The ODATA Schema Dispatcher is a class that exposes a Data Abstract service as an OData provider. OData is an open specification with standardized ways of accessing, updating, inserting and deleting data and exposing metadata. It has clients on multiple platforms including javascript, PHP, Java, Ruby and .NET. OData is ideal when you need to expose your Data Abstract service to external clients that are unable to use Data Abstract themselves.
- Unit: uDAODataDispatcher.pas
- Ancestry: TComponent | TROComponent | TROExtendedHttpDispatcher | TDAODataSchemaDispatcher
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent)
- AOwner: Owner
Activate virtual (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
procedure Activate
Assign override (declared in TROComponent)
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
CanHandlePath (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
Return true if the given path can be handled by the dispatcher. The function compares the Path property content with the given path and chacks if the given path starts with the Path subpath.
function CanHandlePath(aPath: string): Boolean
- aPath: The request path to check.
Deactivate virtual (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
procedure Deactivate
Thsi function replaces '[', ']', '.' and ' ' with '_'.
class function FixName(s: UnicodeString): UnicodeString
- s: input string
Name of the service to use for authentication. This can be unassigned in which case no authentication is required. When it's set, the name used should be the name of a SimpleLoginService descendant with a Login method implementation. The Login method is called and cached someone logs through plain HTTP authentication.
property HttpAuthLoginServiceName: string read write
The realm to use during authentication. This is the string the user sees as the domain to which to login.
property HttpAuthRealm: string read write
Maximum number of records to send in a package. This can be 0 which means unlimited.
property MaxRecords: Integer read write
The namespace to use for OData. This could be any url that unique identifies this service.
property Namespace: string read write
Notification protected override
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- AComponent: component
- Operation: operation
NotifyDispose (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
This procedure is called when the server HTTP channel is about to be freed.
procedure NotifyDispose
Called when the client requests the schema for a particular data table.
property OnGetSchemaDataTable: TDAODataOnGetSchemaDataTableEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnGetSchemaDataTable(aSender: TObject; const Service: IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess; const DataTableName: UnicodeString; var SchemaDataTable: TDADataset)
Called when the client requests the service schema.
property OnGetServiceSchema: TDAODataOnGetServiceSchemaEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnGetServiceSchema(aSender: TObject; const ServiceInstance: IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess; const TargetUrl: UnicodeString; const ClientId: TGUID; var RootUrl: UnicodeString; const Schema: TDASchema)
Called when authentication of client is needed.
property OnLoginNeeded: TDAODataOnLoginNeededEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnLoginNeeded(aSender: TObject; const Request: IROHTTPRequest; const ClientId: TGUID; const TargetUrl: UnicodeString; const Username: UnicodeString; const Password: UnicodeString; var LoginSuccessful: Boolean)
Fires during processing of target url.
property OnProcessTargetUrl: TDAODataOnProcessTargetUrlEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnProcessTargetUrl(aSender: TObject; const ClientId: TGUID; const TargetUrl: UnicodeString; var TableName: UnicodeString; FilterValues: TStrings)
Called when a request that is not supported by the OData provider occurs.
property OnUnknownRequest: TDAODataOnUnknownRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnUnknownRequest(aSender: TObject; const Request: IROHTTPRequest; const Response: IROHTTPResponse; const RequestData: TStream; const ResponseData: TStream; const Path: UnicodeString)
Path (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
The request path the dispatcher will be activated for. For example, if this property contains /js then the dispatcher will be activated by the server channel to process such requests as* (the asterisk means zero or more characters to continue the request path).
property Path: string read write
Process override
The main method to perform the request processing ant to form the response. Called every time to process incoming requests if the dispatcher is suitable to process it (determined by CanHandlePath result).
procedure Process(aTransport: IROHTTPTransport; aRequest: IROHTTPRequest; aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aRequestData: TStream; aResponseData: TStream)
- aTransport: Http transport.
- aRequest: Contains object implementing IROHTTPRequest interface that describes the request.
- aResponse: Contains initialized object implementing IROHTTPResponse interface that should describe the response.
- aRequestData: The data stream (TStream) that contains the raw HTTP request data except the header part.
- aResponseData: Contais initialized and empty data stream (TStream) that shpuld be filled with the raw reponse data except the header part.
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
Full url to where this service is or will be hosted. OData requires absolute urls to be placed in the xml and json results, so this is a required property.
property RootUrl: string read write
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
Server (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
Points to the HTTP server channel which the dispatcher works with.
property Server: IROHTTPServer read write
Data Abstract DataAbstractService descendant to use to access the data. This will be your main Data Abstract service that has the schema and business logic you want to expose through this OData schema dispatcher class.
property ServiceName: string read write
Session Manager that is used for authentication purposes
property SessionManager: TROCustomSessionManager read write
WriteDataTableNotFound protected
Send a data table not found error to the client.
procedure WriteDataTableNotFound(aTable: UnicodeString; aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream; aFormat: TDAODataFormat)
- aTable: table name to fail on
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
- aFormat: format.
WriteEmptyOk protected
Set the required headers for a valid response.
procedure WriteEmptyOk(aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream)
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
WriteError protected
Send an exception back to the client.
procedure WriteError(aError: UnicodeString; aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream; aFormat: TDAODataFormat)
- aError: exception message
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
- aFormat: format.
WriteNotAcceptable protected
Write a not acceptable header to denote the requested Accept: header was not supported.
procedure WriteNotAcceptable(aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream)
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
WriteNotAuthorized protected
Write a not-authorized response to request user authentication.
procedure WriteNotAuthorized(aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream; aFormat: TDAODataFormat)
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
- aFormat: format.
WriteParametersNotSupported protected
Write a "parameter not supported" error. This is an OData error that declares that an unknown request was passed.
procedure WriteParametersNotSupported(aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream; aFormat: TDAODataFormat)
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
- aFormat: format.
WriteRecordNotFound protected
Sends a 404 error for records that could not be found.
procedure WriteRecordNotFound(aPath: UnicodeString; aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream; aFormat: TDAODataFormat)
- aPath: full path for this request
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
- aFormat: format
Name of the service to use for authentication. This can be unassigned in which case no authentication is required. When it's set, the name used should be the name of a SimpleLoginService descendant with a Login method implementation. The Login method is called and cached someone logs through plain HTTP authentication.
property HttpAuthLoginServiceName: string read write
The realm to use during authentication. This is the string the user sees as the domain to which to login.
property HttpAuthRealm: string read write
Maximum number of records to send in a package. This can be 0 which means unlimited.
property MaxRecords: Integer read write
The namespace to use for OData. This could be any url that unique identifies this service.
property Namespace: string read write
Path (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
The request path the dispatcher will be activated for. For example, if this property contains /js then the dispatcher will be activated by the server channel to process such requests as* (the asterisk means zero or more characters to continue the request path).
property Path: string read write
Full url to where this service is or will be hosted. OData requires absolute urls to be placed in the xml and json results, so this is a required property.
property RootUrl: string read write
Server (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
Points to the HTTP server channel which the dispatcher works with.
property Server: IROHTTPServer read write
Data Abstract DataAbstractService descendant to use to access the data. This will be your main Data Abstract service that has the schema and business logic you want to expose through this OData schema dispatcher class.
property ServiceName: string read write
Session Manager that is used for authentication purposes
property SessionManager: TROCustomSessionManager read write
Thsi function replaces '[', ']', '.' and ' ' with '_'.
class function FixName(s: UnicodeString): UnicodeString
- s: input string
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent)
- AOwner: Owner
Activate virtual (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
procedure Activate
Assign override (declared in TROComponent)
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
CanHandlePath (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
Return true if the given path can be handled by the dispatcher. The function compares the Path property content with the given path and chacks if the given path starts with the Path subpath.
function CanHandlePath(aPath: string): Boolean
- aPath: The request path to check.
Deactivate virtual (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
procedure Deactivate
Notification protected override
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- AComponent: component
- Operation: operation
NotifyDispose (declared in TROExtendedHttpDispatcher)
This procedure is called when the server HTTP channel is about to be freed.
procedure NotifyDispose
Process override
The main method to perform the request processing ant to form the response. Called every time to process incoming requests if the dispatcher is suitable to process it (determined by CanHandlePath result).
procedure Process(aTransport: IROHTTPTransport; aRequest: IROHTTPRequest; aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aRequestData: TStream; aResponseData: TStream)
- aTransport: Http transport.
- aRequest: Contains object implementing IROHTTPRequest interface that describes the request.
- aResponse: Contains initialized object implementing IROHTTPResponse interface that should describe the response.
- aRequestData: The data stream (TStream) that contains the raw HTTP request data except the header part.
- aResponseData: Contais initialized and empty data stream (TStream) that shpuld be filled with the raw reponse data except the header part.
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
WriteDataTableNotFound protected
Send a data table not found error to the client.
procedure WriteDataTableNotFound(aTable: UnicodeString; aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream; aFormat: TDAODataFormat)
- aTable: table name to fail on
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
- aFormat: format.
WriteEmptyOk protected
Set the required headers for a valid response.
procedure WriteEmptyOk(aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream)
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
WriteError protected
Send an exception back to the client.
procedure WriteError(aError: UnicodeString; aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream; aFormat: TDAODataFormat)
- aError: exception message
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
- aFormat: format.
WriteNotAcceptable protected
Write a not acceptable header to denote the requested Accept: header was not supported.
procedure WriteNotAcceptable(aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream)
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
WriteNotAuthorized protected
Write a not-authorized response to request user authentication.
procedure WriteNotAuthorized(aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream; aFormat: TDAODataFormat)
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
- aFormat: format.
WriteParametersNotSupported protected
Write a "parameter not supported" error. This is an OData error that declares that an unknown request was passed.
procedure WriteParametersNotSupported(aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream; aFormat: TDAODataFormat)
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
- aFormat: format.
WriteRecordNotFound protected
Sends a 404 error for records that could not be found.
procedure WriteRecordNotFound(aPath: UnicodeString; aResponse: IROHTTPResponse; aResponseData: TStream; aFormat: TDAODataFormat)
- aPath: full path for this request
- aResponse: response info
- aResponseData: response data
- aFormat: format
Called when the client requests the schema for a particular data table.
property OnGetSchemaDataTable: TDAODataOnGetSchemaDataTableEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnGetSchemaDataTable(aSender: TObject; const Service: IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess; const DataTableName: UnicodeString; var SchemaDataTable: TDADataset)
Called when the client requests the service schema.
property OnGetServiceSchema: TDAODataOnGetServiceSchemaEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnGetServiceSchema(aSender: TObject; const ServiceInstance: IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess; const TargetUrl: UnicodeString; const ClientId: TGUID; var RootUrl: UnicodeString; const Schema: TDASchema)
Called when authentication of client is needed.
property OnLoginNeeded: TDAODataOnLoginNeededEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnLoginNeeded(aSender: TObject; const Request: IROHTTPRequest; const ClientId: TGUID; const TargetUrl: UnicodeString; const Username: UnicodeString; const Password: UnicodeString; var LoginSuccessful: Boolean)
Fires during processing of target url.
property OnProcessTargetUrl: TDAODataOnProcessTargetUrlEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnProcessTargetUrl(aSender: TObject; const ClientId: TGUID; const TargetUrl: UnicodeString; var TableName: UnicodeString; FilterValues: TStrings)
Called when a request that is not supported by the OData provider occurs.
property OnUnknownRequest: TDAODataOnUnknownRequestEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnUnknownRequest(aSender: TObject; const Request: IROHTTPRequest; const Response: IROHTTPResponse; const RequestData: TStream; const ResponseData: TStream; const Path: UnicodeString)
- OData Publishing