The TDADriverManager component manages the database drivers available in a server application, whether they are statically linked in or dynamically loaded from .dad files.
Every server application must contain one (and not more than one) TDADriverManager instance, and it must be referenced from the TDAConnectionManager DriverManager property.
- Unit: uDADriverManager.pas
- Ancestry: TComponent | TROComponent | TDADriverManager
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)
- aOwner: Owner
Assign override
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
Toggles whether the driver manager will automatically try to load all .dad driver files located in the DriverDirectory on startup. Default is false.
property AutoLoad: Boolean read write
Returns the IDADriver reference for specified driver.
function DriverByDriverID(const aDriverID: string = False): IDADriver
- aDriverID: given DriverID
Returns the number of drivers currently available, including both statically linked and dynamically loaded drivers.
property DriverCount: Integer read
Defines the directory that AutoLoad will look in for drivers to automatically load at startup.
property DriverDirectory: string read write
Gives information about the specified driver, including the Filename and DLL Handle (for dynamically loaded drivers) and the IDADriver reference.
property DriverInfo[Index: Integer]: TDADriverInfo read
Returns the the IDADriver reference for the specified driver.
property Drivers[Index: Integer]: IDADriver read
Returns the IDADriver reference for the specified driver.
function FindDriver(const aDriverID: string; out Driver: IDADriver): Boolean
- aDriverID: given DriverID
- Driver: found driver
Returns the current index for the specified driver.
function FindDriverIndex(const aDriverID: string): Integer
- aDriverID: given DriverID
Returns list of loaded drivers.
function ListDrivers(const aDirectory: string; out FileNames: IROStrings): Integer
- aDirectory: specified directory
- FileNames: list of found drivers
Dynamically loads the driver from the specified .dad file.
procedure LoadDriver(const aFileName: string)
- aFileName: specified filename
LoadDrivers overload
Dynamically loads all the drivers from the specified list of .dad files.
procedure LoadDrivers
LoadDrivers (IROStrings, Boolean, Boolean) overload
Dynamically loads all the drivers from the specified list of .dad files.
procedure LoadDrivers(const aDriverList: IROStrings; aIgnoreDuplicates: Boolean = False; aIgnoreErrors: Boolean = False)
- aDriverList: the specified list of .dad files
- aIgnoreDuplicates: ignore duplicates
- aIgnoreErrors: ignore errors
LoadStaticDrivers protected virtual
Loads statically linked drivers
procedure LoadStaticDrivers
Notification protected override (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(aComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- aComponent: component
- Operation: operation
Fires after a new driver has been dynamically loaded.
property OnDriverLoaded: TDADriverLoadNotification read write
delegate: procedure OnDriverLoaded(DriverInfo: TDADriverInfo)
Fires after a dynamic driver has been unloaded.
property OnDriverUnloaded: TDADriverLoadNotification read write
delegate: procedure OnDriverUnloaded(DriverInfo: TDADriverInfo)
Alloes to process trace
property OnTraceEvent: TDALogTraceEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnTraceEvent(Sender: TObject; const Text: string; Tag: Integer)
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
Trace state
property TraceActive: Boolean read write
trace flags
property TraceFlags: TDATraceOptions read write
UnloadAllDrivers overload
Unloads all dynamically loaded drivers. Before calling this method, make sure that there are no active or pooled connections using the driver(s) about to be unloaded. You can ensure all pooled connections are closed by calling the TDAConnectionManager.ClearPool method.
procedure UnloadAllDrivers
UnloadAllDrivers (Boolean) protected overload
Unloads all static and dynamically loaded drivers. Before calling this method, make sure that there are no active or pooled connections using the driver(s) about to be unloaded. You can ensure all pooled connections are closed by calling the TDAConnectionManager.ClearPool method.
procedure UnloadAllDrivers(aForceUnloadForStaticDriver: Boolean)
- aForceUnloadForStaticDriver: unload static drivers
UnloadDriver (Integer) overload
Unloads the specified driver, if it was dynamically loaded. Before calling this method, make sure there are no active or pooled connections using the driver(s) about to be unloaded. You can ensure all pooled connections are closed by calling the TDAConnectionManager.ClearPool method.
procedure UnloadDriver(anIndex: Integer)
- anIndex: specified index
UnloadDriver (Integer, Boolean) protected overload
Unloads the specified driver. Before calling this method, make sure there are no active or pooled connections using the driver(s) about to be unloaded. You can ensure all pooled connections are closed by calling the TDAConnectionManager.ClearPool method.
procedure UnloadDriver(anIndex: Integer; aForceUnloadForStaticDriver: Boolean)
- anIndex: specified index
- aForceUnloadForStaticDriver: unload static drivers
Toggles whether the driver manager will automatically try to load all .dad driver files located in the DriverDirectory on startup. Default is false.
property AutoLoad: Boolean read write
Returns the number of drivers currently available, including both statically linked and dynamically loaded drivers.
property DriverCount: Integer read
Defines the directory that AutoLoad will look in for drivers to automatically load at startup.
property DriverDirectory: string read write
Gives information about the specified driver, including the Filename and DLL Handle (for dynamically loaded drivers) and the IDADriver reference.
property DriverInfo[Index: Integer]: TDADriverInfo read
Returns the the IDADriver reference for the specified driver.
property Drivers[Index: Integer]: IDADriver read
Trace state
property TraceActive: Boolean read write
trace flags
property TraceFlags: TDATraceOptions read write
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)
- aOwner: Owner
Assign override
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
Returns the IDADriver reference for specified driver.
function DriverByDriverID(const aDriverID: string = False): IDADriver
- aDriverID: given DriverID
Returns the IDADriver reference for the specified driver.
function FindDriver(const aDriverID: string; out Driver: IDADriver): Boolean
- aDriverID: given DriverID
- Driver: found driver
Returns the current index for the specified driver.
function FindDriverIndex(const aDriverID: string): Integer
- aDriverID: given DriverID
Returns list of loaded drivers.
function ListDrivers(const aDirectory: string; out FileNames: IROStrings): Integer
- aDirectory: specified directory
- FileNames: list of found drivers
Dynamically loads the driver from the specified .dad file.
procedure LoadDriver(const aFileName: string)
- aFileName: specified filename
LoadDrivers overload
Dynamically loads all the drivers from the specified list of .dad files.
procedure LoadDrivers
LoadDrivers (IROStrings, Boolean, Boolean) overload
Dynamically loads all the drivers from the specified list of .dad files.
procedure LoadDrivers(const aDriverList: IROStrings; aIgnoreDuplicates: Boolean = False; aIgnoreErrors: Boolean = False)
- aDriverList: the specified list of .dad files
- aIgnoreDuplicates: ignore duplicates
- aIgnoreErrors: ignore errors
LoadStaticDrivers protected virtual
Loads statically linked drivers
procedure LoadStaticDrivers
Notification protected override (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(aComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- aComponent: component
- Operation: operation
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
UnloadAllDrivers overload
Unloads all dynamically loaded drivers. Before calling this method, make sure that there are no active or pooled connections using the driver(s) about to be unloaded. You can ensure all pooled connections are closed by calling the TDAConnectionManager.ClearPool method.
procedure UnloadAllDrivers
UnloadAllDrivers (Boolean) protected overload
Unloads all static and dynamically loaded drivers. Before calling this method, make sure that there are no active or pooled connections using the driver(s) about to be unloaded. You can ensure all pooled connections are closed by calling the TDAConnectionManager.ClearPool method.
procedure UnloadAllDrivers(aForceUnloadForStaticDriver: Boolean)
- aForceUnloadForStaticDriver: unload static drivers
UnloadDriver (Integer) overload
Unloads the specified driver, if it was dynamically loaded. Before calling this method, make sure there are no active or pooled connections using the driver(s) about to be unloaded. You can ensure all pooled connections are closed by calling the TDAConnectionManager.ClearPool method.
procedure UnloadDriver(anIndex: Integer)
- anIndex: specified index
UnloadDriver (Integer, Boolean) protected overload
Unloads the specified driver. Before calling this method, make sure there are no active or pooled connections using the driver(s) about to be unloaded. You can ensure all pooled connections are closed by calling the TDAConnectionManager.ClearPool method.
procedure UnloadDriver(anIndex: Integer; aForceUnloadForStaticDriver: Boolean)
- anIndex: specified index
- aForceUnloadForStaticDriver: unload static drivers
Fires after a new driver has been dynamically loaded.
property OnDriverLoaded: TDADriverLoadNotification read write
delegate: procedure OnDriverLoaded(DriverInfo: TDADriverInfo)
Fires after a dynamic driver has been unloaded.
property OnDriverUnloaded: TDADriverLoadNotification read write
delegate: procedure OnDriverUnloaded(DriverInfo: TDADriverInfo)
Alloes to process trace
property OnTraceEvent: TDALogTraceEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnTraceEvent(Sender: TObject; const Text: string; Tag: Integer)