

The IDAStronglyTypedDataTable base interface provides a set of methods for working with custom strongly typed datatables.

The IDAStronglyTypedDataTable interface is implemented by the TDADataTableRules (provide datatable rules) and TDABusinessProcessorRules classes, which provide processor business rules).

You do not need to use this interface directly, but use the descendants of this class after creating the specified strongly typed datatables.




Determines if the specified strongly typed datatable is active (value true) or not (value false).

property Active: Boolean read write


Adds a new empty record to the end of the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Append


Indicates whether a strongly typed datatable is positioned at the first record. This property equals true if the active record in the strongly typed datatable is the first record, otherwise it equals false.

property BOF: Boolean read


Cancels changes of the active record if these changes are not yet posted.

procedure Cancel


Clears the specified strongly typed datatable field.

procedure ClearField(const FieldIndexOrName: Variant)


  • FieldIndexOrName: Input index or field name that will be cleared.


Closes the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Close


Represents the datatable that is related with the current strongly typed datatable. This property is read-only.

property DataTable: TDADataTable read


Deletes the current active record and sets the next record as active record in the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Delete


Represents the options that are related with the current detail table (for master/detail datatables). This property can have the following values: dtCascadeApplyUpdates, dtAutoFetch, dtCascadeDelete, dtCascadeUpdate, dtDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, dtDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or dtIncludeInAllInOneFetch.

property DetailOptions: TDADetailOptions read write


Enables the editing of data in the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Edit


Indicates whether a strongly typed datatable (Delphi) is positioned at the last record. This property equals true if the active record in the strongly typed datatable is the last record, otherwise it equals false.

property Eof: Boolean read


Sets the first record as active record in the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure First


Determines if the specified strongly typed datatable is active (value true) or not (value false).

function GetActive: Boolean


Indicates whether a strongly typed datatable is positioned at the first record. The result equals true if the active record in the strongly typed datatable is the first record, otherwise it equals false.

function GetBOF: Boolean


Represents the datatable that is related with the current strongly typed datatable.

function GetDataTable: TDADataTable


Represents the options that are related with the current detail table (for master/detail datatables). The result can have the following values: dtCascadeApplyUpdates, dtAutoFetch, dtCascadeDelete, dtCascadeUpdate, dtDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, dtDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or dtIncludeInAllInOneFetch.

function GetDetailOptions: TDADetailOptions


Indicates whether a strongly typed datatable is positioned at the last record. The result equals true if the active record in the strongly typed datatable is the last record, otherwise it equals false.

function GetEOF: Boolean


Determines if the current strongly typed datatable is empty (value true) or not (value false).

function GetIsEmpty: Boolean


Represents the options that are related with the current detail table (for master/detail datatables). The result can have the following values: dtCascadeApplyUpdates, dtAutoFetch, dtCascadeDelete, dtCascadeUpdate, dtDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, dtDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or dtIncludeInAllInOneFetch.

function GetMasterOptions: TDAMasterOptions


Represents the record count in the current strongly typed datatable.

function GetRecordCount: Integer


Inserts a new empty record into the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Insert


Determines whether the current strongly typed datatable is empty (value true) or not (value false). This property is read-only.

property IsEmpty: Boolean read


Returns true if the specified record is not assigned, otherwise returns false.

function IsFieldNull(const FieldIndexOrName: Variant): Boolean


  • FieldIndexOrName: Input index or field name


Sets the last record as active record in the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Last


Searches a dataset for a specified record, makes it the active record and returns true if a record is found that matches the specified criteria and that record is now active, otherwise returns false.

function Locate(const aKeyFields: string; const aKeyValues: Variant; aOptions: TLocateOptions = []): Boolean


  • aKeyFields: Input field or fields that should be matched in the dataset when doing a locate.
  • aKeyValues: Input field values that should be matched in the dataset when doing a locate.
  • aOptions: Options that are used during locating. Can have the following values: loCaseInsensitive or loPartialKey. By default, the value is empty.


Retrieves field values from the record that matches specified search values and returns a variant or a variant array that contains the value or values of the fields specified by the comma-delimited string ResultFields on the specified record.

function Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant


  • KeyFields: Input field or fields that should be matched in the dataset when doing a lookup.
  • KeyValues: Input field values that should be matched in the dataset when doing a lookup.
  • ResultFields: Result field collection that will include the output result set.


Represents the options that are related with the current master table (for master/detail datatables). This property can have the following values: moCascadeOpenClose, moCascadeApplyUpdates, moCascadeDelete, moCascadeUpdate, moDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, moDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or moAllInOneFetch.

property MasterOptions: TDAMasterOptions read write

Moves the next record in the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Next


Opens the strongly typed datatable and prepares it for fetching records from the database. If the datatable is not empty, the cursor will be placed on the first available record; otherwise, EOF will be set to true to indicate that the end of the (empty) record set has been reached.

procedure Open


Posts modified records to the related database.

procedure Post


Moves to the previous record in the strongly typed datatable.

procedure Prior


Represents the number of active records in the current strongly typed datatable.

property RecNo: Integer read write


Represents the record count in the current strongly typed datatable. This property is read-only.

property RecordCount: Integer read


Sets the new state of the strongly typed datatable: true if the datatable is active, false if the datatable is not active.

procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean)



Sets the options that are related with the current detail table (for master/detail datatables). The parameter Value can have the following values: dtCascadeApplyUpdates, dtAutoFetch, dtCascadeDelete, dtCascadeUpdate, dtDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, dtDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or dtIncludeInAllInOneFetch.

procedure SetDetailOptions(Value: TDADetailOptions)


  • Value: Specified input options


Sets the options that are related with the current master table (for master/detail datatables). The parameter Value can have the following values: moCascadeOpenClose, moCascadeApplyUpdates, moCascadeDelete, moCascadeUpdate, moDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, moDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or moAllInOneFetch.

procedure SetMasterOptions(Value: TDAMasterOptions)


  • Value: Specified input options


Represents the state of the current strongly typed datatable. This property can have the following values: dsInactive, dsBrowse, dsEdit, dsInsert, dsSetKey, dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue, dsOldValue, dsCurValue, dsBlockRead, dsInternalCalc or dsOpening. This property is read-only.

property State: TDatasetState read



Determines if the specified strongly typed datatable is active (value true) or not (value false).

property Active: Boolean read write


Indicates whether a strongly typed datatable is positioned at the first record. This property equals true if the active record in the strongly typed datatable is the first record, otherwise it equals false.

property BOF: Boolean read


Represents the datatable that is related with the current strongly typed datatable. This property is read-only.

property DataTable: TDADataTable read


Represents the options that are related with the current detail table (for master/detail datatables). This property can have the following values: dtCascadeApplyUpdates, dtAutoFetch, dtCascadeDelete, dtCascadeUpdate, dtDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, dtDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or dtIncludeInAllInOneFetch.

property DetailOptions: TDADetailOptions read write


Indicates whether a strongly typed datatable (Delphi) is positioned at the last record. This property equals true if the active record in the strongly typed datatable is the last record, otherwise it equals false.

property Eof: Boolean read


Determines whether the current strongly typed datatable is empty (value true) or not (value false). This property is read-only.

property IsEmpty: Boolean read


Represents the options that are related with the current master table (for master/detail datatables). This property can have the following values: moCascadeOpenClose, moCascadeApplyUpdates, moCascadeDelete, moCascadeUpdate, moDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, moDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or moAllInOneFetch.

property MasterOptions: TDAMasterOptions read write


Represents the number of active records in the current strongly typed datatable.

property RecNo: Integer read write


Represents the record count in the current strongly typed datatable. This property is read-only.

property RecordCount: Integer read


Represents the state of the current strongly typed datatable. This property can have the following values: dsInactive, dsBrowse, dsEdit, dsInsert, dsSetKey, dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue, dsOldValue, dsCurValue, dsBlockRead, dsInternalCalc or dsOpening. This property is read-only.

property State: TDatasetState read



Adds a new empty record to the end of the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Append


Cancels changes of the active record if these changes are not yet posted.

procedure Cancel


Clears the specified strongly typed datatable field.

procedure ClearField(const FieldIndexOrName: Variant)


  • FieldIndexOrName: Input index or field name that will be cleared.


Closes the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Close


Deletes the current active record and sets the next record as active record in the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Delete


Enables the editing of data in the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Edit


Sets the first record as active record in the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure First


Determines if the specified strongly typed datatable is active (value true) or not (value false).

function GetActive: Boolean


Indicates whether a strongly typed datatable is positioned at the first record. The result equals true if the active record in the strongly typed datatable is the first record, otherwise it equals false.

function GetBOF: Boolean


Represents the datatable that is related with the current strongly typed datatable.

function GetDataTable: TDADataTable


Represents the options that are related with the current detail table (for master/detail datatables). The result can have the following values: dtCascadeApplyUpdates, dtAutoFetch, dtCascadeDelete, dtCascadeUpdate, dtDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, dtDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or dtIncludeInAllInOneFetch.

function GetDetailOptions: TDADetailOptions


Indicates whether a strongly typed datatable is positioned at the last record. The result equals true if the active record in the strongly typed datatable is the last record, otherwise it equals false.

function GetEOF: Boolean


Determines if the current strongly typed datatable is empty (value true) or not (value false).

function GetIsEmpty: Boolean


Represents the options that are related with the current detail table (for master/detail datatables). The result can have the following values: dtCascadeApplyUpdates, dtAutoFetch, dtCascadeDelete, dtCascadeUpdate, dtDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, dtDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or dtIncludeInAllInOneFetch.

function GetMasterOptions: TDAMasterOptions


Represents the record count in the current strongly typed datatable.

function GetRecordCount: Integer


Inserts a new empty record into the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Insert


Returns true if the specified record is not assigned, otherwise returns false.

function IsFieldNull(const FieldIndexOrName: Variant): Boolean


  • FieldIndexOrName: Input index or field name


Sets the last record as active record in the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Last


Searches a dataset for a specified record, makes it the active record and returns true if a record is found that matches the specified criteria and that record is now active, otherwise returns false.

function Locate(const aKeyFields: string; const aKeyValues: Variant; aOptions: TLocateOptions = []): Boolean


  • aKeyFields: Input field or fields that should be matched in the dataset when doing a locate.
  • aKeyValues: Input field values that should be matched in the dataset when doing a locate.
  • aOptions: Options that are used during locating. Can have the following values: loCaseInsensitive or loPartialKey. By default, the value is empty.


Retrieves field values from the record that matches specified search values and returns a variant or a variant array that contains the value or values of the fields specified by the comma-delimited string ResultFields on the specified record.

function Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant


  • KeyFields: Input field or fields that should be matched in the dataset when doing a lookup.
  • KeyValues: Input field values that should be matched in the dataset when doing a lookup.
  • ResultFields: Result field collection that will include the output result set.

Moves the next record in the current strongly typed datatable.

procedure Next


Opens the strongly typed datatable and prepares it for fetching records from the database. If the datatable is not empty, the cursor will be placed on the first available record; otherwise, EOF will be set to true to indicate that the end of the (empty) record set has been reached.

procedure Open


Posts modified records to the related database.

procedure Post


Moves to the previous record in the strongly typed datatable.

procedure Prior


Sets the new state of the strongly typed datatable: true if the datatable is active, false if the datatable is not active.

procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean)



Sets the options that are related with the current detail table (for master/detail datatables). The parameter Value can have the following values: dtCascadeApplyUpdates, dtAutoFetch, dtCascadeDelete, dtCascadeUpdate, dtDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, dtDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or dtIncludeInAllInOneFetch.

procedure SetDetailOptions(Value: TDADetailOptions)


  • Value: Specified input options


Sets the options that are related with the current master table (for master/detail datatables). The parameter Value can have the following values: moCascadeOpenClose, moCascadeApplyUpdates, moCascadeDelete, moCascadeUpdate, moDisableLogOfCascadeDeletes, moDisableLogOfCascadeUpdates or moAllInOneFetch.

procedure SetMasterOptions(Value: TDAMasterOptions)


  • Value: Specified input options