

IDADriver30 returns the help of specified driver.

This interface is implemented by default and returns the 'DRIVER_HELP' resource:

function TDAEDriver.GetDriverHelp(aType: TDADriverHelpType): string;
  result := LoadHtmlFromResource(hInstance, 'DRIVER_HELP');

Schema Modeler shows this in the connection wizard. In runtime, this help can be received via the TDADriverManager:

  i,j: integer;
  drv: IDADriver;
  list: IROStrings;
  for i := 0 to (DADriverManager.DriverCount - 1) do begin
    drv := DADriverManager.Drivers[i];
    if Supports(drv,IDADriver30,drv30) then



Description    (declared in IDADriver)

Driver's description.

property Description: string read

DriverID    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns the driver's ID.

property DriverID: string read

Finalize  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Initializes the driver

procedure Finalize

GetAuxDrivers  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns a list of available auxiliary drivers.

procedure GetAuxDrivers(out List: IROStrings)


  • List: List of auxiliary driver names

GetAuxParams  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns a list of custom parameters for the specified driver.

procedure GetAuxParams(const AuxDriver: string; out List: IROStrings)


  • AuxDriver: Aux driver name in question
  • List: List of auxiliary parameters

GetAvailableDriverOptions  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns a set of available driver options.

function GetAvailableDriverOptions: TDAAvailableDriverOptions

GetAvailableDriverOptionsEx  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns a set of available driver options for specific provider.

function GetAvailableDriverOptionsEx(AuxDriver: string): TDAAvailableDriverOptions


  • AuxDriver: Aux driver name in question

GetDefaultConnectionType  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns a default connection type of the specified provider.

function GetDefaultConnectionType(const AuxDriver: string): string


  • AuxDriver: Aux driver name in question

GetDefaultCustomParameters  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns custom driver-dependent parameters. If the driver supports multiple providers, it should use the IDADriver40 instead.

function GetDefaultCustomParameters: string


Returns the help of the driver.

function GetDriverHelp(aType: TDADriverHelpType): string


  • aType: driver help type.

Initialize  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Initializes the driver

procedure Initialize

MajVersion    (declared in IDADriver)

Driver's major version.

property MajVersion: Byte read

MinVersion    (declared in IDADriver)

Driver's minor version.

property MinVersion: Byte read

NewConnection (IDAConnectionManager, TDAConnection): IDAConnection  safecall overload    (declared in IDADriver)

Creates a new connection with gives parameters

function NewConnection(const aConnectionManager: IDAConnectionManager; aConnectionDefinition: TDAConnection): IDAConnection


  • aConnectionManager: Connection manager
  • aConnectionDefinition: Connection parameters

NewConnection (string, string): IDAConnection  safecall overload    (declared in IDADriver)

Creates a new connection with gives parameters

function NewConnection(const aName: string; const aConnectionType: string): IDAConnection


  • aName: Connection name
  • aConnectionType: Connection type

SetTraceOptions  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Sets trace options.

  TDATraceOption = (toPrepare, toExecute, toFetch, toError, toStmt, toConnect, toTransact, toBlob, toService, toMisc, toParams);
  TDATraceOptions = set of TDATraceOption;
  TDALogTraceEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Text: string; Tag: integer) of object;
procedure SetTraceOptions(TraceActive: Boolean; TraceOptions: TDATraceOptions; Callback: TDALogTraceEvent)


  • TraceActive: Current mode
  • TraceOptions: Set of TDATraceOption
  • Callback: Method to call in various OnTraceEvent event handlers


Description    (declared in IDADriver)

Driver's description.

property Description: string read

DriverID    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns the driver's ID.

property DriverID: string read

MajVersion    (declared in IDADriver)

Driver's major version.

property MajVersion: Byte read

MinVersion    (declared in IDADriver)

Driver's minor version.

property MinVersion: Byte read


Finalize  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Initializes the driver

procedure Finalize

GetAuxDrivers  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns a list of available auxiliary drivers.

procedure GetAuxDrivers(out List: IROStrings)


  • List: List of auxiliary driver names

GetAuxParams  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns a list of custom parameters for the specified driver.

procedure GetAuxParams(const AuxDriver: string; out List: IROStrings)


  • AuxDriver: Aux driver name in question
  • List: List of auxiliary parameters

GetAvailableDriverOptions  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns a set of available driver options.

function GetAvailableDriverOptions: TDAAvailableDriverOptions

GetAvailableDriverOptionsEx  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns a set of available driver options for specific provider.

function GetAvailableDriverOptionsEx(AuxDriver: string): TDAAvailableDriverOptions


  • AuxDriver: Aux driver name in question

GetDefaultConnectionType  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns a default connection type of the specified provider.

function GetDefaultConnectionType(const AuxDriver: string): string


  • AuxDriver: Aux driver name in question

GetDefaultCustomParameters  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Returns custom driver-dependent parameters. If the driver supports multiple providers, it should use the IDADriver40 instead.

function GetDefaultCustomParameters: string


Returns the help of the driver.

function GetDriverHelp(aType: TDADriverHelpType): string


  • aType: driver help type.

Initialize  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Initializes the driver

procedure Initialize

NewConnection (IDAConnectionManager, TDAConnection): IDAConnection  safecall overload    (declared in IDADriver)

Creates a new connection with gives parameters

function NewConnection(const aConnectionManager: IDAConnectionManager; aConnectionDefinition: TDAConnection): IDAConnection


  • aConnectionManager: Connection manager
  • aConnectionDefinition: Connection parameters

NewConnection (string, string): IDAConnection  safecall overload    (declared in IDADriver)

Creates a new connection with gives parameters

function NewConnection(const aName: string; const aConnectionType: string): IDAConnection


  • aName: Connection name
  • aConnectionType: Connection type

SetTraceOptions  safecall    (declared in IDADriver)

Sets trace options.

  TDATraceOption = (toPrepare, toExecute, toFetch, toError, toStmt, toConnect, toTransact, toBlob, toService, toMisc, toParams);
  TDATraceOptions = set of TDATraceOption;
  TDALogTraceEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Text: string; Tag: integer) of object;
procedure SetTraceOptions(TraceActive: Boolean; TraceOptions: TDATraceOptions; Callback: TDALogTraceEvent)


  • TraceActive: Current mode
  • TraceOptions: Set of TDATraceOption
  • Callback: Method to call in various OnTraceEvent event handlers