The TDAConnectionManager serves two related purposes.
First, it maintains the list of connections defined for a particular server application and makes them available to the TDASchema and Schema Modeler for design-time purposes.
Secondly, it maintains pools of active connections at runtime, forming the foundation of all server-side database and connection pooling.
While you can edit the connections defined in a connection manager from code or via the Object Inspector using the Connection's collection property, you will usually edit them by double-clicking a TDASchema component that references it, to launch the Schema Modeler.
- Unit: uDAConnectionManager.pas
- Ancestry: TComponent | TROComponent | TDAStreamableComponent | TDAConnectionManager
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)
- aOwner: Owner
Assign override
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
Validates the connection manager properties.
procedure CheckProperties
Clear override
Clears all properties.
procedure Clear
Removes all connections from the pool. Note that calling ClearPool will not automatically close connections that are currently active; any active connections will remain active until they are released.
procedure ClearPool
Maintains the list of connections (a.k.a. connection strings) defined in the dictionary.
property Connections: TDAConnectionCollection read write
CreateNewConnection protected
Creates a new connection with given parameters.
function CreateNewConnection(const ConnectionName: string; OpenConnection: Boolean; const UserID: string; const Password: string): IDAConnection
- ConnectionName: Connection name.
- OpenConnection: Auto-open connection
- UserID: user name
- Password: password
Must reference the application's TDADriverManager instance, which maintains a list of all known database drivers, whether statically linked or dynamically loaded.
property DriverManager: TDADriverManager read write
Gets the default connection name.
function GetDefaultConnectionName: string
LoadFromFile (string) overload (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
procedure LoadFromFile(const aFileName: string)
- aFileName:
LoadFromFile (string, TDAPersistFormat) overload (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
Restores the component data from file via LoadFromStream.
procedure LoadFromFile(const aFileName: string; aFormat: TDAPersistFormat)
- aFileName: Valid name of the readable file
- aFormat: See TDAPersistFormat
LoadFromJson (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
procedure LoadFromJson(aJson: ROUTF8String)
- aJson:
LoadFromStream (TStream) overload virtual (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
procedure LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream)
- aStream:
LoadFromStream (TStream, TDAPersistFormat) override
Restores the component data stored in the given stream.
procedure LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream; aFormat: TDAPersistFormat)
- aStream: Data storage
- aFormat: See TDAPersistFormat
LoadFromString (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
procedure LoadFromString(aValue: ROUTF8String)
- aValue:
LoadFromXml (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
Uses aXML
as storage to load from.
procedure LoadFromXml(aXML: ROUTF8String)
- aXML: Xml text
Defines the maximum number of connections allows in the pool for each connection string. The value of the PoolBehaviour property will control how the pools will behave if the maximum number of connections is reached.
property MaxPoolSize: Cardinal read write
Returns a new connection, either from the pool or a freshly created one.
function NewConnection(const aConnectionName: string; OpenConnection: Boolean; const UserID: string; const Password: string): IDAConnection
- aConnectionName: Connection name.
- OpenConnection: Auto-open connection
- UserID: user name
- Password: password
Notification protected override
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- AComponent: component
- Operation: operation
Fires whenever a connection was acquired. This connection could have been freshly created (in which case the OnConnectionCreated event will also fire), or be obtained from a pool.
property OnConnectionAcquired: TDAConnectionNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnConnectionAcquired(Sender: TDAConnectionManager; const Connection: IDAConnection)
Fires whenever a new connection was created. The event will not fire if a pooled connection was reused.
property OnConnectionCreated: TDAConnectionNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnConnectionCreated(Sender: TDAConnectionManager; const Connection: IDAConnection)
Fires if an attempt to acquire a new connection has failed, for whatever reason.
property OnConnectionFailure: TDAConnectionFailureEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnConnectionFailure(Sender: TDAConnectionManager; Ex: Exception)
Fires whenever a connection was released.
property OnConnectionReleased: TDAConnectionNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnConnectionReleased(Sender: TDAConnectionManager; const Connection: IDAConnection)
Fires when a pooled connection has timed out and will be removed from the pool.
property OnConnectionTimedOut: TDAConnectionTimeoutEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnConnectionTimedOut(Sender: TDAConnectionManager)
Allows to perform commit or rollback manually at releasing of connection.
property OnCustomPoolTransactionBehavior: TDAConnectionNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnCustomPoolTransactionBehavior(Sender: TDAConnectionManager; const Connection: IDAConnection)
OnTimerTick protected dynamic
This procedure maintains cleanup of cached connections.
procedure OnTimerTick(CurrentTickCount: Cardinal)
- CurrentTickCount: not used
Fires when unknown macro variable is found. it can be usable when user-defined variables are used inside sql or Dynamic Where expression.
property OnUnknownMacroVariable: TDAUnknownMacroVariableEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnUnknownMacroVariable(Sender: TObject; const Name: string; var Value: string)
Manages the pool behavior when the maximum number of connections has been reached. The three available options include:
- The call to NewConnection will fail with an exception.
- The call to NewConnection will wait until another connection is freed, and it will then return a connection.
- The call to NewConnection will return nil.
property PoolBehaviour: TDAPoolBehaviour read write
Enables connection pooling. Default is true. If enabled, the connection manager will maintain a pool of reusable connections, to avoid the overhead of creating and destroying database connections for each request. If disabled, each call to NewConnection will create a new connection to the back-end database, which will be closed when it is released.
property PoolingEnabled: Boolean read write
Returns the current size of the connection pool.
property PoolSize: Integer read
After this number seconds of inactivity old connections will be removed from the pool and closed. Default is 60 seconds.
property PoolTimeoutSeconds: Cardinal read write
Decides how the pool handles connections that are returned to the pool with an active transaction. The three available options include:
- No action will be taken.
- The transaction will be rolled back, losing all changes (recommended).
- The transaction will be committed, applying all changes to the underlying database.
property PoolTransactionBehaviour: TDAPoolTransactionBehaviour read write
ReleaseConnection protected
Releases given connection.
procedure ReleaseConnection(const Conn: IDAConnection)
- Conn: Given connection.
RestoreNonStreamableProperties protected override
Restores specific information not accessible as usual properties.
procedure RestoreNonStreamableProperties(const TempStorage: TPointerArray)
- TempStorage: Array to point to additional values
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SaveNonStreamableProperties protected override
Stores specific information not accessible as usual properties.
procedure SaveNonStreamableProperties(var TempStorage: TPointerArray)
- TempStorage: Array to point to additional values
SaveToFile (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
Stores the component data into file via SaveToStream.
procedure SaveToFile(const aFileName: string; aFormat: TDAPersistFormat)
- aFileName: Valid name of the writable file
- aFormat: See TDAPersistFormat
SaveToStream override
Stores the component data into the given stream.
procedure SaveToStream(aStream: TStream; aFormat: TDAPersistFormat)
- aStream: Data storage
- aFormat: See TDAPersistFormat
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
Specifies default strategy - First In, First Out
(FIFO) or Last In, First Out
property Strategy: TConnectionManagerStrategy read write
Sets the number of seconds that NewConnection will wait between attempts to acquire a new connection, if the pool ix maximized out and PoolBehaviour is set to pbWait.
property WaitIntervalSeconds: Cardinal read write
Maintains the list of connections (a.k.a. connection strings) defined in the dictionary.
property Connections: TDAConnectionCollection read write
Must reference the application's TDADriverManager instance, which maintains a list of all known database drivers, whether statically linked or dynamically loaded.
property DriverManager: TDADriverManager read write
Defines the maximum number of connections allows in the pool for each connection string. The value of the PoolBehaviour property will control how the pools will behave if the maximum number of connections is reached.
property MaxPoolSize: Cardinal read write
Manages the pool behavior when the maximum number of connections has been reached. The three available options include:
- The call to NewConnection will fail with an exception.
- The call to NewConnection will wait until another connection is freed, and it will then return a connection.
- The call to NewConnection will return nil.
property PoolBehaviour: TDAPoolBehaviour read write
Enables connection pooling. Default is true. If enabled, the connection manager will maintain a pool of reusable connections, to avoid the overhead of creating and destroying database connections for each request. If disabled, each call to NewConnection will create a new connection to the back-end database, which will be closed when it is released.
property PoolingEnabled: Boolean read write
Returns the current size of the connection pool.
property PoolSize: Integer read
After this number seconds of inactivity old connections will be removed from the pool and closed. Default is 60 seconds.
property PoolTimeoutSeconds: Cardinal read write
Decides how the pool handles connections that are returned to the pool with an active transaction. The three available options include:
- No action will be taken.
- The transaction will be rolled back, losing all changes (recommended).
- The transaction will be committed, applying all changes to the underlying database.
property PoolTransactionBehaviour: TDAPoolTransactionBehaviour read write
Specifies default strategy - First In, First Out
(FIFO) or Last In, First Out
property Strategy: TConnectionManagerStrategy read write
Sets the number of seconds that NewConnection will wait between attempts to acquire a new connection, if the pool ix maximized out and PoolBehaviour is set to pbWait.
property WaitIntervalSeconds: Cardinal read write
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)
- aOwner: Owner
Assign override
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
Validates the connection manager properties.
procedure CheckProperties
Clear override
Clears all properties.
procedure Clear
Removes all connections from the pool. Note that calling ClearPool will not automatically close connections that are currently active; any active connections will remain active until they are released.
procedure ClearPool
CreateNewConnection protected
Creates a new connection with given parameters.
function CreateNewConnection(const ConnectionName: string; OpenConnection: Boolean; const UserID: string; const Password: string): IDAConnection
- ConnectionName: Connection name.
- OpenConnection: Auto-open connection
- UserID: user name
- Password: password
Gets the default connection name.
function GetDefaultConnectionName: string
LoadFromFile (string) overload (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
procedure LoadFromFile(const aFileName: string)
- aFileName:
LoadFromFile (string, TDAPersistFormat) overload (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
Restores the component data from file via LoadFromStream.
procedure LoadFromFile(const aFileName: string; aFormat: TDAPersistFormat)
- aFileName: Valid name of the readable file
- aFormat: See TDAPersistFormat
LoadFromJson (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
procedure LoadFromJson(aJson: ROUTF8String)
- aJson:
LoadFromStream (TStream) overload virtual (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
procedure LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream)
- aStream:
LoadFromStream (TStream, TDAPersistFormat) override
Restores the component data stored in the given stream.
procedure LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream; aFormat: TDAPersistFormat)
- aStream: Data storage
- aFormat: See TDAPersistFormat
LoadFromString (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
procedure LoadFromString(aValue: ROUTF8String)
- aValue:
LoadFromXml (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
Uses aXML
as storage to load from.
procedure LoadFromXml(aXML: ROUTF8String)
- aXML: Xml text
Returns a new connection, either from the pool or a freshly created one.
function NewConnection(const aConnectionName: string; OpenConnection: Boolean; const UserID: string; const Password: string): IDAConnection
- aConnectionName: Connection name.
- OpenConnection: Auto-open connection
- UserID: user name
- Password: password
Notification protected override
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- AComponent: component
- Operation: operation
OnTimerTick protected dynamic
This procedure maintains cleanup of cached connections.
procedure OnTimerTick(CurrentTickCount: Cardinal)
- CurrentTickCount: not used
ReleaseConnection protected
Releases given connection.
procedure ReleaseConnection(const Conn: IDAConnection)
- Conn: Given connection.
RestoreNonStreamableProperties protected override
Restores specific information not accessible as usual properties.
procedure RestoreNonStreamableProperties(const TempStorage: TPointerArray)
- TempStorage: Array to point to additional values
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SaveNonStreamableProperties protected override
Stores specific information not accessible as usual properties.
procedure SaveNonStreamableProperties(var TempStorage: TPointerArray)
- TempStorage: Array to point to additional values
SaveToFile (declared in TDAStreamableComponent)
Stores the component data into file via SaveToStream.
procedure SaveToFile(const aFileName: string; aFormat: TDAPersistFormat)
- aFileName: Valid name of the writable file
- aFormat: See TDAPersistFormat
SaveToStream override
Stores the component data into the given stream.
procedure SaveToStream(aStream: TStream; aFormat: TDAPersistFormat)
- aStream: Data storage
- aFormat: See TDAPersistFormat
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
Fires whenever a connection was acquired. This connection could have been freshly created (in which case the OnConnectionCreated event will also fire), or be obtained from a pool.
property OnConnectionAcquired: TDAConnectionNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnConnectionAcquired(Sender: TDAConnectionManager; const Connection: IDAConnection)
Fires whenever a new connection was created. The event will not fire if a pooled connection was reused.
property OnConnectionCreated: TDAConnectionNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnConnectionCreated(Sender: TDAConnectionManager; const Connection: IDAConnection)
Fires if an attempt to acquire a new connection has failed, for whatever reason.
property OnConnectionFailure: TDAConnectionFailureEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnConnectionFailure(Sender: TDAConnectionManager; Ex: Exception)
Fires whenever a connection was released.
property OnConnectionReleased: TDAConnectionNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnConnectionReleased(Sender: TDAConnectionManager; const Connection: IDAConnection)
Fires when a pooled connection has timed out and will be removed from the pool.
property OnConnectionTimedOut: TDAConnectionTimeoutEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnConnectionTimedOut(Sender: TDAConnectionManager)
Allows to perform commit or rollback manually at releasing of connection.
property OnCustomPoolTransactionBehavior: TDAConnectionNotifyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnCustomPoolTransactionBehavior(Sender: TDAConnectionManager; const Connection: IDAConnection)
Fires when unknown macro variable is found. it can be usable when user-defined variables are used inside sql or Dynamic Where expression.
property OnUnknownMacroVariable: TDAUnknownMacroVariableEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnUnknownMacroVariable(Sender: TObject; const Name: string; var Value: string)