The TDAEStoredProcedure base class extends TDAEBaseStoredProcedure and adds connection support.
For an overall description, please refer to the article How to create a Data Abstract Driver (Delphi).
- Unit: uDAEConnection.pas
- Ancestry: TDAEngineBaseObject | TDAESQLCommand | TDAEBaseStoredProcedure | TDAEStoredProcedure
constructor Create (IDAConnection, TDataset, string) virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create(aConnection: IDAConnection; aDataset: TDataset; const aName: string = '')
- aConnection: Connection
- aDataset: Dataset
- aName: Name
constructor Create (TDAEConnection, string) reintroduce virtual
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create(aConnection: TDAEConnection; const aName: string = '')
- aConnection: Connection.
- aName: name.
CachedParams protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property CachedParams: TDictionary<string, Integer> read
CanUseNativeFieldData protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Specifies that given field can return data in GetNativeFieldData method
function CanUseNativeFieldData(Index: Integer): Boolean
- Index: Required field index
ClearParams protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Clears parameter values.
procedure ClearParams
Connection protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Presents the IDAConnection to access information about available databases, tables, columns, etc.
property Connection: IDAConnection read
Connection protected
property Connection: TDAEConnection read
CreateDataset protected virtual abstract
Creates native stored procedure object
function CreateDataset(aConnection: TDAEConnection): TDataset
- aConnection: owner connection
CreateNativeDatabaseAccess protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Creates an IDANativeDatabaseAccess implementor.
function CreateNativeDatabaseAccess: IDANativeDatabaseAccess
CreateNativeObject protected virtual
Creates the native object.
function CreateNativeObject(aConnection: TDAEConnection): TObject
- aConnection: connection
Dataset (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Access to the standard VCL TDataSet.
property Dataset: TDataset read
DoCreateNativeObject protected override
Creates a object specific to the given connection.
function DoCreateNativeObject: TObject
DoExecute protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Executes stored procedure
function DoExecute: Integer
DoPrepare protected virtual safecall (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Empty method. Stored procedures do not need to be prepared by default.
procedure DoPrepare(Value: Boolean)
- Value: not used
DynamicWhere protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implementation of Dynamic Where.
property DynamicWhere: TDAWhereBuilder read write
Execute protected override safecall (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Executes stored procedure
function Execute: Integer
FindCachedParameter protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
function FindCachedParameter(const AParams: TParams; const AParamName: string): TParam
- AParams:
- AParamName:
FindParameter protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Finds the AParamName
parameter in the |TParams collection.
function FindParameter(const AParams: TParams; const AParamName: string): TParam
- AParams:
- AParamName:
GetDataset protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning the result of CreateDataset.
function GetDataset: TDataset
GetName protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning a value set in the constructor.
function GetName: string
GetNativeFieldData protected virtual safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Sets the DataSize
to the according field size value, allocates the Data
memory and copies the content of the field.
function GetNativeFieldData(Index: Integer; var Buffer: TBytes): Boolean
- Index: Required field index
- Buffer:
GetNativeFieldDataType protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns the field type of the Index
function GetNativeFieldDataType(Index: Integer): TFieldType
- Index: field index
GetParams protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning the current parameters.
function GetParams: TDAParamCollection
GetParamValues protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Retrieves the values of the given parameters.
procedure GetParamValues(Params: TDAParamCollection)
- Params: Parameters
GetParamValuesStd protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Retrieves the values from Params2
for the daptOutput
, daptInputOutput
and daptResult
parameters of Params1
procedure GetParamValuesStd(Params1: TDAParamCollection; Params2: TParams)
- Params1: Parameters guide
- Params2: Values source
GetStoredProcedureName protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Returns the stored procedure name.
function GetStoredProcedureName: string
intVCLTypeToDAType protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Gets mapping |TFieldType to TDADataType.
function intVCLTypeToDAType(aFieldType: TFieldType; ASize: Integer = 0; ADecimalPrecision: Integer = 0; aDecimalScale: Integer = 0): TDADataType
- aFieldType:
- ASize:
- ADecimalPrecision:
- aDecimalScale:
IsTDatasetCompatible protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns true if data access object is TDataset descendant.
function IsTDatasetCompatible: Boolean
Name protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns a human-readable name for the command.
property Name: string read
NativeDatabaseAccess protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property NativeDatabaseAccess: IDANativeDatabaseAccess read
NativeFieldCount protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommandNativeObject by
delegating the call to the FNativeDatabaseAccess
function NativeFieldCount: Integer
NativeFields protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property NativeFields[Index: Integer]: IDANativeField read
NativeFindField protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommandNativeObject by
delegating the call to the FNativeDatabaseAccess
function NativeFindField(const FieldName: string): IDANativeField
- FieldName: name of the searched field
NativeObject protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Access to the standard VCL |TObject which implements the data access.
property NativeObject: TObject read
OnAfterExecute (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires right after a command was executed.
property OnAfterExecute: TDAAfterExecuteCommandEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterExecute(const Sender: IDASQLCommand; ActualSQL: string; ElapsedMilliseconds: Cardinal)
OnBeforeExecute (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires before command execution
property OnBeforeExecute: TDABeforeExecuteCommandEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeExecute(const Sender: IDASQLCommand)
OnExecuteError (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires when exception is detected during command execution
property OnExecuteError: TDAExecuteCommandErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnExecuteError(const Sender: IDASQLCommand; ActualSQL: string; Error: Exception)
ParamByName protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Locates a specific parameter, based on its name. If no matching parameter is defined, an exception will be raised.
function ParamByName(const aName: string): TDAParam
- aName: name of the parameter
Params protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Provides access to the list of parameters defined for the command.
property Params: TDAParamCollection read
Prepared protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Specifies whether the SQL statement has been prepared for execution on the database (true) or not (false). Setting this property to true will automatically prepare the statement. Preparing statements on the database server allows for faster execution, especially if the statement will be executed multiple times, as the server will not need to re-parse the SQL text for every execution. Please refer to your database system's documentation for more information on preparing statements.
Note that changing the SQL or Where properties will automatically un-prepare the statement.
property Prepared: Boolean read write
PrepareSQLStatement protected override (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Abstract class. RefreshParams must be implemented in the descendants.
procedure PrepareSQLStatement
RecreateCachedParams protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
procedure RecreateCachedParams(aParams: TParams)
- aParams:
RefreshParams protected virtual safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Refreshes the list of parameters defined for the command based on the actual parameter names found in the SQL statement and Where clause.
procedure RefreshParams
RefreshParamsStd protected (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Refreshes the parameters. Descendants may use it for RefreshParams.
procedure RefreshParamsStd(AParams: TParams)
- AParams: Input parameters
SetParamValues protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Converts values from Data Abstract TDAParam values.
procedure SetParamValues(Params: TDAParamCollection)
- Params: parameters
SetParamValuesStd protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Utility method to set the values of Params2
(|TParams) for the daptOutput
, daptInputOutput
and daptResult
parameters of Params1
procedure SetParamValuesStd(Params1: TDAParamCollection; Params2: TParams)
- Params1: Parameters guide
- Params2: Values holder
SetStoredProcedureName protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Sets the stored procedure name.
procedure SetStoredProcedureName(const Name: string)
- Name: Stored procedure name
SQL protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Defines the SQL statement to be executed.
property SQL: string read write
SQLContainsDynamicWhere protected virtual safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Checks if SQL contains Dynamic Where macros.
function SQLContainsDynamicWhere: Boolean
StoredProcedureName protected (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Stored procedure name
property StoredProcedureName: string read write
CachedParams protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property CachedParams: TDictionary<string, Integer> read
Connection protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Presents the IDAConnection to access information about available databases, tables, columns, etc.
property Connection: IDAConnection read
Connection protected
property Connection: TDAEConnection read
Dataset (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Access to the standard VCL TDataSet.
property Dataset: TDataset read
DynamicWhere protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implementation of Dynamic Where.
property DynamicWhere: TDAWhereBuilder read write
Name protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns a human-readable name for the command.
property Name: string read
NativeDatabaseAccess protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property NativeDatabaseAccess: IDANativeDatabaseAccess read
NativeFields protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
property NativeFields[Index: Integer]: IDANativeField read
NativeObject protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Access to the standard VCL |TObject which implements the data access.
property NativeObject: TObject read
Params protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Provides access to the list of parameters defined for the command.
property Params: TDAParamCollection read
Prepared protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Specifies whether the SQL statement has been prepared for execution on the database (true) or not (false). Setting this property to true will automatically prepare the statement. Preparing statements on the database server allows for faster execution, especially if the statement will be executed multiple times, as the server will not need to re-parse the SQL text for every execution. Please refer to your database system's documentation for more information on preparing statements.
Note that changing the SQL or Where properties will automatically un-prepare the statement.
property Prepared: Boolean read write
SQL protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Defines the SQL statement to be executed.
property SQL: string read write
StoredProcedureName protected (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Stored procedure name
property StoredProcedureName: string read write
constructor Create (IDAConnection, TDataset, string) virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create(aConnection: IDAConnection; aDataset: TDataset; const aName: string = '')
- aConnection: Connection
- aDataset: Dataset
- aName: Name
constructor Create (TDAEConnection, string) reintroduce virtual
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create(aConnection: TDAEConnection; const aName: string = '')
- aConnection: Connection.
- aName: name.
CanUseNativeFieldData protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Specifies that given field can return data in GetNativeFieldData method
function CanUseNativeFieldData(Index: Integer): Boolean
- Index: Required field index
ClearParams protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Clears parameter values.
procedure ClearParams
CreateDataset protected virtual abstract
Creates native stored procedure object
function CreateDataset(aConnection: TDAEConnection): TDataset
- aConnection: owner connection
CreateNativeDatabaseAccess protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Creates an IDANativeDatabaseAccess implementor.
function CreateNativeDatabaseAccess: IDANativeDatabaseAccess
CreateNativeObject protected virtual
Creates the native object.
function CreateNativeObject(aConnection: TDAEConnection): TObject
- aConnection: connection
DoCreateNativeObject protected override
Creates a object specific to the given connection.
function DoCreateNativeObject: TObject
DoExecute protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Executes stored procedure
function DoExecute: Integer
DoPrepare protected virtual safecall (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Empty method. Stored procedures do not need to be prepared by default.
procedure DoPrepare(Value: Boolean)
- Value: not used
Execute protected override safecall (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Executes stored procedure
function Execute: Integer
FindCachedParameter protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
function FindCachedParameter(const AParams: TParams; const AParamName: string): TParam
- AParams:
- AParamName:
FindParameter protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Finds the AParamName
parameter in the |TParams collection.
function FindParameter(const AParams: TParams; const AParamName: string): TParam
- AParams:
- AParamName:
GetDataset protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning the result of CreateDataset.
function GetDataset: TDataset
GetName protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning a value set in the constructor.
function GetName: string
GetNativeFieldData protected virtual safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Sets the DataSize
to the according field size value, allocates the Data
memory and copies the content of the field.
function GetNativeFieldData(Index: Integer; var Buffer: TBytes): Boolean
- Index: Required field index
- Buffer:
GetNativeFieldDataType protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns the field type of the Index
function GetNativeFieldDataType(Index: Integer): TFieldType
- Index: field index
GetParams protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommand by returning the current parameters.
function GetParams: TDAParamCollection
GetParamValues protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Retrieves the values of the given parameters.
procedure GetParamValues(Params: TDAParamCollection)
- Params: Parameters
GetParamValuesStd protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Retrieves the values from Params2
for the daptOutput
, daptInputOutput
and daptResult
parameters of Params1
procedure GetParamValuesStd(Params1: TDAParamCollection; Params2: TParams)
- Params1: Parameters guide
- Params2: Values source
GetStoredProcedureName protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Returns the stored procedure name.
function GetStoredProcedureName: string
intVCLTypeToDAType protected virtual (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Gets mapping |TFieldType to TDADataType.
function intVCLTypeToDAType(aFieldType: TFieldType; ASize: Integer = 0; ADecimalPrecision: Integer = 0; aDecimalScale: Integer = 0): TDADataType
- aFieldType:
- ASize:
- ADecimalPrecision:
- aDecimalScale:
IsTDatasetCompatible protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Returns true if data access object is TDataset descendant.
function IsTDatasetCompatible: Boolean
NativeFieldCount protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommandNativeObject by
delegating the call to the FNativeDatabaseAccess
function NativeFieldCount: Integer
NativeFindField protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Implements IDASQLCommandNativeObject by
delegating the call to the FNativeDatabaseAccess
function NativeFindField(const FieldName: string): IDANativeField
- FieldName: name of the searched field
ParamByName protected safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Locates a specific parameter, based on its name. If no matching parameter is defined, an exception will be raised.
function ParamByName(const aName: string): TDAParam
- aName: name of the parameter
PrepareSQLStatement protected override (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Abstract class. RefreshParams must be implemented in the descendants.
procedure PrepareSQLStatement
RecreateCachedParams protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
procedure RecreateCachedParams(aParams: TParams)
- aParams:
RefreshParams protected virtual safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Refreshes the list of parameters defined for the command based on the actual parameter names found in the SQL statement and Where clause.
procedure RefreshParams
RefreshParamsStd protected (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Refreshes the parameters. Descendants may use it for RefreshParams.
procedure RefreshParamsStd(AParams: TParams)
- AParams: Input parameters
SetParamValues protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Converts values from Data Abstract TDAParam values.
procedure SetParamValues(Params: TDAParamCollection)
- Params: parameters
SetParamValuesStd protected (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Utility method to set the values of Params2
(|TParams) for the daptOutput
, daptInputOutput
and daptResult
parameters of Params1
procedure SetParamValuesStd(Params1: TDAParamCollection; Params2: TParams)
- Params1: Parameters guide
- Params2: Values holder
SetStoredProcedureName protected virtual safecall abstract (declared in TDAEBaseStoredProcedure)
Sets the stored procedure name.
procedure SetStoredProcedureName(const Name: string)
- Name: Stored procedure name
SQLContainsDynamicWhere protected virtual safecall (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Checks if SQL contains Dynamic Where macros.
function SQLContainsDynamicWhere: Boolean
OnAfterExecute (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires right after a command was executed.
property OnAfterExecute: TDAAfterExecuteCommandEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterExecute(const Sender: IDASQLCommand; ActualSQL: string; ElapsedMilliseconds: Cardinal)
OnBeforeExecute (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires before command execution
property OnBeforeExecute: TDABeforeExecuteCommandEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeExecute(const Sender: IDASQLCommand)
OnExecuteError (declared in TDAESQLCommand)
Fires when exception is detected during command execution
property OnExecuteError: TDAExecuteCommandErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnExecuteError(const Sender: IDASQLCommand; ActualSQL: string; Error: Exception)
- How to create a Data Abstract Driver (Delphi)
- Direct Access Component
- TDAESQLCommand
- IDANativeDatabaseAccess