The LinqLocalDataAdapter class allows to access Data Abstract service using DA LINQ within the server application itself. It provides all the logic for executing DA LINQ queries, applying changes (Deltas) back to the database server and handling any other data-related communications, such as retrieving Business Rules Scripting API or schema information.
Contrary to the LinqRemoteDataAdapter class the LinqLocalDataAdapter can access only local (ie hosted by the same application) data services. The usage of LinqLocalDataAdapter class is similar to the usage of the LinqRemoteDataAdapter class.
You can find more detailed information about how DA LINQ works in the article DA LINQ in Depth (.NET).
- Reference: RemObjects.DataAbstract.Server.dll
- Namespace: RemObjects.DataAbstract.Linq
- Ancestry: BaseComponent | BaseDataAdapter | LinqDataAdapter | LinqLocalDataAdapter
Creates a new instance of the LinqLocalDataAdapter class.
Sub New()
constructor (Boolean) protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
constructor(avoidLicenseCheck: Boolean)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(Boolean avoidLicenseCheck)
Sub New(avoidLicenseCheck As Boolean)
- avoidLicenseCheck:
constructor (IContainer)
Creates a new instance of the LinqLocalDataAdapter class and adds it to the component container.
constructor(container: IContainer)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(IContainer container)
Sub New(container As IContainer)
- container: Container that will contain the newly created LinqLocalDataAdapter instance
constructor (IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess)
Creates a new instance of the LinqLocalDataAdapter class and sets its ServiceInstance property.
constructor(serviceInstance: IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess serviceInstance)
Sub New(serviceInstance As IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess)
- serviceInstance: Data service instance that will be used to access the data
constructor (IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess, Guid)
constructor(serviceInstance: IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess; sessionId: Guid)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess serviceInstance, Guid sessionId)
Sub New(serviceInstance As IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess, sessionId As Guid)
- serviceInstance:
- sessionId:
constructor (String)
Creates a new instance of the LinqLocalDataAdapter class and sets its ServiceName property.
constructor(serviceName: String)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(String serviceName)
Sub New(serviceName As String)
- serviceName: Name of the data service that will be used to access the data
constructor (String, Guid)
Creates a new instance of the LinqLocalDataAdapter class and sets its ServiceName and SessionID properties.
constructor(serviceName: String; sessionId: Guid)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(String serviceName, Guid sessionId)
Sub New(serviceName As String, sessionId As Guid)
- serviceName: Name of the data service that will be used to access the data
- sessionId: Session ID that will be used by the data service to access the data
AcceptChangesDuringFill (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether all target DataTable changes made during data retrieval from the Data Abstract server should be commited. If this property is set to false then some or all data rows in the target DataTable will be marked as updated or inserted after the Fill operation is completed.
The default value is true.
property AcceptChangesDuringFill: Boolean read write;
Boolean AcceptChangesDuringFill { get; set; }
Property AcceptChangesDuringFill() As Boolean
AcceptChangesDuringUpdate (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether all DataTable changes should be automatically commited after the update data is sent to the Data Abstract server should be commited. If this property is set to false then data rows in the target DataTable will remain to be marked as updated or inserted after the Update operation is completed.
The default value is true.
property AcceptChangesDuringUpdate: Boolean read write;
Boolean AcceptChangesDuringUpdate { get; set; }
Property AcceptChangesDuringUpdate() As Boolean
ApplyChanges (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Applies changes made to all RemoteTable instances retrieved via this LinqDataAdapter instance.
method ApplyChanges
void ApplyChanges()
Sub ApplyChanges()
AutoLoadScripts (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets flag indicating whether Business Rules Scripting API scripts should be automaically downloaded from the Data Abstract server when the data is retreved from the server.
property AutoLoadScripts: Boolean read write;
Boolean AutoLoadScripts { get; set; }
Property AutoLoadScripts() As Boolean
BeginApplyChanges (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Asyncronously applies changes made to all RemoteTable instances retrieved via this LinqDataAdapter instance.
method BeginApplyChanges(cb: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginApplyChanges(AsyncCallback cb, Object state)
Function BeginApplyChanges(cb As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- cb: Callback method that will be called once the update process is done.
- state: State information about the asynchronous operation.
BeginExecute (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Asynchronously executes the provided queries. Basically, this is the only way to execute a DA Linq query in a Silverlight application.
This code sample demonstrates how data is retrieved in a Silverlight application (code snippet from the Silverlight sample shipped with DataAbstract for .NET):
var q = (from x in linqRemoteDataAdapter.GetTable<Products>() select x);
IQueryable[] Queries = new IQueryable[] { q };
delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ProcessSelectProductsResultCb(ProcessSelectProductsResult), q.ToList<Products>());
method BeginExecute(query: array of IQueryable; callback: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginExecute(IQueryable[] query, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
Function BeginExecute(query As IQueryable(), callback As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- query: Array of IQueryable objects representing DA Linq queries.
- callback:
- state: State information about the asynchronous operation.
BeginFetchData (array of TableRequestInfo, array of String, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>, AsyncCallback, Object): IAsyncResult protected
method BeginFetchData(request: array of TableRequestInfo; names: array of String; fillMethod: Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>; callback: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginFetchData(TableRequestInfo[] request, String[] names, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader> fillMethod, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
Function BeginFetchData(request As TableRequestInfo(), names As String(), fillMethod As Action (Of Int32, Int32(), IDataReader), callback As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- request:
- names:
- fillMethod:
- callback:
- state:
BeginFetchData (array of TableRequestInfo, array of String, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>, AsyncCallback, Object): IAsyncResult protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method BeginFetchData(tableRequest: array of TableRequestInfo; tableNames: array of String; fillMethod: Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>; callback: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginFetchData(TableRequestInfo[] tableRequest, String[] tableNames, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader> fillMethod, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
Function BeginFetchData(tableRequest As TableRequestInfo(), tableNames As String(), fillMethod As Action (Of Int32, Int32(), IDataReader), callback As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- tableRequest:
- tableNames:
- fillMethod:
- callback:
- state:
BeginInit (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method BeginInit
void BeginInit()
Sub BeginInit()
BeginInternalUpdate (array of Delta, AsyncCallback, Object): IAsyncResult protected
Starts asynchronous data update call.
method BeginInternalUpdate(deltas: array of Delta; callback: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginInternalUpdate(Delta[] deltas, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
Function BeginInternalUpdate(deltas As Delta(), callback As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- deltas: List of Deltas containing data update information
- callback: Method that will be called once the opration completes
- state: Asynchronous operation state object
BeginInternalUpdate (array of Delta, AsyncCallback, Object): IAsyncResult protected (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Starts asynchronous data update operation.
method BeginInternalUpdate(deltas: array of Delta; cb: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginInternalUpdate(Delta[] deltas, AsyncCallback cb, Object state)
Function BeginInternalUpdate(deltas As Delta(), cb As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- deltas: Collection of Delta instances that will be send to the Data Abstract server
- cb: Callback method that will be called once the asynchronous data update call is completed
- state: Asynchronous operation state object
CacheSchema (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets flag indicating whether Schema retrieved from the server via the BaseDataAdapter method call should be chached in the BaseDataAdapter property. Setting this property to false can significantly decrease performance.
The default value is true.
property CacheSchema: Boolean read write;
Boolean CacheSchema { get; set; }
Property CacheSchema() As Boolean
CancelChanges (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Clears changes made to all RemoteTable instances retrieved via this LinqDataAdapter instance.
method CancelChanges
void CancelChanges()
Sub CancelChanges()
CheckAdapterSettings protected
Performs required internal data adapter initialization before issuing a data read or update request.
method CheckAdapterSettings
void CheckAdapterSettings()
Sub CheckAdapterSettings()
CheckFailures protected (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Composes the data update failure message based on the Delta information returned from the server after the Udate call.
method CheckFailures(aDelta: Delta; aChanges: List<DeltaChange>; aFailureMessage: StringBuilder)
void CheckFailures(Delta aDelta, List<DeltaChange> aChanges, StringBuilder aFailureMessage)
Sub CheckFailures(aDelta As Delta, aChanges As List<DeltaChange>, aFailureMessage As StringBuilder)
- aDelta: Delta instance returned from the Data Abstract server
- aChanges: Collection that will contain a list of the DeltaChange instances that server marked as ChangeStatus
- aFailureMessage: String builder instace that will contain composed data update failure message
ClearAsyncResults (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method ClearAsyncResults
void ClearAsyncResults()
Sub ClearAsyncResults()
CloneTable<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method CloneTable<T>(source: T): T
T CloneTable<T>(T source)
Function CloneTable<T>(source As T) As T
- source:
CompareBytes (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
class method CompareBytes(a: array of Byte; b: array of Byte): Boolean
static Boolean CompareBytes(Byte[] a, Byte[] b)
Shared Function CompareBytes(a As Byte(), b As Byte()) As Boolean
- a:
- b:
DeleteRow<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method DeleteRow<T>(data: T): DeltaChange
DeltaChange DeleteRow<T>(T data)
Function DeleteRow<T>(data As T) As DeltaChange
- data:
Dispose protected
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the current LinqLocalDataAdapter instance and its child controls and optionally releases the managed resources.
method Dispose(disposing: Boolean)
void Dispose(Boolean disposing)
Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
- disposing: Flag indicating whether both both managed and unmanaged resources should be released (true; or only unmanaged resources should be released (false)
DynamicSelect (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether Data Adapter should perform queries using the Dynamic Select feature
property DynamicSelect: Boolean read write;
Boolean DynamicSelect { get; set; }
Property DynamicSelect() As Boolean
EndApplyChanges (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Ends an asynchronous remote database update.
method EndApplyChanges(ar: IAsyncResult)
void EndApplyChanges(IAsyncResult ar)
Sub EndApplyChanges(ar As IAsyncResult)
- ar: The pending asynchronous data update operation.
EndExecute (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Ends an asynchronous query request to a data service.
method EndExecute(ar: IAsyncResult)
void EndExecute(IAsyncResult ar)
Sub EndExecute(ar As IAsyncResult)
- ar: The pending asynchronous query request.
EndFetchData protected
method EndFetchData(ar: IAsyncResult)
void EndFetchData(IAsyncResult ar)
Sub EndFetchData(ar As IAsyncResult)
- ar:
EndInit (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method EndInit
void EndInit()
Sub EndInit()
EndInternalUpdate protected
This method is called once the asynchronous update operation is completed.
method EndInternalUpdate(ar: IAsyncResult)
void EndInternalUpdate(IAsyncResult ar)
Sub EndInternalUpdate(ar As IAsyncResult)
- ar: Status of the asynchronous operation
EnterCriticalSection protected (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
This method is called on entering a method or code region that should be accessed by a single thread only at any given moment of time.
If a thread calls this method while such method is being executed then the calling thread will be paused until the critical code section is released by the blocking thread.
method EnterCriticalSection(status: DataAdapterStatus)
void EnterCriticalSection(DataAdapterStatus status)
Sub EnterCriticalSection(status As DataAdapterStatus)
- status: Value that should be assigned to the BaseDataAdapter property until the critical code section is exited
Execute (String): Int32 (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method Execute(commandName: String): Int32
Int32 Execute(String commandName)
Function Execute(commandName As String) As Int32
- commandName:
Execute (String, array of Object, DataParameter): Int32 (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method Execute(commandName: String; inputParameters: array of Object; out outputParameterts: DataParameter): Int32
Int32 Execute(String commandName, Object[] inputParameters, out DataParameter outputParameterts)
Function Execute(commandName As String, inputParameters As Object(), <OutAttribute> ByRef outputParameterts As DataParameter) As Int32
- commandName:
- inputParameters:
- outputParameterts:
Execute (String, array of DataParameter, DataParameter): Int32 (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method Execute(commandName: String; inputParameters: array of DataParameter; out outputParameterts: DataParameter): Int32
Int32 Execute(String commandName, DataParameter[] inputParameters, out DataParameter outputParameterts)
Function Execute(commandName As String, inputParameters As DataParameter(), <OutAttribute> ByRef outputParameterts As DataParameter) As Int32
- commandName:
- inputParameters:
- outputParameterts:
Execute (String, array of Object): Int32 (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method Execute(commandName: String; params inputParameters: array of Object): Int32
Int32 Execute(String commandName, params Object[] inputParameters)
Function Execute(commandName As String, ParamArray inputParameters As Object()) As Int32
- commandName:
- inputParameters:
Execute (String, array of DataParameter): Int32 (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method Execute(commandName: String; params inputParameters: array of DataParameter): Int32
Int32 Execute(String commandName, params DataParameter[] inputParameters)
Function Execute(commandName As String, ParamArray inputParameters As DataParameter()) As Int32
- commandName:
- inputParameters:
Execute (array of IQueryable): array of Object (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method Execute(query: array of IQueryable): array of Object
Object[] Execute(IQueryable[] query)
Function Execute(query As IQueryable()) As Object()
- query:
ExitCriticalSection protected (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
This method is called on exiting a method or code region that should be accessed by a single thread only at any given moment of time.
This method sets the BaseDataAdapter property to RemoteAdapterStatus.Idle and then releases the critical code section lock.
method ExitCriticalSection
void ExitCriticalSection()
Sub ExitCriticalSection()
FailureBehavior (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets intended Data Adapter behavior on data update errors.
property FailureBehavior: FailureBehavior read write;
FailureBehavior FailureBehavior { get; set; }
Property FailureBehavior() As FailureBehavior
FetchData (array of TableRequestInfo, array of String, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>) protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method FetchData(request: array of TableRequestInfo; tableName: array of String; fillMethod: Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>)
void FetchData(TableRequestInfo[] request, String[] tableName, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader> fillMethod)
Sub FetchData(request As TableRequestInfo(), tableName As String(), fillMethod As Action (Of Int32, Int32(), IDataReader))
- request:
- tableName:
- fillMethod:
FetchData (array of TableRequestInfo, array of String, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>) protected
method FetchData(requests: array of TableRequestInfo; names: array of String; fillMethod: Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>)
void FetchData(TableRequestInfo[] requests, String[] names, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader> fillMethod)
Sub FetchData(requests As TableRequestInfo(), names As String(), fillMethod As Action (Of Int32, Int32(), IDataReader))
- requests:
- names:
- fillMethod:
FlushSchema (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Cleans up the Schema cache and sets the BaseDataAdapter to null.
method FlushSchema
void FlushSchema()
Sub FlushSchema()
GetPendingDeltas protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method GetPendingDeltas: array of Delta
Delta[] GetPendingDeltas()
Function GetPendingDeltas() As Delta()
GetSchemaOnFirstFill (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether Schema should be downloaded from the remote Data Abstract server right before the first data request.
The default value is true.
property GetSchemaOnFirstFill: Boolean read write;
Boolean GetSchemaOnFirstFill { get; set; }
Property GetSchemaOnFirstFill() As Boolean
GetTable<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method GetTable<T>: RemoteTable<T>
RemoteTable<T> GetTable<T>()
Function GetTable<T>() As RemoteTable<T>
GetTable<T> (array of Object): RemoteTableQuery<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method GetTable<T>(params parameters: array of Object): RemoteTableQuery<T>
RemoteTableQuery<T> GetTable<T>(params Object[] parameters)
Function GetTable<T>(ParamArray parameters As Object()) As RemoteTableQuery<T>
- parameters:
GetTable<T> (array of DataParameter): RemoteTableQuery<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method GetTable<T>(params parameters: array of DataParameter): RemoteTableQuery<T>
RemoteTableQuery<T> GetTable<T>(params DataParameter[] parameters)
Function GetTable<T>(ParamArray parameters As DataParameter()) As RemoteTableQuery<T>
- parameters:
InitScriptProvider (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method InitScriptProvider: Boolean
Boolean InitScriptProvider()
Function InitScriptProvider() As Boolean
InsertRow<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method InsertRow<T>(data: T): DeltaChange
DeltaChange InsertRow<T>(T data)
Function InsertRow<T>(data As T) As DeltaChange
- data:
LoadScripts (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Downloads Business Rules Scripting API scripts from the server.
In its current implementation this method downloads entire Schema from the Data Abstract server.
method LoadScripts
void LoadScripts()
Sub LoadScripts()
NewRow<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method NewRow<T>: T
T NewRow<T>()
Function NewRow<T>() As T
OnApplyChanges (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
This event is fired before any data changes are sent to the DataAbstract server. It can be used to perform data validation, changes logging, etc.
event OnApplyChanges: EventHandler
delegate EventHandler OnApplyChanges()
Event OnApplyChanges As EventHandler
ProcessPendingChangeDeltas protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method ProcessPendingChangeDeltas(serverDeltas: array of Delta; originalDeltaChangeIds: IDictionary<String, array of Int32>)
void ProcessPendingChangeDeltas(Delta[] serverDeltas, IDictionary<String, array of Int32> originalDeltaChangeIds)
Sub ProcessPendingChangeDeltas(serverDeltas As Delta(), originalDeltaChangeIds As IDictionary<String, array of Int32>)
- serverDeltas:
- originalDeltaChangeIds:
method ReadSchema(forceRefresh: Boolean): Schema
Schema ReadSchema(Boolean forceRefresh)
Function ReadSchema(forceRefresh As Boolean) As Schema
- forceRefresh:
ReadStreamerSchema protected
Downloads the Schema from the data service as binary stream.
method ReadStreamerSchema: Binary
Binary ReadStreamerSchema()
Function ReadStreamerSchema() As Binary
RemoveAsyncResult (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method RemoveAsyncResult(query: IQueryable)
void RemoveAsyncResult(IQueryable query)
Sub RemoveAsyncResult(query As IQueryable)
- query:
Schema (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets the Schema currently cached by the Data Adapter instance
property Schema: Schema read;
Schema Schema { get; }
ReadOnly Property Schema() As Schema
ScriptProvider (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets Business Rules Scripting API provided that will be used to execute client-side scripts.
property ScriptProvider: IScriptProvider read write;
IScriptProvider ScriptProvider { get; set; }
Property ScriptProvider() As IScriptProvider
Gets or sets the instance of the data service used to retrieve and update data.
property ServiceInstance: IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess read write;
IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess ServiceInstance { get; set; }
Property ServiceInstance() As IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess
Gets or sets the name of the data service that will be used to retrieve and update data.
property ServiceName: String read write;
String ServiceName { get; set; }
Property ServiceName() As String
Gets or sets the session ID that is used to retrieve or update data. This allows to impersonate user when the data service requires authentication.
property SessionID: Guid read write;
Guid SessionID { get; set; }
Property SessionID() As Guid
Status (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets current status of the Data Adapter
property Status: DataAdapterStatus read;
DataAdapterStatus Status { get; }
ReadOnly Property Status() As DataAdapterStatus
ThrowFailures protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
This method is called at the end of the ApplyChanges method. It throws a DAUpdatesFailedException if the provided aChanges list is not empty (which means that some DeltaChanges were not processed successfully) and the FailureBehavior property is set to FailureBehavior.RaiseException or FailureBehavior.Both.
method ThrowFailures(changes: List<DeltaChange>; failureMessage: String)
void ThrowFailures(List<DeltaChange> changes, String failureMessage)
Sub ThrowFailures(changes As List<DeltaChange>, failureMessage As String)
- changes:
- failureMessage:
TriggerApplyChanges protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method TriggerApplyChanges
void TriggerApplyChanges()
Sub TriggerApplyChanges()
UpdateRow<T> (T): DeltaChange (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method UpdateRow<T>(data: T): DeltaChange
DeltaChange UpdateRow<T>(T data)
Function UpdateRow<T>(data As T) As DeltaChange
- data:
UpdateRow<T> (T, T): DeltaChange (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method UpdateRow<T>(originalData: T; newData: T): DeltaChange
DeltaChange UpdateRow<T>(T originalData, T newData)
Function UpdateRow<T>(originalData As T, newData As T) As DeltaChange
- originalData:
- newData:
UseBindableClass (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Defines which type will be used as the base type for query result representation: the ordinary System.Collections.Generic.List class (which will be used if this property is set to false) or the more advanced DABindingList class.
The default value of this property is true.
Yuo can set this property to false if you just want to retrieve data, but do not need the advanced binding capabilities of the DABindingList class.
property UseBindableClass: Boolean read write;
Boolean UseBindableClass { get; set; }
Property UseBindableClass() As Boolean
UseDynamicWhere (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Defines how the data will be retrieved from the DataAbstract server. If this property is set to true, Dynamic Where will be used. If set to false, the more advanced DA SQL approach will be used (note that this approach is not compatible with Delphi-based DataAbstract servers).
The default value of this property is true for assemblies for the full .NET and the .NET Compact Frameworks, false for the Silverlight version of DataAbstract for .NET.
Note: If your client application is intended to be used only with .NET-based Data Abstract servers, the recommended value of this property is false, because some Linq operators cannot be represented with Dynamic Where conditions.
property UseDynamicWhere: Boolean read write;
Boolean UseDynamicWhere { get; set; }
Property UseDynamicWhere() As Boolean
AcceptChangesDuringFill (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether all target DataTable changes made during data retrieval from the Data Abstract server should be commited. If this property is set to false then some or all data rows in the target DataTable will be marked as updated or inserted after the Fill operation is completed.
The default value is true.
property AcceptChangesDuringFill: Boolean read write;
Boolean AcceptChangesDuringFill { get; set; }
Property AcceptChangesDuringFill() As Boolean
AcceptChangesDuringUpdate (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether all DataTable changes should be automatically commited after the update data is sent to the Data Abstract server should be commited. If this property is set to false then data rows in the target DataTable will remain to be marked as updated or inserted after the Update operation is completed.
The default value is true.
property AcceptChangesDuringUpdate: Boolean read write;
Boolean AcceptChangesDuringUpdate { get; set; }
Property AcceptChangesDuringUpdate() As Boolean
AutoLoadScripts (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets flag indicating whether Business Rules Scripting API scripts should be automaically downloaded from the Data Abstract server when the data is retreved from the server.
property AutoLoadScripts: Boolean read write;
Boolean AutoLoadScripts { get; set; }
Property AutoLoadScripts() As Boolean
CacheSchema (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets flag indicating whether Schema retrieved from the server via the BaseDataAdapter method call should be chached in the BaseDataAdapter property. Setting this property to false can significantly decrease performance.
The default value is true.
property CacheSchema: Boolean read write;
Boolean CacheSchema { get; set; }
Property CacheSchema() As Boolean
DynamicSelect (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether Data Adapter should perform queries using the Dynamic Select feature
property DynamicSelect: Boolean read write;
Boolean DynamicSelect { get; set; }
Property DynamicSelect() As Boolean
FailureBehavior (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets intended Data Adapter behavior on data update errors.
property FailureBehavior: FailureBehavior read write;
FailureBehavior FailureBehavior { get; set; }
Property FailureBehavior() As FailureBehavior
GetSchemaOnFirstFill (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether Schema should be downloaded from the remote Data Abstract server right before the first data request.
The default value is true.
property GetSchemaOnFirstFill: Boolean read write;
Boolean GetSchemaOnFirstFill { get; set; }
Property GetSchemaOnFirstFill() As Boolean
Schema (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets the Schema currently cached by the Data Adapter instance
property Schema: Schema read;
Schema Schema { get; }
ReadOnly Property Schema() As Schema
ScriptProvider (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets or sets Business Rules Scripting API provided that will be used to execute client-side scripts.
property ScriptProvider: IScriptProvider read write;
IScriptProvider ScriptProvider { get; set; }
Property ScriptProvider() As IScriptProvider
Gets or sets the instance of the data service used to retrieve and update data.
property ServiceInstance: IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess read write;
IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess ServiceInstance { get; set; }
Property ServiceInstance() As IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess
Gets or sets the name of the data service that will be used to retrieve and update data.
property ServiceName: String read write;
String ServiceName { get; set; }
Property ServiceName() As String
Gets or sets the session ID that is used to retrieve or update data. This allows to impersonate user when the data service requires authentication.
property SessionID: Guid read write;
Guid SessionID { get; set; }
Property SessionID() As Guid
Status (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Gets current status of the Data Adapter
property Status: DataAdapterStatus read;
DataAdapterStatus Status { get; }
ReadOnly Property Status() As DataAdapterStatus
UseBindableClass (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Defines which type will be used as the base type for query result representation: the ordinary System.Collections.Generic.List class (which will be used if this property is set to false) or the more advanced DABindingList class.
The default value of this property is true.
Yuo can set this property to false if you just want to retrieve data, but do not need the advanced binding capabilities of the DABindingList class.
property UseBindableClass: Boolean read write;
Boolean UseBindableClass { get; set; }
Property UseBindableClass() As Boolean
UseDynamicWhere (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Defines how the data will be retrieved from the DataAbstract server. If this property is set to true, Dynamic Where will be used. If set to false, the more advanced DA SQL approach will be used (note that this approach is not compatible with Delphi-based DataAbstract servers).
The default value of this property is true for assemblies for the full .NET and the .NET Compact Frameworks, false for the Silverlight version of DataAbstract for .NET.
Note: If your client application is intended to be used only with .NET-based Data Abstract servers, the recommended value of this property is false, because some Linq operators cannot be represented with Dynamic Where conditions.
property UseDynamicWhere: Boolean read write;
Boolean UseDynamicWhere { get; set; }
Property UseDynamicWhere() As Boolean
CompareBytes (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
class method CompareBytes(a: array of Byte; b: array of Byte): Boolean
static Boolean CompareBytes(Byte[] a, Byte[] b)
Shared Function CompareBytes(a As Byte(), b As Byte()) As Boolean
- a:
- b:
Creates a new instance of the LinqLocalDataAdapter class.
Sub New()
constructor (Boolean) protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
constructor(avoidLicenseCheck: Boolean)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(Boolean avoidLicenseCheck)
Sub New(avoidLicenseCheck As Boolean)
- avoidLicenseCheck:
constructor (IContainer)
Creates a new instance of the LinqLocalDataAdapter class and adds it to the component container.
constructor(container: IContainer)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(IContainer container)
Sub New(container As IContainer)
- container: Container that will contain the newly created LinqLocalDataAdapter instance
constructor (IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess)
Creates a new instance of the LinqLocalDataAdapter class and sets its ServiceInstance property.
constructor(serviceInstance: IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess serviceInstance)
Sub New(serviceInstance As IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess)
- serviceInstance: Data service instance that will be used to access the data
constructor (IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess, Guid)
constructor(serviceInstance: IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess; sessionId: Guid)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess serviceInstance, Guid sessionId)
Sub New(serviceInstance As IDataAbstractLocalServiceAccess, sessionId As Guid)
- serviceInstance:
- sessionId:
constructor (String)
Creates a new instance of the LinqLocalDataAdapter class and sets its ServiceName property.
constructor(serviceName: String)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(String serviceName)
Sub New(serviceName As String)
- serviceName: Name of the data service that will be used to access the data
constructor (String, Guid)
Creates a new instance of the LinqLocalDataAdapter class and sets its ServiceName and SessionID properties.
constructor(serviceName: String; sessionId: Guid)
LinqLocalDataAdapter(String serviceName, Guid sessionId)
Sub New(serviceName As String, sessionId As Guid)
- serviceName: Name of the data service that will be used to access the data
- sessionId: Session ID that will be used by the data service to access the data
ApplyChanges (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Applies changes made to all RemoteTable instances retrieved via this LinqDataAdapter instance.
method ApplyChanges
void ApplyChanges()
Sub ApplyChanges()
BeginApplyChanges (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Asyncronously applies changes made to all RemoteTable instances retrieved via this LinqDataAdapter instance.
method BeginApplyChanges(cb: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginApplyChanges(AsyncCallback cb, Object state)
Function BeginApplyChanges(cb As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- cb: Callback method that will be called once the update process is done.
- state: State information about the asynchronous operation.
BeginExecute (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Asynchronously executes the provided queries. Basically, this is the only way to execute a DA Linq query in a Silverlight application.
This code sample demonstrates how data is retrieved in a Silverlight application (code snippet from the Silverlight sample shipped with DataAbstract for .NET):
var q = (from x in linqRemoteDataAdapter.GetTable<Products>() select x);
IQueryable[] Queries = new IQueryable[] { q };
delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ProcessSelectProductsResultCb(ProcessSelectProductsResult), q.ToList<Products>());
method BeginExecute(query: array of IQueryable; callback: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginExecute(IQueryable[] query, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
Function BeginExecute(query As IQueryable(), callback As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- query: Array of IQueryable objects representing DA Linq queries.
- callback:
- state: State information about the asynchronous operation.
BeginFetchData (array of TableRequestInfo, array of String, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>, AsyncCallback, Object): IAsyncResult protected
method BeginFetchData(request: array of TableRequestInfo; names: array of String; fillMethod: Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>; callback: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginFetchData(TableRequestInfo[] request, String[] names, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader> fillMethod, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
Function BeginFetchData(request As TableRequestInfo(), names As String(), fillMethod As Action (Of Int32, Int32(), IDataReader), callback As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- request:
- names:
- fillMethod:
- callback:
- state:
BeginFetchData (array of TableRequestInfo, array of String, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>, AsyncCallback, Object): IAsyncResult protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method BeginFetchData(tableRequest: array of TableRequestInfo; tableNames: array of String; fillMethod: Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>; callback: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginFetchData(TableRequestInfo[] tableRequest, String[] tableNames, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader> fillMethod, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
Function BeginFetchData(tableRequest As TableRequestInfo(), tableNames As String(), fillMethod As Action (Of Int32, Int32(), IDataReader), callback As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- tableRequest:
- tableNames:
- fillMethod:
- callback:
- state:
BeginInit (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method BeginInit
void BeginInit()
Sub BeginInit()
BeginInternalUpdate (array of Delta, AsyncCallback, Object): IAsyncResult protected
Starts asynchronous data update call.
method BeginInternalUpdate(deltas: array of Delta; callback: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginInternalUpdate(Delta[] deltas, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
Function BeginInternalUpdate(deltas As Delta(), callback As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- deltas: List of Deltas containing data update information
- callback: Method that will be called once the opration completes
- state: Asynchronous operation state object
BeginInternalUpdate (array of Delta, AsyncCallback, Object): IAsyncResult protected (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Starts asynchronous data update operation.
method BeginInternalUpdate(deltas: array of Delta; cb: AsyncCallback; state: Object): IAsyncResult
IAsyncResult BeginInternalUpdate(Delta[] deltas, AsyncCallback cb, Object state)
Function BeginInternalUpdate(deltas As Delta(), cb As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult
- deltas: Collection of Delta instances that will be send to the Data Abstract server
- cb: Callback method that will be called once the asynchronous data update call is completed
- state: Asynchronous operation state object
CancelChanges (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Clears changes made to all RemoteTable instances retrieved via this LinqDataAdapter instance.
method CancelChanges
void CancelChanges()
Sub CancelChanges()
CheckAdapterSettings protected
Performs required internal data adapter initialization before issuing a data read or update request.
method CheckAdapterSettings
void CheckAdapterSettings()
Sub CheckAdapterSettings()
CheckFailures protected (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Composes the data update failure message based on the Delta information returned from the server after the Udate call.
method CheckFailures(aDelta: Delta; aChanges: List<DeltaChange>; aFailureMessage: StringBuilder)
void CheckFailures(Delta aDelta, List<DeltaChange> aChanges, StringBuilder aFailureMessage)
Sub CheckFailures(aDelta As Delta, aChanges As List<DeltaChange>, aFailureMessage As StringBuilder)
- aDelta: Delta instance returned from the Data Abstract server
- aChanges: Collection that will contain a list of the DeltaChange instances that server marked as ChangeStatus
- aFailureMessage: String builder instace that will contain composed data update failure message
ClearAsyncResults (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method ClearAsyncResults
void ClearAsyncResults()
Sub ClearAsyncResults()
CloneTable<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method CloneTable<T>(source: T): T
T CloneTable<T>(T source)
Function CloneTable<T>(source As T) As T
- source:
DeleteRow<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method DeleteRow<T>(data: T): DeltaChange
DeltaChange DeleteRow<T>(T data)
Function DeleteRow<T>(data As T) As DeltaChange
- data:
Dispose protected
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the current LinqLocalDataAdapter instance and its child controls and optionally releases the managed resources.
method Dispose(disposing: Boolean)
void Dispose(Boolean disposing)
Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
- disposing: Flag indicating whether both both managed and unmanaged resources should be released (true; or only unmanaged resources should be released (false)
EndApplyChanges (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Ends an asynchronous remote database update.
method EndApplyChanges(ar: IAsyncResult)
void EndApplyChanges(IAsyncResult ar)
Sub EndApplyChanges(ar As IAsyncResult)
- ar: The pending asynchronous data update operation.
EndExecute (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
Ends an asynchronous query request to a data service.
method EndExecute(ar: IAsyncResult)
void EndExecute(IAsyncResult ar)
Sub EndExecute(ar As IAsyncResult)
- ar: The pending asynchronous query request.
EndFetchData protected
method EndFetchData(ar: IAsyncResult)
void EndFetchData(IAsyncResult ar)
Sub EndFetchData(ar As IAsyncResult)
- ar:
EndInit (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method EndInit
void EndInit()
Sub EndInit()
EndInternalUpdate protected
This method is called once the asynchronous update operation is completed.
method EndInternalUpdate(ar: IAsyncResult)
void EndInternalUpdate(IAsyncResult ar)
Sub EndInternalUpdate(ar As IAsyncResult)
- ar: Status of the asynchronous operation
EnterCriticalSection protected (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
This method is called on entering a method or code region that should be accessed by a single thread only at any given moment of time.
If a thread calls this method while such method is being executed then the calling thread will be paused until the critical code section is released by the blocking thread.
method EnterCriticalSection(status: DataAdapterStatus)
void EnterCriticalSection(DataAdapterStatus status)
Sub EnterCriticalSection(status As DataAdapterStatus)
- status: Value that should be assigned to the BaseDataAdapter property until the critical code section is exited
Execute (String): Int32 (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method Execute(commandName: String): Int32
Int32 Execute(String commandName)
Function Execute(commandName As String) As Int32
- commandName:
Execute (String, array of Object, DataParameter): Int32 (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method Execute(commandName: String; inputParameters: array of Object; out outputParameterts: DataParameter): Int32
Int32 Execute(String commandName, Object[] inputParameters, out DataParameter outputParameterts)
Function Execute(commandName As String, inputParameters As Object(), <OutAttribute> ByRef outputParameterts As DataParameter) As Int32
- commandName:
- inputParameters:
- outputParameterts:
Execute (String, array of DataParameter, DataParameter): Int32 (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method Execute(commandName: String; inputParameters: array of DataParameter; out outputParameterts: DataParameter): Int32
Int32 Execute(String commandName, DataParameter[] inputParameters, out DataParameter outputParameterts)
Function Execute(commandName As String, inputParameters As DataParameter(), <OutAttribute> ByRef outputParameterts As DataParameter) As Int32
- commandName:
- inputParameters:
- outputParameterts:
Execute (String, array of Object): Int32 (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method Execute(commandName: String; params inputParameters: array of Object): Int32
Int32 Execute(String commandName, params Object[] inputParameters)
Function Execute(commandName As String, ParamArray inputParameters As Object()) As Int32
- commandName:
- inputParameters:
Execute (String, array of DataParameter): Int32 (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
method Execute(commandName: String; params inputParameters: array of DataParameter): Int32
Int32 Execute(String commandName, params DataParameter[] inputParameters)
Function Execute(commandName As String, ParamArray inputParameters As DataParameter()) As Int32
- commandName:
- inputParameters:
Execute (array of IQueryable): array of Object (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method Execute(query: array of IQueryable): array of Object
Object[] Execute(IQueryable[] query)
Function Execute(query As IQueryable()) As Object()
- query:
ExitCriticalSection protected (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
This method is called on exiting a method or code region that should be accessed by a single thread only at any given moment of time.
This method sets the BaseDataAdapter property to RemoteAdapterStatus.Idle and then releases the critical code section lock.
method ExitCriticalSection
void ExitCriticalSection()
Sub ExitCriticalSection()
FetchData (array of TableRequestInfo, array of String, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>) protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method FetchData(request: array of TableRequestInfo; tableName: array of String; fillMethod: Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>)
void FetchData(TableRequestInfo[] request, String[] tableName, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader> fillMethod)
Sub FetchData(request As TableRequestInfo(), tableName As String(), fillMethod As Action (Of Int32, Int32(), IDataReader))
- request:
- tableName:
- fillMethod:
FetchData (array of TableRequestInfo, array of String, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>) protected
method FetchData(requests: array of TableRequestInfo; names: array of String; fillMethod: Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader>)
void FetchData(TableRequestInfo[] requests, String[] names, Action<Int32, array of Int32, IDataReader> fillMethod)
Sub FetchData(requests As TableRequestInfo(), names As String(), fillMethod As Action (Of Int32, Int32(), IDataReader))
- requests:
- names:
- fillMethod:
FlushSchema (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Cleans up the Schema cache and sets the BaseDataAdapter to null.
method FlushSchema
void FlushSchema()
Sub FlushSchema()
GetPendingDeltas protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method GetPendingDeltas: array of Delta
Delta[] GetPendingDeltas()
Function GetPendingDeltas() As Delta()
GetTable<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method GetTable<T>: RemoteTable<T>
RemoteTable<T> GetTable<T>()
Function GetTable<T>() As RemoteTable<T>
GetTable<T> (array of Object): RemoteTableQuery<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method GetTable<T>(params parameters: array of Object): RemoteTableQuery<T>
RemoteTableQuery<T> GetTable<T>(params Object[] parameters)
Function GetTable<T>(ParamArray parameters As Object()) As RemoteTableQuery<T>
- parameters:
GetTable<T> (array of DataParameter): RemoteTableQuery<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method GetTable<T>(params parameters: array of DataParameter): RemoteTableQuery<T>
RemoteTableQuery<T> GetTable<T>(params DataParameter[] parameters)
Function GetTable<T>(ParamArray parameters As DataParameter()) As RemoteTableQuery<T>
- parameters:
InitScriptProvider (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method InitScriptProvider: Boolean
Boolean InitScriptProvider()
Function InitScriptProvider() As Boolean
InsertRow<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method InsertRow<T>(data: T): DeltaChange
DeltaChange InsertRow<T>(T data)
Function InsertRow<T>(data As T) As DeltaChange
- data:
LoadScripts (declared in BaseDataAdapter)
Downloads Business Rules Scripting API scripts from the server.
In its current implementation this method downloads entire Schema from the Data Abstract server.
method LoadScripts
void LoadScripts()
Sub LoadScripts()
NewRow<T> (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method NewRow<T>: T
T NewRow<T>()
Function NewRow<T>() As T
ProcessPendingChangeDeltas protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method ProcessPendingChangeDeltas(serverDeltas: array of Delta; originalDeltaChangeIds: IDictionary<String, array of Int32>)
void ProcessPendingChangeDeltas(Delta[] serverDeltas, IDictionary<String, array of Int32> originalDeltaChangeIds)
Sub ProcessPendingChangeDeltas(serverDeltas As Delta(), originalDeltaChangeIds As IDictionary<String, array of Int32>)
- serverDeltas:
- originalDeltaChangeIds:
method ReadSchema(forceRefresh: Boolean): Schema
Schema ReadSchema(Boolean forceRefresh)
Function ReadSchema(forceRefresh As Boolean) As Schema
- forceRefresh:
ReadStreamerSchema protected
Downloads the Schema from the data service as binary stream.
method ReadStreamerSchema: Binary
Binary ReadStreamerSchema()
Function ReadStreamerSchema() As Binary
RemoveAsyncResult (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method RemoveAsyncResult(query: IQueryable)
void RemoveAsyncResult(IQueryable query)
Sub RemoveAsyncResult(query As IQueryable)
- query:
ThrowFailures protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
This method is called at the end of the ApplyChanges method. It throws a DAUpdatesFailedException if the provided aChanges list is not empty (which means that some DeltaChanges were not processed successfully) and the FailureBehavior property is set to FailureBehavior.RaiseException or FailureBehavior.Both.
method ThrowFailures(changes: List<DeltaChange>; failureMessage: String)
void ThrowFailures(List<DeltaChange> changes, String failureMessage)
Sub ThrowFailures(changes As List<DeltaChange>, failureMessage As String)
- changes:
- failureMessage:
TriggerApplyChanges protected (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method TriggerApplyChanges
void TriggerApplyChanges()
Sub TriggerApplyChanges()
UpdateRow<T> (T): DeltaChange (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method UpdateRow<T>(data: T): DeltaChange
DeltaChange UpdateRow<T>(T data)
Function UpdateRow<T>(data As T) As DeltaChange
- data:
UpdateRow<T> (T, T): DeltaChange (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
method UpdateRow<T>(originalData: T; newData: T): DeltaChange
DeltaChange UpdateRow<T>(T originalData, T newData)
Function UpdateRow<T>(originalData As T, newData As T) As DeltaChange
- originalData:
- newData:
OnApplyChanges (declared in LinqDataAdapter)
This event is fired before any data changes are sent to the DataAbstract server. It can be used to perform data validation, changes logging, etc.
event OnApplyChanges: EventHandler
delegate EventHandler OnApplyChanges()
Event OnApplyChanges As EventHandler