

The ServerChannelType enumeration is used in the Remoting SDK Server Configuration System to represent type of the server channel being configured. The IServerChannelConfiguration interface exposes value of this type.


Value Description
Custom Custom channel type. To instantiate this server channel type Remoting SDK Server Configuration System calls the NetworkServer method.
Http HTTP-based server channel type. An IpHttpServerChannel server channel instance will be used.
NamedPipe NamedPipes-based server channel type. An NamedPipeServerChannel server channel instance will be used.
SuperHttp SuperHTTP-based server channel type. An IpSuperHttpServerChannel server channel instance will be used.
SuperTcp SuperTCP-based server channel type. An IpSuperTcpServerChannel server channel instance will be used.
SysHttp HTTP-based server channel type that relies on HTTP.SYS (kernel-level HTTP stack introduced in IIS6) . An HttpSysServerChannel server channel instance will be used.
SysSuperHttp SuperHTTP-based server channel type that relies on HTTP.SYS (kernel-level HTTP stack introduced in IIS6) . An HttpSysSuperHttpServerChannel server channel instance will be used.
Tcp TCP-based server channel type. An IpTcpServerChannel server channel instance will be used.