The TDAFieldRules class represents a collection of Business Rules for custom strongly typed fields.
To learn more about business rules, pleasr refer to the article Business Rules in Depth.
The TDAFieldRules class provides the field implementation of the event handlers (i.e. OnValidate and OnChange). You do not need to use this class directly, but you can use the descendants of this class while setting specified Business Rules for custom strongly typed fields. The descendants of the TDAFieldRules class provide specified business logic for custom fields.
For example: After creating strongly typed fields with the menu option "Generate SampleSchema strongly-typed access units", the strongly typed fields ancestor and descendant classes will have the following structure (the code was taken from the DataAbstract sample "Strongly Typed"):
{ TBizCustomerIDRules }
TBizCustomerIDRules = class(TDAFieldRules)
procedure OnValidate(Sender: TDACustomField); override;
procedure OnChange(Sender: TDACustomField); override;
{ TBizCustomerIDRules }
procedure TBizCustomerIDRules.OnChange(Sender: TDACustomField);
var i : integer;
lCurrVal : string;
lCurrVal := Sender.AsString;
for i := 1 to Length(lCurrVal) do
if not (lCurrVal[i] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9'])
then raise EDABizValidationException.Create('Invalid character');
procedure TBizCustomerIDRules.OnValidate(Sender: TDACustomField);
RegisterFieldRules('CustomerID', TBizCustomerIDRules);
- Unit: uDADataTable.pas
- Ancestry: TDAEngineBaseObject | TDABusinessRules | TDAFieldRules
constructor Create virtual (declared in TDABusinessRules)
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create
constructor Create (TDAField, TDADataTable) reintroduce virtual
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create(aField: TDAField; aDataTable: TDADataTable)
- aField: field
- aDataTable: datatable
Attach protected virtual
Empty method. Descendants may override it to perform additional actions.
procedure Attach(aDataTable: TDADataTable)
- aDataTable: Specified data table that should be attached
DataTable protected
Owner's datatable.
property DataTable: TDADataTable read
Detach protected virtual
Empty method. Descendants may override it to perform additional actions.
procedure Detach(aDataTable: TDADataTable)
- aDataTable: Specified data table that should be detached
OnChange protected virtual
Fires whenever the value of a particular field has been changed.
procedure OnChange(Sender: TDACustomField)
- Sender: sender instance
OnValidate protected virtual
Fires whenever the value of a particular field is about to change, given the event handler opportunity to validate and possibly reject the change by raising an exception.
procedure OnValidate(Sender: TDACustomField)
- Sender: sender instance
constructor Create virtual (declared in TDABusinessRules)
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create
constructor Create (TDAField, TDADataTable) reintroduce virtual
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create(aField: TDAField; aDataTable: TDADataTable)
- aField: field
- aDataTable: datatable
Attach protected virtual
Empty method. Descendants may override it to perform additional actions.
procedure Attach(aDataTable: TDADataTable)
- aDataTable: Specified data table that should be attached
Detach protected virtual
Empty method. Descendants may override it to perform additional actions.
procedure Detach(aDataTable: TDADataTable)
- aDataTable: Specified data table that should be detached
OnChange protected virtual
Fires whenever the value of a particular field has been changed.
procedure OnChange(Sender: TDACustomField)
- Sender: sender instance
OnValidate protected virtual
Fires whenever the value of a particular field is about to change, given the event handler opportunity to validate and possibly reject the change by raising an exception.
procedure OnValidate(Sender: TDACustomField)
- Sender: sender instance
- Business Rules
- Business Rules in Depth
- Strongly Typed DataTables and Business Helper Classes (Delphi)