The IDARangeController interface represents functions for working with a range of records in a specified dataset.
For example, in the TDAMemDataTable, the IDARangeController interface is realized in the following way:
TDAMemDataTable = class(TDADataTable,IDAMemDatasetBatchAdding,IDARangeController)
fMemDataset: TDAMemDataset;
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
{IDARangeController }
procedure SetRange(const StartValues, EndValues: array of const); {$IFNDEF FPC_SAFECALL_BUG}safecall;{$ENDIF}
constructor TDAMemDataTable.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
fMemDataset := TDAMemDataset(Dataset);
procedure TDAMemDataTable.SetRange(const StartValues,
EndValues: array of const);
fMemDataset.SetRange(StartValues, EndValues);
- Unit: uDADataTable.pas
- Ancestry: IDARangeController
Required Methods
ApplyRange safecall
Applies a range of records to the data table. Only those records that fall within the range should be available in the application for viewing and editing.
procedure ApplyRange
CancelRange safecall
Removes any ranges currently in effect for the current data table.
procedure CancelRange
EditRangeEnd safecall
Enables the changing of the ending value for an existing range.
procedure EditRangeEnd
EditRangeStart safecall
Enables the changing of the starting value for an existing range.
procedure EditRangeStart
SetRange safecall
Sets the starting and ending values of a range and applies it to the specified dataset.
procedure SetRange(const StartValues: array of const; const EndValues: array of const)
- StartValues: Field values that represent the first record in the range
- EndValues: Field values that represent the last record in the range
SetRangeEnd safecall
Indicates that subsequent assignments to field values specify the end of the range of rows to include in the dataset.
procedure SetRangeEnd
SetRangeStart safecall
Indicates that subsequent assignments to field values specify the start of the range of rows to include in the dataset.
procedure SetRangeStart