

Class Notes
AccessMacroProcessor This class is used to convert Data Abstract macros to the Microsoft Access format.
BaseConnection The BaseConnection class implements the IAbstractConnection interface. Instances of this class are returned by the ConnectionManager component and are used by Data Abstract to access the underlying database without need to perform direct calls to the...
BaseLoginService Provides the base for the SimpleLoginService and MultiDbLoginService service classes used by the Login templates.
BusinessProcessor When a Data Abstract service UpdateData method is called, each of the deltas sent by the client are handed to a specific Business Processor (either auto created or explicitly dropped on the service at design time),...
ColumnSorting The ColumnSorting class represents information about sorting data in the result data set.
ConfigConstants The ConfigConstants static helper class holds strings required for the manipulation of configuration files.
Configuration Contains information about all known ADO.NET providers and database providers with which Data Abstract for .NET can work.
ConfigurationAccess The ConfigurationAccess helper class contains methods to load a .daConfig configuration from a resource. These methods are used internally by the Configuration class and should not be used separately.
ConnectionConstants The ConnectionConstants static auxiliary class allows to create default filenames or get constant extensions for connection files.
ConnectionDefinition Stores information about a Data Abstract connection and administers the related connection pool in behalf of a ConnectionManager.
ConnectionDefinitionCollection A strongly typed NamedObjectCollection descendant that handles ConnectionDefinition elements.
ConnectionManager Includes the functionality required to handle a list of database connection definitions, instantiate actual connections and determine pooling settings.
ConnectionPool The ConnectionPool class is a CustomObjectPool pool implementation that handles IAbstractConnection instances. This is one of the core components of the ConnectionManager infrastructure that provides database connection management services to the Data...
ConnectionStringParser The ConnectionStringParser static helper class provides methods to generate a connection string depending on database options and to parse it.
DataAbstractService This is the base class of all standard Data Abstract services.
DatabaseProfile DatabaseProfile is a class that stores the database profile known to the server application.
DataParameter Stores a name/value pair.
DataParameter_Activator DataParameter_Activator creates instances of the DataParameter class. This class is used internally by TypeManager to create an instance of DataParameter whenever this class is being transferred between server and client.
DataProviderInfo DataProviderInfo is a class that stores information about ADO.NET providers known to the server application.
DBISAMMacroProcessor The DBISAMMacroProcessor class produces macro substitutions that are compatible with the DBISAM SQL dialect. The DBISAMMacroProcessor class allows you to create DBISAM SQL queries without the need to know the DBISAM SQL dialect.
DefaultSqlMacroProcessor DefaultSqlMacroProcessor is an "empty" macro processor which is assigned to the DatabaseProfile when no macro processor is defined in the driver profile configuration. This macro processor is used by Data Abstract if the backend database does not support macros. All its methods return an empty string.
ElevateDBMacroProcessor The ElevateDBMacroProcessor class provides ElevateDB SQL specific definitions for SQL functions defined in the SqlMacroProcessor class.
Engine The Engine static class is used by the Data Abstract server infrastructure to store link t one of its core objects - the ConnectionManager instance. This class also provides methods used by local data adapters to acquire and release data service instances...
FirebirdMacroProcessor The FirebirdMacroProcessor class provides Firebird SQL-specific definitions for SQL functions defined in the SqlMacroProcessor class.
InterbaseMacroProcessor The InterbaseMacroProcessor class is used to convert Data Abstract macros to InterBase\Firebird format.
JavaScriptHttpDispatcher The JavaScriptHttpDispatcher class provides very easy way to add Remoting SDK for JavaScript and Data Abstract support to the Data Abstract server application.
LoginStringParser The LoginStringParser class allows to parse semicolon-separated login strings. The main difference
MSSQL2005MacroProcessor The MSSQL2005MacroProcessor class provides MS SQL 2005 specific definitions for SQL functions defined in the SqlMacroProcessor class.
MSSQL2008MacroProcessor The MSSQL2008MacroProcessor class provides MS SQL 2008 specific definitions for SQL functions defined in the SqlMacroProcessor class.
MSSQL2012MacroProcessor The MSSQL2012MacroProcessor class provides MS SQL 2012 specific definitions for SQL functions defined in the SqlMacroProcessor class.
MSSQLMacroProcessor The MSSQLMacroProcessor class provides MS SQL specific definitions for SQL functions defined in the SqlMacroProcessor class.
MultiDbLoginService Provides the base implementation for the LoginService created by the MultiDB Login templates.
MultiDbLoginServiceV5 This class implements the MultiDbLoginServiceV5 service defined in the DataAbstract for .NET framework. The MultiDbLoginServiceV5 class extends the MultiDbLoginService by adding several methods that allow to get information about database connections...
MySQLMacroProcessor The MySQLMacroProcessor class provides MySQL SQL specific definitions for SQL functions defined in the SqlMacroProcessor class.
NexusDBMacroProcessor The NexusDBMacroProcessor class provides NexusDB SQL specific definitions for SQL functions defined in the SqlMacroProcessor class.
ODataSchemaDispatcher The ODATA (see OData Publishing) Schema Dispatcher is a class that exposes a Data Abstract service as an OData provider. OData is an open specification with standardized ways of accessing, updating...
OracleMacroProcessor The OracleMacroProcessor class is used to convert Data Abstract macros defined in the Schema statement to Oracle format.
ParamMapping The ParamMapping class is used to create mapping between ADO.NET command parameters and DeltaChange values. This mapping is establiched when a DeltaChange instance containining pending database changes is processed by the Data Abstract server.
PostgreSQLMacroProcessor The PostgreSQLMacroProcessor class is used to convert Data Abstract macros defined in the Schema statement to PostgreSQL format.
ProfileMapping The ProfileMapping class is used by the DatabaseProfile class to store mappings between database profile(s) that are known by the current DatabaseProfile instance and database driver(s) loaded by the Data Abstract engine.
ResourceAccess The ResourceAccess class contains methods to retrieve resources from assemblies by name and extension.
RestSchemaDispatcher Main class to enable REST support in an Remoting SDK capable Http server class.
SchemaAccess The SchemaAccess class is used internally by Data Abstract for retrieving schemas by their alias names. Depending on the method, a schema can be searched for in an assembly, an assembly specified as input parameter or in the schema cache of the SchemaAccess class.
SchemaConstants The SchemaConstants class contains constants that define the DataAbstract infrastructure parameters for Schemas.
ScriptContext The ScriptContext class is used inside Data Abstract and implements the IScriptContext, IScriptSession and IServerScriptContext interfaces.
SimpleDataAbstractService SimpleDataAbstractService is a sub class of the DataAbstractService that simplifies data access for use from foreign platforms, like javascript or php. Instead of using a streamer it wraps all the data in an array of SimpleDataResult. It also simplifies...
SimpleDataParameter SimpleDataParameter is used for storing information about parameter such Name, Type, Value.
SimpleDataResult SimpleDataResult is a Remoting SDK structure that contains the result of an SQL or plain Data request.
SimpleDelta Simple delta contains a set of changes for a single table.
SimpleDeltaChange This structure contains the new & old values of a row when sending updates to the server and when returning the changes.
SimpleFieldInfo Structure to hold information about the structure of a field in a table.
SimpleLoginService Provides the base implementation for the LoginService created by the MultiDB Login templates.
SimpleRequestInfo SimpleRequestInfo is used for requests to a DataAbstract server with the SimpleGetData call as an alternative to the GetData call. The simple version is callable from xml-rpc and json servers and doesn't require specialized serializers.
SqlGenerator The SqlGenerator class provides methods to generate SQL SELECT statements and command execution SQL statements based on the information about data table name, it's fields, etc.
SQLiteMacroProcessor The SQLiteMacroProcessor class provides SQLite SQL specific definitions for SQL functions defined in the SqlMacroProcessor class.
SqlMacroProcessor The SqlMacroProcessor provides the base for classes that can process macros in SQL queries for different databases. It is part of the Macro Processor conception.
SybaseAdvantageMacroProcessor The SybaseAdvantageMacroProcessor class provides Sybase Advantage SQL specific definitions for SQL functions defined in the SqlMacroProcessor class.
TableRequestInfo TableRequestInfo allows you to specify additional parameters for querying certain schema tables.
TableRequestInfoV5 As well as TableRequestInfo, TableRequestInfoV5 class allows to specify additional custom parameters for getting data from certain schema table.
TableRequestInfoV6 As well as TableRequestInfo, TableRequestInfoV6 class allows to specify additional custom parameters for getting data from certain schema table.
TableRequestInfoV7 As well as TableRequestInfo, TableRequestInfoV7 class allows to specify additional custom parameters for getting data from certain schema table.
UserInfo The UserInfo class can be used to provide additional information about user being authenticating back to the client application. For example SimpleLoginService method return an instance of this class as an out parameter. However Authentication and Login infrastructure of Data Abstract doesn't enforce use of the UserInfo class. It is even possible to define own structures of similar purpose or to not use it at all.
WhereParser The WhereParser class creates new WhereExpression instances based on the provided strings.


Interface Notes
IAbstractConnection Data Abstract allows uniform use of connections established using different ADO.NET providers through the use of the IAbstractConnection interface.
IBaseLoginService The IBaseLoginService is used for user authentication.
IDataAbstractService The IDataAbstractService interface provides methods that clients can use to read data stored in a database, to apply updates, execute commands and more.
IMultiDbLoginService The IMultiDbLoginService interface represents a Remoting SDK service that can be used to perform user authentication. Unlike the ISimpleLoginService interface, a parameter is provided to specify the database connection name thus allowing to connect to...
ISimpleDataAbstractService ISimpleDataAbstractService is a descendant of the IDataAbstractService that simplifies data access for use from foreign platforms, like javascript or php. Instead of using a streamer it wraps all the data in an array of SimpleDataResult. It also simplifies the requests by allowing sql to be passed in the SimpleRequestInfo...
ISimpleLoginService The ISimpleLoginService interface represents a Remoting SDK service that can be used to perform user authentication.


Enum Notes
ColumnSortDirection The ColumnSortDirection enumeration describes the decired sort direction in an data query request retrieved via the OData data access interface. In most cases there is no need to anyhow access values of this type directly...
ConnectionStatus The ConnectionStatus enumeration is used to denote the current connection status in the DataService's BeforeAcquireConnection, AfterAcquireConnection, BeforeReleaseConnection, AfterReleaseConnection event handlers. These events provide a ConnectionOperationEventArgs...
FieldSelection The FieldSelection enumeration denotes the set of database table fields that should be included into the SELECT statement generated by the SqlGenerator.
ParameterHandling The ParameterHandling enumeration denotes how ADO.NET command parameters are handled by the database driver.
ParamMappingType The ParamMappingType enumeration is used in the Business Processors to denote source of the parameter value.
PoolTransactionBehaviour The PoolTransactionBehaviour enumeration describes desired ConnectionManager action when the server attempts to release connection that is still in transaction (ie connection assotiated with not closed transation).
ScriptExceptionType The ScriptExceptionType enumeration defines different kinds of exceptions occurind when Business Rules Scripting API scripts are run. When a ScriptException exception information is sent back from the server client application can check kind of exception occured to properly handle the exception.
SimpleDataMode The SimpleDataMode enumeration designates kind of changes contained in the SimpleDeltaChange class instance. Instances of the SimpleDeltaChange class are used internally by the Data Abstract to store information about change data requests acquired...
SimpleDataType The SimpleDataType enumeration designates value data type. Values of this type are used internally by the Data Abstract to store information about change data types while processing data requests made via OData or REST...
TransactionStatus The TransactionStatus enumeration is used to denote the exact transaction status in the DataService's BeforeBeginTransaction, AfterBeginTransaction, BeforeCommitTransaction, AfterCommitTransaction,BeforeRollBackTransaction and AfterRollBackTransaction event handlers. All those events provide a TransactionOperationEventArgs...
UpdateMode The UpdateMode enumeration describes how the data row to be updated or deleted is located in the underlying database. This parameter canbe set for every table in the server Schema individually via properties of the corresponding Business Processor...


Exception Notes
DAConfigurationException DAConfigurationException class represents errors that can be raised during reading & parsing configuration xml file (DataAbstract.daConfig). If you got that kind of exception then it means that configuration file has...
ODataException ODataException is the default exception that occurs when an error occurs while parsing an ODATA request (see OData Publishing). It's generally throws for invalid input or when the ODataSchemaDispatcher isn't setup properly.
ScriptException ScriptException is the class for EcmaScript exceptions.

