

The IScriptProvider interface provides access to functionality required to execute the Business Rules Scripting scripts. This interface exposes a set of properties and event handlers that are used by the Data Abstract for .NET to call appropriate event handlers defined in the Business Rules Scripting scripts.

The IScriptProvider interface is implemented by the EcmaScriptProvider class.




This method is called after a transaction (set of insert/update/delete operations) has been committed.


method AfterCommit


void AfterCommit()


Sub AfterCommit()


This method is called after an sql command is executed.


method AfterExecuteCommand(sql: String; commandName: String; parameters: array of DataParameter; rowsAffected: Int32)


void AfterExecuteCommand(String sql, String commandName, DataParameter[] parameters, Int32 rowsAffected)


Sub AfterExecuteCommand(sql As String, commandName As String, parameters As DataParameter(), rowsAffected As Int32)


  • sql: Executed command SQL statement
  • commandName: Executed command name
  • parameters: Set of command parameters
  • rowsAffected: Number of rows affected by the command execution


This method is called after data is retireved from database.


method AfterGetData(tables: array of String; requestInfo: array of TableRequestInfo)


void AfterGetData(String[] tables, TableRequestInfo[] requestInfo)


Sub AfterGetData(tables As String(), requestInfo As TableRequestInfo())


  • tables: Table names
  • requestInfo: Corresponding TableRequestInfo instances. These instances contain additional request parameters


This method is called after the user has logged in.

Relativity Server only.


method AfterLogin


void AfterLogin()


Sub AfterLogin()


This method is called on database updates, after processing of each Delta instance


method AfterProcessDelta(delta: Delta)


void AfterProcessDelta(Delta delta)


Sub AfterProcessDelta(delta As Delta)


  • delta: Processed Delta instance


This method is called on database updates, after processing of each DeltaChange instance.


method AfterProcessDeltaChange(delta: Delta; change: DeltaChange; refreshed: Boolean)


void AfterProcessDeltaChange(Delta delta, DeltaChange change, Boolean refreshed)


Sub AfterProcessDeltaChange(delta As Delta, change As DeltaChange, refreshed As Boolean)


  • delta: Processed Delta instance
  • change: Processed DeltaChange instance
  • refreshed: Flag indicating wheter the data was re-read from the database server after update. This operation is required to obtain values of server-calculated fields


This method if called after a transactions is rolled back (canceled).


method AfterRollback


void AfterRollback()


Sub AfterRollback()


This method is called before a transaction is committed.


method BeforeCommit


void BeforeCommit()


Sub BeforeCommit()


This method is called when a data row is going to be deleted.


method BeforeDelete(row: IRowHelper)


void BeforeDelete(IRowHelper row)


Sub BeforeDelete(row As IRowHelper)


  • row: Data row being deleted


This method is called before an sql command is executed.


method BeforeExecuteCommand(sql: String; commandName: String; parameters: array of DataParameter)


void BeforeExecuteCommand(String sql, String commandName, DataParameter[] parameters)


Sub BeforeExecuteCommand(sql As String, commandName As String, parameters As DataParameter())


  • sql: Command SQL statement
  • commandName: Command name
  • parameters: Set of command parameters


This method is called before data is retireved from database.


method BeforeGetData(tables: array of String; requestInfo: array of TableRequestInfo)


void BeforeGetData(String[] tables, TableRequestInfo[] requestInfo)


Sub BeforeGetData(tables As String(), requestInfo As TableRequestInfo())


  • tables: Table names
  • requestInfo: Corresponding TableRequestInfo instances. These instances contain additional request parameters


This method is called before the user has logged out.

Relativity Server only.


method BeforeLogout


void BeforeLogout()


Sub BeforeLogout()


This method is called when a data row is going to be updated.


method BeforePost(row: IRowHelper)


void BeforePost(IRowHelper row)


Sub BeforePost(row As IRowHelper)


  • row: Data row being updated


This method is called on database updates, before processing of each Delta instance.


method BeforeProcessDelta(delta: Delta)


void BeforeProcessDelta(Delta delta)


Sub BeforeProcessDelta(delta As Delta)


  • delta: Delta instance to process


This method is called on database updates, before processing of each DeltaChange instance.


method BeforeProcessDeltaChange(delta: Delta; change: DeltaChange; refreshed: Boolean; var canRemove: Boolean)


void BeforeProcessDeltaChange(Delta delta, DeltaChange change, Boolean refreshed, ref Boolean canRemove)


Sub BeforeProcessDeltaChange(delta As Delta, change As DeltaChange, refreshed As Boolean, ByRef canRemove As Boolean)


  • delta: Delta instance to process
  • change: DeltaChange instance to process
  • refreshed: Reserved
  • canRemove: Flag indicating wheter the current deltachange can be removed from its parent Delta after is is successfully processed


This method is called before a transaction is rolled back (canceled).


method BeforeRollback


void BeforeRollback()


Sub BeforeRollback()


Clears all internal caches of the script provide and resets its state.


method Clear


void Clear()


Sub Clear()


Clears the script cache.

For performance reasons Script Provider caches precompiled scripts for Schema entities. Is the server Schema is changed then this cache should be cleared to avoind possible inconsistencies.


method ClearScriptCache


void ClearScriptCache()


Sub ClearScriptCache()


Gets or sets the current script provider context.


property Context: IScriptContext read write;


IScriptContext Context { get; set; }


Property Context() As IScriptContext

Continue    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Continues script execution after it has been paused.


method Continue


void Continue()


Sub Continue()


This method is called when a new transaction is created to fetch or update records.


method CreateTransaction


void CreateTransaction()


Sub CreateTransaction()


Gets or seta a flag indicating whether script is executed in Debug mode.


property Debug: Boolean read write;


Boolean Debug { get; set; }


Property Debug() As Boolean

DebugFrameEnter    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

This event is raised when new script scope (for example script method) is entered.


event DebugFrameEnter: EventHandler<ScriptFrameEnterEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptFrameEnterEventArgs> DebugFrameEnter()


Event DebugFrameEnter As EventHandler<ScriptFrameEnterEventArgs>

DebugFrameExit    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

This event is raised when current script scope (for example script method) is exited.


event DebugFrameExit: EventHandler<ScriptFrameExitEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptFrameExitEventArgs> DebugFrameExit()


Event DebugFrameExit As EventHandler<ScriptFrameExitEventArgs>

DebugLog    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

This event is raised when the script method log is executed.


event DebugLog: EventHandler<ScriptLogEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptLogEventArgs> DebugLog()


Event DebugLog As EventHandler<ScriptLogEventArgs>

DebugMode    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Gets or sets the current debugger mode. Available debug modes are

{| class="dashed-table" style="width: 100%" ! style="width: 30% " |

Debug Mode
! style="width: 70% " |
|- | None | No debug info is provided. This is the recommended mode for production servers due to its performance. |- | Continuous | Full debug info is generated. Script execution performance is degraded significantly. Script execution pauses only on the stop keyword or when an unhandled exception occurrs. |- | Step By Step | Script execution pauses after each script line execution. |- |}


property DebugMode: ScriptDebugMode read write;


ScriptDebugMode DebugMode { get; set; }


Property DebugMode() As ScriptDebugMode

DebugTracePoint    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

This event is raised on every script line execution.


event DebugTracePoint: EventHandler<ScriptTracePointEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptTracePointEventArgs> DebugTracePoint()


Event DebugTracePoint As EventHandler<ScriptTracePointEventArgs>

DebugUnhandledException    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

This event is raised when an unhandled exception occurs during the script execution.


event DebugUnhandledException: EventHandler<ScriptUnhandledExceptionEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptUnhandledExceptionEventArgs> DebugUnhandledException()


Event DebugUnhandledException As EventHandler<ScriptUnhandledExceptionEventArgs>




method DoLogin(parameters: IDictionary): Boolean


Boolean DoLogin(IDictionary parameters)


Function DoLogin(parameters As IDictionary) As Boolean


  • parameters: Reserved




method DoLogout


void DoLogout()


Sub DoLogout()


Returns true if the AfterCommit script function is defined.


property HasAfterCommit: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterCommit { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterCommit() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterExecuteCommand script function is defined.


property HasAfterExecuteCommand: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterExecuteCommand { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterExecuteCommand() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterGetData script function is defined.


property HasAfterGetData: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterGetData { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterGetData() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterLogin script function is defined.


property HasAfterLogin: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterLogin { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterLogin() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterProcessDelta script function is defined.


property HasAfterProcessDelta: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterProcessDelta { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterProcessDelta() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterProcessDeltaChange script function is defined.


property HasAfterProcessDeltaChange: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterProcessDeltaChange { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterProcessDeltaChange() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterRollback script function is defined.


property HasAfterRollback: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterRollback { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterRollback() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeCommit script function is defined.


property HasBeforeCommit: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeCommit { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeCommit() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeDelete script function is defined for the Schema table tableName.


property HasBeforeDelete[tableName: String]: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeDelete[String tableName] { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeDelete(tableName As String) As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeExecuteCommand script function is defined.


property HasBeforeExecuteCommand: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeExecuteCommand { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeExecuteCommand() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeGetData script function is defined.


property HasBeforeGetData: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeGetData { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeGetData() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeLogout script function is defined.


property HasBeforeLogout: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeLogout { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeLogout() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforePost script function is defined for the Schema table tableName.


property HasBeforePost[tableName: String]: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforePost[String tableName] { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforePost(tableName As String) As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeProcessDelta script function is defined.


property HasBeforeProcessDelta: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeProcessDelta { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeProcessDelta() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeProcessDeltaChange script function is defined.


property HasBeforeProcessDeltaChange: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeProcessDeltaChange { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeProcessDeltaChange() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeRollback script function is defined.


property HasBeforeRollback: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeRollback { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeRollback() As Boolean


Returns true if the CreateTransaction script function is defined.


property HasCreateTransaction: Boolean read;


Boolean HasCreateTransaction { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasCreateTransaction() As Boolean




property HasDoLogin: Boolean read;


Boolean HasDoLogin { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasDoLogin() As Boolean




property HasDoLogout: Boolean read;


Boolean HasDoLogout { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasDoLogout() As Boolean


Returns true if the OnNewRow script function is defined for the Schema table tableName.


property HasOnNewRow[tableName: String]: Boolean read;


Boolean HasOnNewRow[String tableName] { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasOnNewRow(tableName As String) As Boolean


Returns true if the ProcessError script function is defined.


property HasProcessError: Boolean read;


Boolean HasProcessError { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasProcessError() As Boolean


Returns true if the onUnknownSqlMacroIdentifier script function is defined.


property HasUnknownSqlMacroIdentifier: Boolean read;


Boolean HasUnknownSqlMacroIdentifier { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasUnknownSqlMacroIdentifier() As Boolean


Returns true if the ValidateCommandAccess script function is defined.


property HasValidateCommandAccess: Boolean read;


Boolean HasValidateCommandAccess { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasValidateCommandAccess() As Boolean


Returns true if the ValidateDataTableAccess script function is defined.


property HasValidateDataTableAccess: Boolean read;


Boolean HasValidateDataTableAccess { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasValidateDataTableAccess() As Boolean


Returns true if the ValidateDirectSQLAccess script function is defined.


property HasValidateDirectSQLAccess: Boolean read;


Boolean HasValidateDirectSQLAccess { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasValidateDirectSQLAccess() As Boolean


Loads and precompiles provided script source.


method LoadScript(script: String)


void LoadScript(String script)


Sub LoadScript(script As String)


  • script: Script source code


Called when creating new rows. Can be used to pre-initialize new records data.


method OnNewRow(row: IRowHelper)


void OnNewRow(IRowHelper row)


Sub OnNewRow(row As IRowHelper)


  • row: New data row


This method is called when an error occurs during applying data changes to the database.

This method should return either the current value of the canContinue argument or false to break the Delta processing and roll back the transaction.


method ProcessError(delta: Delta; change: DeltaChange; var canContinue: Boolean; var error: Exception)


void ProcessError(Delta delta, DeltaChange change, ref Boolean canContinue, ref Exception error)


Sub ProcessError(delta As Delta, change As DeltaChange, ByRef canContinue As Boolean, ByRef error As Exception)


  • delta: Delta instance containing failed data change
  • change: DeltaChange instance that cannot be applied to the database
  • canContinue: Flag indicating wthether Data Abstract should process other DeltaChange instances instead of rolling back the transaction immediately
  • error: Exception raised by the data change attempt


Gets or sets current script name.

Script name is used by the Script Debugger to identify the script source.


property ScriptName: String read write;


String ScriptName { get; set; }


Property ScriptName() As String

StepInto    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Steps into a method.


method StepInto


void StepInto()


Sub StepInto()

StepOut    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Steps out from the current script method. Script execution will be paused again after workflow exit from the current script.


method StepOut


void StepOut()


Sub StepOut()

StepOver    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Steps over the current script line.


method StepOver


void StepOver()


Sub StepOver()

Stop    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Breaks script execution.


method Stop


void Stop()


Sub Stop()


Returns true if provided language is supported by the current Script Provider.


method SupportsLanguage(languageName: String): Boolean


Boolean SupportsLanguage(String languageName)


Function SupportsLanguage(languageName As String) As Boolean


  • languageName: Script language name


This method is called when an unknown macro is found in the SQL statement processed by Data Abstract.


method UnknownSqlMacroIdentifier(identifier: String; var value: String)


void UnknownSqlMacroIdentifier(String identifier, ref String value)


Sub UnknownSqlMacroIdentifier(identifier As String, ByRef value As String)


  • identifier: Macro identifier
  • value: Macro value


This method is called before a SQL command is executed.

Returns true if command execution is allowed.


method ValidateCommandAccess(commandName: String; parameterNames: array of String; parameterValues: array of Object; var isAllowed: Boolean)


void ValidateCommandAccess(String commandName, String[] parameterNames, Object[] parameterValues, ref Boolean isAllowed)


Sub ValidateCommandAccess(commandName As String, parameterNames As String(), parameterValues As Object(), ByRef isAllowed As Boolean)


  • commandName: Command name
  • parameterNames: Command parameter names
  • parameterValues: Command parameter values
  • isAllowed: Flag indicating whether command execution is allowed


This method is called when data request is validated.

Returns true if access to the data table is allowed.


method ValidateDataTableAccess(tableName: String; parameterNames: array of String; parameterValues: array of Object; var isAllowed: Boolean)


void ValidateDataTableAccess(String tableName, String[] parameterNames, Object[] parameterValues, ref Boolean isAllowed)


Sub ValidateDataTableAccess(tableName As String, parameterNames As String(), parameterValues As Object(), ByRef isAllowed As Boolean)


  • tableName: Table name
  • parameterNames: Command parameter names
  • parameterValues: Command parameter values
  • isAllowed: Flag indicating whether data access is allowed


This method is called when a raw SQL statement sent by client application is executed.


method ValidateDirectSQLAccess(sql: String; parameterNames: array of String; parameterValues: array of Object; var isAllowed: Boolean)


void ValidateDirectSQLAccess(String sql, String[] parameterNames, Object[] parameterValues, ref Boolean isAllowed)


Sub ValidateDirectSQLAccess(sql As String, parameterNames As String(), parameterValues As Object(), ByRef isAllowed As Boolean)


  • sql: SQL statement
  • parameterNames: Command parameter names
  • parameterValues: Command parameter values
  • isAllowed: Flag indicating whether SQL statement execution is allowed



Gets or sets the current script provider context.


property Context: IScriptContext read write;


IScriptContext Context { get; set; }


Property Context() As IScriptContext


Gets or seta a flag indicating whether script is executed in Debug mode.


property Debug: Boolean read write;


Boolean Debug { get; set; }


Property Debug() As Boolean

DebugMode    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Gets or sets the current debugger mode. Available debug modes are

{| class="dashed-table" style="width: 100%" ! style="width: 30% " |

Debug Mode
! style="width: 70% " |
|- | None | No debug info is provided. This is the recommended mode for production servers due to its performance. |- | Continuous | Full debug info is generated. Script execution performance is degraded significantly. Script execution pauses only on the stop keyword or when an unhandled exception occurrs. |- | Step By Step | Script execution pauses after each script line execution. |- |}


property DebugMode: ScriptDebugMode read write;


ScriptDebugMode DebugMode { get; set; }


Property DebugMode() As ScriptDebugMode


Returns true if the AfterCommit script function is defined.


property HasAfterCommit: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterCommit { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterCommit() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterExecuteCommand script function is defined.


property HasAfterExecuteCommand: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterExecuteCommand { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterExecuteCommand() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterGetData script function is defined.


property HasAfterGetData: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterGetData { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterGetData() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterLogin script function is defined.


property HasAfterLogin: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterLogin { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterLogin() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterProcessDelta script function is defined.


property HasAfterProcessDelta: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterProcessDelta { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterProcessDelta() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterProcessDeltaChange script function is defined.


property HasAfterProcessDeltaChange: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterProcessDeltaChange { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterProcessDeltaChange() As Boolean


Returns true if the AfterRollback script function is defined.


property HasAfterRollback: Boolean read;


Boolean HasAfterRollback { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasAfterRollback() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeCommit script function is defined.


property HasBeforeCommit: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeCommit { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeCommit() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeDelete script function is defined for the Schema table tableName.


property HasBeforeDelete[tableName: String]: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeDelete[String tableName] { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeDelete(tableName As String) As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeExecuteCommand script function is defined.


property HasBeforeExecuteCommand: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeExecuteCommand { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeExecuteCommand() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeGetData script function is defined.


property HasBeforeGetData: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeGetData { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeGetData() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeLogout script function is defined.


property HasBeforeLogout: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeLogout { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeLogout() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforePost script function is defined for the Schema table tableName.


property HasBeforePost[tableName: String]: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforePost[String tableName] { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforePost(tableName As String) As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeProcessDelta script function is defined.


property HasBeforeProcessDelta: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeProcessDelta { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeProcessDelta() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeProcessDeltaChange script function is defined.


property HasBeforeProcessDeltaChange: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeProcessDeltaChange { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeProcessDeltaChange() As Boolean


Returns true if the BeforeRollback script function is defined.


property HasBeforeRollback: Boolean read;


Boolean HasBeforeRollback { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasBeforeRollback() As Boolean


Returns true if the CreateTransaction script function is defined.


property HasCreateTransaction: Boolean read;


Boolean HasCreateTransaction { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasCreateTransaction() As Boolean




property HasDoLogin: Boolean read;


Boolean HasDoLogin { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasDoLogin() As Boolean




property HasDoLogout: Boolean read;


Boolean HasDoLogout { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasDoLogout() As Boolean


Returns true if the OnNewRow script function is defined for the Schema table tableName.


property HasOnNewRow[tableName: String]: Boolean read;


Boolean HasOnNewRow[String tableName] { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasOnNewRow(tableName As String) As Boolean


Returns true if the ProcessError script function is defined.


property HasProcessError: Boolean read;


Boolean HasProcessError { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasProcessError() As Boolean


Returns true if the onUnknownSqlMacroIdentifier script function is defined.


property HasUnknownSqlMacroIdentifier: Boolean read;


Boolean HasUnknownSqlMacroIdentifier { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasUnknownSqlMacroIdentifier() As Boolean


Returns true if the ValidateCommandAccess script function is defined.


property HasValidateCommandAccess: Boolean read;


Boolean HasValidateCommandAccess { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasValidateCommandAccess() As Boolean


Returns true if the ValidateDataTableAccess script function is defined.


property HasValidateDataTableAccess: Boolean read;


Boolean HasValidateDataTableAccess { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasValidateDataTableAccess() As Boolean


Returns true if the ValidateDirectSQLAccess script function is defined.


property HasValidateDirectSQLAccess: Boolean read;


Boolean HasValidateDirectSQLAccess { get; }


ReadOnly Property HasValidateDirectSQLAccess() As Boolean


Gets or sets current script name.

Script name is used by the Script Debugger to identify the script source.


property ScriptName: String read write;


String ScriptName { get; set; }


Property ScriptName() As String



This method is called after a transaction (set of insert/update/delete operations) has been committed.


method AfterCommit


void AfterCommit()


Sub AfterCommit()


This method is called after an sql command is executed.


method AfterExecuteCommand(sql: String; commandName: String; parameters: array of DataParameter; rowsAffected: Int32)


void AfterExecuteCommand(String sql, String commandName, DataParameter[] parameters, Int32 rowsAffected)


Sub AfterExecuteCommand(sql As String, commandName As String, parameters As DataParameter(), rowsAffected As Int32)


  • sql: Executed command SQL statement
  • commandName: Executed command name
  • parameters: Set of command parameters
  • rowsAffected: Number of rows affected by the command execution


This method is called after data is retireved from database.


method AfterGetData(tables: array of String; requestInfo: array of TableRequestInfo)


void AfterGetData(String[] tables, TableRequestInfo[] requestInfo)


Sub AfterGetData(tables As String(), requestInfo As TableRequestInfo())


  • tables: Table names
  • requestInfo: Corresponding TableRequestInfo instances. These instances contain additional request parameters


This method is called after the user has logged in.

Relativity Server only.


method AfterLogin


void AfterLogin()


Sub AfterLogin()


This method is called on database updates, after processing of each Delta instance


method AfterProcessDelta(delta: Delta)


void AfterProcessDelta(Delta delta)


Sub AfterProcessDelta(delta As Delta)


  • delta: Processed Delta instance


This method is called on database updates, after processing of each DeltaChange instance.


method AfterProcessDeltaChange(delta: Delta; change: DeltaChange; refreshed: Boolean)


void AfterProcessDeltaChange(Delta delta, DeltaChange change, Boolean refreshed)


Sub AfterProcessDeltaChange(delta As Delta, change As DeltaChange, refreshed As Boolean)


  • delta: Processed Delta instance
  • change: Processed DeltaChange instance
  • refreshed: Flag indicating wheter the data was re-read from the database server after update. This operation is required to obtain values of server-calculated fields


This method if called after a transactions is rolled back (canceled).


method AfterRollback


void AfterRollback()


Sub AfterRollback()


This method is called before a transaction is committed.


method BeforeCommit


void BeforeCommit()


Sub BeforeCommit()


This method is called when a data row is going to be deleted.


method BeforeDelete(row: IRowHelper)


void BeforeDelete(IRowHelper row)


Sub BeforeDelete(row As IRowHelper)


  • row: Data row being deleted


This method is called before an sql command is executed.


method BeforeExecuteCommand(sql: String; commandName: String; parameters: array of DataParameter)


void BeforeExecuteCommand(String sql, String commandName, DataParameter[] parameters)


Sub BeforeExecuteCommand(sql As String, commandName As String, parameters As DataParameter())


  • sql: Command SQL statement
  • commandName: Command name
  • parameters: Set of command parameters


This method is called before data is retireved from database.


method BeforeGetData(tables: array of String; requestInfo: array of TableRequestInfo)


void BeforeGetData(String[] tables, TableRequestInfo[] requestInfo)


Sub BeforeGetData(tables As String(), requestInfo As TableRequestInfo())


  • tables: Table names
  • requestInfo: Corresponding TableRequestInfo instances. These instances contain additional request parameters


This method is called before the user has logged out.

Relativity Server only.


method BeforeLogout


void BeforeLogout()


Sub BeforeLogout()


This method is called when a data row is going to be updated.


method BeforePost(row: IRowHelper)


void BeforePost(IRowHelper row)


Sub BeforePost(row As IRowHelper)


  • row: Data row being updated


This method is called on database updates, before processing of each Delta instance.


method BeforeProcessDelta(delta: Delta)


void BeforeProcessDelta(Delta delta)


Sub BeforeProcessDelta(delta As Delta)


  • delta: Delta instance to process


This method is called on database updates, before processing of each DeltaChange instance.


method BeforeProcessDeltaChange(delta: Delta; change: DeltaChange; refreshed: Boolean; var canRemove: Boolean)


void BeforeProcessDeltaChange(Delta delta, DeltaChange change, Boolean refreshed, ref Boolean canRemove)


Sub BeforeProcessDeltaChange(delta As Delta, change As DeltaChange, refreshed As Boolean, ByRef canRemove As Boolean)


  • delta: Delta instance to process
  • change: DeltaChange instance to process
  • refreshed: Reserved
  • canRemove: Flag indicating wheter the current deltachange can be removed from its parent Delta after is is successfully processed


This method is called before a transaction is rolled back (canceled).


method BeforeRollback


void BeforeRollback()


Sub BeforeRollback()


Clears all internal caches of the script provide and resets its state.


method Clear


void Clear()


Sub Clear()


Clears the script cache.

For performance reasons Script Provider caches precompiled scripts for Schema entities. Is the server Schema is changed then this cache should be cleared to avoind possible inconsistencies.


method ClearScriptCache


void ClearScriptCache()


Sub ClearScriptCache()

Continue    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Continues script execution after it has been paused.


method Continue


void Continue()


Sub Continue()


This method is called when a new transaction is created to fetch or update records.


method CreateTransaction


void CreateTransaction()


Sub CreateTransaction()




method DoLogin(parameters: IDictionary): Boolean


Boolean DoLogin(IDictionary parameters)


Function DoLogin(parameters As IDictionary) As Boolean


  • parameters: Reserved




method DoLogout


void DoLogout()


Sub DoLogout()


Loads and precompiles provided script source.


method LoadScript(script: String)


void LoadScript(String script)


Sub LoadScript(script As String)


  • script: Script source code


Called when creating new rows. Can be used to pre-initialize new records data.


method OnNewRow(row: IRowHelper)


void OnNewRow(IRowHelper row)


Sub OnNewRow(row As IRowHelper)


  • row: New data row


This method is called when an error occurs during applying data changes to the database.

This method should return either the current value of the canContinue argument or false to break the Delta processing and roll back the transaction.


method ProcessError(delta: Delta; change: DeltaChange; var canContinue: Boolean; var error: Exception)


void ProcessError(Delta delta, DeltaChange change, ref Boolean canContinue, ref Exception error)


Sub ProcessError(delta As Delta, change As DeltaChange, ByRef canContinue As Boolean, ByRef error As Exception)


  • delta: Delta instance containing failed data change
  • change: DeltaChange instance that cannot be applied to the database
  • canContinue: Flag indicating wthether Data Abstract should process other DeltaChange instances instead of rolling back the transaction immediately
  • error: Exception raised by the data change attempt

StepInto    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Steps into a method.


method StepInto


void StepInto()


Sub StepInto()

StepOut    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Steps out from the current script method. Script execution will be paused again after workflow exit from the current script.


method StepOut


void StepOut()


Sub StepOut()

StepOver    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Steps over the current script line.


method StepOver


void StepOver()


Sub StepOver()

Stop    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

Breaks script execution.


method Stop


void Stop()


Sub Stop()


Returns true if provided language is supported by the current Script Provider.


method SupportsLanguage(languageName: String): Boolean


Boolean SupportsLanguage(String languageName)


Function SupportsLanguage(languageName As String) As Boolean


  • languageName: Script language name


This method is called when an unknown macro is found in the SQL statement processed by Data Abstract.


method UnknownSqlMacroIdentifier(identifier: String; var value: String)


void UnknownSqlMacroIdentifier(String identifier, ref String value)


Sub UnknownSqlMacroIdentifier(identifier As String, ByRef value As String)


  • identifier: Macro identifier
  • value: Macro value


This method is called before a SQL command is executed.

Returns true if command execution is allowed.


method ValidateCommandAccess(commandName: String; parameterNames: array of String; parameterValues: array of Object; var isAllowed: Boolean)


void ValidateCommandAccess(String commandName, String[] parameterNames, Object[] parameterValues, ref Boolean isAllowed)


Sub ValidateCommandAccess(commandName As String, parameterNames As String(), parameterValues As Object(), ByRef isAllowed As Boolean)


  • commandName: Command name
  • parameterNames: Command parameter names
  • parameterValues: Command parameter values
  • isAllowed: Flag indicating whether command execution is allowed


This method is called when data request is validated.

Returns true if access to the data table is allowed.


method ValidateDataTableAccess(tableName: String; parameterNames: array of String; parameterValues: array of Object; var isAllowed: Boolean)


void ValidateDataTableAccess(String tableName, String[] parameterNames, Object[] parameterValues, ref Boolean isAllowed)


Sub ValidateDataTableAccess(tableName As String, parameterNames As String(), parameterValues As Object(), ByRef isAllowed As Boolean)


  • tableName: Table name
  • parameterNames: Command parameter names
  • parameterValues: Command parameter values
  • isAllowed: Flag indicating whether data access is allowed


This method is called when a raw SQL statement sent by client application is executed.


method ValidateDirectSQLAccess(sql: String; parameterNames: array of String; parameterValues: array of Object; var isAllowed: Boolean)


void ValidateDirectSQLAccess(String sql, String[] parameterNames, Object[] parameterValues, ref Boolean isAllowed)


Sub ValidateDirectSQLAccess(sql As String, parameterNames As String(), parameterValues As Object(), ByRef isAllowed As Boolean)


  • sql: SQL statement
  • parameterNames: Command parameter names
  • parameterValues: Command parameter values
  • isAllowed: Flag indicating whether SQL statement execution is allowed


DebugFrameEnter    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

This event is raised when new script scope (for example script method) is entered.


event DebugFrameEnter: EventHandler<ScriptFrameEnterEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptFrameEnterEventArgs> DebugFrameEnter()


Event DebugFrameEnter As EventHandler<ScriptFrameEnterEventArgs>

DebugFrameExit    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

This event is raised when current script scope (for example script method) is exited.


event DebugFrameExit: EventHandler<ScriptFrameExitEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptFrameExitEventArgs> DebugFrameExit()


Event DebugFrameExit As EventHandler<ScriptFrameExitEventArgs>

DebugLog    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

This event is raised when the script method log is executed.


event DebugLog: EventHandler<ScriptLogEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptLogEventArgs> DebugLog()


Event DebugLog As EventHandler<ScriptLogEventArgs>

DebugTracePoint    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

This event is raised on every script line execution.


event DebugTracePoint: EventHandler<ScriptTracePointEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptTracePointEventArgs> DebugTracePoint()


Event DebugTracePoint As EventHandler<ScriptTracePointEventArgs>

DebugUnhandledException    (declared in IScriptDebugProvider)

This event is raised when an unhandled exception occurs during the script execution.


event DebugUnhandledException: EventHandler<ScriptUnhandledExceptionEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptUnhandledExceptionEventArgs> DebugUnhandledException()


Event DebugUnhandledException As EventHandler<ScriptUnhandledExceptionEventArgs>