Command-Line Arguments

Schema Modeler for Windows supports a number of command-line arguments that are mainly used to facilitate opening a schema from an IDE or other tool like the Relativity Admin Tool.

Note that arguments are case-insensetive and can be specified with or without using backslash symbol "/". For example:

DASchemaModeler7.exe /projectname:TestProject /schemafile:C:\TestProject\Test.daSchema /readonly

works just as well as:

DASchemaModeler7.exe projectname:TestProject schemafile:C:\TestProject\Test.daSchema readonly

List of available arguments:

Option Description
/register Associate Schema Modeler with .daSchema files and add it to the Windows registry.
/projectname: Specifies the project name which will be shown in the Schema Modeler window header (in parentheses). It usually used by Visual Studio & Delphi development environment to show the project name.
/schemafile: Sets the schema (.daSchema) file name, that will be opened when Schema Modeler starts.
/connectionsfile: Sets the connections (.daConnection) file name, that will be opened when Schema Modeler starts.
/platform: Specifies the platform name for given schema document. Available values are .NET and Delphi
/autosave Schema will be saved automatically when closing Schema Modeler, without a prompt message.
/schemawizard New Schema wizard will be started just after Schema Modeler opens. After the wizard completes successfully the new schema and connection documents will be loaded in the application.
/relativityclientfile: Modeler will open the Schema from the specified .relativityclient file.
/remoteschemafile: Schema Modeler will open the Schema from the specified .daRemoteSchema file.
/readonly Schema Modeler will be opened in the Read-only mode.