
GetAsVariant (string): Variant protected overload safecall
Represents the field's value of data table specified by name as a variant value
function GetAsVariant(const FieldName: string): Variant
- FieldName: name of data table's field
GetBOF protected
Determines whether data table cursor reached the beginning of the dataset
function GetBOF: Boolean
Allocates a bookmark for the active record in the dataset.
function GetBookmark: TBookmark
Returns data table that is a clone source for the current data table
function GetCloneSource: TDADataTable
GetDataset protected safecall
Returns dataset of current data table
function GetDataset: TDataset
GetDatasetClass protected virtual abstract
Returns class of data table's dataset.
function GetDatasetClass: TDatasetClass
Returns list of detail datasets for the current master data table
function GetDetailDataTables: TDADataTableList
Forms lists of detail tables (aSame
and aOther
) for current master data table for which dtIncludeInAllInOneFetch
option is set (automatic downloading data for this detail table when filling the master)
procedure GetDetailTablesforAllinOneFetch(aSame: TDADataTableList; aOther: TDADataTableList; aRecursive: Boolean)
- aSame: list of details tables for current master data table, that support RemoteFetchEnabled and filled frrom the same data adapter as master data table. Master table should support RemoteFetchEnabled also
- aOther: details tables for current master data table that either don't support RemoteFetchEnabled or filled from another data adapter them master table
- aRecursive: specifies that filling of
lists should performed recursively for multi-level master/detail
Forms list of detail tables for current master table which should automatically apply detail changes to the server when ApplyUpdates is called on the master.
function GetDetailTablesforApplyUpdate(aRecursive: Boolean): TDADataTableList
- aRecursive: specifies that filling of detail tables lists should performed recursively for multi-level master/detail
GetEOF protected
Determines whether data table cursor reached the end of the dataset
function GetEOF: Boolean
GetFieldIndexes protected safecall
Returns index of data table's field specified by name
function GetFieldIndexes(const aName: string): Integer
- aName: name of data table's field
GetFieldNames protected safecall
Returns name of data table's field specified by index
function GetFieldNames(Index: Integer): string
- Index: index of data table's fieldIndex of the field
GetIsServer protected
Implements GetIsServer method of IDAScriptContext interface- gets a flag indicating wherther the Script is being executed by a server application or not. For TDADataTable returns false
function GetIsServer: Boolean
GetMasterDataLink protected virtual abstract
Returns MasterLink
function GetMasterDataLink: TMasterDataLink
Returns data table that is a master for the current data table in Master/Detail relationship
function GetMasterDataTable: TDADataTable
GetName protected safecall
Returns name of the data table - either LogicalName or Name of the TDADataTable instance (in the case if LogicalName is empty)
function GetName: string
GetNames protected
Returns data table's field name specified by Index
function GetNames(Index: Integer): string
- Index: index of data table field
GetOldValue (TField): Variant protected overload
Contains the original value of a changed field.
function GetOldValue(aField: TField): Variant
- aField: field
GetOldValue (Integer): Variant protected overload
Contains the original value of a changed field.
function GetOldValue(aIndex: Integer): Variant
- aIndex: field index
GetParams protected safecall
Returns list of data table parameters
function GetParams: TDAParamCollection
GetRangeState protected virtual
Indicates if range is set for the data table
function GetRangeState: Boolean
GetReadOnly protected virtual
Indicates whether the data table is read-only (true) or not (false, default). If table is read-only, no changes to the data contained in the table will be permitted.
function GetReadOnly: Boolean
GetRecordCount protected
Returns number of records in the data table
function GetRecordCount: Integer
GetSchema protected
Returns schema of the database
function GetSchema: TDAClientSchema
GetSession protected
Implements GetSession method of IDAScriptContext interface - gets current Session instance. For TDADataTable always gets nil as scripts being executed by a client application.
function GetSession: IDAScriptSession
GetSimpleCloneSource protected
Returns data table that is a clone source for the current data table
function GetSimpleCloneSource: TObject
Indicates if CloneSource is assigned
function GetUsingClonedCursor: Boolean
Positions on the record to which a specified bookmark points.
procedure GotoBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark)
- Bookmark: record identified by this
should be active
Imports external delta.
procedure ImportDelta(aDelta: IDADelta)
- aDelta: delta
Inserts a new record in the data table
procedure Insert
intDATypeToVCLType protected virtual
Returns appropriate standart field type for DA field type. For example, ftString for datString
function intDATypeToVCLType(aDAType: TDADataType): TFieldType
- aDAType: DA type of field
InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo protected stdcall
Indicates whether an interface supports the IErrorInfo interface.
function InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(const iid: TGUID): HResult
- iid: GUID or name of interface that should be checked
Indicates if the current record isn't locked by other tables.
function IsCanEditCurrentRow: Boolean
IsDeltaInitialized protected safecall
Indicates if the data table has not nil Delta
function IsDeltaInitialized: Boolean
isPKDuplicateDetected protected virtual
Checks before posting changes if primary key of edited record already exists in the data table
function isPKDuplicateDetected: Boolean
Checks if event handlers were disabled by DisableUserEventHandlers method
function IsUserEventHandlersDisabled: Boolean
Moves to the last record of the data table
procedure Last
Loads the content of the data table, including the Delta, from a local briefcase file.
procedure LoadFromFile(const aFileName: string)
- aFileName: name of the file from where content of the data table should be loaded
LoadFromRemoteSource virtual
Fills the data table with data from the server, using the RemoteDataAdapter. GetDataCall. If the MaxRecords property does not equal -1, the method loads the next MaxRecords records.
procedure LoadFromRemoteSource(BookmarkPosition: Boolean)
- BookmarkPosition: indicates if cursor position should be saved before loading data and restore after that
Loads the content of the data table, including the Delta, from a stream.
procedure LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream)
- aStream: stream from where data table is loaded
Downloads the schema for the data table from the server, using the RemoteDataAdapter.GetSchemaCall and fills the Fields and Params collections based on the newly obtained schema information.
procedure LoadSchema(PreserveLookupFields: Boolean; PreserveClientCalcFields: Boolean)
- PreserveLookupFields: indicates if Lookup Fields should be saved and added after schema was loaded from the server
- PreserveClientCalcFields: indicates if Calculated Fields should be saved and added after schema was loaded from the server
Fills the ScriptCode property by downloading the appropriate script from the server, using the RemoteDataAdapter.GetScriptsCall. For business rules scripts to run, a ScriptingProvider must be assigned.
procedure LoadScript(aDatasetName: string)
- aDatasetName: parameter is not used
Searches a dataset for a specified record and making it the active record.
function Locate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean
- KeyFields: identifies the field or fields (semicolon-separated list) in the dataset that must be matched in a lookup dataset when doing Locate
- KeyValues: value or values of
fields that are looked for in the data table - Options: indicates whether the search is case insensitive (
) and whether partial matches are supported (loPartialKey
Retrieves the field values from the record that matches the specified search values.
function Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant
- KeyFields: identifies the field or fields (semicolon-separated list) in the dataset that must be matched in a lookup dataset when doing a lookup.
- KeyValues: Values specified by the Variant or Variant array.
- ResultFields: semicolon-separated list of fields which values should be returned
MergeDelta virtual
Merges the changes stored in the Delta into the base data of the data table and clears the delta. This persists the changes in the local data, but removes them from the Delta so they will not be (re-)applied to the server. You will not usually call this method directly, it is used internally by ApplyUpdates. Call this method if you want to explicitly prevent pending changes from being applied to the server, but keep them in the local data table. For example, after applying changes to the server, an application might delete records from the data table that are no longer needed locally to keep the memory footprint of the application small. After doing so, it would call MergeDelta to ensure these deletes will not be propagated to the server. (Alternatively, the application could also set LogChanges to false while performing the deletes.)
procedure MergeDelta
Moves to the next record in the data table, making it the active record.
procedure Next
Notification protected override
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- AComponent: component
- Operation: operation
NotifyFieldsClear protected virtual
Notifies datasources about clearing fields when controls are disabled
procedure NotifyFieldsClear
OnMasterChange protected virtual
Fires whenever current record of master data table is changed - either by moving to another record or by editing record. Fetches detail records for the changed master record.
procedure OnMasterChange(Sender: TObject)
- Sender: indicates which component called the event handler
OnMasterDisable protected virtual
Occurs when the source dataset becomes inactive. Currently not implemented.
procedure OnMasterDisable(Sender: TObject)
- Sender: indicates which component called the event handler
Opens the dataset and prepares it for fetching records from the database. If the dataset is not empty, the cursor will be placed on the first available record; otherwise, EOF will be set to true to indicate that the end of the (empty) record set has been reached.
procedure Open
Locates a specific parameter, based on its name. If no matching parameter is defined, an exception will be raised.
function ParamByName(const aName: string): TDAParam
- aName: name of the parameter
Saves changes in the data table
procedure Post
Moves to the previous record of the data table
procedure Prior
QueryInterface protected override
Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. This is one of the methods introduced by the IUnknown interface.
function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj: ): HResult
- IID: Identifier of the interface to return
- Obj: nterface specified by
ReadDeltaFromStream (TDADataStreamer, TList<TDADeltaChange>) overload
Reads the data table's delta from the streamer. If delta's change has csFailed
status - add it to the list of failed deltas. Reads also deltas of detail tables for current master table which should automatically apply detail changes to the server.
procedure ReadDeltaFromStream(aStreamer: TDADataStreamer; aFailedDeltas: TList<TDADeltaChange>)
- aStreamer: Streamer that contains delta
- aFailedDeltas: List of failed delta's changes
ReadDeltaFromStream (TDADataStreamer, Boolean, Boolean) overload
Reads the data table's delta from the streamer. If delta's change has csFailed
status - add it to the list of failed deltas. Reads also deltas of detail tables for current master table which should automatically apply detail changes to the server.
procedure ReadDeltaFromStream(aStreamer: TDADataStreamer; aOnlyWithSameDataAdapter: Boolean; aRecursive: Boolean)
- aStreamer: Streamer that contains delta
- aOnlyWithSameDataAdapter: Mode
- aRecursive: Recursive
Re-fetches data from the database to update a dataset's view of data.
procedure Refresh
Receive data from the database to update dataet's view of data. After receiving it compares existing records with received records and replaces changed records with new ones or inserts new ones
procedure RefreshFromServer
Reloads current record from the database
procedure RefreshRow
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SafeCallException override
Handles exceptions in methods that use safecall directive.
function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult
- ExceptObject: Exception object.
- ExceptAddr: Address of the exception.
Saves the current content of the data table, including the Delta, to a local briefcase file.
procedure SaveToFile(const aFileName: string)
- aFileName: name of the file where data table content should be saved to
Saves the current content of the data table, including the Delta, to a stream.
procedure SaveToStream(aStream: TStream)
- aStream: stream where data table should be saved to
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
Sorts the data table.
procedure Sort(const FieldNames: array of string; const Directions: array of TDASortDirection)
- FieldNames: array of field names on which sorting should be done
- Directions: array with sort directions (asceding or desceding) specified for every field from
Unsorts the data table.
procedure UnSort
Writes Deltas to stream via given streamer.
procedure WriteDeltaToStream(aStreamer: TDADataStreamer; aOnlyWithSameDataAdapter: Boolean; aRecursive: Boolean)
- aStreamer: streamer
- aOnlyWithSameDataAdapter: required mode
- aRecursive: recursive
Fires right after the data table has finished applying updates to the server.
property OnAfterApplyUpdates: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterApplyUpdates(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after changes are cancelled for data table
property OnAfterCancel: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterCancel(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after data table is closed
property OnAfterClose: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterClose(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires right after the data table has finished a data request call to the server.
property OnAfterDataRequestCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterDataRequestCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
Fires right after the data table has finished a data update call to the server.
property OnAfterDataUpdateCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterDataUpdateCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
fires after record was deleted from data table
property OnAfterDelete: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterDelete(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after record was edited in data table
property OnAfterEdit: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterEdit(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires right after a field was changed.
property OnAfterFieldChange: TDADataTableDataChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterFieldChange(DataTable: TDADataTable; Field: TDAField)
fires after record was inserted in data table
property OnAfterInsert: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterInsert(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires right after the data table has finished merging deltas received from the server.
property OnAfterMergeDelta: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterMergeDelta(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after data table was opened
property OnAfterOpen: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterOpen(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after record was posted in data table
property OnAfterPost: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterPost(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires after data table was refreshed
property OnAfterRefresh: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterRefresh(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires after schema was loaded for the data table
property OnAfterSchemaCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterSchemaCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
Fires right after the data table has finished a script call to the server.
property OnAfterScriptCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterScriptCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
fires after current record was changed in data table
property OnAfterScroll: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterScroll(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires just before the data table starts applying updates to the server.
property OnBeforeApplyUpdates: TDABeforeApplyUpdatesEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeApplyUpdates(DataTable: TDADataTable; const Delta: IDADelta)
fires before changes in data table are cancelled
property OnBeforeCancel: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeCancel(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires before data table is closed
property OnBeforeClose: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeClose(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires just before the data table starts a data request call to the server.
property OnBeforeDataRequestCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeDataRequestCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
Fires just before the data table starts a data update call to the server.
property OnBeforeDataUpdateCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeDataUpdateCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
fires before record in data table is deleted
property OnBeforeDelete: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeDelete(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires before record is edited in data table
property OnBeforeEdit: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeEdit(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires just before field will be changed during the update process
property OnBeforeFieldChange: TDADataTableDataChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeFieldChange(DataTable: TDADataTable; Field: TDAField)
fires before record is inserted in data table
property OnBeforeInsert: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeInsert(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires just before delta is merged
property OnBeforeMergeDelta: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeMergeDelta(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires before data table is opened
property OnBeforeOpen: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeOpen(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires before record is posted in data table
property OnBeforePost: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforePost(DataTable: TDADataTable)
fires before data table is refreshed
property OnBeforeRefresh: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeRefresh(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires before schema will be loaded for the data table
property OnBeforeSchemaCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeSchemaCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
Fires just before the data table starts a script call to the server.
property OnBeforeScriptCall: TDADataTableRemoteRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeScriptCall(DataTable: TDADataTable; Request: TDARemoteRequest)
fires before current record is changed in data table
property OnBeforeScroll: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeScroll(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires when calculated field need to be recalculated
property OnCalcFields: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnCalcFields(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires whenever error is ocured when doing Delete
property OnDeleteError: TDADataTableErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnDeleteError(DataTable: TDADataTable; Error: EDatabaseError; var Action: TDataAction)
Fires wheneve error is ocured when doing Edit
property OnEditError: TDADataTableErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnEditError(DataTable: TDADataTable; Error: EDatabaseError; var Action: TDataAction)
Fires when data is loaded into the data table and filtering is active for the data table
property OnFilterRecord: TDADataTableFilterEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnFilterRecord(DataTable: TDADataTable; var Accept: Boolean)
Fires if key field names contain values that couldn't be found in the data table
property OnMergeDeltaUnknownChange: TDAMergeDeltaUnknownChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnMergeDeltaUnknownChange(DataTable: TDADataTable; const Delta: IDADelta; const Change: TDADeltaChange)
Fires whenever a new record is added to the data table
property OnNewRecord: TDADataTableNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnNewRecord(DataTable: TDADataTable)
Fires whenever error is ocured when doing Post
property OnPostError: TDADataTableErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnPostError(DataTable: TDADataTable; Error: EDatabaseError; var Action: TDataAction)
Fires when data is loaded into the data table from a LocalSchema
property OnReceiveDataStream: TDADataRequestStreamEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnReceiveDataStream(DataTable: TDADataTable; Stream: TStream)
Fires whenever error is ocured during script execution initiated by CallScript operation
property OnScriptError: TDAScriptErrorNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnScriptError(DataTable: TDADataTable; E: EDAScriptError; var raiseException: Boolean)