

The TDAHETConnection class contains definitions for heterogeneous connections. It allows to specify the relationship between the data table and the TDAConnection.

The following example demonstrates how to use this class:

//lHet: TDAHETConnection;
  lHet := TDAHETConnection.Create(ConnectionManager.Connections);
  lHet.Name := 'HetConnection';
  lHet.Default := True;



constructor Create  override

Creates a new instance.

constructor Create(aCollection: TCollection)


  • aCollection: owner

Assign  override    (declared in TDAConnection)

Copies the contents of another, similar object.

procedure Assign(aSource: TPersistent)


  • aSource: Instance whose properties will be copied

ConnectionString    (declared in TDAConnection)

The Connection string specifies information about a data source and the means of connecting to it.

property ConnectionString: string read write

ConnectionType    (declared in TDAConnection)

This property is user-editable and arbitrary values can be used to logically group connections that use similar statements.

property ConnectionType: string read write

Default    (declared in TDAConnection)

Specifies whether this connection will be used by default.

property Default: Boolean read write default False

Description    (declared in TDAConnection)


property Description: string read write

GetConnectionString  protected override

Returns the HET value.

function GetConnectionString: string

GetDisplayName  protected override    (declared in TDAConnection)

Returns the name of the connection as it appears in the collection editor.

function GetDisplayName: string

Name    (declared in TDAConnection)

Connection name

property Name: string read write


Contains table mappings as <table_name>=<connection_name> pair:

property ObjectMappings: TStrings read write

SetConnectionString  protected override

Sets the Connection string.

procedure SetConnectionString(const aValue: string)


  • aValue: given connection string.

SetDisplayName  protected override    (declared in TDAConnection)

Sets the name of the connection as it appears in the collection editor.

procedure SetDisplayName(const Value: string)


  • Value: value for the Name property

Tag    (declared in TDAConnection)


property Tag: Integer read write default 0


ConnectionString    (declared in TDAConnection)

The Connection string specifies information about a data source and the means of connecting to it.

property ConnectionString: string read write

ConnectionType    (declared in TDAConnection)

This property is user-editable and arbitrary values can be used to logically group connections that use similar statements.

property ConnectionType: string read write

Default    (declared in TDAConnection)

Specifies whether this connection will be used by default.

property Default: Boolean read write default False

Description    (declared in TDAConnection)


property Description: string read write

Name    (declared in TDAConnection)

Connection name

property Name: string read write


Contains table mappings as <table_name>=<connection_name> pair:

property ObjectMappings: TStrings read write

Tag    (declared in TDAConnection)


property Tag: Integer read write default 0


constructor Create  override

Creates a new instance.

constructor Create(aCollection: TCollection)


  • aCollection: owner

Assign  override    (declared in TDAConnection)

Copies the contents of another, similar object.

procedure Assign(aSource: TPersistent)


  • aSource: Instance whose properties will be copied

GetConnectionString  protected override

Returns the HET value.

function GetConnectionString: string

GetDisplayName  protected override    (declared in TDAConnection)

Returns the name of the connection as it appears in the collection editor.

function GetDisplayName: string

SetConnectionString  protected override

Sets the Connection string.

procedure SetConnectionString(const aValue: string)


  • aValue: given connection string.

SetDisplayName  protected override    (declared in TDAConnection)

Sets the name of the connection as it appears in the collection editor.

procedure SetDisplayName(const Value: string)


  • Value: value for the Name property