

Class Notes
AesEncryptionEnvelope AES Envelope is an encryption envelope that is shipped with the RemObjects.SDK package. It uses AES encryption to encrypt and decrypt messages using an encryption key that is generated based on Password property.
AsyncProxy Abstract base class for all RemObject SDK asynchronous service proxies. Descendants of this class can be found in the _Intf files generated by Remoting SDK codegen to provide a call interface for Remoting SDK-based services.
AsyncWorker Abstract base class is used by AsyncServer class to process each asynchronous client connection.
Binding Represents a local socket binding.
BinMessage The BinMessage class implements a Message type that can be used to encode messages in a proprietary binary format to send between client and server. Though the format used is proprietary, it is highly efficient and small....
BinSerializer The BinSerializer class represents Bin serializer. This class is used internally by the BinMessage class to read or write data in the Bin format.
BoundIncomingStream Implements an incoming stream for specified connection (Connection Class) and provides possibility to read specified number of first bytes in the stream.
BsonMessage The BsonMessage class implements a Message type that can be used to encode messages in a BSON format to send between client and server.
BsonSerializer The BsonSerializer class represents BSON serializer. This class is used internally by the BsonMessage class to read or write data in the BSON format.
Channel Channel is the common base class for both ClientChannel and ServerChannels, and introduces common properties and events.
Client Abstract client component, the base for all other clients.
ClientChannel The ClientChannel abstract class serves as a base class for implementing a custom Remoting SDK Transport Channel by providing a common base-implementation of the IClientChannel interface. Though a Transport Channel will typically descend from the ClientChannel...
ClientChannelTypeManager This class is responsible for registering associations between communication protocol names and client channel types. Also it allows to create client channel instances based on protocol name. This is a static class. It is a part of URL Schemes...
Connection The Stream based Connection class is the basis for all communications between clients and servers. Clients can obtain a Connection object by calling one of the Connect methods of the Client component; Servers will obtain Connection objects for every incoming...
ConnectionPool ConnectionPool class determines a connection pool which is used to represent outgoing connections and is not used to represent incoming connections because they are not used for pooling.
DnsLookup The DnsLookup class provides static helper methods for resolving host names to IP addresses.
DynamicRequest The DynamicRequest class represents a request (ie remote method call), that can be made to a service on a Remoting SDK Server.
DynamicRequestParameter Used to represent a single Parameter in a DynamicRequest.
DynamicRequestParameterCollection Maintains a list of parameters to be used in a DynamicRequest.
EventReceiver The EventReceiver class is used on the client side to receive events sent from the server.
EventSinkInvoker The EventSinkInvoker class is a static helper class to invoke events on service classes.
HttpSslConnection The HttpSslConnection class represents SSL-protected HTTP connection from
IpClientChannel The IpClientChannel internal abstract class is used as base for both the IpTcpClientChannel and the IpHttpClientChannel classes. The sole purpose of this class is to provide several protected helper methods (described below) to simplify the routing of transfer progress events of the underlying Remoting SDK-based connections to the current instance of the ClientChannel...
IpHttpClientChannel The IpHttpClientChannel class inherits from ClientChannel to provide client communication via the HTTP protocol based on HttpClient.
IpSuperHttpClientChannel Enhanced HTTP based channel that provides a sophisticated and flexible communication channel. It uses persistent connections to enable true asynchronous calls and server callbacks.
IpSuperTcpClientChannel The IpSuperTcpClientChannel class implements the client side of the sophisticated and flexible TCP based communication channel that uses persistent connections to enable true asynchronous calls and server callbacks. This TCP...
IpTcpClientChannel The IpTcpClientChannel class inherits from ClientChannel to provide client communication via raw TCP connections based on TcpClient.
JsonMessage The JsonMessage class implements a Message type that can be used to encode messages in a JSON format to send between client and server.
JsonSerializer The JsonSerializer class represents JSON serializer. This class is used internally by the JsonMessage class to read or write data in the JSON format.
Message The Message abstract class is a base class that can be used for implementing custom Remoting SDK Message classes by providing a common base-implementation of the IMessage interface. Though message components typically descend from the Message class, this is not required, but all custom messages have to implement the IMessage interface.
MessageEnvelope The MessageEnvelope base class provides basic functionality for envelopes.
MessageEnvelopeItem The MessageEnvelopeItem class represents envelope items in the MessageEnvelopes list. This class is used by the Message class to gain access to envelope items assigned to this message.
MessageEnvelopes The MessageEnvelopes class represents a list that holds envelope items attached to the message. This class is used by the Message class to store message envelopes.
MessageTypeManager This class is responsible for registering associations between messaging protocol names and message types. Also it allows to create message class instances based on protocol name. This is a static class. It is a part of URL Schemes...
NamedPipeClientChannel The NamedPipeClientChannel uses Windows Named Pipes to communicate between client and server on the same machine or local network. Named Pipes are recommended for communications between processes on the same computer, especially when run by separate users...
ObjectDisposer This class is used internally by the invoker to ensure that Dispose is called (where required) on the server side for all objects received from and sent back to the client.
PostMessage PostMessage implements message encoding using a simple text messaging format compatible with HTTP "Post" data.
PostSerializer Class for serializing/deserializing data of any type to a PostMessage format.
PoweredByButton Let the world know that you use Remoting SDK technology by adding this button to your application's About Box.
Proxy The Proxy class is the base class for the Remoting SDK proxy classes that are auto-generated from the RODL file. A Proxy represents a remote object. The auto-generate proxy class will define methods for the remote object...
RemoteService The RemoteService class is used to represent the connection to a remote server. RemoteService components are usually not used by themselves, but in combinations with other components that need to make remote requests, such as DynamicRequest or Data Abstract's RemoteDataAdapter.
RodlToWsdl The RodlToWsdl class converts RODL resources into WSDL schemas.
Serializer The Serializer is a base class for all message serializers in Remoting SDK.
SoapMessage The SoapMessage class is a descendant of the Message class and represents a SOAP Message.
SoapSerializer Class for serializing/deserializing data of any type to xml-based Soap document.
SslConnection The SslConnection class is an internal class that wraps regular connections to secure all traffic between a client and a server.
SslConnectionFactory The SSL Connection Factory is a class to assign to server & client connections to pass all communications in a secured filter. SSL (or TLS) will try to validate the remote certificate against the local certificate store (on Windows, the one included with...
SuperHttpClientChannel The SuperHttpClientChannel class represents the client side of the sophisticated and flexible HTTP based communication channel that uses persistent connections to enable asynchronous calls and server callbacks. This channel offers the same two-way communication...
SuperHttpClientWaitingRequest SuperHttpClientWaitingRequest represents data on the result of sending a request. Instances of this class are obtained for each request sent by the SuperHttpClientChannel and will contain response or error code after server feedback.
SuperTcpChannelWorker The SuperTcpChannelWorker is the base abstract class for the (SCClientWorker) client and the (SCServerWorker) server Super Tcp channel worker classes that are used internally by the SuperTcpClientChannel and SuperTcpServerChannel classes for sending data...
TcpClient The TCPClient Class provides client connections for TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) network services.
ThreadPool The ThreadPool class represents a pool of threads that can be used to execute tasks asynchronously, process network I/O etc. For example, the SuperHttpClientChannel and SuperTcpClientChannel classes use the ThreadPool class instance to
TypeActivator The TypeActivator class is an abstract class used in conjunction with the TypeManager
TypeManager The static TypeManager is used internally to hold references to all known complex types (structs) known to the remoting framework.
WinInetHttpClientChannel The WinInetHttpClientChannel implements HTTP-based client channel. Communications internally are performed using the .NET WinInet HTTP classes.
WinInetSuperHttpClientChannel The WinInetSuperHttpClientChannel class is specialization of the SuperHttpClientChannel
Worker Abstract base class for all synchronous workers which are used internally by the Server components to handle the individual connections. They are created by the Listener whenever a new connection comes in.
WorkerCollection Represents an ArrayList collection of the IWorker elements. It is used by Listener object to control the list of workers.
XmlRpcMessage The XmlRpcMessage class provides the ability of communication between client and server in an XML-RPC format, that can be compared with the SOAP communication protocols but is much more simpler.
XmlRpcSerializer The XmlRpcSerializer is a specialization of the Serializer class that provides methods for data serialization/deserialization.


Interface Notes
IActiveEventChannel The IActiveEventChannel interface represents the IClientChannel that is aware about Multicast Events listeners expecting server event data via this IClientChannel instance. All client channels that are able to receive Multicast Events actively (i.e. Super Channels) implement this interface.
IArrayType By implementing this interface, you can add an additional array of properties (name -> value) for a class.
IAsyncWorker Represents an interface for AsyncWorker class.
IClientAsyncResult The IClientAsyncResult interface can be implemented on client implementations to recieve messages from the server asynchonously.
IClientChannel The IClientChannel interface represents client end-point of a communication channel. All client channels provided by Remoting SDK implement the IClientChannel interface.
IConnectionFactory Represents an interface for a connection factory.
ICustomArrayType The ICustomArrayType interface defines a custom array type that can be read or written by the Serializer instance.
ICustomEnum The ICustomEnum interface defines a custom enumeration type that can be read or written by a Serializer instance.
IEventReceiver The IEventReceiver interface represents a receiver of server events. Any class implementing this interface should be able to properly interpret a provided data stream or Message and to invoke the corresponding method of the client application. This interface is implemented by the EventReceiver class.
IHttpHeader The IHttpHeader interface represents a collection of Http headers.
IHttpRequest The IHttpRequest Interface represents an Http request to a RemObject SDK-based server.
IMessage All custom RemObjects Messages must implement the IMessage interface.
IRemoteService The IRemoteService represents a base component used provide required connection settings needed to access a remote RemObjects service.
IRodlAccess This interface is implemented by ClientChannel types that support standardized retrieval of a RODL library from the server.
IRodlConverter This interface can be implemented by message classes that want to convert RODL files into a different format before sending them out to a client.
IROEventSinkHandlers The IROEventSinkHandlers interface represents the base interface to build a collection of specified event sink handlers.
IROProxy The IROProxy interface represents base properties for the Proxy class. This internally used interface only exposes one property (see below).
IServerChannel The IServerChannel interface represents the base information about a specified server channel: channel state and the base server channel events.
IThreadPool The IThreadPool interface represents a pool of threads that can be used to execute tasks asynchronously, process network I/O etc. Such pools are used, for example, by SuperHttp and SuperTcp server channels to handle client communications.
IWorker Represents an interface for Worker class.


Enum Notes
ApplicationType Describes the application type when using PoweredByButton class.
DnsResolveType The DnsResolveType enumeration is used in the Client class to define the hostname to IP address resolve policy.
JsonObjectType Specifies the type of JSON object when (de)serializing data with JsonMessage. Used internally by JsonSerializer class.
JsonTokenKind Specifies the kind of JSON token when parsing JsonMessage. data Used internally by JsonSerializer class.
MessageEnvelopeAction Specifies the action to was or about to be done with Message Envelope. Used in MessageEnvelope class events.
MessageType This enum contains the possible message types that client and server can send to each other. Messages of different types have different meaning in the same messaging protocol. The concrete messaging protocol can limit the number of message types supported...
ParameterDirection Values of this enum are used to specify remote methods parameters kind and direction when working with Dynamic Request.
PostMessageBinaryType Values of this enum are used to specfy the binary encoding style to be used by PostMessage.
SoapMode This enumeration is used to quickly set up SoapMessage message instance to use one of the common SOAP messaging conventions.
SoapSerializationOptions Using this enum values as binary flags you can set up any of SoapMessage serialization options.
StreamingFormat Library internal enum to describe the data (de)serialization format for certain cases with possible variations.
TransferDirection Used to specify the data transfer direction in Client Channels. The value of this type is passed to certain event handlers, such as ClientChannel to specify the transfer direction.
XmlRpcType Internally describes the package kind in XML-RPC messaging protocol.


Attribute Notes
Activator This attribute is used by Remoting SDK to mark Activator classes. Activator classes can be considered as factory classes that create instances of other classes.
ClientChannel This attribute is used to mark classes that implement a ClientChannel.
DontStream This attribute is used inside the generated interface code to mark properties that should not be persisted when the object gets streamed to a message for transport.
EventSink Marks the class to implement an invoker.
Message This attribute is used to mark classes that implement a Message. The IDE's New Project Wizards evaluate this attribute to populate the list of available Message components.
Remotable The RemotableAttribute class is a custom attribute which is used to mark a class or an Enum as Remotable. Remotable types can be sent "over the wire" between Remoting SDK clients and servers.
RODLCustom The RODLCustomAttribute attribute allows to store service meta-information line service endpoint URL
RODLOriginalSOAPName The RODLOriginalSOAPNameAttribute is used by the CodeGen class to provide an original name for a WSDL element represented by the attributed entity when a RODL is processed. This attribute is used later by the SoapSerializer class to correctly write or read SOAP messages.
ServerChannel This attribute is used to mark classes that implement a Server Channel. The IDE's New Project Wizards evaluate this attribute to populate the list of available Server Channel components.
StreamAs This attribute is used inside the generated interface code to determine the streaming format for types where the exact streaming format cannot be inferred through reflection.