

Class Notes
AggregateExpression AggregateExpression is a class used for processing a call to the DA LINQ aggregate operator (Count, Min, Max, Sum or Average), which applies to values selected by a query.
BetweenExpression The BetweenExpression class is used internally by DA LINQ to represent between expression clauses in Linq queries to Data Abstract services. Normally, you will never have to create instances of this class manually, as this is done...
CloningQueryResult The CloningQueryResult class, a subclass of the QueryResult class, is created to process result items of a query in the LinqDataAdapter and RemoteTable classes. The CloningQueryResult class holds these result in the form of a list.
ColumnDeclaration The ColumnDeclaration class represents a reflection of a table column to be used by DA LINQ expressions. The SelectExpression class uses a list of ColumnDeclaration objects that is generated during DA LINQ query building.
DABindingList<T> The DABindingList class represents the generic collection that supports data binding. The DABindingList class can be bound with datagrid or any other control.
DeltaOrigin<T> DeltaOrigin is a class that holds original changes made to a row. This class is used internally by the RemoteTable for changes merging.
EnumerableQueryResult This class is used internally by DA Linq to represent Linq query results while processing them in the LinqDataAdapter or RemoteTable. Normally, you will never have to create instances of this class manually, as this is done by Data Abstract's Linq infrastructure...
ExistsExpression This class is used internally by DA Linq to represent exists clauses in Linq queries to Data Abstract services. Normally, you will never have to create instances of this class manually, as this is done by Data Abstract's Linq infrastructure.
ExpressionExtensions The ExpressionExtensions static auxiliary class allows to convert Expression to another type and to check Expression equality.
Grouping<TKey,TElement> This class is used internally by DA Linq to represent the result of the group by clause in Linq queries to a Data Abstract service. Normally, you will never have to create instances of this class manually, as this is done by Data Abstract's Linq...
IdentitySequence Instances of the IdentitySequence class are used by RemoteTable to represent AutoInc (also called Identity or Sequence) fields. Its values are used by DABindingList or LinqDataAdapter to retrieve values of AutoInc fields when a new data row is inserted...
InExpression This class is used internally by DA Linq to represent in clauses in Linq queries
IsNullExpression The IsNullExpression class is used to represent the logical operation IS NULL in DA LINQ expressions. This class is for internal use only. You don't need to create instances of it manually, as this is done by Data Abstract's Linq...
JoinExpression The JoinExpression class is used internally by DA Linq to represent join clauses in Linq queries to Data Abstract services. Normally, you do not have to create instances of this class manually, as this is done by Data Abstract's Linq infrastructure.
LinqDataAdapter The LinqDataAdapter class is the base for both DA Linq Data Adapter classes: the LinqLocalDataAdapter class and the LinqRemoteDataAdapter class.
LinqLocalDataAdapter The LinqLocalDataAdapter class allows to access Data Abstract service using DA LINQ within the server application itself. It provides all the logic for executing DA LINQ queries, applying changes (Deltas) back to the database server and handling any other...
LinqRemoteDataAdapter The LinqRemoteDataAdapter class is a client-side component used inside all DA LINQ expressions as data provider.
OrderExpression The OrderExpression class is used internally to process the OrderBy part of the DA LINQ query.
QueryResult This class is used internally by DA Linq to represent Linq query results while processing them in the LinqDataAdapter or RemoteTable classes.
RemoteTable<T> The RemoteTable<T> class represents the data table on the remote DataAbstract server. The T-type defines which Schema tables to represent. Since it implements the System.Linq.IQueryProvider interface, it can be used as LINQ Provider for DA data sources.
RemoteTableQuery<T> The RemoteTableQuery class is used in DA LINQ to represent queries to remote data sources. It contains a query expression tree and additionally implements the System.Linq.IQueryable<T> that is required for representing query...
RowNumberExpression RowNumberExpression is a class used for processing DA LINQ expressions, containing one or moreorderby expressions, into DataAbstract classes.
ScalarExpression The ScalarExpression class is used to process scalar subqueries in DA LINQ. Scalar is a kind of subquery that returns a single row. This type of expression is used by the AggregateSubqueryExpression class at the intermediate stage of processing and represents the simple part of a more complicated expression.
For example:
TableAlias The TableAlias class is used internally by DA LINQ to represent table alias clauses in Linq queries to Data Abstract services. Normally, you will never have to create instances of this class manually, as this is done by DA LINQ...
TableExpression This class is used internally by DA Linq to represent tables clauses in Linq queries to Data Abstract services. Normally, you won't have to create instances of this class manually, as this is done by Data Abstract's Linq infrastructure.


Interface Notes
IRemoteQueryProvider The IRemoteQueryProvider interface exposes several methods used by DA LINQ for getting appropriate DA SQL strings and executing DA LINQ expressions.
IRemoteTableQuery The IRemoteTableQuery interface exposes the single GetEnumerable method, which actually triggers the execution of the DA LINQ expression and returns the IEnumerable object with the already fetched data.


Enum Notes
AggregateType The AggregateType enumeration is used internally by the DA LINQ to represent kind of the data aggregate operation. Values of this type are used internally by the Data Abstract when the DA LINQ expression...
OrderType The OrderType enumeration is used internally by the DA LINQ to represent sort direction. Values of this type are used internally by the Data Abstract when the DA LINQ expression is converted to corresponding Data Abstract server reqest (either via DA SQL or using more conservative TableRequestInfo-based approach).


Attribute Notes
DataType Property attribute. Represent datatype mapping between schema field and table definition field.
FieldName Property Attribute. Represent mapping between field name in the schema and property name of the DA LINQ table definition class.
IgnoreProperty This attribute is used by DA LINQ to define properties that are not mapped to underlying data table fields and should be omitted while composing remote server data requests. This can be useful if you need to add custom properties to table definition classes...
LogChanges The LogChangesAttribute class represents an attribute that is used to mark properties representing Schemas data table fields with their Log Changes property set to true.
PrimaryKey Property attribute. Mark given property of the table definition class as the PK field.
Relation This attribute is used by DA LINQ to define the field property as a foreign key of the detail table.
ServerAutoRefresh The ServerAutoRefreshAttribute class is a Custom Attribute that can be applied to
TableName The TableNameAttribute class is a class attribute representing the mapping of schema table names to the DA LINQ table definition class.

