Deploying Relativity on Linux

If you want to run Relativity Server on Linux, then we have you covered. We provide a downloadable version on our website that has been tested to run with Mono and used as a Unix Daemon.


Installing Mono

With so many flavors of Linux available in the world, it would be impossible to cover them all in this document. You should consult the documentation available for your distribution of choice.

However an example of installing the required files on Ubuntu (Desktop or Server versions) would be:

rob@ubuntu:~/Relativity$ sudo apt-get install mono-complete

Type in your password, and then press Y when it asks if you are sure you wish to install the packages.

Running as a Daemon on Linux

If you haven't done it yet, you can download a version of Relativity that we have made available specifically for deploying Relativity to Linux servers using Mono, which includes everything that is required to get up and running.

After you've unpacked the zip file, copy them to your folder of choice.

Below is a list of the files provided in the download:

  • Web Admin GUI:
    • html directory
  • Relativity Server itself:
    • Relativity.exe
    • Relativity.exe.config
    • RemObjects.Relativity.Engine.dll
    • RemObjects.Relativity.UI.dll
  • Remoting SDK and Data Abstract:
    • RemObjects.SDK.dll
    • RemObjects.SDK.Server.dll
    • RemObjects.SDK.Server.AWS.dll
    • RemObjects.SDK.ZeroConf.dll
    • RemObjects.DataAbstract.dll
    • RemObjects.DataAbstract.Server.dll
    • RemObjects.DataAbstract.Scripting.dll
    • RemObjects.DataAbstract.Scripting.RemoteDebugger.dll
    • RemObjects.Script.dll
    • DataAbstract.daConfig
  • AWS SDK:
    • AWSSDK.Core.dll
    • AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2.dll
    • AWSSDK.S3.dll
  • SQLite.NET driver:
    • System.Data.SQLite.DLL
  • FirebirdSQL driver:
    • FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.dll
  • PostgreSQL driver:
    • Npgsql.dll
    • System.Buffers.dll
    • System.Memory.dll
    • System.Numerics.Vectors.dll
    • System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
    • System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll
    • System.ValueTuple.dll

To start Relativity as a background service, open Terminal or SSH into the Machine and cd into the directory you copied Relativity too, then type the following command: (You could also set this to automatically start using launchd)

sudo mono-service2 Relativity.exe

To stop the Relativity service you need to issue the following on the command line:

sudo kill `sudo cat /tmp/Relativity.exe.lock`

Administrating the deployed Relativity

To administrate the Relativity Server instance you need to use either the Mac Server Explorer application, the Windows Relativity Admin Tool or the web interface which is accessible from any platform.

However if you are running a distribution of Linux with a Desktop you can use Mono to run the Windows based Relativity Admin Tool locally.

To do this you need to copy the following files to Linux; which if you copied the whole ...\Relativity\bin\ directory then you will already have then:

  • RelativityAdminTool.exe
  • RemObjects.SDK.dll
  • RemObjects.SDK.ZeroConf.dll

To run it simply use the following in a Terminal

rob@ubuntu:~/Relativity$ mono RelativityAdminTool.exe

Click on the + icon and a dialog will appear into which you type in the address of the server into the address field, for instance , and then enter the administrator login credentials as normal.