

The SerializableSession class is used as a base class for out-of-process session classes. This class provides save-to-stream and load-from-stream functionality as well as internal cache used to speed up handling of complex objects.

Unlike the in-process sessions like the MemorySessionManager that store references to objects added to session out-of-process session managers have to serialize session data before sending it to an out-of-process session state storage (f.e. Olympia state server). This implies significant restrictions on values that can be stored in the session.

Sessions based on the SerializableSession class can store data of the following types:

  • Primitive values:
    • Binary ** Boolean ** Byte ** Currency ** DateTime ** Decimal ** Double ** Guid ** Int8 ** Int16 ** Int32 ** Int64 ** String
  • Classes inherited from the ComplexType class. In this case methods ComplexType and ComplexType are used to serialize/deserialize data
  • All .NET classes marked with the Serializable attribute. In this case .NET serialization facility will be used
  • Arrays of types listed above

The SerializableSession class also provides internal cache so all non-primitive values are deserialized only when they are accessed from the user code.



constructor  protected

Creates a new instance of the SerializableSession class and sets its IsNew and SessionID properties.


constructor(sessionId: Guid; isNew: Boolean)


SerializableSession(Guid sessionId, Boolean isNew)


Sub New(sessionId As Guid, isNew As Boolean)


  • sessionId: Session ID
  • isNew: Flag indicating whether this session instance is new (ie it was created anew, not loaded from the session storage)


Gets the number of items in the session-state collection.


property Count: Int32 read;


Int32 Count { get; }


ReadOnly Property Count() As Int32


Gets or sets UTC datetime when this session instance was created.


property Created: DateTime read write;


DateTime Created { get; set; }


Property Created() As DateTime


Disposes of the current session instance.


method Dispose


void Dispose()


Sub Dispose()


Gets a flag indicating whether current session instance is already disposed of.

Disposed sessions can no longer be modified and they will be discarded (rather then persisted for future calls) once they get released.


property Disposed: Boolean read;


Boolean Disposed { get; }


ReadOnly Property Disposed() As Boolean


Gets a flag indicating whether the current session instance is expired.


property Expired: Boolean read;


Boolean Expired { get; }


ReadOnly Property Expired() As Boolean


Gets a flag indicating that session values stored in the current session were changed.

This flag can be used by the session manager to reduce amount of data that will be sent to the session storage (ie there is no need to rewrite session values dats stream if there were no changes in them).


property IsChanged: Boolean read;


Boolean IsChanged { get; }


ReadOnly Property IsChanged() As Boolean


Gets a flag indicating that the current session instance was just created and wasn't stored in the session storage yet.


property IsNew: Boolean read;


Boolean IsNew { get; }


ReadOnly Property IsNew() As Boolean


Gets or sets individual session values.


property Item[name: String]: Object read write;


Object Item[String name] { get; set; }


Property Item(name As String) As Object


Gets or sets a UTC datetime when this session instance was last accessed.


property LastAccessed: DateTime read write;


DateTime LastAccessed { get; set; }


Property LastAccessed() As DateTime


Loads session data from the provided data stream.


method LoadFromStream(stream: Stream)


void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)


Sub LoadFromStream(stream As Stream)


  • stream: Stream containing serialized session data


Gets list of session value names.


property Names: ReadOnlyCollection<String> read;


ReadOnlyCollection<String> Names { get; }


ReadOnly Property Names() As ReadOnlyCollection<String>


Removes session value from the current session instance. If session doesn't contain value with provided name then it is ignored.


method Remove(name: String)


void Remove(String name)


Sub Remove(name As String)


  • name: Session value name


Gets or sets roles associated to this session.

Roles are checked when services or methods have their Roles property set in the Service Builder.


property Roles: array of String read write;


String[] Roles { get; set; }


Property Roles() As String()


Loads session data to the provided data stream.


method SaveToStream(stream: Stream)


void SaveToStream(Stream stream)


Sub SaveToStream(stream As Stream)


  • stream: Stream that will contain serialized session data


Gets session Id.


property SessionID: Guid read;


Guid SessionID { get; }


ReadOnly Property SessionID() As Guid


Gets or sets the number of seconds since the last access that can elapse before the session will expire.


property Timeout: Int32 read write;


Int32 Timeout { get; set; }


Property Timeout() As Int32


Updates the ISession value of the session with current date and time.


method Touch


void Touch()


Sub Touch()



Gets the number of items in the session-state collection.


property Count: Int32 read;


Int32 Count { get; }


ReadOnly Property Count() As Int32


Gets or sets UTC datetime when this session instance was created.


property Created: DateTime read write;


DateTime Created { get; set; }


Property Created() As DateTime


Gets a flag indicating whether current session instance is already disposed of.

Disposed sessions can no longer be modified and they will be discarded (rather then persisted for future calls) once they get released.


property Disposed: Boolean read;


Boolean Disposed { get; }


ReadOnly Property Disposed() As Boolean


Gets a flag indicating whether the current session instance is expired.


property Expired: Boolean read;


Boolean Expired { get; }


ReadOnly Property Expired() As Boolean


Gets a flag indicating that session values stored in the current session were changed.

This flag can be used by the session manager to reduce amount of data that will be sent to the session storage (ie there is no need to rewrite session values dats stream if there were no changes in them).


property IsChanged: Boolean read;


Boolean IsChanged { get; }


ReadOnly Property IsChanged() As Boolean


Gets a flag indicating that the current session instance was just created and wasn't stored in the session storage yet.


property IsNew: Boolean read;


Boolean IsNew { get; }


ReadOnly Property IsNew() As Boolean


Gets or sets individual session values.


property Item[name: String]: Object read write;


Object Item[String name] { get; set; }


Property Item(name As String) As Object


Gets or sets a UTC datetime when this session instance was last accessed.


property LastAccessed: DateTime read write;


DateTime LastAccessed { get; set; }


Property LastAccessed() As DateTime


Gets list of session value names.


property Names: ReadOnlyCollection<String> read;


ReadOnlyCollection<String> Names { get; }


ReadOnly Property Names() As ReadOnlyCollection<String>


Gets or sets roles associated to this session.

Roles are checked when services or methods have their Roles property set in the Service Builder.


property Roles: array of String read write;


String[] Roles { get; set; }


Property Roles() As String()


Gets session Id.


property SessionID: Guid read;


Guid SessionID { get; }


ReadOnly Property SessionID() As Guid


Gets or sets the number of seconds since the last access that can elapse before the session will expire.


property Timeout: Int32 read write;


Int32 Timeout { get; set; }


Property Timeout() As Int32


constructor  protected

Creates a new instance of the SerializableSession class and sets its IsNew and SessionID properties.


constructor(sessionId: Guid; isNew: Boolean)


SerializableSession(Guid sessionId, Boolean isNew)


Sub New(sessionId As Guid, isNew As Boolean)


  • sessionId: Session ID
  • isNew: Flag indicating whether this session instance is new (ie it was created anew, not loaded from the session storage)


Disposes of the current session instance.


method Dispose


void Dispose()


Sub Dispose()


Loads session data from the provided data stream.


method LoadFromStream(stream: Stream)


void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)


Sub LoadFromStream(stream As Stream)


  • stream: Stream containing serialized session data


Removes session value from the current session instance. If session doesn't contain value with provided name then it is ignored.


method Remove(name: String)


void Remove(String name)


Sub Remove(name As String)


  • name: Session value name


Loads session data to the provided data stream.


method SaveToStream(stream: Stream)


void SaveToStream(Stream stream)


Sub SaveToStream(stream As Stream)


  • stream: Stream that will contain serialized session data


Updates the ISession value of the session with current date and time.


method Touch


void Touch()


Sub Touch()