

The BaseDataAdapter is a base class for all data adapters (both Local Data Adapters and Remote Data Adapters) available in the Data Abstract for .NET. This class doesn't provide any real data access functionality. Instead it provides several utility methods and common infrastructure used by all data adapters.

This class cannot be instantiated directly.



constructor  protected

Creates a new instance of the BaseDataAdapter class and performs the license check.






Sub New()

constructor (Boolean)  protected

Creates a new instance of the BaseDataAdapter class and performs the license check unless the avoidLicenseCheck argument is set to true.


constructor(avoidLicenseCheck: Boolean)


BaseDataAdapter(Boolean avoidLicenseCheck)


Sub New(avoidLicenseCheck As Boolean)


  • avoidLicenseCheck: Flag indicating whether license chec can be skipped

constructor (IContainer)  protected

Creates a new instance of the BaseDataAdapter class, performs the license check and then adds the newly created instance to the provided component container.


constructor(container: IContainer)


BaseDataAdapter(IContainer container)


Sub New(container As IContainer)


  • container: Components container that will contain the instance being created


Gets or sets a flag indicating whether all target DataTable changes made during data retrieval from the Data Abstract server should be commited. If this property is set to false then some or all data rows in the target DataTable will be marked as updated or inserted after the Fill operation is completed.

The default value is true.


property AcceptChangesDuringFill: Boolean read write;


Boolean AcceptChangesDuringFill { get; set; }


Property AcceptChangesDuringFill() As Boolean


Gets or sets a flag indicating whether all DataTable changes should be automatically commited after the update data is sent to the Data Abstract server should be commited. If this property is set to false then data rows in the target DataTable will remain to be marked as updated or inserted after the Update operation is completed.

The default value is true.


property AcceptChangesDuringUpdate: Boolean read write;


Boolean AcceptChangesDuringUpdate { get; set; }


Property AcceptChangesDuringUpdate() As Boolean


Gets or sets flag indicating whether Business Rules Scripting API scripts should be automaically downloaded from the Data Abstract server when the data is retreved from the server.


property AutoLoadScripts: Boolean read write;


Boolean AutoLoadScripts { get; set; }


Property AutoLoadScripts() As Boolean



method BeginInit


void BeginInit()


Sub BeginInit()

BeginInternalUpdate  protected

Starts asynchronous data update operation.


method BeginInternalUpdate(deltas: array of Delta; cb: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult


IAsyncResult BeginInternalUpdate(Delta[] deltas, AsyncCallback cb, Object state)


Function BeginInternalUpdate(deltas As Delta(), cb As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult


  • deltas: Collection of Delta instances that will be send to the Data Abstract server
  • cb: Callback method that will be called once the asynchronous data update call is completed
  • state: Asynchronous operation state object


Gets or sets flag indicating whether Schema retrieved from the server via the ReadSchema method call should be chached in the Schema property. Setting this property to false can significantly decrease performance.

The default value is true.


property CacheSchema: Boolean read write;


Boolean CacheSchema { get; set; }


Property CacheSchema() As Boolean

CheckAdapterSettings  protected

Performs required internal data adapter initialization before issuing a data read or update request.


method CheckAdapterSettings


void CheckAdapterSettings()


Sub CheckAdapterSettings()

CheckFailures  protected

Composes the data update failure message based on the Delta information returned from the server after the Udate call.


method CheckFailures(aDelta: Delta; aChanges: List<DeltaChange>; aFailureMessage: StringBuilder)


void CheckFailures(Delta aDelta, List<DeltaChange> aChanges, StringBuilder aFailureMessage)


Sub CheckFailures(aDelta As Delta, aChanges As List<DeltaChange>, aFailureMessage As StringBuilder)


  • aDelta: Delta instance returned from the Data Abstract server
  • aChanges: Collection that will contain a list of the DeltaChange instances that server marked as ChangeStatus
  • aFailureMessage: String builder instace that will contain composed data update failure message


Gets or sets a flag indicating whether Data Adapter should perform queries using the Dynamic Select feature


property DynamicSelect: Boolean read write;


Boolean DynamicSelect { get; set; }


Property DynamicSelect() As Boolean



method EndInit


void EndInit()


Sub EndInit()

EndInternalUpdate  protected

Finishes the asynchronous data update operation and performs needed cleanup actions, f.e. merges back updated AutoInc values retrieved from the server.


method EndInternalUpdate(ar: IAsyncResult)


void EndInternalUpdate(IAsyncResult ar)


Sub EndInternalUpdate(ar As IAsyncResult)


  • ar: Object representing the status of an asynchronous operation

EnterCriticalSection  protected

This method is called on entering a method or code region that should be accessed by a single thread only at any given moment of time.

If a thread calls this method while such method is being executed then the calling thread will be paused until the critical code section is released by the blocking thread.


method EnterCriticalSection(status: DataAdapterStatus)


void EnterCriticalSection(DataAdapterStatus status)


Sub EnterCriticalSection(status As DataAdapterStatus)


  • status: Value that should be assigned to the Status property until the critical code section is exited

Execute (String): Int32


method Execute(commandName: String): Int32


Int32 Execute(String commandName)


Function Execute(commandName As String) As Int32


  • commandName:

Execute (String, array of Object, DataParameter): Int32


method Execute(commandName: String; inputParameters: array of Object; out outputParameterts: DataParameter): Int32


Int32 Execute(String commandName, Object[] inputParameters, out DataParameter outputParameterts)


Function Execute(commandName As String, inputParameters As Object(), <OutAttribute> ByRef outputParameterts As DataParameter) As Int32


  • commandName:
  • inputParameters:
  • outputParameterts:

Execute (String, array of DataParameter, DataParameter): Int32


method Execute(commandName: String; inputParameters: array of DataParameter; out outputParameterts: DataParameter): Int32


Int32 Execute(String commandName, DataParameter[] inputParameters, out DataParameter outputParameterts)


Function Execute(commandName As String, inputParameters As DataParameter(), <OutAttribute> ByRef outputParameterts As DataParameter) As Int32


  • commandName:
  • inputParameters:
  • outputParameterts:

Execute (String, array of Object): Int32


method Execute(commandName: String; params inputParameters: array of Object): Int32


Int32 Execute(String commandName, params Object[] inputParameters)


Function Execute(commandName As String, ParamArray inputParameters As Object()) As Int32


  • commandName:
  • inputParameters:

Execute (String, array of DataParameter): Int32


method Execute(commandName: String; params inputParameters: array of DataParameter): Int32


Int32 Execute(String commandName, params DataParameter[] inputParameters)


Function Execute(commandName As String, ParamArray inputParameters As DataParameter()) As Int32


  • commandName:
  • inputParameters:

ExitCriticalSection  protected

This method is called on exiting a method or code region that should be accessed by a single thread only at any given moment of time.

This method sets the Status property to RemoteAdapterStatus.Idle and then releases the critical code section lock.


method ExitCriticalSection


void ExitCriticalSection()


Sub ExitCriticalSection()


Gets or sets intended Data Adapter behavior on data update errors.


property FailureBehavior: FailureBehavior read write;


FailureBehavior FailureBehavior { get; set; }


Property FailureBehavior() As FailureBehavior


Cleans up the Schema cache and sets the Schema to null.


method FlushSchema


void FlushSchema()


Sub FlushSchema()


Gets or sets a flag indicating whether Schema should be downloaded from the remote Data Abstract server right before the first data request.

The default value is true.


property GetSchemaOnFirstFill: Boolean read write;


Boolean GetSchemaOnFirstFill { get; set; }


Property GetSchemaOnFirstFill() As Boolean


Downloads Business Rules Scripting API scripts from the server.

In its current implementation this method downloads entire Schema from the Data Abstract server.


method LoadScripts


void LoadScripts()


Sub LoadScripts()


Downloads the Schema from the Data Abstract server .


method ReadSchema(forceRefresh: Boolean): Schema


Schema ReadSchema(Boolean forceRefresh)


Function ReadSchema(forceRefresh As Boolean) As Schema


  • forceRefresh: Flag indicating whether Schema should be downloaded even if the Schema is already cached in the Schema property

ReadStreamerSchema  protected

Downloads the Schema from the Data Abstract server. This method is used when the server exposes the Schema using method that sends it using highly-optimized binary stream (opposing to the ReadSchema method that is called when the server exposes its Schema as Xml).


method ReadStreamerSchema: Binary


Binary ReadStreamerSchema()


Function ReadStreamerSchema() As Binary


Gets the Schema currently cached by the Data Adapter instance


property Schema: Schema read;


Schema Schema { get; }


ReadOnly Property Schema() As Schema


Gets or sets Business Rules Scripting API provided that will be used to execute client-side scripts.


property ScriptProvider: IScriptProvider read write;


IScriptProvider ScriptProvider { get; set; }


Property ScriptProvider() As IScriptProvider


Gets current status of the Data Adapter


property Status: DataAdapterStatus read;


DataAdapterStatus Status { get; }


ReadOnly Property Status() As DataAdapterStatus



Gets or sets a flag indicating whether all target DataTable changes made during data retrieval from the Data Abstract server should be commited. If this property is set to false then some or all data rows in the target DataTable will be marked as updated or inserted after the Fill operation is completed.

The default value is true.


property AcceptChangesDuringFill: Boolean read write;


Boolean AcceptChangesDuringFill { get; set; }


Property AcceptChangesDuringFill() As Boolean


Gets or sets a flag indicating whether all DataTable changes should be automatically commited after the update data is sent to the Data Abstract server should be commited. If this property is set to false then data rows in the target DataTable will remain to be marked as updated or inserted after the Update operation is completed.

The default value is true.


property AcceptChangesDuringUpdate: Boolean read write;


Boolean AcceptChangesDuringUpdate { get; set; }


Property AcceptChangesDuringUpdate() As Boolean


Gets or sets flag indicating whether Business Rules Scripting API scripts should be automaically downloaded from the Data Abstract server when the data is retreved from the server.


property AutoLoadScripts: Boolean read write;


Boolean AutoLoadScripts { get; set; }


Property AutoLoadScripts() As Boolean


Gets or sets flag indicating whether Schema retrieved from the server via the ReadSchema method call should be chached in the Schema property. Setting this property to false can significantly decrease performance.

The default value is true.


property CacheSchema: Boolean read write;


Boolean CacheSchema { get; set; }


Property CacheSchema() As Boolean


Gets or sets a flag indicating whether Data Adapter should perform queries using the Dynamic Select feature


property DynamicSelect: Boolean read write;


Boolean DynamicSelect { get; set; }


Property DynamicSelect() As Boolean


Gets or sets intended Data Adapter behavior on data update errors.


property FailureBehavior: FailureBehavior read write;


FailureBehavior FailureBehavior { get; set; }


Property FailureBehavior() As FailureBehavior


Gets or sets a flag indicating whether Schema should be downloaded from the remote Data Abstract server right before the first data request.

The default value is true.


property GetSchemaOnFirstFill: Boolean read write;


Boolean GetSchemaOnFirstFill { get; set; }


Property GetSchemaOnFirstFill() As Boolean


Gets the Schema currently cached by the Data Adapter instance


property Schema: Schema read;


Schema Schema { get; }


ReadOnly Property Schema() As Schema


Gets or sets Business Rules Scripting API provided that will be used to execute client-side scripts.


property ScriptProvider: IScriptProvider read write;


IScriptProvider ScriptProvider { get; set; }


Property ScriptProvider() As IScriptProvider


Gets current status of the Data Adapter


property Status: DataAdapterStatus read;


DataAdapterStatus Status { get; }


ReadOnly Property Status() As DataAdapterStatus


constructor  protected

Creates a new instance of the BaseDataAdapter class and performs the license check.






Sub New()

constructor (Boolean)  protected

Creates a new instance of the BaseDataAdapter class and performs the license check unless the avoidLicenseCheck argument is set to true.


constructor(avoidLicenseCheck: Boolean)


BaseDataAdapter(Boolean avoidLicenseCheck)


Sub New(avoidLicenseCheck As Boolean)


  • avoidLicenseCheck: Flag indicating whether license chec can be skipped

constructor (IContainer)  protected

Creates a new instance of the BaseDataAdapter class, performs the license check and then adds the newly created instance to the provided component container.


constructor(container: IContainer)


BaseDataAdapter(IContainer container)


Sub New(container As IContainer)


  • container: Components container that will contain the instance being created



method BeginInit


void BeginInit()


Sub BeginInit()

BeginInternalUpdate  protected

Starts asynchronous data update operation.


method BeginInternalUpdate(deltas: array of Delta; cb: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult


IAsyncResult BeginInternalUpdate(Delta[] deltas, AsyncCallback cb, Object state)


Function BeginInternalUpdate(deltas As Delta(), cb As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult


  • deltas: Collection of Delta instances that will be send to the Data Abstract server
  • cb: Callback method that will be called once the asynchronous data update call is completed
  • state: Asynchronous operation state object

CheckAdapterSettings  protected

Performs required internal data adapter initialization before issuing a data read or update request.


method CheckAdapterSettings


void CheckAdapterSettings()


Sub CheckAdapterSettings()

CheckFailures  protected

Composes the data update failure message based on the Delta information returned from the server after the Udate call.


method CheckFailures(aDelta: Delta; aChanges: List<DeltaChange>; aFailureMessage: StringBuilder)


void CheckFailures(Delta aDelta, List<DeltaChange> aChanges, StringBuilder aFailureMessage)


Sub CheckFailures(aDelta As Delta, aChanges As List<DeltaChange>, aFailureMessage As StringBuilder)


  • aDelta: Delta instance returned from the Data Abstract server
  • aChanges: Collection that will contain a list of the DeltaChange instances that server marked as ChangeStatus
  • aFailureMessage: String builder instace that will contain composed data update failure message



method EndInit


void EndInit()


Sub EndInit()

EndInternalUpdate  protected

Finishes the asynchronous data update operation and performs needed cleanup actions, f.e. merges back updated AutoInc values retrieved from the server.


method EndInternalUpdate(ar: IAsyncResult)


void EndInternalUpdate(IAsyncResult ar)


Sub EndInternalUpdate(ar As IAsyncResult)


  • ar: Object representing the status of an asynchronous operation

EnterCriticalSection  protected

This method is called on entering a method or code region that should be accessed by a single thread only at any given moment of time.

If a thread calls this method while such method is being executed then the calling thread will be paused until the critical code section is released by the blocking thread.


method EnterCriticalSection(status: DataAdapterStatus)


void EnterCriticalSection(DataAdapterStatus status)


Sub EnterCriticalSection(status As DataAdapterStatus)


  • status: Value that should be assigned to the Status property until the critical code section is exited

Execute (String): Int32


method Execute(commandName: String): Int32


Int32 Execute(String commandName)


Function Execute(commandName As String) As Int32


  • commandName:

Execute (String, array of Object, DataParameter): Int32


method Execute(commandName: String; inputParameters: array of Object; out outputParameterts: DataParameter): Int32


Int32 Execute(String commandName, Object[] inputParameters, out DataParameter outputParameterts)


Function Execute(commandName As String, inputParameters As Object(), <OutAttribute> ByRef outputParameterts As DataParameter) As Int32


  • commandName:
  • inputParameters:
  • outputParameterts:

Execute (String, array of DataParameter, DataParameter): Int32


method Execute(commandName: String; inputParameters: array of DataParameter; out outputParameterts: DataParameter): Int32


Int32 Execute(String commandName, DataParameter[] inputParameters, out DataParameter outputParameterts)


Function Execute(commandName As String, inputParameters As DataParameter(), <OutAttribute> ByRef outputParameterts As DataParameter) As Int32


  • commandName:
  • inputParameters:
  • outputParameterts:

Execute (String, array of Object): Int32


method Execute(commandName: String; params inputParameters: array of Object): Int32


Int32 Execute(String commandName, params Object[] inputParameters)


Function Execute(commandName As String, ParamArray inputParameters As Object()) As Int32


  • commandName:
  • inputParameters:

Execute (String, array of DataParameter): Int32


method Execute(commandName: String; params inputParameters: array of DataParameter): Int32


Int32 Execute(String commandName, params DataParameter[] inputParameters)


Function Execute(commandName As String, ParamArray inputParameters As DataParameter()) As Int32


  • commandName:
  • inputParameters:

ExitCriticalSection  protected

This method is called on exiting a method or code region that should be accessed by a single thread only at any given moment of time.

This method sets the Status property to RemoteAdapterStatus.Idle and then releases the critical code section lock.


method ExitCriticalSection


void ExitCriticalSection()


Sub ExitCriticalSection()


Cleans up the Schema cache and sets the Schema to null.


method FlushSchema


void FlushSchema()


Sub FlushSchema()


Downloads Business Rules Scripting API scripts from the server.

In its current implementation this method downloads entire Schema from the Data Abstract server.


method LoadScripts


void LoadScripts()


Sub LoadScripts()


Downloads the Schema from the Data Abstract server .


method ReadSchema(forceRefresh: Boolean): Schema


Schema ReadSchema(Boolean forceRefresh)


Function ReadSchema(forceRefresh As Boolean) As Schema


  • forceRefresh: Flag indicating whether Schema should be downloaded even if the Schema is already cached in the Schema property

ReadStreamerSchema  protected

Downloads the Schema from the Data Abstract server. This method is used when the server exposes the Schema using method that sends it using highly-optimized binary stream (opposing to the ReadSchema method that is called when the server exposes its Schema as Xml).


method ReadStreamerSchema: Binary


Binary ReadStreamerSchema()


Function ReadStreamerSchema() As Binary