

SuperHttpServerConnection is used as a server-side representation for a connection with a particular client through a SuperHttp channel. The SuperHttpServer channel will obtain SuperHttpServerConnection objects for every established incoming connection. You will not usually deal with instances of this class directly, it is used internally by SuperHttp server channels.





constructor(server: SuperHttpServerChannel)


SuperHttpServerConnection(SuperHttpServerChannel server)


Sub New(server As SuperHttpServerChannel)


  • server:



property AssociatedSocket: Socket read write;


Socket AssociatedSocket { get; set; }


Property AssociatedSocket() As Socket



property ClientId: Guid read;


Guid ClientId { get; }


ReadOnly Property ClientId() As Guid



method CloseAssociatedSocket


void CloseAssociatedSocket()


Sub CloseAssociatedSocket()


Uniquely identifies a connection to the particular client. It corresponds to the SuperHttpClientChannel.ConnectionId property value of the client channel.


property ConnectionId: Guid read write;


Guid ConnectionId { get; set; }


Property ConnectionId() As Guid



method DispatchEvents(queue: IMessageQueue)


void DispatchEvents(IMessageQueue queue)


Sub DispatchEvents(queue As IMessageQueue)


  • queue:



method Dispose


void Dispose()


Sub Dispose()


Specifies the time of the last communication with client (in ticks).


property LastTalk: Int64 read write;


Int64 LastTalk { get; set; }


Property LastTalk() As Int64


Maximum size for a data package the client is allowed to send. It corresponds to the SuperHttpClientChannel.MaxPackageSize property value of the client channel.


property RemoteMaxPackageLength: Int32 read write;


Int32 RemoteMaxPackageLength { get; set; }


Property RemoteMaxPackageLength() As Int32


This queue stores responses that have not been sent because no waiting connections were found. Responses from this list will be sent the next time the client communicates with the server.


property ResponseQueue: Queue<SuperHttpServerResponse> read;


Queue<SuperHttpServerResponse> ResponseQueue { get; }


ReadOnly Property ResponseQueue() As Queue<SuperHttpServerResponse>


This property is used to uniquely identify the service client. It corresponds to the SuperHttpClientChannel.SessionId value of the client channel. The value of this property is used to retrieve the corresponding Session during the service activation process (see Invoker class information for more details).


property SessionId: Guid read write;


Guid SessionId { get; set; }


Property SessionId() As Guid


This queue stores the connections list that waits for the incoming package from the client and will be used to send back responses.


property WaitingConnections: Queue<WaitingConnection> read;


Queue<WaitingConnection> WaitingConnections { get; }


ReadOnly Property WaitingConnections() As Queue<WaitingConnection>




property AssociatedSocket: Socket read write;


Socket AssociatedSocket { get; set; }


Property AssociatedSocket() As Socket



property ClientId: Guid read;


Guid ClientId { get; }


ReadOnly Property ClientId() As Guid


Uniquely identifies a connection to the particular client. It corresponds to the SuperHttpClientChannel.ConnectionId property value of the client channel.


property ConnectionId: Guid read write;


Guid ConnectionId { get; set; }


Property ConnectionId() As Guid


Specifies the time of the last communication with client (in ticks).


property LastTalk: Int64 read write;


Int64 LastTalk { get; set; }


Property LastTalk() As Int64


Maximum size for a data package the client is allowed to send. It corresponds to the SuperHttpClientChannel.MaxPackageSize property value of the client channel.


property RemoteMaxPackageLength: Int32 read write;


Int32 RemoteMaxPackageLength { get; set; }


Property RemoteMaxPackageLength() As Int32


This queue stores responses that have not been sent because no waiting connections were found. Responses from this list will be sent the next time the client communicates with the server.


property ResponseQueue: Queue<SuperHttpServerResponse> read;


Queue<SuperHttpServerResponse> ResponseQueue { get; }


ReadOnly Property ResponseQueue() As Queue<SuperHttpServerResponse>


This property is used to uniquely identify the service client. It corresponds to the SuperHttpClientChannel.SessionId value of the client channel. The value of this property is used to retrieve the corresponding Session during the service activation process (see Invoker class information for more details).


property SessionId: Guid read write;


Guid SessionId { get; set; }


Property SessionId() As Guid


This queue stores the connections list that waits for the incoming package from the client and will be used to send back responses.


property WaitingConnections: Queue<WaitingConnection> read;


Queue<WaitingConnection> WaitingConnections { get; }


ReadOnly Property WaitingConnections() As Queue<WaitingConnection>




constructor(server: SuperHttpServerChannel)


SuperHttpServerConnection(SuperHttpServerChannel server)


Sub New(server As SuperHttpServerChannel)


  • server:



method CloseAssociatedSocket


void CloseAssociatedSocket()


Sub CloseAssociatedSocket()



method DispatchEvents(queue: IMessageQueue)


void DispatchEvents(IMessageQueue queue)


Sub DispatchEvents(queue As IMessageQueue)


  • queue:



method Dispose


void Dispose()


Sub Dispose()