The ApplicationServer class provides base application startup infrastructure including Windows Service management and single instance checks.
The ApplicationServer class is designed to provide a common codebase and simplify development of Remoting SDK and Data Abstract-based server applications. This class provides the following features:
- 3 application run modes - GUI mode (WinForms or WPF), command-line interface or Windows Service
- Windows Service management (installation/deinstallation)
- Optional Single Instance check
- Extensible startup arguments parser. The ApplicationServer class provides overridable method to handle command-line arguments not handled by default arguments parser. Also it is possible to use own implementation of the IArgumentParser interface.
- Single exception intercept point (useful for logging etc)
By default ApplicationServer-based applications recognize following command-line arguments (not case-sensitive): {| class="dashed-table" ! style="width: 40% " |
You don't have to write any code to handle these actions.
Here is the example how the ApplicationServer class is used in the Wizard-generated Data Abstract server project:
class SimpleProjectServer : ApplicationServer
private Engine fConsoleEngine;
protected override String Identifier
return "2a42e444-5b2c-4f5c-b73a-dd1cab801c0a";
protected override String ServiceName
return "SimpleProject Service";
protected override String ApplicationName
return "SimpleProject";
protected override void RunAsConsoleApplication()
this.fConsoleEngine = new Engine();
protected override void ShutdownAsConsoleApplication()
protected override void RunAsWindowsService()
ServiceBase.Run(new MainService());
protected override void RunAsWindowsApplication()
Application.Run(new MainForm());
public static void Main(String[] args)
new SimpleProjectServer().Run(args);
Note: The ApplicationServer class (along with its inheritors) can be suitable for common scenarious. If application-specific startup parameters should be handled (f.e. --in-memory switch that activates pure in-memory mode for the Olympia Server) they can be handled via Extended Parameters (see the ProcessExtendedParameters method descriptions).
The ApplicationServer class is widely used used in Remoting SDK and Data Abstract for .NET. For instance Relativity Server, Olympia Server and RO ZeroConf Hub use this class to perform startup actions. Also all Data Abstract for .NET templates use this class as application base.
- Reference: RemObjects.SDK.Server.dll
- Namespace: RemObjects.SDK.Server
constructor protected
Creates a new instance of the ApplicationServer class.
This constructor can be called only from an inherited class.
Sub New()
constructor (String, String, String, String, array of Type)
constructor(applicationName: String; rodlNamespace: String; serviceName: String; serviceDescription: String; params serviceTypes: array of Type)
ApplicationServer(String applicationName, String rodlNamespace, String serviceName, String serviceDescription, params Type[] serviceTypes)
Sub New(applicationName As String, rodlNamespace As String, serviceName As String, serviceDescription As String, ParamArray serviceTypes As Type())
- applicationName:
- rodlNamespace:
- serviceName:
- serviceDescription:
- serviceTypes:
constructor (String, String, array of Type)
constructor(applicationName: String; rodlNamespace: String; params serviceTypes: array of Type)
ApplicationServer(String applicationName, String rodlNamespace, params Type[] serviceTypes)
Sub New(applicationName As String, rodlNamespace As String, ParamArray serviceTypes As Type())
- applicationName:
- rodlNamespace:
- serviceTypes:
constructor (String, array of Type)
constructor(applicationName: String; params serviceTypes: array of Type)
ApplicationServer(String applicationName, params Type[] serviceTypes)
Sub New(applicationName As String, ParamArray serviceTypes As Type())
- applicationName:
- serviceTypes:
ApplicationInfo protected
Gets brief additional info (like copyrights etc) about the application.
This property is used by the help command output as well as in the console mode.
For example for the Relativity server this property returns Please visit
to get more information.
The default value of this property is an empty string.
property ApplicationInfo: String read;
String ApplicationInfo { get; }
ReadOnly Property ApplicationInfo() As String
ApplicationName protected
Gets full application name, for example RemObjects Data Abstract Relativity Server.
This is abstract property so it should be overriden.
property ApplicationName: String read;
String ApplicationName { get; }
ReadOnly Property ApplicationName() As String
event ApplicationServerException: EventHandler<ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs> ApplicationServerException()
Event ApplicationServerException As EventHandler<ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs>
property AutoCreateSelfSignedCertificate: Boolean read write;
Boolean AutoCreateSelfSignedCertificate { get; set; }
Property AutoCreateSelfSignedCertificate() As Boolean
event CertificateGenerating: EventHandler<CertificateGeneratingEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<CertificateGeneratingEventArgs> CertificateGenerating()
Event CertificateGenerating As EventHandler<CertificateGeneratingEventArgs>
property ConsoleServerFooter: String read;
String ConsoleServerFooter { get; }
ReadOnly Property ConsoleServerFooter() As String
CreateNetworkServer protected
method CreateNetworkServer(configuration: INetworkServerConfiguration): INetworkServer
INetworkServer CreateNetworkServer(INetworkServerConfiguration configuration)
Function CreateNetworkServer(configuration As INetworkServerConfiguration) As INetworkServer
- configuration:
CreateServerMainForm protected
method CreateServerMainForm: Form
Form CreateServerMainForm()
Function CreateServerMainForm() As Form
CreateServerWinService protected
method CreateServerWinService: ServiceBase
ServiceBase CreateServerWinService()
Function CreateServerWinService() As ServiceBase
property DependencyResolver: IDependencyContainer read write;
IDependencyContainer DependencyResolver { get; set; }
Property DependencyResolver() As IDependencyContainer
ExtendedParameters protected
Gets or sets extended (ie unrecognized) parameters returned by the IArgumentParser instance.
Usually these are parameters that cannot be processed by the IArgumentParser instance being used.
In most cases it is enough to override the ProcessExtendedParameters to handle advanced command-line options.
property ExtendedParameters: array of String read;
String[] ExtendedParameters { get; }
ReadOnly Property ExtendedParameters() As String()
ExtendedParametersDescription protected
property ExtendedParametersDescription: String read;
String ExtendedParametersDescription { get; }
ReadOnly Property ExtendedParametersDescription() As String
GetArgumentParser protected
Returns a default implementation of the IArgumentParser.
If you need more profound logic of handling command-line arguments then you need to create your own implementation of the IArgumentParser interface. In that case you should override current method to make it return the instance of your custom parser.
method GetArgumentParser: IArgumentParser
IArgumentParser GetArgumentParser()
Function GetArgumentParser() As IArgumentParser
GetSelfSignedCertificate protected
method GetSelfSignedCertificate: X509Certificate2
X509Certificate2 GetSelfSignedCertificate()
Function GetSelfSignedCertificate() As X509Certificate2
GetStartupOptionsHelpText protected
Returns help string message.
By default this message contains description of common parameters and content of properties ApplicationInfo, HelpTextFooter, ExtendedParametersHelpText.
This method can be overriden to return custom help text.
method GetStartupOptionsHelpText: String
String GetStartupOptionsHelpText()
Function GetStartupOptionsHelpText() As String
Gets the footer of help message. For example for the Relativity server this property returns Please visit
to get more information.
The default value of this property is an empty string.
property HelpTextFooter: String read;
String HelpTextFooter { get; }
ReadOnly Property HelpTextFooter() As String
Identifier protected
Gets applications unique identifier. This identifier is used to perform single-instance check during application startup.
This is abstract property so it should be overriden.
property Identifier: String read;
String Identifier { get; }
ReadOnly Property Identifier() As String
The ApplicationServer class is a singleton. This property is used to access the current ApplicationServer class instance.
class property Instance: ApplicationServer read;
class ApplicationServer Instance { get; }
Shared ReadOnly Property Instance() As ApplicationServer
IsAnotherInstanceDetected protected
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether another rinning application instance has been detected.
property IsAnotherInstanceDetected: Boolean read;
Boolean IsAnotherInstanceDetected { get; }
ReadOnly Property IsAnotherInstanceDetected() As Boolean
Gets a flag indicating whether single-instance check should be performed on application startup.
The default value of this property is true.
property IsCheckForOtherInstancesRequired: Boolean read write;
Boolean IsCheckForOtherInstancesRequired { get; set; }
Property IsCheckForOtherInstancesRequired() As Boolean
IsDebugEnabled protected
Gets or sets flag indicating whether the Debug mode is active.
In the Debug mode the application will output extended information about unhandled exception (including stacktraces).
property IsDebugEnabled: Boolean read write;
Boolean IsDebugEnabled { get; set; }
Property IsDebugEnabled() As Boolean
IsQuietModeEnabled protected
Gets or sets flag indicating whether quiet run mode was requested.
Quiet mode suppresses all output from service installation installation/deinstallation calls and is very useful if it is needed to register an application as Windows Service during application setup.
property IsQuietModeEnabled: Boolean read write;
Boolean IsQuietModeEnabled { get; set; }
Property IsQuietModeEnabled() As Boolean
IsWindowsPlatform protected
class property IsWindowsPlatform: Boolean read;
class Boolean IsWindowsPlatform { get; }
Shared ReadOnly Property IsWindowsPlatform() As Boolean
LoadApplicationServerConfiguration protected
method LoadApplicationServerConfiguration
void LoadApplicationServerConfiguration()
Sub LoadApplicationServerConfiguration()
Gets the network server instance.
property NetworkServer: INetworkServer read;
INetworkServer NetworkServer { get; }
ReadOnly Property NetworkServer() As INetworkServer
property NetworkServerConfiguration: INetworkServerConfiguration read write;
INetworkServerConfiguration NetworkServerConfiguration { get; set; }
Property NetworkServerConfiguration() As INetworkServerConfiguration
OnApplicationServerException protected
method OnApplicationServerException(e: ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs)
void OnApplicationServerException(ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs e)
Sub OnApplicationServerException(e As ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs)
- e:
OnCertificateGenerating protected
method OnCertificateGenerating(e: CertificateGeneratingEventArgs)
void OnCertificateGenerating(CertificateGeneratingEventArgs e)
Sub OnCertificateGenerating(e As CertificateGeneratingEventArgs)
- e:
OnStarting protected
method OnStarting
void OnStarting()
Sub OnStarting()
OnStopped protected
method OnStopped
void OnStopped()
Sub OnStopped()
ProcessExtendedParameters protected
If the IArgumentParser encounters command-line parameters it cannot process then this method is called.
By default this method forces application sartup code to show correct command-line options help and to exit.
Override this method to handle custom command-line parameters.
``` protected override void ProcessExtendedParameters() { if (this.ExtendedParameters[0] == "--sample") { // Application-specific actions needed to handle the --sample startup parameter } } </source >
method ProcessExtendedParameters
void ProcessExtendedParameters()
Sub ProcessExtendedParameters()
RodlNamespace protected
property RodlNamespace: String read write;
String RodlNamespace { get; set; }
Property RodlNamespace() As String
The main application startup entry point.
This method accepts command-line arguments, processes them and starts the application in appropriate mode.
method Run(arguments: array of String)
void Run(String[] arguments)
Sub Run(arguments As String())
- arguments: Startup parameters.
Gets current application run mode. See the ApplicationRunAction enumeration description for more details.
property RunAction: ApplicationRunAction read;
ApplicationRunAction RunAction { get; }
ReadOnly Property RunAction() As ApplicationRunAction
RunAsConsoleApplication protected
This method is called when command-line application run mode is requested.
This method should perform application startup procedures, f.e. initialize network and database connections etc.
method RunAsConsoleApplication
void RunAsConsoleApplication()
Sub RunAsConsoleApplication()
RunAsWindowsApplication protected
This method is called when GUI-enabled application run mode is requested.
This method should perform application startup procedures, f.e. initialize network and database connections etc and show the main application form, either WinForms, GTK or WPF.
method RunAsWindowsApplication
void RunAsWindowsApplication()
Sub RunAsWindowsApplication()
RunAsWindowsService protected
This method is called when application should be started as Windows Service.
This method should perform application startup procedures, f.e. initialize network and database connections etc.
method RunAsWindowsService
void RunAsWindowsService()
Sub RunAsWindowsService()
RunAsWindowsServiceInstaller protected
method RunAsWindowsServiceInstaller
void RunAsWindowsServiceInstaller()
Sub RunAsWindowsServiceInstaller()
RunAsWindowsServiceUninstaller protected
method RunAsWindowsServiceUninstaller
void RunAsWindowsServiceUninstaller()
Sub RunAsWindowsServiceUninstaller()
method RunUntil(callback: Action)
void RunUntil(Action callback)
Sub RunUntil(callback As Action)
- callback:
ServiceName protected
Gets the sthort application name that will be used as Windows Service name.
This is abstract property so it should be overriden.
property ServiceName: String read;
String ServiceName { get; }
ReadOnly Property ServiceName() As String
ShutdownAsConsoleApplication protected
This method is called when an application running in console mode is shut down.
Override this method to perform application shutdown procedures, f.e. closie network connections, release resources etc.
method ShutdownAsConsoleApplication
void ShutdownAsConsoleApplication()
Sub ShutdownAsConsoleApplication()
event Starting: EventHandler;
delegate EventHandler Starting()
Event Starting As EventHandler
event Stopped: EventHandler;
delegate EventHandler Stopped()
Event Stopped As EventHandler
ApplicationInfo protected
Gets brief additional info (like copyrights etc) about the application.
This property is used by the help command output as well as in the console mode.
For example for the Relativity server this property returns Please visit
to get more information.
The default value of this property is an empty string.
property ApplicationInfo: String read;
String ApplicationInfo { get; }
ReadOnly Property ApplicationInfo() As String
ApplicationName protected
Gets full application name, for example RemObjects Data Abstract Relativity Server.
This is abstract property so it should be overriden.
property ApplicationName: String read;
String ApplicationName { get; }
ReadOnly Property ApplicationName() As String
property AutoCreateSelfSignedCertificate: Boolean read write;
Boolean AutoCreateSelfSignedCertificate { get; set; }
Property AutoCreateSelfSignedCertificate() As Boolean
property ConsoleServerFooter: String read;
String ConsoleServerFooter { get; }
ReadOnly Property ConsoleServerFooter() As String
property DependencyResolver: IDependencyContainer read write;
IDependencyContainer DependencyResolver { get; set; }
Property DependencyResolver() As IDependencyContainer
ExtendedParameters protected
Gets or sets extended (ie unrecognized) parameters returned by the IArgumentParser instance.
Usually these are parameters that cannot be processed by the IArgumentParser instance being used.
In most cases it is enough to override the ProcessExtendedParameters to handle advanced command-line options.
property ExtendedParameters: array of String read;
String[] ExtendedParameters { get; }
ReadOnly Property ExtendedParameters() As String()
ExtendedParametersDescription protected
property ExtendedParametersDescription: String read;
String ExtendedParametersDescription { get; }
ReadOnly Property ExtendedParametersDescription() As String
Gets the footer of help message. For example for the Relativity server this property returns Please visit
to get more information.
The default value of this property is an empty string.
property HelpTextFooter: String read;
String HelpTextFooter { get; }
ReadOnly Property HelpTextFooter() As String
Identifier protected
Gets applications unique identifier. This identifier is used to perform single-instance check during application startup.
This is abstract property so it should be overriden.
property Identifier: String read;
String Identifier { get; }
ReadOnly Property Identifier() As String
IsAnotherInstanceDetected protected
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether another rinning application instance has been detected.
property IsAnotherInstanceDetected: Boolean read;
Boolean IsAnotherInstanceDetected { get; }
ReadOnly Property IsAnotherInstanceDetected() As Boolean
Gets a flag indicating whether single-instance check should be performed on application startup.
The default value of this property is true.
property IsCheckForOtherInstancesRequired: Boolean read write;
Boolean IsCheckForOtherInstancesRequired { get; set; }
Property IsCheckForOtherInstancesRequired() As Boolean
IsDebugEnabled protected
Gets or sets flag indicating whether the Debug mode is active.
In the Debug mode the application will output extended information about unhandled exception (including stacktraces).
property IsDebugEnabled: Boolean read write;
Boolean IsDebugEnabled { get; set; }
Property IsDebugEnabled() As Boolean
IsQuietModeEnabled protected
Gets or sets flag indicating whether quiet run mode was requested.
Quiet mode suppresses all output from service installation installation/deinstallation calls and is very useful if it is needed to register an application as Windows Service during application setup.
property IsQuietModeEnabled: Boolean read write;
Boolean IsQuietModeEnabled { get; set; }
Property IsQuietModeEnabled() As Boolean
Gets the network server instance.
property NetworkServer: INetworkServer read;
INetworkServer NetworkServer { get; }
ReadOnly Property NetworkServer() As INetworkServer
property NetworkServerConfiguration: INetworkServerConfiguration read write;
INetworkServerConfiguration NetworkServerConfiguration { get; set; }
Property NetworkServerConfiguration() As INetworkServerConfiguration
RodlNamespace protected
property RodlNamespace: String read write;
String RodlNamespace { get; set; }
Property RodlNamespace() As String
Gets current application run mode. See the ApplicationRunAction enumeration description for more details.
property RunAction: ApplicationRunAction read;
ApplicationRunAction RunAction { get; }
ReadOnly Property RunAction() As ApplicationRunAction
ServiceName protected
Gets the sthort application name that will be used as Windows Service name.
This is abstract property so it should be overriden.
property ServiceName: String read;
String ServiceName { get; }
ReadOnly Property ServiceName() As String
The ApplicationServer class is a singleton. This property is used to access the current ApplicationServer class instance.
class property Instance: ApplicationServer read;
class ApplicationServer Instance { get; }
Shared ReadOnly Property Instance() As ApplicationServer
IsWindowsPlatform protected
class property IsWindowsPlatform: Boolean read;
class Boolean IsWindowsPlatform { get; }
Shared ReadOnly Property IsWindowsPlatform() As Boolean
constructor protected
Creates a new instance of the ApplicationServer class.
This constructor can be called only from an inherited class.
Sub New()
constructor (String, String, String, String, array of Type)
constructor(applicationName: String; rodlNamespace: String; serviceName: String; serviceDescription: String; params serviceTypes: array of Type)
ApplicationServer(String applicationName, String rodlNamespace, String serviceName, String serviceDescription, params Type[] serviceTypes)
Sub New(applicationName As String, rodlNamespace As String, serviceName As String, serviceDescription As String, ParamArray serviceTypes As Type())
- applicationName:
- rodlNamespace:
- serviceName:
- serviceDescription:
- serviceTypes:
constructor (String, String, array of Type)
constructor(applicationName: String; rodlNamespace: String; params serviceTypes: array of Type)
ApplicationServer(String applicationName, String rodlNamespace, params Type[] serviceTypes)
Sub New(applicationName As String, rodlNamespace As String, ParamArray serviceTypes As Type())
- applicationName:
- rodlNamespace:
- serviceTypes:
constructor (String, array of Type)
constructor(applicationName: String; params serviceTypes: array of Type)
ApplicationServer(String applicationName, params Type[] serviceTypes)
Sub New(applicationName As String, ParamArray serviceTypes As Type())
- applicationName:
- serviceTypes:
CreateNetworkServer protected
method CreateNetworkServer(configuration: INetworkServerConfiguration): INetworkServer
INetworkServer CreateNetworkServer(INetworkServerConfiguration configuration)
Function CreateNetworkServer(configuration As INetworkServerConfiguration) As INetworkServer
- configuration:
CreateServerMainForm protected
method CreateServerMainForm: Form
Form CreateServerMainForm()
Function CreateServerMainForm() As Form
CreateServerWinService protected
method CreateServerWinService: ServiceBase
ServiceBase CreateServerWinService()
Function CreateServerWinService() As ServiceBase
GetArgumentParser protected
Returns a default implementation of the IArgumentParser.
If you need more profound logic of handling command-line arguments then you need to create your own implementation of the IArgumentParser interface. In that case you should override current method to make it return the instance of your custom parser.
method GetArgumentParser: IArgumentParser
IArgumentParser GetArgumentParser()
Function GetArgumentParser() As IArgumentParser
GetSelfSignedCertificate protected
method GetSelfSignedCertificate: X509Certificate2
X509Certificate2 GetSelfSignedCertificate()
Function GetSelfSignedCertificate() As X509Certificate2
GetStartupOptionsHelpText protected
Returns help string message.
By default this message contains description of common parameters and content of properties ApplicationInfo, HelpTextFooter, ExtendedParametersHelpText.
This method can be overriden to return custom help text.
method GetStartupOptionsHelpText: String
String GetStartupOptionsHelpText()
Function GetStartupOptionsHelpText() As String
LoadApplicationServerConfiguration protected
method LoadApplicationServerConfiguration
void LoadApplicationServerConfiguration()
Sub LoadApplicationServerConfiguration()
OnApplicationServerException protected
method OnApplicationServerException(e: ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs)
void OnApplicationServerException(ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs e)
Sub OnApplicationServerException(e As ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs)
- e:
OnCertificateGenerating protected
method OnCertificateGenerating(e: CertificateGeneratingEventArgs)
void OnCertificateGenerating(CertificateGeneratingEventArgs e)
Sub OnCertificateGenerating(e As CertificateGeneratingEventArgs)
- e:
OnStarting protected
method OnStarting
void OnStarting()
Sub OnStarting()
OnStopped protected
method OnStopped
void OnStopped()
Sub OnStopped()
ProcessExtendedParameters protected
If the IArgumentParser encounters command-line parameters it cannot process then this method is called.
By default this method forces application sartup code to show correct command-line options help and to exit.
Override this method to handle custom command-line parameters.
``` protected override void ProcessExtendedParameters() { if (this.ExtendedParameters[0] == "--sample") { // Application-specific actions needed to handle the --sample startup parameter } } </source >
method ProcessExtendedParameters
void ProcessExtendedParameters()
Sub ProcessExtendedParameters()
The main application startup entry point.
This method accepts command-line arguments, processes them and starts the application in appropriate mode.
method Run(arguments: array of String)
void Run(String[] arguments)
Sub Run(arguments As String())
- arguments: Startup parameters.
RunAsConsoleApplication protected
This method is called when command-line application run mode is requested.
This method should perform application startup procedures, f.e. initialize network and database connections etc.
method RunAsConsoleApplication
void RunAsConsoleApplication()
Sub RunAsConsoleApplication()
RunAsWindowsApplication protected
This method is called when GUI-enabled application run mode is requested.
This method should perform application startup procedures, f.e. initialize network and database connections etc and show the main application form, either WinForms, GTK or WPF.
method RunAsWindowsApplication
void RunAsWindowsApplication()
Sub RunAsWindowsApplication()
RunAsWindowsService protected
This method is called when application should be started as Windows Service.
This method should perform application startup procedures, f.e. initialize network and database connections etc.
method RunAsWindowsService
void RunAsWindowsService()
Sub RunAsWindowsService()
RunAsWindowsServiceInstaller protected
method RunAsWindowsServiceInstaller
void RunAsWindowsServiceInstaller()
Sub RunAsWindowsServiceInstaller()
RunAsWindowsServiceUninstaller protected
method RunAsWindowsServiceUninstaller
void RunAsWindowsServiceUninstaller()
Sub RunAsWindowsServiceUninstaller()
method RunUntil(callback: Action)
void RunUntil(Action callback)
Sub RunUntil(callback As Action)
- callback:
ShutdownAsConsoleApplication protected
This method is called when an application running in console mode is shut down.
Override this method to perform application shutdown procedures, f.e. closie network connections, release resources etc.
method ShutdownAsConsoleApplication
void ShutdownAsConsoleApplication()
Sub ShutdownAsConsoleApplication()
event ApplicationServerException: EventHandler<ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs> ApplicationServerException()
Event ApplicationServerException As EventHandler<ApplicationServerExceptionEventArgs>
event CertificateGenerating: EventHandler<CertificateGeneratingEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<CertificateGeneratingEventArgs> CertificateGenerating()
Event CertificateGenerating As EventHandler<CertificateGeneratingEventArgs>
event Starting: EventHandler;
delegate EventHandler Starting()
Event Starting As EventHandler
event Stopped: EventHandler;
delegate EventHandler Stopped()
Event Stopped As EventHandler