

Class Notes
BaseCommand The BaseCommand class is the ancestor class for the LocalCommand and RemoteCommand child classes. This class represents the various versions of the Execute method, which is used to execute specified commands that come from the client, in the child...
BaseDataAdapter The BaseDataAdapter is a base class for all data adapters (both Local Data Adapters and Remote Data Adapters) available in the Data Abstract for .NET. This class doesn't...
Bin2DataStreamer Bin2DataStreamer implements a data streamer that uses a proprietary binary format for streaming data across the network. This format is compatible with the Delphi version of Data Abstract.
Bin2ElementInfo The Bin2ElementInfo class, derived from the StreamElementInfo class, represents a data element serialized in binary format. It is used to represent raw data stream content as a list of structure units described with a name, a type (either delta or table)...
Briefcase The Briefcase class provides basic support for persisting data used by client applications as a so called Briefcase file locally in the file system (f.e. to cache data between restarts of the application, or to avoid having to reload large portions...
DataAdapter The DataAdapter abstract vase class is one of the core classes in the DataAbstract for .NET infrastructure. This class provides client-side access to a set of data tables published on the server.
DataForAppend DataForAppend is a class which holds information about the table schema and data fields. It is used internally by the Streamers to write table data into the stream.
DataRequestRequest DataRequestRequest is used by Data Abstract to request data from the server without requiring an _Intf file to invoke it. This class makes use of the Remoting SDK's Dynamic Request support.
DataSetUtils DatasetUtils is a static class which provides helper methods for working with DataTable. This class is used internally by the Streamers to manage data tables.
DataStreamer This provides the abstract base class streamers for serialization and deserialization of deltas and data in Data Abstract.
DataUpdateRequest DataRequestUpdate is used by Data Abstract to update data on the server without requiring an _Intf file to invoke it. This class makes use of the Remoting SDK's Dynamic Request support.
Delta The Delta class contains a collection of DeltaChange items.
DeltaChange The DeltaChange class represents a single changes row within a Delta. This class is used by Data Abstract to store a row that has been removed, added or modified.
DesigntimeConsts DesigntimeConsts is a static class that holds string constants for design time attributes. It is used internally in Data Abstract classes to specify assembly names for attributes, such as Converter or Designer.
FileBriefcase The FileBriefcase class provides support for persisting client data stored in a file and placed somewhere in the file system of the client. It can be useful in different scenarios, for example:
FolderBriefcase The FolderBriefcase class provides support for persisting client data stored in a folder and placed somewhere in the file system of the client. It can be useful in different scenarios, for example:
JsonDataStreamer The JsonDataStreamer class provides the streamer for serialization and deserialization of deltas and data in Data Abstract and uses an easily parsable JSON format.
JsonElementInfo The JsonElementInfo class is derived from the StreamElementInfo class
LocalCommand The LocalCommand class provides the ability to dynamically invoke a Command from the server's Schema.
LocalDataAdapter The LocalDataAdapter class allows to access Data Abstract service within the server application itself. It provides all the logic for retrieving data, applying changes (Deltas) back to the database server and handling any other data-related communications...
PoweredByButton Let the world know that you use RemObjects Data Abstract technology by adding this button to your application's About Box.
ReconcileDialog This class represents the dialog form that is used whenever one or more changes failed to be applied on the server.
RemoteCommand Provides the ability to dynamically invoke a Command from the server's Schema.
RemoteCommandRequest RemoteCommandRequest is used by Data Abstract to invoke a Delta Command on the server without requiring an _Intf file to invoke it. This class makes use of the Remoting SDK's Dynamic Request...
RemoteDataAdapter Represents client-side access to a set of data tables published on the server.
RemoteDataAdapterRequest The RemoteDataAdapterRequest class expands DynamicRequest for Data Abstract-specific calls done from within the RemoteDataAdapter.
SchemaConsts The SchemaConsts static class contains string constants that are used as names for ExtendedProperties of data columns and data tables. Data Abstract for .NET uses ExtendedProperties to store additional Schema information when the DataSet structure...
SchemaRequest SchemaRequest is used by Data Abstract to request the schema for a Data Abstract service from the server without requiring an _Intf file to invoke it. This class makes use of the Remoting SDK DynamicRequest support.
StreamElementInfo The StreamElementInfo class is a base abstract class that represents a serializer/deserializer for the DataStreamer-specific data stream format.


Interface Notes
IRowHelper The IRowHelper interface provides properties to access a data row content and to monitor its changes. Classes implementing this interface are used by Business Rules Scripting API to provide access to the data...
IScriptContext The IScriptContext interface represents script context information provider
IScriptDebugger The IScriptDebugger interface represents debugger that can be attached to the Business Rules Scripting API.
IScriptDebuggerStackFrame The IScriptDebuggerVariable interface represents script variable. This interface is used to separate the debugger variable object implementation from its definition.
IScriptDebuggerState The IScriptDebuggerState interface represents current state of a Remote Script Debugger instance. This interface is used to separate the debugger state object implementation from its definition.
IScriptDebuggerVariable The IScriptDebuggerVariable interface represents script variable. This interface is used to separate the debugger variable object implementation from its definition.
IScriptDebugProvider The IScriptDebugProvider interface represents an object that is able to provide information needed for the script debuggger. This interface is implemented by the EcmaScriptProvider class.
IScriptProvider The IScriptProvider interface provides access to functionality required to execute the Business Rules Scripting scripts. This interface exposes a set of properties and event handlers that are used by the Data Abstract...
IScriptSession The IScriptSession interface represents Session object provided to the Business Rules Scripting engine.
IServerScriptContext The IServerScriptContext interface provides access to Data Abstract server-secific information like defined connection strings etc. This information is used by the Business Rules Scripting engine to provide such...


Enum Notes
ChangeStatus The ChangeStatus enumeration represents current status of the DeltaChange. When data updates are processed by the Data Abstract DeltaChange instances being sent to the server have status set to Pending. After processing these changes server each DeltaChange...
ChangeType The ChangeType enumeration designates kind of changes contained in the DeltaChange instance.
DataAdapterStatus The DataAdapterStatus enum describes current status of the Data Adapter instance. In most cases there is no need to directly access values of this type.
FailureBehavior Values of the FailureBehavior enumeration type are used by Data Adapters to define how data update errors occured on the remote server should be handled on the client side.
ScriptDebugMode The ScriptDebugMode enumeration denotes the current script debugger mode. Values of this type are exposed via the IScriptDebugProvider interface.
StreamElementType The StreamElementType enumeration is used internally by data streamer to determine the type of the data element inside the stream. Data stream can hold serialized tables, their deltas or both of them. And given enumeration is...
StreamerInitialization The StreamerInitialization enumeration defines data streamer operation mode. Value of this type is provided on the data streamer instance intialization to define set of possible data streamer operations...
StreamType The StreamType enumeration describes the way used to store data in the given Data Stream.


Exception Notes
DACommunicationException Exceptions of the type DACommunicationException are raised by the RemoteDataAdapter and RemoteCommand classes when the remote request's parameters are misconfigured, for example when DataRequestCall is not defined (see Remote Data Adapters...
DAException The DAException class is a base class for all Data Abstract exceptions.
DASchemaException The DASchemaException class represents errors that have occured in the schema of the DA application.
DAUpdatesFailedException The DAUpdatesFailedException class represents exceptions that are raised during the execution of updates on the client side. Exceptions of the type DAUpdatesFailedException are raised by DataAdapter and LinqDataAdapter descendants when there is a failure...
DAWhereParseJsonException The DAWhereParseJsonException class represents an exception that is raised when Data Abstract cannot deserialize provided Json document as a Dynamic Where expression.
DAWhereParseXmlException The DAWhereParseXmlException class represents an exception that is raised when Data Abstract cannot deserialize provided Xml document as a Dynamic Where expression.

