

The IMultiDbLoginService interface represents a Remoting SDK service that can be used to perform user authentication. Unlike the ISimpleLoginService interface, a parameter is provided to specify the database connection name thus allowing to connect to different databases.


Required Methods


This method performs user authentication based on the provided credentials. It returns true if the user was successully authenticated and false otherwise.

function Login(const aUserID: ROUTF8String; const aPassword: ROUTF8String; const aConnectionName: ROUTF8String; out aUserInfo: UserInfo): Boolean


  • aUserID: User name
  • aPassword: User password
  • aConnectionName: Name of the connection (defined in the schema). Determines the database to connect to.
  • aUserInfo: Variable of UserInfo type that contains additional information about the logged in user.

LoginEx    (declared in IBaseLoginService)

Provides the actual login procedure.

function LoginEx(const aLoginString: ROUTF8String): Boolean


  • aLoginString: String that contains the connection name, user name and password

Logout    (declared in IBaseLoginService)

Provides the actual logout procedure.

procedure Logout


  • IMultiDbLoginService Interface