

The TDABaseCommand is a base class for executing commands (stored procedures or SQL statements) from the Schema published by a custom service.


Instance Methods

constructor Create  override    (declared in TROComponent)

Standard component constructor

constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)


  • aOwner: Owner

Assign  override    (declared in TROComponent)

Copies the contents of another, similar object.

procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)


  • Source: Instance whose properties will be copied

Execute (string): Integer  overload

Executes the command with the given name and returns the number of affected rows.

function Execute(aCommandName: string): Integer


  • aCommandName: Name of the command that is declared in the schema.

Execute (string, DataParameterArray): Integer  overload

Executes the command with the given name and input parameters and returns the number of affected rows.

function Execute(aCommandName: string; aInputParameters: DataParameterArray): Integer


  • aCommandName: Name of the command that is declared in the schema.
  • aInputParameters: Specified array with input parameters.

Execute (string, DataParameterArray, DataParameterArray): Integer  overload virtual abstract

Executes the command with the given name and input parameters and returns the number of affected rows and output parameters.

function Execute(aCommandName: string; aInputParameters: DataParameterArray; out aOutputParameters: DataParameterArray): Integer


  • aCommandName: Name of the command that is declared in the schema.
  • aInputParameters: Specified array with input parameters.
  • aOutputParameters: Specified array with output parameters.

Execute (string, array of string, array of Variant): Integer  overload

Executes the command with the given name and input parameters and returns the number of affected rows.

function Execute(aCommandName: string; aParamNames: array of string; aParamValues: array of Variant): Integer


  • aCommandName: Name of the command that is declared in the schema.
  • aParamNames: Specified array with input parameter names that will be encoded to UTF8 format.
  • aParamValues: specified array with input parameter values.

Execute (string, array of Variant): Integer  overload

Executes the command with the given input parameters and returns the number of affected rows.

function Execute(aCommandName: string; aParamValues: array of Variant): Integer


  • aCommandName: Name of the command that is declared in the schema.
  • aParamValues: specified array with input parameter values.

Notification  protected override    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure Notification(aComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)


  • aComponent: component
  • Operation: operation

ROFreeNotification    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)


  • aComponent: component

RORemoveFreeNotification    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)


  • aComponent: component

SendRemoveNotification  protected    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)


  • aComponent: component