

When a Data Abstract service UpdateData method is called, each of the deltas sent by the client are handed to a specific Business Processor (either auto created or explicitly dropped on the service at design time), which executes the appropriate INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE SQL commands for each of the changes related to one data table.

You can specify which data table a Business Processor refers to by setting the property ReferencedDataTable.

Business Processors can either auto generate the SQL used by such commands (see properties AutoGenerateInsert , AutoGenerateDelete and AutoGenerateUpdate) or reference commands you define in a Schema (see properties InsertCommandName, DeleteCommandName and UpdateCommandName).

Once a delta change has been processed, the contents of the row can be re-read through the use of a query identified by the RefreshDataTableName. This is useful whenever a trigger modifies the record in the background and you want to avoid a second round trip to the server to get an exact snapshot of the data. The values returned by the refresh query are merged in the delta and sent back to the client during the same UpdateData call.

In order to control what happens before and after the processing of each delta or their changes, use the many events provided by the Business Processor class.

In summary, it allows you to define the business logic surrounding the processing of delta changes, before and after they get applied to the database.




Creates a new instance of the BusinessProcessor class.






Sub New()

constructor (IContainer)

Creates a new instance of the BusinessProcessor class and adds it to the provided components container.


constructor(container: IContainer)


BusinessProcessor(IContainer container)


Sub New(container As IContainer)


  • container: Components container


Fires after a command was executed.


event AfterExecuteCommand: ExecuteCommandHandler;
delegate: method AfterExecuteCommand(sender: BusinessProcessor; e: ExecuteCommandArgs)


delegate ExecuteCommandHandler AfterExecuteCommand()
delegate: void AfterExecuteCommand(BusinessProcessor sender, ExecuteCommandArgs e)


Event AfterExecuteCommand As ExecuteCommandHandler
delegate: Sub AfterExecuteCommand(sender As BusinessProcessor, e As ExecuteCommandArgs)


Occurs after a delta change has been successfully processed. A common use of this event could be to store information about the updates in a log table.


event AfterProcessChange: EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs> AfterProcessChange()


Event AfterProcessChange As EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs>


Occurs after a complete delta has been processed. A common use of this event could be to store information about the updates in a log table.


event AfterProcessDelta: EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs> AfterProcessDelta()


Event AfterProcessDelta As EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs>


Occurs after the business processor auto generates the SQL text used to process a specific type of change (insert, delete or update). The parameters in the event arguments provide you with all the information you need to understand what type of SQL is being generated and, by modifying the SQLStatement property, allow you to replace the auto generated SQL. A common use of this event could be to track the SQL being executed and log it in a text file for debugging purposes.


event AfterSqlGeneration: SqlGenerationEventHandler;
delegate: method AfterSqlGeneration(sender: BusinessProcessor; e: SqlGenerationEventArgs)


delegate SqlGenerationEventHandler AfterSqlGeneration()
delegate: void AfterSqlGeneration(BusinessProcessor sender, SqlGenerationEventArgs e)


Event AfterSqlGeneration As SqlGenerationEventHandler
delegate: Sub AfterSqlGeneration(sender As BusinessProcessor, e As SqlGenerationEventArgs)



property AllowedChangeTypes: set of ChangeType read write;


set of ChangeType AllowedChangeTypes { get; set; }


Property AllowedChangeTypes() As set of ChangeType

AssignChangeValuesToCommand  protected

Sets the command parameters values. Source values are taken from the provided DeltaChange instance.


method AssignChangeValuesToCommand(connection: IAbstractConnection; command: IDbCommand; mappings: ParamMappingCollection; delta: DeltaChange)


void AssignChangeValuesToCommand(IAbstractConnection connection, IDbCommand command, ParamMappingCollection mappings, DeltaChange delta)


Sub AssignChangeValuesToCommand(connection As IAbstractConnection, command As IDbCommand, mappings As ParamMappingCollection, delta As DeltaChange)


  • connection: Database connection
  • command: Database command
  • mappings: Parameter mapping
  • delta: DeltaChange instance that will provide parameter values


Indicates if the SQL text for the delete command should be auto generated. If you want to use a specific SQL command defined in a Schema instead, set the DeleteCommandName property.


property AutoGenerateDelete: Boolean read write;


Boolean AutoGenerateDelete { get; set; }


Property AutoGenerateDelete() As Boolean


Indicates if the SQL text for the insert command should be auto generated. If you want to use a specific SQL command defined in a Schema instead, set the InsertCommandName property.


property AutoGenerateInsert: Boolean read write;


Boolean AutoGenerateInsert { get; set; }


Property AutoGenerateInsert() As Boolean


Indicates if the SQL text for the refresh data table should be auto generated. If you want to use a specific data table defined in a Schema instead, set the RefreshDataTableName property.


property AutoGenerateRefresh: Boolean read write;


Boolean AutoGenerateRefresh { get; set; }


Property AutoGenerateRefresh() As Boolean


Indicates if the SQL text for the update command should be auto generated. If you want to use a specific SQL command defined in a Schema instead, set the UpdateCommandName property.


property AutoGenerateUpdate: Boolean read write;


Boolean AutoGenerateUpdate { get; set; }


Property AutoGenerateUpdate() As Boolean



event BeforeExecuteCommand: ExecuteCommandHandler;
delegate: method BeforeExecuteCommand(sender: BusinessProcessor; e: ExecuteCommandArgs)


delegate ExecuteCommandHandler BeforeExecuteCommand()
delegate: void BeforeExecuteCommand(BusinessProcessor sender, ExecuteCommandArgs e)


Event BeforeExecuteCommand As ExecuteCommandHandler
delegate: Sub BeforeExecuteCommand(sender As BusinessProcessor, e As ExecuteCommandArgs)



event BeforeGetTableData: BeforeGetTableDataEventHandler;
delegate: method BeforeGetTableData(sender: BusinessProcessor; e: BeforeGetTableDataEventArgs)


delegate BeforeGetTableDataEventHandler BeforeGetTableData()
delegate: void BeforeGetTableData(BusinessProcessor sender, BeforeGetTableDataEventArgs e)


Event BeforeGetTableData As BeforeGetTableDataEventHandler
delegate: Sub BeforeGetTableData(sender As BusinessProcessor, e As BeforeGetTableDataEventArgs)


Occurs before a delta change is about to be processed. A common use of this event could be to abort an update if the user sending the delta doesn't have enough privileges to do so. To abort the processing of a delta change, simply fire an exception in this event handler.


event BeforeProcessChange: EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs> BeforeProcessChange()


Event BeforeProcessChange As EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs>


Occurs before a delta is about to be processed. A common use of this event could be to log information about the delta in a log table or to forbid a specific user to modify the data table referenced by the ReferencedDataTable property.


event BeforeProcessDelta: EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs> BeforeProcessDelta()


Event BeforeProcessDelta As EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs>

CreateParameterMappings  protected


method CreateParameterMappings(connection: IAbstractConnection; table: SchemaDataTable; command: IDbCommand; parameters: SchemaParameterCollection; delta: Delta; fields: SchemaColumnMappingCollection): ParamMappingCollection


ParamMappingCollection CreateParameterMappings(IAbstractConnection connection, SchemaDataTable table, IDbCommand command, SchemaParameterCollection parameters, Delta delta, SchemaColumnMappingCollection fields)


Function CreateParameterMappings(connection As IAbstractConnection, table As SchemaDataTable, command As IDbCommand, parameters As SchemaParameterCollection, delta As Delta, fields As SchemaColumnMappingCollection) As ParamMappingCollection


  • connection:
  • table:
  • command:
  • parameters:
  • delta:
  • fields:

CreateRefreshCommand  protected


method CreateRefreshCommand(connection: IAbstractConnection; table: SchemaDataTable; updateMode: UpdateMode; fields: array of String; out parameters: SchemaParameterCollection): IDbCommand


IDbCommand CreateRefreshCommand(IAbstractConnection connection, SchemaDataTable table, UpdateMode updateMode, String[] fields, out SchemaParameterCollection parameters)


Function CreateRefreshCommand(connection As IAbstractConnection, table As SchemaDataTable, updateMode As UpdateMode, fields As String(), <OutAttribute> ByRef parameters As SchemaParameterCollection) As IDbCommand


  • connection:
  • table:
  • updateMode:
  • fields:
  • parameters:

CreateUpdateCommand  protected


method CreateUpdateCommand(connection: IAbstractConnection; table: SchemaDataTable; changeType: ChangeType; change: DeltaChange; updateMode: UpdateMode; columnMapping: SchemaColumnMappingCollection; out parameters: SchemaParameterCollection): IDbCommand


IDbCommand CreateUpdateCommand(IAbstractConnection connection, SchemaDataTable table, ChangeType changeType, DeltaChange change, UpdateMode updateMode, SchemaColumnMappingCollection columnMapping, out SchemaParameterCollection parameters)


Function CreateUpdateCommand(connection As IAbstractConnection, table As SchemaDataTable, changeType As ChangeType, change As DeltaChange, updateMode As UpdateMode, columnMapping As SchemaColumnMappingCollection, <OutAttribute> ByRef parameters As SchemaParameterCollection) As IDbCommand


  • connection:
  • table:
  • changeType:
  • change:
  • updateMode:
  • columnMapping:
  • parameters:


Identifies the name of the Schema command to be be executed when applying the deletes of a delta.


property DeleteCommandName: String read write;


String DeleteCommandName { get; set; }


Property DeleteCommandName() As String



property IgnoreAffectedRows: Boolean read write;


Boolean IgnoreAffectedRows { get; set; }


Property IgnoreAffectedRows() As Boolean


Identifies the name of the schema command to be be executed when applying the inserts of a delta.


property InsertCommandName: String read write;


String InsertCommandName { get; set; }


Property InsertCommandName() As String


Indicates if the commands executed when processing delta changes should be prepared before being executed.


property PrepareCommands: Boolean read write;


Boolean PrepareCommands { get; set; }


Property PrepareCommands() As Boolean


Performs the processing of the passed delta and applies the changes to the database.


method ProcessDelta(connection: IAbstractConnection; schema: ServiceSchema; delta: Delta; allowInsert: Boolean; allowUpdate: Boolean; allowDelete: Boolean)


void ProcessDelta(IAbstractConnection connection, ServiceSchema schema, Delta delta, Boolean allowInsert, Boolean allowUpdate, Boolean allowDelete)


Sub ProcessDelta(connection As IAbstractConnection, schema As ServiceSchema, delta As Delta, allowInsert As Boolean, allowUpdate As Boolean, allowDelete As Boolean)


  • connection:
  • schema:
  • delta:
  • allowInsert:
  • allowUpdate:
  • allowDelete:


Occurs anytime a delta change processing fails. The event arguments of this event contain information about the exception being raised and provide the opportunity to halt the whole delta processing or ignore it and continue.


event ProcessError: EventHandler<DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs> ProcessError()


Event ProcessError As EventHandler<DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs>



property ReferencedDataTable: String read write;


String ReferencedDataTable { get; set; }


Property ReferencedDataTable() As String


Identifies the name of the Schema data table to be used to re-read the values of a row after it has been inserted or updated.


property RefreshDataTableName: String read write;


String RefreshDataTableName { get; set; }


Property RefreshDataTableName() As String



property ServiceEvents: IDataAbstractServiceEvents read write;


IDataAbstractServiceEvents ServiceEvents { get; set; }


Property ServiceEvents() As IDataAbstractServiceEvents

TriggerAfterExecuteCommand  protected


method TriggerAfterExecuteCommand(e: ExecuteCommandArgs)


void TriggerAfterExecuteCommand(ExecuteCommandArgs e)


Sub TriggerAfterExecuteCommand(e As ExecuteCommandArgs)


  • e:

TriggerAfterProcessChange  protected


method TriggerAfterProcessChange(e: DeltaChangeEventArgs)


void TriggerAfterProcessChange(DeltaChangeEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerAfterProcessChange(e As DeltaChangeEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerAfterProcessDelta  protected


method TriggerAfterProcessDelta(e: DeltaEventArgs)


void TriggerAfterProcessDelta(DeltaEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerAfterProcessDelta(e As DeltaEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerAfterSqlGeneration  protected


method TriggerAfterSqlGeneration(e: SqlGenerationEventArgs)


void TriggerAfterSqlGeneration(SqlGenerationEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerAfterSqlGeneration(e As SqlGenerationEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerBeforeExecuteCommand  protected


method TriggerBeforeExecuteCommand(e: ExecuteCommandArgs)


void TriggerBeforeExecuteCommand(ExecuteCommandArgs e)


Sub TriggerBeforeExecuteCommand(e As ExecuteCommandArgs)


  • e:

TriggerBeforeProcessChange  protected


method TriggerBeforeProcessChange(e: DeltaChangeEventArgs)


void TriggerBeforeProcessChange(DeltaChangeEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerBeforeProcessChange(e As DeltaChangeEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerBeforeProcessDelta  protected


method TriggerBeforeProcessDelta(e: DeltaEventArgs)


void TriggerBeforeProcessDelta(DeltaEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerBeforeProcessDelta(e As DeltaEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerProcessError  protected


method TriggerProcessError(e: DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs)


void TriggerProcessError(DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerProcessError(e As DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerValidateDataTableAccess  protected


method TriggerValidateDataTableAccess(e: ValidateSchemaObjectAccessEventArgs)


void TriggerValidateDataTableAccess(ValidateSchemaObjectAccessEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerValidateDataTableAccess(e As ValidateSchemaObjectAccessEventArgs)


  • e:


Identifies the name of the Schema command to be be executed when applying the updates of a delta.


property UpdateCommandName: String read write;


String UpdateCommandName { get; set; }


Property UpdateCommandName() As String


Specifies how to locate records that are going to be affected by a delta change.


property UpdateMode: UpdateMode read write;


UpdateMode UpdateMode { get; set; }


Property UpdateMode() As UpdateMode




property AllowedChangeTypes: set of ChangeType read write;


set of ChangeType AllowedChangeTypes { get; set; }


Property AllowedChangeTypes() As set of ChangeType


Indicates if the SQL text for the delete command should be auto generated. If you want to use a specific SQL command defined in a Schema instead, set the DeleteCommandName property.


property AutoGenerateDelete: Boolean read write;


Boolean AutoGenerateDelete { get; set; }


Property AutoGenerateDelete() As Boolean


Indicates if the SQL text for the insert command should be auto generated. If you want to use a specific SQL command defined in a Schema instead, set the InsertCommandName property.


property AutoGenerateInsert: Boolean read write;


Boolean AutoGenerateInsert { get; set; }


Property AutoGenerateInsert() As Boolean


Indicates if the SQL text for the refresh data table should be auto generated. If you want to use a specific data table defined in a Schema instead, set the RefreshDataTableName property.


property AutoGenerateRefresh: Boolean read write;


Boolean AutoGenerateRefresh { get; set; }


Property AutoGenerateRefresh() As Boolean


Indicates if the SQL text for the update command should be auto generated. If you want to use a specific SQL command defined in a Schema instead, set the UpdateCommandName property.


property AutoGenerateUpdate: Boolean read write;


Boolean AutoGenerateUpdate { get; set; }


Property AutoGenerateUpdate() As Boolean


Identifies the name of the Schema command to be be executed when applying the deletes of a delta.


property DeleteCommandName: String read write;


String DeleteCommandName { get; set; }


Property DeleteCommandName() As String



property IgnoreAffectedRows: Boolean read write;


Boolean IgnoreAffectedRows { get; set; }


Property IgnoreAffectedRows() As Boolean


Identifies the name of the schema command to be be executed when applying the inserts of a delta.


property InsertCommandName: String read write;


String InsertCommandName { get; set; }


Property InsertCommandName() As String


Indicates if the commands executed when processing delta changes should be prepared before being executed.


property PrepareCommands: Boolean read write;


Boolean PrepareCommands { get; set; }


Property PrepareCommands() As Boolean



property ReferencedDataTable: String read write;


String ReferencedDataTable { get; set; }


Property ReferencedDataTable() As String


Identifies the name of the Schema data table to be used to re-read the values of a row after it has been inserted or updated.


property RefreshDataTableName: String read write;


String RefreshDataTableName { get; set; }


Property RefreshDataTableName() As String



property ServiceEvents: IDataAbstractServiceEvents read write;


IDataAbstractServiceEvents ServiceEvents { get; set; }


Property ServiceEvents() As IDataAbstractServiceEvents


Identifies the name of the Schema command to be be executed when applying the updates of a delta.


property UpdateCommandName: String read write;


String UpdateCommandName { get; set; }


Property UpdateCommandName() As String


Specifies how to locate records that are going to be affected by a delta change.


property UpdateMode: UpdateMode read write;


UpdateMode UpdateMode { get; set; }


Property UpdateMode() As UpdateMode



Creates a new instance of the BusinessProcessor class.






Sub New()

constructor (IContainer)

Creates a new instance of the BusinessProcessor class and adds it to the provided components container.


constructor(container: IContainer)


BusinessProcessor(IContainer container)


Sub New(container As IContainer)


  • container: Components container

AssignChangeValuesToCommand  protected

Sets the command parameters values. Source values are taken from the provided DeltaChange instance.


method AssignChangeValuesToCommand(connection: IAbstractConnection; command: IDbCommand; mappings: ParamMappingCollection; delta: DeltaChange)


void AssignChangeValuesToCommand(IAbstractConnection connection, IDbCommand command, ParamMappingCollection mappings, DeltaChange delta)


Sub AssignChangeValuesToCommand(connection As IAbstractConnection, command As IDbCommand, mappings As ParamMappingCollection, delta As DeltaChange)


  • connection: Database connection
  • command: Database command
  • mappings: Parameter mapping
  • delta: DeltaChange instance that will provide parameter values

CreateParameterMappings  protected


method CreateParameterMappings(connection: IAbstractConnection; table: SchemaDataTable; command: IDbCommand; parameters: SchemaParameterCollection; delta: Delta; fields: SchemaColumnMappingCollection): ParamMappingCollection


ParamMappingCollection CreateParameterMappings(IAbstractConnection connection, SchemaDataTable table, IDbCommand command, SchemaParameterCollection parameters, Delta delta, SchemaColumnMappingCollection fields)


Function CreateParameterMappings(connection As IAbstractConnection, table As SchemaDataTable, command As IDbCommand, parameters As SchemaParameterCollection, delta As Delta, fields As SchemaColumnMappingCollection) As ParamMappingCollection


  • connection:
  • table:
  • command:
  • parameters:
  • delta:
  • fields:

CreateRefreshCommand  protected


method CreateRefreshCommand(connection: IAbstractConnection; table: SchemaDataTable; updateMode: UpdateMode; fields: array of String; out parameters: SchemaParameterCollection): IDbCommand


IDbCommand CreateRefreshCommand(IAbstractConnection connection, SchemaDataTable table, UpdateMode updateMode, String[] fields, out SchemaParameterCollection parameters)


Function CreateRefreshCommand(connection As IAbstractConnection, table As SchemaDataTable, updateMode As UpdateMode, fields As String(), <OutAttribute> ByRef parameters As SchemaParameterCollection) As IDbCommand


  • connection:
  • table:
  • updateMode:
  • fields:
  • parameters:

CreateUpdateCommand  protected


method CreateUpdateCommand(connection: IAbstractConnection; table: SchemaDataTable; changeType: ChangeType; change: DeltaChange; updateMode: UpdateMode; columnMapping: SchemaColumnMappingCollection; out parameters: SchemaParameterCollection): IDbCommand


IDbCommand CreateUpdateCommand(IAbstractConnection connection, SchemaDataTable table, ChangeType changeType, DeltaChange change, UpdateMode updateMode, SchemaColumnMappingCollection columnMapping, out SchemaParameterCollection parameters)


Function CreateUpdateCommand(connection As IAbstractConnection, table As SchemaDataTable, changeType As ChangeType, change As DeltaChange, updateMode As UpdateMode, columnMapping As SchemaColumnMappingCollection, <OutAttribute> ByRef parameters As SchemaParameterCollection) As IDbCommand


  • connection:
  • table:
  • changeType:
  • change:
  • updateMode:
  • columnMapping:
  • parameters:


Performs the processing of the passed delta and applies the changes to the database.


method ProcessDelta(connection: IAbstractConnection; schema: ServiceSchema; delta: Delta; allowInsert: Boolean; allowUpdate: Boolean; allowDelete: Boolean)


void ProcessDelta(IAbstractConnection connection, ServiceSchema schema, Delta delta, Boolean allowInsert, Boolean allowUpdate, Boolean allowDelete)


Sub ProcessDelta(connection As IAbstractConnection, schema As ServiceSchema, delta As Delta, allowInsert As Boolean, allowUpdate As Boolean, allowDelete As Boolean)


  • connection:
  • schema:
  • delta:
  • allowInsert:
  • allowUpdate:
  • allowDelete:

TriggerAfterExecuteCommand  protected


method TriggerAfterExecuteCommand(e: ExecuteCommandArgs)


void TriggerAfterExecuteCommand(ExecuteCommandArgs e)


Sub TriggerAfterExecuteCommand(e As ExecuteCommandArgs)


  • e:

TriggerAfterProcessChange  protected


method TriggerAfterProcessChange(e: DeltaChangeEventArgs)


void TriggerAfterProcessChange(DeltaChangeEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerAfterProcessChange(e As DeltaChangeEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerAfterProcessDelta  protected


method TriggerAfterProcessDelta(e: DeltaEventArgs)


void TriggerAfterProcessDelta(DeltaEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerAfterProcessDelta(e As DeltaEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerAfterSqlGeneration  protected


method TriggerAfterSqlGeneration(e: SqlGenerationEventArgs)


void TriggerAfterSqlGeneration(SqlGenerationEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerAfterSqlGeneration(e As SqlGenerationEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerBeforeExecuteCommand  protected


method TriggerBeforeExecuteCommand(e: ExecuteCommandArgs)


void TriggerBeforeExecuteCommand(ExecuteCommandArgs e)


Sub TriggerBeforeExecuteCommand(e As ExecuteCommandArgs)


  • e:

TriggerBeforeProcessChange  protected


method TriggerBeforeProcessChange(e: DeltaChangeEventArgs)


void TriggerBeforeProcessChange(DeltaChangeEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerBeforeProcessChange(e As DeltaChangeEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerBeforeProcessDelta  protected


method TriggerBeforeProcessDelta(e: DeltaEventArgs)


void TriggerBeforeProcessDelta(DeltaEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerBeforeProcessDelta(e As DeltaEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerProcessError  protected


method TriggerProcessError(e: DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs)


void TriggerProcessError(DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerProcessError(e As DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerValidateDataTableAccess  protected


method TriggerValidateDataTableAccess(e: ValidateSchemaObjectAccessEventArgs)


void TriggerValidateDataTableAccess(ValidateSchemaObjectAccessEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerValidateDataTableAccess(e As ValidateSchemaObjectAccessEventArgs)


  • e:



Fires after a command was executed.


event AfterExecuteCommand: ExecuteCommandHandler;
delegate: method AfterExecuteCommand(sender: BusinessProcessor; e: ExecuteCommandArgs)


delegate ExecuteCommandHandler AfterExecuteCommand()
delegate: void AfterExecuteCommand(BusinessProcessor sender, ExecuteCommandArgs e)


Event AfterExecuteCommand As ExecuteCommandHandler
delegate: Sub AfterExecuteCommand(sender As BusinessProcessor, e As ExecuteCommandArgs)


Occurs after a delta change has been successfully processed. A common use of this event could be to store information about the updates in a log table.


event AfterProcessChange: EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs> AfterProcessChange()


Event AfterProcessChange As EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs>


Occurs after a complete delta has been processed. A common use of this event could be to store information about the updates in a log table.


event AfterProcessDelta: EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs> AfterProcessDelta()


Event AfterProcessDelta As EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs>


Occurs after the business processor auto generates the SQL text used to process a specific type of change (insert, delete or update). The parameters in the event arguments provide you with all the information you need to understand what type of SQL is being generated and, by modifying the SQLStatement property, allow you to replace the auto generated SQL. A common use of this event could be to track the SQL being executed and log it in a text file for debugging purposes.


event AfterSqlGeneration: SqlGenerationEventHandler;
delegate: method AfterSqlGeneration(sender: BusinessProcessor; e: SqlGenerationEventArgs)


delegate SqlGenerationEventHandler AfterSqlGeneration()
delegate: void AfterSqlGeneration(BusinessProcessor sender, SqlGenerationEventArgs e)


Event AfterSqlGeneration As SqlGenerationEventHandler
delegate: Sub AfterSqlGeneration(sender As BusinessProcessor, e As SqlGenerationEventArgs)



event BeforeExecuteCommand: ExecuteCommandHandler;
delegate: method BeforeExecuteCommand(sender: BusinessProcessor; e: ExecuteCommandArgs)


delegate ExecuteCommandHandler BeforeExecuteCommand()
delegate: void BeforeExecuteCommand(BusinessProcessor sender, ExecuteCommandArgs e)


Event BeforeExecuteCommand As ExecuteCommandHandler
delegate: Sub BeforeExecuteCommand(sender As BusinessProcessor, e As ExecuteCommandArgs)



event BeforeGetTableData: BeforeGetTableDataEventHandler;
delegate: method BeforeGetTableData(sender: BusinessProcessor; e: BeforeGetTableDataEventArgs)


delegate BeforeGetTableDataEventHandler BeforeGetTableData()
delegate: void BeforeGetTableData(BusinessProcessor sender, BeforeGetTableDataEventArgs e)


Event BeforeGetTableData As BeforeGetTableDataEventHandler
delegate: Sub BeforeGetTableData(sender As BusinessProcessor, e As BeforeGetTableDataEventArgs)


Occurs before a delta change is about to be processed. A common use of this event could be to abort an update if the user sending the delta doesn't have enough privileges to do so. To abort the processing of a delta change, simply fire an exception in this event handler.


event BeforeProcessChange: EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs> BeforeProcessChange()


Event BeforeProcessChange As EventHandler<DeltaChangeEventArgs>


Occurs before a delta is about to be processed. A common use of this event could be to log information about the delta in a log table or to forbid a specific user to modify the data table referenced by the ReferencedDataTable property.


event BeforeProcessDelta: EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs> BeforeProcessDelta()


Event BeforeProcessDelta As EventHandler<DeltaEventArgs>


Occurs anytime a delta change processing fails. The event arguments of this event contain information about the exception being raised and provide the opportunity to halt the whole delta processing or ignore it and continue.


event ProcessError: EventHandler<DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs> ProcessError()


Event ProcessError As EventHandler<DeltaChangeErrorEventArgs>