The TDABusinessProcessorRules class represents Business Rules in the Business Processor component.
- Unit: uDABusinessProcessor.pas
- Ancestry: TDAEngineBaseObject | TDABusinessRules | TDABusinessProcessorRules
constructor Create virtual (declared in TDABusinessRules)
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create
constructor Create (TDABusinessProcessor) reintroduce virtual
Creates a new instance and assigns the supplied Business Processor.
constructor Create(aBusinessProcessor: TDABusinessProcessor)
- aBusinessProcessor: Business Processor
AfterProcessChange protected virtual
This event is fired by the Business Processor after processing a change.
procedure AfterProcessChange(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; aChange: TDADeltaChange; Processed: Boolean; var CanRemoveFromDelta: Boolean)
- Sender: business processor
- aChange: change
- Processed: processed delta or not
- CanRemoveFromDelta: allows to removed change from delta
AfterProcessDelta protected virtual
This event is fired by the Business Processor after processing a delta.
procedure AfterProcessDelta(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; const aDelta: IDADelta)
- Sender: business processor
- aDelta: delta
Append protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Append
Attach protected virtual
Not implemented.
procedure Attach(aBusinessProcessor: TDABusinessProcessor)
- aBusinessProcessor: Specified business processor that should be attached.
BeforeProcessChange protected virtual
This event is fired by the Business Processor before processing a change.
procedure BeforeProcessChange(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; aChangeType: TDAChangeType; aChange: TDADeltaChange; var ProcessChange: Boolean)
- Sender: business processor
- aChangeType: change's type
- aChange: change
- ProcessChange: allows process chnage or not
BeforeProcessDelta protected virtual
This event is fired by the Business Processor before processing a delta.
procedure BeforeProcessDelta(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; const aDelta: IDADelta)
- Sender: business processor
- aDelta: delta
BusinessProcessor protected
Parent Business Processor component.
property BusinessProcessor: TDABusinessProcessor read
Cancel protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Cancel
ClearField protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure ClearField(const FieldIndexOrName: Variant)
- FieldIndexOrName: Input index or field name that will be cleared.
Close protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Close
Delete protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Delete
Detach protected virtual
Not implemented.
procedure Detach(aBusinessProcessor: TDABusinessProcessor)
- aBusinessProcessor: Specified business processor that should be detached
Edit protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Edit
First protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure First
GenerateSQL protected virtual
Not implemented.
procedure GenerateSQL(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; ChangeType: TDAChangeType; const ReferencedStatement: TDAStatement; const aDelta: IDADelta; var SQL: string)
- Sender: Business Processor
- ChangeType: Change type
- ReferencedStatement: Referenced statement
- aDelta: Delta
- SQL: SQL statement
GetActive protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetActive: Boolean
GetBOF protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetBOF: Boolean
GetDataTable protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetDataTable: TDADataTable
GetDetailOptions protected
Not implemented.
function GetDetailOptions: TDADetailOptions
GetEOF protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetEOF: Boolean
GetIsEmpty protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetIsEmpty: Boolean
GetMasterOptions protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetMasterOptions: TDAMasterOptions
GetRecNo protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetRecNo: Integer
GetRecordCount protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetRecordCount: Integer
GetState protected
Always returns dsBrowse.
function GetState: TDatasetState
Insert protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Insert
IsFieldNull protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function IsFieldNull(const FieldIndexOrName: Variant): Boolean
- FieldIndexOrName: Input index or field name
Last protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Last
Locate protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function Locate(const aKeyFields: string; const aKeyValues: Variant; aOptions: TLocateOptions = []): Boolean
- aKeyFields: The semicolon-separated list of fields.
- aKeyValues: Values specified by the Variant or Variant array.
- aOptions: Indicates whether the search is case insensitive and whether partial matches are supported.
Lookup protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant
- KeyFields: the semicolon-separated list of fields
- KeyValues: Values specified by the Variant or Variant array.
- ResultFields: The semicolon-separated list of result fields.
Next protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Next
NotSupportedByBusinessProcessor protected
Raises an exception for the attempt to call an unsupported method.
procedure NotSupportedByBusinessProcessor
Open protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Open
Post protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Post
Prior protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Prior
ProcessChange protected virtual
This method is called by the Business Processor before processing a change.
procedure ProcessChange(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; aChangeType: TDAChangeType; aChange: TDADeltaChange; const aCommand: IDASQLCommand)
- Sender: business processor
- aChangeType: change's type
- aChange: change
- aCommand: command
ProcessError protected virtual
This method is called by the Business Processor if an error occurs due to a processing change.
procedure ProcessError(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; aChangeType: TDAChangeType; aChange: TDADeltaChange; const aCommand: IDASQLCommand; var CanRemoveFromDelta: Boolean; Error: Exception)
- Sender: business processor
- aChangeType: change type
- aChange: change
- aCommand: command
- CanRemoveFromDelta: Allows removes change from delta or not
- Error: Exception raised by the data change attempt
SetActive protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean)
- Value: Value
SetDetailOptions protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure SetDetailOptions(Value: TDADetailOptions)
- Value: not used
SetMasterOptions protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure SetMasterOptions(Value: TDAMasterOptions)
- Value: not used
SetRecNo protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure SetRecNo(Value: Integer)
- Value: not used
BusinessProcessor protected
Parent Business Processor component.
property BusinessProcessor: TDABusinessProcessor read
constructor Create virtual (declared in TDABusinessRules)
Creates a new instance.
constructor Create
constructor Create (TDABusinessProcessor) reintroduce virtual
Creates a new instance and assigns the supplied Business Processor.
constructor Create(aBusinessProcessor: TDABusinessProcessor)
- aBusinessProcessor: Business Processor
AfterProcessChange protected virtual
This event is fired by the Business Processor after processing a change.
procedure AfterProcessChange(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; aChange: TDADeltaChange; Processed: Boolean; var CanRemoveFromDelta: Boolean)
- Sender: business processor
- aChange: change
- Processed: processed delta or not
- CanRemoveFromDelta: allows to removed change from delta
AfterProcessDelta protected virtual
This event is fired by the Business Processor after processing a delta.
procedure AfterProcessDelta(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; const aDelta: IDADelta)
- Sender: business processor
- aDelta: delta
Append protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Append
Attach protected virtual
Not implemented.
procedure Attach(aBusinessProcessor: TDABusinessProcessor)
- aBusinessProcessor: Specified business processor that should be attached.
BeforeProcessChange protected virtual
This event is fired by the Business Processor before processing a change.
procedure BeforeProcessChange(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; aChangeType: TDAChangeType; aChange: TDADeltaChange; var ProcessChange: Boolean)
- Sender: business processor
- aChangeType: change's type
- aChange: change
- ProcessChange: allows process chnage or not
BeforeProcessDelta protected virtual
This event is fired by the Business Processor before processing a delta.
procedure BeforeProcessDelta(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; const aDelta: IDADelta)
- Sender: business processor
- aDelta: delta
Cancel protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Cancel
ClearField protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure ClearField(const FieldIndexOrName: Variant)
- FieldIndexOrName: Input index or field name that will be cleared.
Close protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Close
Delete protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Delete
Detach protected virtual
Not implemented.
procedure Detach(aBusinessProcessor: TDABusinessProcessor)
- aBusinessProcessor: Specified business processor that should be detached
Edit protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Edit
First protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure First
GenerateSQL protected virtual
Not implemented.
procedure GenerateSQL(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; ChangeType: TDAChangeType; const ReferencedStatement: TDAStatement; const aDelta: IDADelta; var SQL: string)
- Sender: Business Processor
- ChangeType: Change type
- ReferencedStatement: Referenced statement
- aDelta: Delta
- SQL: SQL statement
GetActive protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetActive: Boolean
GetBOF protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetBOF: Boolean
GetDataTable protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetDataTable: TDADataTable
GetDetailOptions protected
Not implemented.
function GetDetailOptions: TDADetailOptions
GetEOF protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetEOF: Boolean
GetIsEmpty protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetIsEmpty: Boolean
GetMasterOptions protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetMasterOptions: TDAMasterOptions
GetRecNo protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetRecNo: Integer
GetRecordCount protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function GetRecordCount: Integer
GetState protected
Always returns dsBrowse.
function GetState: TDatasetState
Insert protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Insert
IsFieldNull protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function IsFieldNull(const FieldIndexOrName: Variant): Boolean
- FieldIndexOrName: Input index or field name
Last protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Last
Locate protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function Locate(const aKeyFields: string; const aKeyValues: Variant; aOptions: TLocateOptions = []): Boolean
- aKeyFields: The semicolon-separated list of fields.
- aKeyValues: Values specified by the Variant or Variant array.
- aOptions: Indicates whether the search is case insensitive and whether partial matches are supported.
Lookup protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
function Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant
- KeyFields: the semicolon-separated list of fields
- KeyValues: Values specified by the Variant or Variant array.
- ResultFields: The semicolon-separated list of result fields.
Next protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Next
NotSupportedByBusinessProcessor protected
Raises an exception for the attempt to call an unsupported method.
procedure NotSupportedByBusinessProcessor
Open protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Open
Post protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Post
Prior protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure Prior
ProcessChange protected virtual
This method is called by the Business Processor before processing a change.
procedure ProcessChange(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; aChangeType: TDAChangeType; aChange: TDADeltaChange; const aCommand: IDASQLCommand)
- Sender: business processor
- aChangeType: change's type
- aChange: change
- aCommand: command
ProcessError protected virtual
This method is called by the Business Processor if an error occurs due to a processing change.
procedure ProcessError(Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; aChangeType: TDAChangeType; aChange: TDADeltaChange; const aCommand: IDASQLCommand; var CanRemoveFromDelta: Boolean; Error: Exception)
- Sender: business processor
- aChangeType: change type
- aChange: change
- aCommand: command
- CanRemoveFromDelta: Allows removes change from delta or not
- Error: Exception raised by the data change attempt
SetActive protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean)
- Value: Value
SetDetailOptions protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure SetDetailOptions(Value: TDADetailOptions)
- Value: not used
SetMasterOptions protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure SetMasterOptions(Value: TDAMasterOptions)
- Value: not used
SetRecNo protected
This method is not supported for server side business rules.
procedure SetRecNo(Value: Integer)
- Value: not used