

The TDASQLMacroProcessor provides the base for classes that can process macros in SQL queries for different databases. It is part of the Macro Processor conception.

This class allows to use the following macros in SQL queries:

  • Date
  • DateTime
  • AddTime
  • FormatDateTime
  • FormatDate
  • Length
  • LowerCase
  • UpperCase
  • TrimLeft
  • TrimRight
  • Copy
  • NoLock

If you want to process an unknown macro, use the OnUnknownMacroVariable event of the TDAConnectionManager class.

procedure TServerDataModule.ConnectionManagerUnknownMacroVariable(
  Sender: TObject; const Name: string; var Value: string);
var ConnectionType:String;
  ConnectionType := ConnectionManager.Connections.ConnectionByName(ConnectionManager.GetDefaultConnectionName).ConnectionType;
  if (ConnectionType = 'Interbase') then
    if (Name = 'MyUpperCase') then Value := 'Upper';



constructor Create  overload

Creates a new instance.

constructor Create

constructor Create (string, string, Boolean, string, string)  overload

constructor Create(const aDateFormat: string; const aDateTimeFormat: string; aDoubleQuoteStrings: Boolean; const aStoredProcParamsPrefix: string; const aModFormat: string)


  • aDateFormat:
  • aDateTimeFormat:
  • aDoubleQuoteStrings:
  • aStoredProcParamsPrefix:
  • aModFormat:

AddTime  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the AddTime macro.

function AddTime(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

AddVariable    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Adds a variable.

function AddVariable(const Name: string): TROMacroVar


  • Name: variable name.

AllowComplexIdent  protected    (declared in TROMacroParser)

property AllowComplexIdent: Boolean read write

AllowDoubleQuotedIdent  protected    (declared in TROMacroParser)

property AllowDoubleQuotedIdent: Boolean read write

ClearProcs    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Clear all procedures.

procedure ClearProcs

ClearVariables    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Clear all variables.

procedure ClearVariables


function ComposeMacroCall(aMacroKind: MacroKind; Parameters: array of string): string


  • aMacroKind:
  • Parameters:

Copy  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the Copy macro.

function Copy(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

Date  protected virtual

In the descendant, this method should process the Date macro.

function Date(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:


Gets the date format for the current database.

property DateFormat: string read

DatePart  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the DatePart macro.

function DatePart(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

DateTime  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the DateTime macro.

function DateTime(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:


Gets the datetime format for the current database.

property DateTimeFormat: string read

DeleteVariable (TROMacroVar)  overload    (declared in TROMacroParser)

procedure DeleteVariable(aVariable: TROMacroVar)


  • aVariable:

DeleteVariable (Integer)  overload    (declared in TROMacroParser)

procedure DeleteVariable(I: Integer)


  • I:


Gets the quote string for the date and datetime formats for the current database. If this property is true, the datetime format is represented as "datetime", otherwise as 'datetime'.

property DoubleQuoteStrings: Boolean read

DoUnknownIdentifier  protected virtual

Fires OnUnknownIdentifier and OnDAServiceUnknownIdentifier events.

function DoUnknownIdentifier(Sender: TObject; const Name: string; const OrgName: string; var Value: string): Boolean


  • Sender: Sender
  • Name: name of variable
  • OrgName: original name of variable
  • Value: value

Eval    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Evaluates the given text.

function Eval(const Text: string; TextDelimiter: Char = ''''): string


  • Text:
  • TextDelimiter:

EvalToken    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Evaluates a token.

function EvalToken(const Text: string): string


  • Text:

FormatDate  protected virtual

Returns the formatted date according to the DoubleQuoteStrings and DateFormat properties.

function FormatDate(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

FormatDateTime  protected virtual

Returns the formatted date and time according to the DoubleQuoteStrings and DateFormat properties.

function FormatDateTime(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

IndexOfName    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Returns the position of the first name-value pair with the specified name.

function IndexOfName(const aName: string): Integer


  • aName: specified name

Length  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the Length macro.

function Length(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

LowerCase  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the LowerCase macro.

function LowerCase(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:


property ModFormat: string read

Modulo  protected

function Modulo(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

NoLock  protected virtual

In the descendant, this method should process the Nolock macro.

function NoLock(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:


This event is fired when an unknown variable is detected. TDataAbstractService sets this events.

property OnDAServiceUnknownIdentifier: TOnUnknownIdentifier read write
delegate: function OnDAServiceUnknownIdentifier(Sender: TObject; const Name: string; const OrgName: string; var Value: string): Boolean


This event is fired when an unknown variable is detected.

property OnUnknownIdentifier: TOnUnknownIdentifier read write
delegate: function OnUnknownIdentifier(Sender: TObject; const Name: string; const OrgName: string; var Value: string): Boolean

OpenBlockEscape  protected    (declared in TROMacroParser)

property OpenBlockEscape: Boolean read write

RegisterMacros  protected virtual

Registers the existing standard macros:

  • Date
  • DateTime
  • AddTime
  • FormatDateTime
  • FormatDate
  • Length
  • LowerCase
  • UpperCase
  • TrimLeft
  • TrimRight
  • Copy
  • NoLock
procedure RegisterMacros

RegisterProc    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Registers a procedure.

procedure RegisterProc(const Name: string; ExProc: TExternalProc; aParamCount: Integer)


  • Name:
  • ExProc:
  • aParamCount:

Session  protected

In the descendant, this method should process the Session macro.

it allows to read value of variable stored inside session


function Session(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:


Gets the prefix for stored procedures for the current database.

property StoredProcedurePrefix: string read


Gets the prefix for stored procedure params for the current database.

property StoredProcParamPrefix: string read

Time  protected virtual

In the descendant, this method should process the Time macro.

function Time(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

Trim  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the Trim macro.

function Trim(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

TrimLeft  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the TrimLeft macro.

function TrimLeft(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

TrimRight  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the TrimRight macro.

function TrimRight(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

UpperCase  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the UpperCase macro.

function UpperCase(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

Variable    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Returns the registered variable.

property Variable[I: Integer]: TROMacroVar read

VariableCount    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Returns the count of variables.

property VariableCount: Integer read


AllowComplexIdent  protected    (declared in TROMacroParser)

property AllowComplexIdent: Boolean read write

AllowDoubleQuotedIdent  protected    (declared in TROMacroParser)

property AllowDoubleQuotedIdent: Boolean read write


Gets the date format for the current database.

property DateFormat: string read


Gets the datetime format for the current database.

property DateTimeFormat: string read


Gets the quote string for the date and datetime formats for the current database. If this property is true, the datetime format is represented as "datetime", otherwise as 'datetime'.

property DoubleQuoteStrings: Boolean read


property ModFormat: string read

OpenBlockEscape  protected    (declared in TROMacroParser)

property OpenBlockEscape: Boolean read write


Gets the prefix for stored procedures for the current database.

property StoredProcedurePrefix: string read


Gets the prefix for stored procedure params for the current database.

property StoredProcParamPrefix: string read

Variable    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Returns the registered variable.

property Variable[I: Integer]: TROMacroVar read

VariableCount    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Returns the count of variables.

property VariableCount: Integer read


constructor Create  overload

Creates a new instance.

constructor Create

constructor Create (string, string, Boolean, string, string)  overload

constructor Create(const aDateFormat: string; const aDateTimeFormat: string; aDoubleQuoteStrings: Boolean; const aStoredProcParamsPrefix: string; const aModFormat: string)


  • aDateFormat:
  • aDateTimeFormat:
  • aDoubleQuoteStrings:
  • aStoredProcParamsPrefix:
  • aModFormat:

AddTime  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the AddTime macro.

function AddTime(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

AddVariable    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Adds a variable.

function AddVariable(const Name: string): TROMacroVar


  • Name: variable name.

ClearProcs    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Clear all procedures.

procedure ClearProcs

ClearVariables    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Clear all variables.

procedure ClearVariables


function ComposeMacroCall(aMacroKind: MacroKind; Parameters: array of string): string


  • aMacroKind:
  • Parameters:

Copy  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the Copy macro.

function Copy(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

Date  protected virtual

In the descendant, this method should process the Date macro.

function Date(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

DatePart  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the DatePart macro.

function DatePart(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

DateTime  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the DateTime macro.

function DateTime(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

DeleteVariable (TROMacroVar)  overload    (declared in TROMacroParser)

procedure DeleteVariable(aVariable: TROMacroVar)


  • aVariable:

DeleteVariable (Integer)  overload    (declared in TROMacroParser)

procedure DeleteVariable(I: Integer)


  • I:

DoUnknownIdentifier  protected virtual

Fires OnUnknownIdentifier and OnDAServiceUnknownIdentifier events.

function DoUnknownIdentifier(Sender: TObject; const Name: string; const OrgName: string; var Value: string): Boolean


  • Sender: Sender
  • Name: name of variable
  • OrgName: original name of variable
  • Value: value

Eval    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Evaluates the given text.

function Eval(const Text: string; TextDelimiter: Char = ''''): string


  • Text:
  • TextDelimiter:

EvalToken    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Evaluates a token.

function EvalToken(const Text: string): string


  • Text:

FormatDate  protected virtual

Returns the formatted date according to the DoubleQuoteStrings and DateFormat properties.

function FormatDate(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

FormatDateTime  protected virtual

Returns the formatted date and time according to the DoubleQuoteStrings and DateFormat properties.

function FormatDateTime(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

IndexOfName    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Returns the position of the first name-value pair with the specified name.

function IndexOfName(const aName: string): Integer


  • aName: specified name

Length  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the Length macro.

function Length(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

LowerCase  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the LowerCase macro.

function LowerCase(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

Modulo  protected

function Modulo(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

NoLock  protected virtual

In the descendant, this method should process the Nolock macro.

function NoLock(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

RegisterMacros  protected virtual

Registers the existing standard macros:

  • Date
  • DateTime
  • AddTime
  • FormatDateTime
  • FormatDate
  • Length
  • LowerCase
  • UpperCase
  • TrimLeft
  • TrimRight
  • Copy
  • NoLock
procedure RegisterMacros

RegisterProc    (declared in TROMacroParser)

Registers a procedure.

procedure RegisterProc(const Name: string; ExProc: TExternalProc; aParamCount: Integer)


  • Name:
  • ExProc:
  • aParamCount:

Session  protected

In the descendant, this method should process the Session macro.

it allows to read value of variable stored inside session


function Session(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

Time  protected virtual

In the descendant, this method should process the Time macro.

function Time(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

Trim  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the Trim macro.

function Trim(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

TrimLeft  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the TrimLeft macro.

function TrimLeft(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

TrimRight  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the TrimRight macro.

function TrimRight(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:

UpperCase  protected virtual abstract

In the descendant, this method should process the UpperCase macro.

function UpperCase(Sender: TObject; const Parameters: array of string): string


  • Sender:
  • Parameters:



This event is fired when an unknown variable is detected. TDataAbstractService sets this events.

property OnDAServiceUnknownIdentifier: TOnUnknownIdentifier read write
delegate: function OnDAServiceUnknownIdentifier(Sender: TObject; const Name: string; const OrgName: string; var Value: string): Boolean


This event is fired when an unknown variable is detected.

property OnUnknownIdentifier: TOnUnknownIdentifier read write
delegate: function OnUnknownIdentifier(Sender: TObject; const Name: string; const OrgName: string; var Value: string): Boolean