Domain Setup section

The Domain Setup screen presents some options that allow you to control how client applications will log into the server to retrieve that data as well as making it possible to debug your scripts.
- Enable Script Debugging - This enables this script debugger feature of Data Abstract Schema Modeler and ** Server Explorer**.
- Data Login Provider - Here you can configure how your client apps will log in. A breakdown of the available login providers is provided below.
- Developer Login Provider - This is an optional login provider designed to let developers have partial access without giving them full admin privileges. A breakdown of the available login providers is provided below.
- Export Domain Settings - Exports all of the settings for the domain to a file on your file system. The file will have a ".RelativityDomainConfig" extension.
- Save .relativityClient File - saves basic details about the server that can be used by a client application to connect to the server. The file has a ".relativityClient" extension.
A quick breakdown of the available Login Providers that are selectable in the Data Login Provider and Developer Login Provider selection boxes. You can configure the selected provider by pressing the "Configure" button:
The StaticLoginProvider is the simplest of the login providers, and the most useful for admin/developer login, or in the early development phase of your project. It works by simply letting you specify a list of valid usernames and passwords that will be accepted. This is the default login provider for all logins on a freshly installed Relativity Server or a freshly created domain.
The DbTableLoginProvider validates the username and password against a table in your database. It allows you to select a table from your schema, as well as two fields from that table that contain usernames and passwords, respectively. The Login will be verified by selecting from the table, and access will be granted if a row with matching username and password is found.
the DbCommandLoginProvider lets you validate the login against your database, but instead of simply querying a table, it will execute a command defined in your schema. You could implement the command to run a query, execute a stored procedure, or perform more some complex SQL. In order to qualify, the command must take two parameters (username and password) and return a Boolean.
The LdapLoginProvider is the most complex one of the available login provider options. It can be used to connect Relativity to an existing LDAP server in your organization to validate logins. This can be very useful if you want your application to automatically share usernames and passwords with other non-Relativity, non-Data Abstract services in your company. Getting into the details of LDAP would go beyond the scope of this text, but if your organization is using LDAP, your LDAP administrator should be familiar with the required options.
Thew AdminServicesLogin option, available only for the per-domain login providers, simply indicates that rather than using separate logins, the same settings as for the server-wide Admin Login should be used here.