

Data Abstract allows uniform use of connections established using different ADO.NET providers through the use of the IAbstractConnection interface.

You acquire an abstract connection interface through the use of the ConnectionManager.AcquireConnection method. When you are done using it, release it using the ConnectionManager.ReleaseConnection method.

The methods and properties of IAbstractConnection allow you to work with transactions, create new data readers, execute commands and do several useful operations. Refer to each individual property and method for more information about the functionality offered by this interface.

The BaseConnection class provides one implementation of this interface used by Data Abstract's drivers.





method BeginTransaction: Int32


Int32 BeginTransaction()


Function BeginTransaction() As Int32

BeginTransaction (IsolationLevel): Int32

Starts a new transaction on the database server that will be used for all subsequent modifications. The transaction will remain open until either CommitTransaction is called to commit the changes to the database or RollBackTransaction is called to abandon the changes. Note: If you are using a DataAbstractService to implement your middle tier server, transactions will be started and committed/rolled back for you automatically.


method BeginTransaction(isolationLevel: IsolationLevel): Int32


Int32 BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel)


Function BeginTransaction(isolationLevel As IsolationLevel) As Int32


  • isolationLevel:


Closes connection to the underlying database.


method Close


void Close()


Sub Close()



property CommandTimeout: Int32 read write;


Int32 CommandTimeout { get; set; }


Property CommandTimeout() As Int32


Commits a transaction that was started with a previous call to BeginTransaction and persists the changes to the database. Note: If you are using a DataAbstractService to implement your middle tier server, transactions will be started and committed/rolled back for you automatically.


method CommitTransaction


void CommitTransaction()


Sub CommitTransaction()


Indicates if the connection is currently open and connected to a database.


property Connected: Boolean read write;


Boolean Connected { get; set; }


Property Connected() As Boolean


Returns the Data Abstract connection string used by the connection.


property ConnectionString: String read write;


String ConnectionString { get; set; }


Property ConnectionString() As String


Returns a reference to the current transaction object. IAbstractConnection provides three useful methods to work with transactions: BeginTransaction, CommitTransaction and RollbackTransaction. While a transaction object is still created internally, Data Abstract for .NET doesn't force you to keep a separate reference to it. This property allows you to access the transaction object the connection holds internally.


property CurrentTransaction: IDbTransaction read;


IDbTransaction CurrentTransaction { get; }


ReadOnly Property CurrentTransaction() As IDbTransaction


A reference to the DatabaseProfile object to which connection refers.


property DatabaseProfile: DatabaseProfile read;


DatabaseProfile DatabaseProfile { get; }


ReadOnly Property DatabaseProfile() As DatabaseProfile


A reference to the DataProviderInfo this connection references.


property DataProviderInfo: DataProviderInfo read;


DataProviderInfo DataProviderInfo { get; }


ReadOnly Property DataProviderInfo() As DataProviderInfo


CaseInsensitiveNameValueCollection || Contains a list of driver-specific parameters for this connection. Depending on the used driver, these parameters can be used to specify additional information such as the database sub-type, SQL language dialect or network protocol.


property DataProviderParams: IDictionary<String, String> read;


IDictionary<String, String> DataProviderParams { get; }


ReadOnly Property DataProviderParams() As IDictionary<String, String>


Contains the name of the driver that makes this connection to the underlying database.


property DriverName: String read;


String DriverName { get; }


ReadOnly Property DriverName() As String



method GetCommandParams(commandText: String; isStoredProcedureNameProvided: Boolean): SchemaParameterCollection


SchemaParameterCollection GetCommandParams(String commandText, Boolean isStoredProcedureNameProvided)


Function GetCommandParams(commandText As String, isStoredProcedureNameProvided As Boolean) As SchemaParameterCollection


  • commandText:
  • isStoredProcedureNameProvided:



method GetDatabaseNames: List<String>


List<String> GetDatabaseNames()


Function GetDatabaseNames() As List<String>



method GetForeignKeys: SchemaRelationshipCollection


SchemaRelationshipCollection GetForeignKeys()


Function GetForeignKeys() As SchemaRelationshipCollection



method GetGeneratorNames: List<String>


List<String> GetGeneratorNames()


Function GetGeneratorNames() As List<String>



method GetStoredProcedureNames: List<String>


List<String> GetStoredProcedureNames()


Function GetStoredProcedureNames() As List<String>



method GetTableFields(tableText: String; isTableNameProvided: Boolean; parameters: SchemaParameterCollection): SchemaFieldCollection


SchemaFieldCollection GetTableFields(String tableText, Boolean isTableNameProvided, SchemaParameterCollection parameters)


Function GetTableFields(tableText As String, isTableNameProvided As Boolean, parameters As SchemaParameterCollection) As SchemaFieldCollection


  • tableText:
  • isTableNameProvided:
  • parameters:



method GetTableNames: List<String>


List<String> GetTableNames()


Function GetTableNames() As List<String>



method GetViewNames: List<String>


List<String> GetViewNames()


Function GetViewNames() As List<String>


Returns whether the connection is currently within the contact of a transaction or not.


property InTransaction: Boolean read;


Boolean InTransaction { get; }


ReadOnly Property InTransaction() As Boolean



property LastUsed: DateTime read write;


DateTime LastUsed { get; set; }


Property LastUsed() As DateTime


Returns the name of the connection, as specified in the .daConnection file.


property Name: String read;


String Name { get; }


ReadOnly Property Name() As String

NewCommand (String, CommandType): IDbCommand


method NewCommand(sql: String; commandType: CommandType): IDbCommand


IDbCommand NewCommand(String sql, CommandType commandType)


Function NewCommand(sql As String, commandType As CommandType) As IDbCommand


  • sql:
  • commandType:

NewCommand (String, CommandType, SchemaParameterCollection, String, String): IDbCommand


method NewCommand(sql: String; commandType: CommandType; parameters: SchemaParameterCollection; dynamicWhere: String; orderBy: String): IDbCommand


IDbCommand NewCommand(String sql, CommandType commandType, SchemaParameterCollection parameters, String dynamicWhere, String orderBy)


Function NewCommand(sql As String, commandType As CommandType, parameters As SchemaParameterCollection, dynamicWhere As String, orderBy As String) As IDbCommand


  • sql:
  • commandType:
  • parameters:
  • dynamicWhere:
  • orderBy:

NewDataTable (String, array of DbParameter, String, Boolean, Boolean): DataTable


method NewDataTable(sql: String; parameters: array of DbParameter; tableName: String; fillData: Boolean; fillSchema: Boolean): DataTable


DataTable NewDataTable(String sql, DbParameter[] parameters, String tableName, Boolean fillData, Boolean fillSchema)


Function NewDataTable(sql As String, parameters As DbParameter(), tableName As String, fillData As Boolean, fillSchema As Boolean) As DataTable


  • sql:
  • parameters:
  • tableName:
  • fillData:
  • fillSchema:

NewDataTable (String, String, Boolean, Boolean): DataTable


method NewDataTable(sql: String; tableName: String; fillData: Boolean; fillSchema: Boolean): DataTable


DataTable NewDataTable(String sql, String tableName, Boolean fillData, Boolean fillSchema)


Function NewDataTable(sql As String, tableName As String, fillData As Boolean, fillSchema As Boolean) As DataTable


  • sql:
  • tableName:
  • fillData:
  • fillSchema:


Opens connection to the underlying database.


method Open


void Open()


Sub Open()

Open (String, String)

Opens the connection by establishing a physical connection to the database server.


method Open(userId: String; password: String)


void Open(String userId, String password)


Sub Open(userId As String, password As String)


  • userId:
  • password:


Indicates the Password that is used to connect to the database. If the database in question uses authentication, UserID and Password will need to match a login set up on your database server.


property Password: String read write;


String Password { get; set; }


Property Password() As String



method RearrangeCommandParameters(command: IDbCommand)


void RearrangeCommandParameters(IDbCommand command)


Sub RearrangeCommandParameters(command As IDbCommand)


  • command:


Rolls back a transaction that was started with a previous call to BeginTransaction and abandons the changes without applying them to the database. Note: If you are using a DataAbstractService to implement your middle tier server, transactions will be started and committed/rolled back for you automatically.


method RollbackTransaction


void RollbackTransaction()


Sub RollbackTransaction()


Sets the value of the provided command parameter.


method SetParameterValue(parameter: IDataParameter; value: Object)


void SetParameterValue(IDataParameter parameter, Object value)


Sub SetParameterValue(parameter As IDataParameter, value As Object)


  • parameter: Command parameter
  • value: Intended parameter value



property TransactionCount: Int32 read;


Int32 TransactionCount { get; }


ReadOnly Property TransactionCount() As Int32



method TranslateParameterizedSql(sql: String): String


String TranslateParameterizedSql(String sql)


Function TranslateParameterizedSql(sql As String) As String


  • sql:


Indicates the UserID or Login Name that is used to connect to the database. If the database in question uses authentication, UserID and Password will need to match a login set up on your database server.


property UserID: String read write;


String UserID { get; set; }


Property UserID() As String




property CommandTimeout: Int32 read write;


Int32 CommandTimeout { get; set; }


Property CommandTimeout() As Int32


Indicates if the connection is currently open and connected to a database.


property Connected: Boolean read write;


Boolean Connected { get; set; }


Property Connected() As Boolean


Returns the Data Abstract connection string used by the connection.


property ConnectionString: String read write;


String ConnectionString { get; set; }


Property ConnectionString() As String


Returns a reference to the current transaction object. IAbstractConnection provides three useful methods to work with transactions: BeginTransaction, CommitTransaction and RollbackTransaction. While a transaction object is still created internally, Data Abstract for .NET doesn't force you to keep a separate reference to it. This property allows you to access the transaction object the connection holds internally.


property CurrentTransaction: IDbTransaction read;


IDbTransaction CurrentTransaction { get; }


ReadOnly Property CurrentTransaction() As IDbTransaction


A reference to the DatabaseProfile object to which connection refers.


property DatabaseProfile: DatabaseProfile read;


DatabaseProfile DatabaseProfile { get; }


ReadOnly Property DatabaseProfile() As DatabaseProfile


A reference to the DataProviderInfo this connection references.


property DataProviderInfo: DataProviderInfo read;


DataProviderInfo DataProviderInfo { get; }


ReadOnly Property DataProviderInfo() As DataProviderInfo


CaseInsensitiveNameValueCollection || Contains a list of driver-specific parameters for this connection. Depending on the used driver, these parameters can be used to specify additional information such as the database sub-type, SQL language dialect or network protocol.


property DataProviderParams: IDictionary<String, String> read;


IDictionary<String, String> DataProviderParams { get; }


ReadOnly Property DataProviderParams() As IDictionary<String, String>


Contains the name of the driver that makes this connection to the underlying database.


property DriverName: String read;


String DriverName { get; }


ReadOnly Property DriverName() As String


Returns whether the connection is currently within the contact of a transaction or not.


property InTransaction: Boolean read;


Boolean InTransaction { get; }


ReadOnly Property InTransaction() As Boolean



property LastUsed: DateTime read write;


DateTime LastUsed { get; set; }


Property LastUsed() As DateTime


Returns the name of the connection, as specified in the .daConnection file.


property Name: String read;


String Name { get; }


ReadOnly Property Name() As String


Indicates the Password that is used to connect to the database. If the database in question uses authentication, UserID and Password will need to match a login set up on your database server.


property Password: String read write;


String Password { get; set; }


Property Password() As String



property TransactionCount: Int32 read;


Int32 TransactionCount { get; }


ReadOnly Property TransactionCount() As Int32


Indicates the UserID or Login Name that is used to connect to the database. If the database in question uses authentication, UserID and Password will need to match a login set up on your database server.


property UserID: String read write;


String UserID { get; set; }


Property UserID() As String




method BeginTransaction: Int32


Int32 BeginTransaction()


Function BeginTransaction() As Int32

BeginTransaction (IsolationLevel): Int32

Starts a new transaction on the database server that will be used for all subsequent modifications. The transaction will remain open until either CommitTransaction is called to commit the changes to the database or RollBackTransaction is called to abandon the changes. Note: If you are using a DataAbstractService to implement your middle tier server, transactions will be started and committed/rolled back for you automatically.


method BeginTransaction(isolationLevel: IsolationLevel): Int32


Int32 BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel)


Function BeginTransaction(isolationLevel As IsolationLevel) As Int32


  • isolationLevel:


Closes connection to the underlying database.


method Close


void Close()


Sub Close()


Commits a transaction that was started with a previous call to BeginTransaction and persists the changes to the database. Note: If you are using a DataAbstractService to implement your middle tier server, transactions will be started and committed/rolled back for you automatically.


method CommitTransaction


void CommitTransaction()


Sub CommitTransaction()



method GetCommandParams(commandText: String; isStoredProcedureNameProvided: Boolean): SchemaParameterCollection


SchemaParameterCollection GetCommandParams(String commandText, Boolean isStoredProcedureNameProvided)


Function GetCommandParams(commandText As String, isStoredProcedureNameProvided As Boolean) As SchemaParameterCollection


  • commandText:
  • isStoredProcedureNameProvided:



method GetDatabaseNames: List<String>


List<String> GetDatabaseNames()


Function GetDatabaseNames() As List<String>



method GetForeignKeys: SchemaRelationshipCollection


SchemaRelationshipCollection GetForeignKeys()


Function GetForeignKeys() As SchemaRelationshipCollection



method GetGeneratorNames: List<String>


List<String> GetGeneratorNames()


Function GetGeneratorNames() As List<String>



method GetStoredProcedureNames: List<String>


List<String> GetStoredProcedureNames()


Function GetStoredProcedureNames() As List<String>



method GetTableFields(tableText: String; isTableNameProvided: Boolean; parameters: SchemaParameterCollection): SchemaFieldCollection


SchemaFieldCollection GetTableFields(String tableText, Boolean isTableNameProvided, SchemaParameterCollection parameters)


Function GetTableFields(tableText As String, isTableNameProvided As Boolean, parameters As SchemaParameterCollection) As SchemaFieldCollection


  • tableText:
  • isTableNameProvided:
  • parameters:



method GetTableNames: List<String>


List<String> GetTableNames()


Function GetTableNames() As List<String>



method GetViewNames: List<String>


List<String> GetViewNames()


Function GetViewNames() As List<String>

NewCommand (String, CommandType): IDbCommand


method NewCommand(sql: String; commandType: CommandType): IDbCommand


IDbCommand NewCommand(String sql, CommandType commandType)


Function NewCommand(sql As String, commandType As CommandType) As IDbCommand


  • sql:
  • commandType:

NewCommand (String, CommandType, SchemaParameterCollection, String, String): IDbCommand


method NewCommand(sql: String; commandType: CommandType; parameters: SchemaParameterCollection; dynamicWhere: String; orderBy: String): IDbCommand


IDbCommand NewCommand(String sql, CommandType commandType, SchemaParameterCollection parameters, String dynamicWhere, String orderBy)


Function NewCommand(sql As String, commandType As CommandType, parameters As SchemaParameterCollection, dynamicWhere As String, orderBy As String) As IDbCommand


  • sql:
  • commandType:
  • parameters:
  • dynamicWhere:
  • orderBy:

NewDataTable (String, array of DbParameter, String, Boolean, Boolean): DataTable


method NewDataTable(sql: String; parameters: array of DbParameter; tableName: String; fillData: Boolean; fillSchema: Boolean): DataTable


DataTable NewDataTable(String sql, DbParameter[] parameters, String tableName, Boolean fillData, Boolean fillSchema)


Function NewDataTable(sql As String, parameters As DbParameter(), tableName As String, fillData As Boolean, fillSchema As Boolean) As DataTable


  • sql:
  • parameters:
  • tableName:
  • fillData:
  • fillSchema:

NewDataTable (String, String, Boolean, Boolean): DataTable


method NewDataTable(sql: String; tableName: String; fillData: Boolean; fillSchema: Boolean): DataTable


DataTable NewDataTable(String sql, String tableName, Boolean fillData, Boolean fillSchema)


Function NewDataTable(sql As String, tableName As String, fillData As Boolean, fillSchema As Boolean) As DataTable


  • sql:
  • tableName:
  • fillData:
  • fillSchema:


Opens connection to the underlying database.


method Open


void Open()


Sub Open()

Open (String, String)

Opens the connection by establishing a physical connection to the database server.


method Open(userId: String; password: String)


void Open(String userId, String password)


Sub Open(userId As String, password As String)


  • userId:
  • password:



method RearrangeCommandParameters(command: IDbCommand)


void RearrangeCommandParameters(IDbCommand command)


Sub RearrangeCommandParameters(command As IDbCommand)


  • command:


Rolls back a transaction that was started with a previous call to BeginTransaction and abandons the changes without applying them to the database. Note: If you are using a DataAbstractService to implement your middle tier server, transactions will be started and committed/rolled back for you automatically.


method RollbackTransaction


void RollbackTransaction()


Sub RollbackTransaction()


Sets the value of the provided command parameter.


method SetParameterValue(parameter: IDataParameter; value: Object)


void SetParameterValue(IDataParameter parameter, Object value)


Sub SetParameterValue(parameter As IDataParameter, value As Object)


  • parameter: Command parameter
  • value: Intended parameter value



method TranslateParameterizedSql(sql: String): String


String TranslateParameterizedSql(String sql)


Function TranslateParameterizedSql(sql As String) As String


  • sql: