Remoting SDK for Delphi
Class | Notes |
ROAbstractAttribute | Marks the service as abstract. Abstract services are published in the server's RODL but cannot be called directly |
ROCustomAttribute | Custom name/value pair attribute |
RODocumentationAttribute | Sets the documentation |
ROEmptyNameAttribute | Base attribute |
ROEnumSoapNameAttribute | Allows to specify soap name of given enum |
ROEventSinkAttribute | Identifies Code-First event sink |
ROHttpAPIHeaderParameterAttribute | States that the marked parameter should be passed via Http headers |
ROHttpAPIMethodAttribute | Identifies HttpAPI method. |
ROHttpAPIQueryParameterAttribute | States that the marked parameter should be passed as part of the Url query string. |
ROLegacyStringAttribute | Base attribute |
ROLibraryAttributes | Specifies class with additional information about RODL library |
RONameAttribute | Base attribute |
RONamespaceAttribute | Specifies target namespace. Ignored if ROLibraryAttributes attribute is set. |
ROObsoleteAttribute | Adds obsolete or specified message to documentation |
ROPerClientClassFactoryAttribute | Sets Per-Client class factory for the incoming requests - every client will be served by a distinct service instance |
ROPooledClassFactoryAttribute | Sets Pooling class factory for the incoming requests - a pool of instances will be maintained to server incoming requests. |
RORoleAttribute | Specifies service or service's method role. |
ROSerializeAsAnsiStringAttribute | deprecated. use ROStreamAsAttribute |
ROSerializeAsUTF8StringAttribute | deprecated. use ROStreamAsAttribute |
ROSerializeResultAsAnsiStringAttribute | deprecated. use ROStreamAsAttribute |
ROSerializeResultAsUTF8StringAttribute | deprecated. use ROStreamAsAttribute |
ROServiceAttribute | Identifies Code-First service. |
ROServiceGroupAttribute | This attribute is used for generation of reduced RODL or disabling access on server level. |
ROServiceMethodAttribute | Identifies Code-First service method. |
ROServiceMethodResultNameAttribute | Specifies the result name of method. Used in SOAP-based services only. |
ROServiceRequiresLoginAttribute | Sets the service instance's RequiresSession property to true at runtime. |
ROSingletonClassFactoryAttribute | Sets Singleton class factory for the incoming requests - a single service instance will be used to serve all calls. |
ROSkipAttribute | Exclude service/service method/event sink from generating RODL for client-side |
ROStandardClassFactoryAttribute | Sets Per-Request class factory for the incoming requests - a new service instance will be created for each incoming request, and destroyed afterwards. used by default |
ROStreamAsAttribute | Sets encoding used to send string data. It affects to the result serialization. The same attribute can be applied for each string parameter |
ROSynchronizedSingletonClassFactoryAttribute | Sets Synchronized Singleton class factory for the incoming requests - a single service instance will be used to serve all calls with synchronization options for thread safety |
ROZeroConfServiceAttribute | Specifies name for ZeroConf registartiion |
TIndyTCPConnectionTransport | The TIndyTCPConnectionTransport class implements the IROTransport and IROTCPTransport interfaces and is used as an adapter for the TIdContext class. |
TIPAsyncContext | The TIPAsyncContext class implements an IIPAsyncContext interface that provides communication via the Hypertext Transfer Protocol from the HTTP server... |
TIPAsyncHTTPServer | The TIPAsyncHTTPServer represents an asynchronous HTTP server which is used as public server property in the TROIpHTTPServer server channel and internally in the TROIpSuperHTTPServer server channel. |
TIPAsyncSocket | The TIPAsyncSocket class is an implementation of the TIPBaseAsyncSocket |
TIPBaseAsyncSocket | The TIPBaseAsyncSocket class implements the base functionality to perform nonblocking data transference on any transport layer. |
TIPHTTPRequestHeaders | The TIPHTTPRequestHeaders class represents a collection of HTTP Request headers of incoming requests. |
TIPHTTPResponseHeaders | The TIPHTTPResponseHeaders class represents a collection of HTTP Response headers of the response in progress. |
TIPSocketWorkerThread | The TIPSocketWorkerThread auxiliary class supports the background processing of sockets events (by TIPAsyncSocket) implementing an |
TJSONToRODL | The TJSONToRODL class is a specialization of the TRODLReader class for decoding streamed RODL data in the Json format into a TRODLLibrary instance. You may use it to load RODL files, resources, etc. |
TROAESEncryptionEnvelope | The TROAESEncryptionEnvelope provides a simple Message Envelope that can be used to encrypt on-the-wire communication using the widely-known symetric AES/Rijndael... |
TROArray | TROArray forms the base class for all array types defined in your library. |
TROArray<T> | |
TROArray<T>.TROArrayEnumerator | |
TROAsyncHTTPServer | The TROAsyncHTTPServer represents an asynchronous HTTP server which is used as public server property in the TROHTTPServer server channel and internally in the TROSuperHTTPServer server channel. |
TROAsyncProxy | This class forms the base for proxy classes in the _Async units generated from your RODL. |
TROAsyncProxyEx | This class forms the base for proxy classes in the _Async units generated from your RODL. |
TROAsyncRequest | TROAsyncRequest objects present an ongoing or completed asynchronous request that is executing after one of the BeginMethod messages is set to an TROAsyncProxyEx. AsyncRequest can be used to check the status of the request, assign a callback or cancel... |
TROAsyncResponseStorage | TROAsyncResponseStorage is a base class that contains abstract declarations of IROAsyncResponseStorage methods for working with the TROResponseItem. |
TROAsyncSocket | |
TROBaseActiveEventChannel | TROBaseActiveEventChannel is a base class that extends TROTransportChannel functionality and allows to support active events via implementing of IROActiveEventChannel. |
TROBaseAsyncProxy | This class forms the base for proxy classes in the _Async units generated from your RODL. |
TROBaseConnection | TROBaseConnection forms the base class for Remoting SDK Clients (Channels) and Servers. |
TROBaseHTTPChannel | TROBaseHTTPChannel is an abstract Hypertext Transfer Protocol channel. |
TROBaseHTTPServer | Base class for TROIpHTTPServer, TROIndyHTTPServer and TROWebBrokerServer server channels. |
TROBaseProxy | This class forms the base for proxy classes. |
TROBaseSerializer | TROBaseSerializer is a base class that contains abstract methods for the reading and writing of objects. |
TROBaseSuperChannel | This is the base abstract class for all super channels on the Delphi platform. Direct descendants of this class are TROBaseSuperTCPChannel and TROBaseSuperHTTPChannel. This class implements all common superchannel interfaces and implements or declares... |
TROBaseSuperChannelWorker | This is the base class for all background worker classes used by super channels, both client ans server side. Background workers are executed on background threads and support the major part of the channel functionality and asynchronous behavior of superchannels. This class is abstract, there are two derived classes used instead: TROSCClientWorker and TROSCServerWorker for client and server side respectively. |
TROBaseSuperHTTPChannel | The TROBaseSuperHTTPChannel is the base class for Super HTTP Channels like the TROIndySuperHTTPChannel and the TROSynapseSuperHTTPChannel and provides a sophisticated and flexible communication channel that uses persistent connections to enable true asynchronous calls and server callbacks through the HTTP protocol. |
TROBaseSuperHTTPServer | The TROBaseSuperHTTPServer class implements the server side of the sophisticated and flexible HTTP based communication channel, which uses persistent connections to enable true asynchronous calls and server callbacks. This channel offers the same two-way... |
TROBaseSuperTCPChannel | TROBaseSuperTCPChannel is the enhanced TCP based channel that provides a sophisticated and flexible communication channel which uses persistent |
TROBaseSuperTcpConnection | |
TROBaseSuperTCPServer | TROBaseSuperTCPServer implements the server side of the enhanced TCP based channel, which provides a sophisticated and flexible communication channel that uses persistent connections to enable true asynchronous calls and server callbacks. |
TROBaseSuperTcpServerConnection | |
TROBaseZeroConf | The TROBaseZeroConf class introduces base functionality for retrieving information about the ZeroConf environment and services registered in it. It is the ancestor for all Delphi ZeroConf visual components, like the TROZeroConfBrowser or the TROZeroConfRegistration class. |
TROBinaryMemoryStream | The TROBinaryMemoryStream (or short Binary) class builds upon the standard memory stream provided by the Delphi VCL to extend it with additional methods that make it easier to use. |
TROBinMessage | TROBinMessage implements message encoding for the efficient and proprietary BinMessage message format. |
TROBlockFileStream | TROBlockFileStream is designed for reading a file on disk or writing a file to disk by large chunks. This gives better performance for disk operations. |
TROBonjourBrowseStrategy | The TROBonjourBrowseStrategy class is the concrete implementation of the service browser that works with Apple's Bonjour zeroconf engine. See the base class page for more information... |
TROBonjourRegistrationStrategy | The TROBonjourRegistrationStrategy class contains the concrete implementation of its abstract ancestor's methods to communicate with Bonjour zeroconf services. See the ancestor page... |
TROBonjourResolveStrategy | The TROBonjourResolveStrategy class implements methods required for resolving a domain as well as a service type and name to a real address and port. |
TROBroadcastChannel | TROBroadcastChannel implements a UDP based channel that uses the socket implementation provided by the open source Indy components that ship with Delphi. |
TROBroadcastServer | TROBroadcastServer implements a UDP based server that uses the socket implementation provided by the open source Indy components that ship with Delphi. |
TROBroadcastTransport | This class implements a transport object for Indy-based Broadcast server. |
TROBSONArray | The TROBSONArray class is created to represent a BSON array - an ordered collection of values. This class is used internally by the BSON (de)serializer inside the TROBSONMessage class. |
TROBSONBaseCollection | The TROBSONBaseCollection class is created to represent a unordered set of name/value pairs. This class is used internally by the BSON (de)serializer inside the TROBSONMessage class. |
TROBSONDocument | The TROBSONDocument class is created to represent a BSON document, which is an unordered set of name/value pairs. This class is used internally by the BSON (de)serializer inside the TROBSONMessage class. |
TROBSONElement | The TROBSONElement class is created to represent a BSON element, which has name & value. This class is used internally by the BSON (de)serializer inside the TROBSONMessage class. |
TROBSONMessage | The TROBSONMessage class implements BSON messaging support including JSON-RPC in the Remoting SDK. Use this message component to allow the server to communicate with third-party BSON-enabled clients or to connect an RO client to... |
TROBSONSerializer | The TROBSONSerializer class implements a serializer that is able to encode and decode data in the BSON messaging format. It introduces no new visible members compared to its superclass. Please refer to the TROSerializer documentation for a detailed description... |
TROChannelAwareComponent | The TROChannelAwareComponent class is the base class for the TROEventReceiver and |
TROClassFactory | TROClassFactory forms the base class of all class factories provided with Remoting SDK. |
TROCollection | The TROCollection class is a specialization of the TCollection class which utilizes Delphi's RTTI to work with the published properties of the items in the collection. |
TROCollection<T> | |
TROComplexType | TROComplexType forms the base class for all struct types defined in your library. |
TROComplexTypeHelper | |
TROComponent | The TROComponent class is the base class for all Remoting SDK components. This class is designed to handle internal RO dispose notifications for objects that reference each other. It is not intended to be used by users. |
TROConstantMemoryStream | TROConstantMemoryStream is a custom memory stream implementation, optimized for read-only access. |
TROConverterNode | This class is used for generation XML based string |
TROCustomDiscoveryClient | This class implements the client side of the local network server discovery infrastructure in the Remoting SDK. |
TROCustomDiscoveryServer | The TRODiscoveryServer class implements the server side of the local network server discovery infrastructure in the Remoting SDK. |
TROCustomEmailChannel | This class is a technical base class for TROEmailChannel and actually implements all its functionality. Please refer to TROEmailChannel documentation for the detailed description. |
TROCustomEmailServer | The TROCustomEmailServer class, together with its ancestor, the TROEmailServer class, implements a server that uses standard email infrastructure to send messages between clients and servers... |
TROCustomEncryption | Obsolete |
TROCustomHTTPServer | Base class for HTTP server channels. |
TROCustomIndyTCPChannel | This is the base class that implement the majority of functionality for the descendant class TROIndyTCPChannel. It implements a client side of Indy-based Legacy TCP Channel. |
TROCustomIndyTCPServer | TROCustomIndyTCPServer implements a TCP based server that uses the socket implementation provided by the open source Indy components that ship with Delphi. |
TROCustomRODLReader | This is an abstract class to allow RODL reading process to be customized. Such customization is an advanced technique that can be used by either server class or message class or both. RODL reading customization may be necessary if the RODL content access is more complex then just reading a local resource. For example, Hydra enabled applications may consist of several modules and each of those may contain its own RODL resource. |
TROCustomSessionManager | TROCustomSessionManager forms the base class of all session managers provided by Remoting SDK, and can also be used as the base class for implementing your own special session manager... |
TRODBEventRepository | The TRODBEventRepository class is inherited from the base event repository class and designed to allow the usage of almost any database as events storage. For this, the component requires a number of data access components (TDataSet descendants) to be created and a proper database structure (see below)... |
TRODBSessionManager | TRODBSessionManager implements a sophisticated session manager that stores session data in a database accessed by standard Delphi data access components. This database can in theory be shared by multiple servers... |
TRODesigntimeCall | This is a component class used in design time only to make remote service requests right from the Delphi IDE. All functionality is inherited from TRODynamicRequest class, this class exposes the only new method that is called from the IDE to perform a... |
TRODiscoveryClient | This class implements the client side of the local network server discovery infrastructure in Remoting SDK. |
TRODiscoveryServer | This class implements the server side of the local network server discovery infrastructure in Remoting SDK. This class fine-tunes it's ancestor, the TROCustomDiscoveryServer class introducing no new memebers and is present on the Delphi tool palette. Please refer to the TROCustomDiscoveryServer documentation for detailed members description. |
TRODiscoveryServerManager | This class is a part of Service Discovery infrastructure. It is a specialized collection to store a list of available discovery servers. |
TRODiscoveryService | The TRODiscoveryService class implements a service to support the server side of the local network server discovery infrastructure. The stub of this class was generated automatically from the corresponding RODL... |
TRODLArray | The TRODLArray object represents the array in RODL. |
TRODLBaseService | The TRODLBaseService class is the base class of services in the RODL. |
TRODLBaseStruct | The TRODLBaseStruct defines the base structure in the RODL file. |
TRODLComplexEntity | The TRODLComplexEntity class is the base class for all list structures in the RODL file. |
TRODLConverter | The TRODLConverter class is the ancestor class for RODL converters. It provides base functionality to convert RODL files to a specified format. This class can be used as base class for specified custom RODL... |
TRODLEntity | The TRODLEntity class is the ancestor class for all classes required to read and write RODL resources. |
TRODLEnum | The TRODLEnum object represents the enum in RODL. |
TRODLEnumValue | The TRODLEnumValue object represents the enum members in RODL. |
TRODLEventSink | The TRODLEventSink object represents the event sinks in RODL. |
TRODLException | The TRODLException object represents the exceptions in the RODL. |
TRODLGroup | The TRODLGroup object represents the groups in the RODL. |
TRODLIncludes | The TRODLIncludes object represents the includes in RODL. |
TRODLLChannel | TRODLLChannel implements a channel that talks to Services located in a local DLL file. |
TRODLLibrary | The TRODLLibrary class is used as an in-memory representation of a RODL file. It provides strongly-typed access to the services, and types defined within the RODL. |
TRODLLServer | The TRODLLServer class allows you to implement a server located in a local DLL file. |
TRODLOperation | The TRODLOperation class represents methods in RODL. |
TRODLOperationParam | The TRODLOperationParam class represents method parameters in RODL. |
TRODLReader | TRODLReader is a base class that contains abstract methods for reading a RODL file into the TRODLLibrary. It is an ancestor for the TXMLToRODL class. |
TRODLService | TRODLService is a class that represents a service element in a RODL file. |
TRODLServiceInterface | The TRODLServiceInterface class represents the service interface in the RODL. |
TRODLStruct | The TRODLStruct defines the structure in the RODL file. |
TRODLToJSON | This class is used for converting TRODLLibrary to json format |
TRODLToWSDL | This class is used for converting TRODLLibrary to wsdl format |
TRODLToXML | This class is used for converting TRODLLibrary to xml format |
TRODLTypedEntity | The TRODLTypedEntity class represents the TRODLEntity class with the specified type. |
TRODLUse | TRODLUse is a class that represents a reference to an existing RODL file. |
TRODynamicRequest | The Dynamic Request component can be used to construct requests to a server dynamically at runtime, without the method information or a proxy object being available at compile time. |
TROEmailChannel | TROEmailChannel implements a channel that uses the standard email infrastructure to send messages between client and server. The channel... |
TROEmailServer | TROEmailServer implements a server that uses standard email infrastructure to send messages between client and server. The channel is based on the open... |
TROEmailServerProcessMessageThread | The TROEmailServerProcessMessageThread object represents the thread that receives request messages with input data and processes and sends response messages with output data from the server to the client's email address. This class is used for the organization of multi-threaded message processing. If you want to organize multi-threading message processing on your server, you have to create a new TROEmailServerProcessMessageThread object in the main thread for each request message. |
TROEmailServerThread | The TROEmailServerThread object represents the email server thread that processes all request messages that are passed from the client to the server. You can use the TROEmailServerThread to check, process and sent email messages with output data for all email messages with input data when building a custom email server. To configure the TROEmailServerThread class, you have to set the values of the Pop3Password, Pop3ServerAddress, Pop3UserName, ServerEmail and SmtpServerAddress properties of the custom email server. |
TROEncryption | This class provides settings for encrypting and decrypting communication at the channel level. It's available via the Encryption property on all channels and servers. |
TROEncryptionEnvelope | The TROEncryptionEnvelope class is the part of RO Envelopes technology that allows to change incoming and outgoing messages according to user needs. Envelopes work by providing custom wrappers around the message;... |
TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption | The TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption class defines the procedures for encrypting and decrypting incoming and outgoing messages (from the server to the client or from the client to the server). The TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption is a descendant of the TROCustomEncryption class, so it contains complete information about the encryption method: the encryption method itself, the encryption send key, the encryption receive key as well as information about the usage or non-usage of compression with encrypted messages. The TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption is used in the TROEncryptionEnvelope visual component. For more information about encryption and envelopes, please refer to the See Also section of this article. |
TROEventData | The TROEventData object represents the data that is associated with the current event. It is used to save and get data about events that were passed from the server to the client. |
TROEventInvoker | The TROEventInvoker class is used to invoke events that came from the client to the server. This is the base class for custom EventInvoker classes created in the _Intf source files auto-generated from your RODL... |
TROEventProxy | The TROEventProxy class is the base class for event handling. It contains the event message that was passed from the server to the client. The TROEventProxy class is used as ancestor class for the descendant TROEventWriter and TROEventInvoker classes, which process and send the event message. You can use the TROEventProxy class as ancestor class for your own event handler class. |
TROEventReceiver | The Event Receiver component is used on the client to enable receiving callback events from the server. |
TROEventRepository | The TROEventRepository class implements the IROEventRepository interface and forms the base class of all event repository components provided by Remoting SDK. |
TROEventRepositoryHelper | |
TROEventSessionManager | TROEventSessionManager implements a session manager that uses events to allow the use of custom code to access and store session data in user-defined ways. |
TROEventWriter | The TROEventWriter is the ancestor classes that are used to send event messages from server to the client. Descendants of the TROEventWriter class are created in the auto-generated _Intf module (see more in Files Generated from RODL) if the event sinks are defined in the RODL library. These descendant classes are used in the repository for dispatching event messages. |
TROExtendedHttpDispatcher | This is the base abstract class for building custom HTTP dispatchers. These dispatchers work together with HTTP server channels and allow to handle non-RPC requests. Using custom HTTP dispatchers Remoting SDK servers can server... |
TROExtendedHTTPDispatcherList | This class is the wrapper around TInterfaceList to store references to extended HTTP dispatchers connected to the HTTP server channel instance. |
TROGrijjyHTTPChannel | |
TROGrijjyProgress | |
TROGrijjySuperHTTPChannel | Delphi XE8+ only |
TROGrijjySuperTCPChannel | The Grijjy-based implementation of the client side Super TCP Channel. |
TROGrijjySuperTcpConnection | |
TROHttpApiBaseAuthenticationManager | |
TROHttpApiDispatcher | |
TROHttpApiMethodInfo | |
TROHttpApiPrimitiveType | |
TROHttpApiRodlConverter | |
TROHttpApiSession | |
TROHttpApiSimpleAuthenticationManager | |
TROHTTPDispatcher | The extension for the message dispatcher class supporting HTTP protocol specific features. |
TROHTTPFileDispatcher | This component allows to turn the Remoting SDK server into lightweight web server. After connected to any HTTP server channel (Super HTTP Channel support is coming soon)... |
TROHTTPMessageDispatchers | The TROHTTPMessageDispatchers class is a specialized collection class to store message dispatchers for HTTP channels. |
TROHTTPServer | The socket based implementation of the server side HTTP Channel. |
TROIdHTTPServer | The TROIdHTTPServer class is a wrapper around the TIdHTTPServer class. It is used to prevent users from changing the Active property of the Indy server in design-time. |
TROIndyHTTPChannel | TROIndyHTTPChannel implements an HTTP based channel that uses the HTTP implementation provided by the open source Indy components that ship with Delphi. |
TROIndyHTTPServer | TROIndyHTTPServer implements an HTTP based server that uses the HTTP implementation provided by the open source Indy components that ship with Delphi. |
TROIndyProgress | TROIndyProgress is a support class that subscribes to TIdComponent progress events: OnWork , OnWorkBegin , OnWorkEnd and calls TROTransportChannel.TriggerProgress with collected data. |
TROIndySuperHTTPChannel | The Super HTTP Channel implements the enhanced HTTP based channel which provides a sophisticated and flexible communication channel which uses persistent connections to enable true asynchronous... |
TROIndySuperTCPChannel | The Indy based implementation of the client side Super TCP Channel. Exposes no new public functionality compared to it's ancestor TROBaseSuperTCPChannel, please read ancestor's documentation for more information. |
TROIndySuperTcpConnection | |
TROIndySuperTCPServer | This is the Indy-based implementation of the Super TCP Channel, server side. Use this component if an advanced TCP channel needs to used and Indy is a preferred communication level library. |
TROIndyTCPChannel | TROIndyTCPChannel implements a TCP based channel that uses the socket implementation provided by the open source Indy components that ship with Delphi. |
TROIndyTCPServer | TROIndyTCPServer implements a TCP based server that uses the socket implementation provided by the open source Indy components that ship with Delphi. |
TROIndyUDPChannel | TROIndyUDPChannel implements a UDP based channel that uses the socket implementation provided by the open source Indy components that ship with Delphi. |
TROIndyUDPServer | TROIndyHTTPServer implements a UDP based server that uses the socket implementation provided by the open source Indy components that ship with Delphi. |
TROIndyUDPTransport | This class implements a transport object for Indy-based UDP server. Implements IROTransport and IROTCPTransport. |
TROInitializedThread | The TROInitializedThread abstract class is designed to be a base class for all thread classes used internally in the Remoting SDK. This class is needed to provide an optional COM library initialization ability for the thread. |
TROInMemoryEventRepository | TROInMemoryEventRepository implements an event repository that stores event data in local memory. |
TROInMemorySessionManager | TROInMemorySessionManager implements a session manager that stores session data in local memory. |
TROInterfacedObject | The TROInterfacedObject class is a custom implementation of the object implementing the IUnknown interface. All other classes derived from this one benefit from the memory management technology based on the reference counting (COM-style). |
TROInterfaceRegistry | This is a collection to store and manage a list of interface references. In addition to existing ancestor's functionality this class provides a couple of methods to keep interface references unique in the list (TInterfaceList allows to store several... |
TROInvoker | The TROInvoker class is the base class for all remote method invoker classes. Invoker classes work on the server side and are necessary to invoke service methods: they read the message object's parameters, call the method code and read the results... |
TROJavaScriptHttpDispatcher | This is the special version of TROHTTPFileDispatcher HTTP file dispatcher designed to use for serving Remoting SDK for JavaScript supporting script. While inheriting all functionality of the base class the TROJavaScriptHttpDispatcher is able to serve the script either from the application resources or from the disk folder. Notice the following: |
TROJSONArray | The TROJSONArray class is created to represent a JSON array - an ordered collection of values. This class is used internally by the JSON (de)serializer inside the TROJSONMessage class. |
TROJSONMessage | The TROJSONMessage class implements JSON messaging support including JSON-RPC in the Remoting SDK. Use this message component to allow the server to communicate with third-party JSON-enabled clients or to connect an RO client to a... |
TROJSONObject | The TROJSONObject class is created to represent a JSON object, which is an unordered set of name/value pairs. This class is used internally by the JSON (de)serializer inside the TROJSONMessage class. |
TROJSONProperty | The TROJSONProperty class represents a JSON named value i.e. a name-value pair. It is implemented as a value class (TROJSONValue) extension, see the ancestor's documentation for more information. |
TROJSONSerializer | The TROJSONSerializer class implements a serializer that is able to encode and decode data in the JSON messaging format. It introduces no new visible members compared to its superclass. Please refer to the TROSerializer documentation for a detailed description... |
TROJSONValue | The TROJSONValue class is created to represent a JSON item value that is stored inside structures such as a JSON object or a JSON array. This class is used internally by the JSON (de)serializer inside the TROJSONMessage class... |
TROLocalChannel | TROLocalChannel implements a channel that talks to Services in the same executable via a TROLocalServer. |
TROLocalServer | TROLocalServer implements a server that makes services available for consumption from within the same executable via a TROLocalChannel. |
TROLogin | TROLogin is used as a simple user name and password pair to perform Authentication and Login tasks. |
TROMessage | TROMessage is the base class for all message format components provided with Remoting SDK. |
TROMessageAwareComponent | The TROMessageAwareComponent class provides access to the communication message formatassociated with its instance in form of a TROMessage instance. |
TROMessageDispatcher | This class is used by the TROServer component to configure the list of dispatchers provided by the server. |
TROMessageDispatchers | The TROMessageDispatchers class is used by the TROServer as a collection to store one or more dispatchers for use with the server channel. The collection of TROMessageDispatchers contains references to the TROMessage instance to use. There also is a specialized version of the dispatcher class for HTTP Servers (TROHTTPMessageDispatchers)... |
TROMessageEnvelope | The base class for "envelopes", a generic method of encoding/decoding messages. |
TROMessageEnvelopeCollection | TROMessageEnvelopeCollection is used internally by TROMessage to implement the Message Envelopes stack. |
TROMessageEnvelopeItem | The TROMessageEnvelopeItem represents an item of the Message Envelopes stack, which is implemented by the TROMessageEnvelopeCollection. |
TROMIMEPart | This class represents a MIME encoded blocks of data. Each TROMIMEPart object can handle any number of nested subparts as new TROMIMEPart objects. It can handle any tree hierarchy structure of nested MIME... |
TRONamedPipeChannel | TRONamedPipeChannel implements a channel that uses Windows Named Pipes to communicate between a client and a server on the same... |
TRONamedPipeServer | TRONamedPipeServer implements a server that is accessible from clients on the same machine or local network using Windows Named Pipes. |
TRONetHttpClientChannel | |
TRONetSuperHTTPChannel | |
TROObjectDisposer | The TROObjectDisposer is used in generated code to clean up params. If the service supports IROObjectRetainer, only the var and out params of the service that is not retaining will be freed. |
TROOlympiaEventRepository | The TROOlympiaEventRepository class implements an event repository that stores event data in |
TROOlympiaSessionManager | The TROOlympiaSessionManager class is the session manager that uses the Olympia. |
TROOpenSSL | |
TROPerClientClassFactory | TROPerClientClassFactory provides a class factory that ties each Service instance to a particular client. |
TROPipeConnectionThread | Instances of the TROPipeConnectionThread class are used in the named pipe server (TRONamedPipeServer class) to handle all incoming connections. |
TROPipeListenerThread | The TROPipeListenerThread internal thread class is designed to work together with the TRONamedPipeServer class; it represents a thread spawned by the server to listen for and process client requests. |
TROPooledClassFactory | TROPooledClassFactory is a class factory that maintains a list of instances of server objects. |
TROPooledThread | The TROPooledThread class is designed to work together with the TROThreadPool class. |
TROPostMessage | TROPostMessage implements message encoding using a simple text messaging format compatible with HTTP "Post" data. |
TROPostMessageSerializer | The TROPostMessageSerializer class implements a serializer that encodes and decodes data in the format suitable to be transferred using the HTTP POST command. It introduces no new visible members compared to its superclass. Please refer to the TROSerializer... |
TROPoweredByRemObjectsButton | TROPoweredByButton is a visual component that shows an image button with the Remoting SDK logo and the text "powered by Remoting SDK". You can use it in your application's About box to let users know that your application was build with [Remoting... |
TROProxy | This class forms the base for proxy classes in the _Intf units generated from your RODL. |
TRORemotable | The main purpose of the TRORemotable class is to be a base class for services that cannot be derived from the TRORemoteDataModule. It implements the IROObjectRetainer interface to keep references to required interfaced objects (normally, the TRORemoteDataModule does this with its data module nature). Since the objects registered to this class are interfaced objects, the registration and unregistration affects the reference counters of such objects thus preventing them from being disposed during the service... |
TRORemoteDataModule | The TRORemoteDataModule base class for all RO SDK and Data Abstract services is one of the most important classes in the RO SDK library. When a new project or service is created, the IDE wizard prompts for the... |
TRORemoteRODL | This class is designed for working with .remoteRODL format |
TRORemoteService | The Remote Service component is used to represent the connection to a remote service - both the channel and message component as well as the name of the service. |
TRORequestParam | The TRORequestParam class is used to represent an individual parameter in a TRODynamicRequest. |
TRORequestParamCollection | The TRORequestParamCollection class is used to represent the list of parameters for a TRODynamicRequest. |
TROResponseItem | |
TRORttiCache | |
TRORTTIClassFactoryHelper | |
TRORTTIEventWriter<T> | |
TRORTTIInvoker | |
TRORTTIMessageHelper | |
TRORTTISerializerHelper | |
TRORTTIServerHelper | |
TROSCClientWorker | This is the super channel worker class designed to use on the client side. |
TROSCServerWorker | |
TROSemaphore | The TROSemaphore class is the cross-platform synchronization object that is a mutex under the hood. |
TROSerializer | The TROSerializer is the base abstract class for all message serializers i.e. classes responsible for encoding and decoding data of various types to the form that is necessary to create a message of a particular type. The... |
TROServer | TROServer is the common base class for all server channel implementations in the Remoting SDK. |
TROServerCheckMessageThread | The TROServerCheckMessageThread abstract class serves as ancestor for thread classes designed to perform periodic check actions like checking for e-mail messages. This class is not intended to be used directly and has only one descendant as for now. |
TROServerLocator | This class contains configuration data for an individual server that will be included in fail-over and load balancing support of a TROTransportChannel component. |
TROServerLocatorCollection | |
TROServerMultiMessage | TROServerMultiMessage is a component which allows you to use different types of messages with non-HTTP servers at the same time. It contains a list of supported messages and can autodetect incoming message type. |
TROServerMultiMessageCollection | The TROServerMultiMessageCollection class is a specialized collection class used by the TROServerMultiMessage class to store server-supported message references. |
TROServerSocket | |
TROService | TROService is a helper class used to implement the Combo templates that can act as a Windows Service and standalone VCL application. It descends from Delphi's TService implementation to provide some extended internal functionality needed for the dual use. |
TROSession | The TROSession class represents an individual user session within the Session Management system of Remoting SDK. |
TROSessionReference | The TROSessionReference class is used for storing active events on the server side. |
TROSessionRefToEventDataLink | This class is used internally by event repositories as an element of linked list of events data corresponding to the session. |
TROSimpleAsyncResponseStorage | This class is used internally by the Indy UDP channel TROIndyUDPChannel to handle request/response data. |
TROSimpleStringBuilder | |
TROSimpleTransportChannel | The TROSimpleTransportChannel is the base class for all plain HTTP and TCP channels |
TROSimpleXmlWriter | This class is used internally by the TROXmlRpcSerializer to serialize data for the XML-RPC message TROXmlRpcMessage. |
TROSingletonClassFactory | TROSingletonClassFactory provides a class factory that implements the Singleton pattern: only one instance of the Service class will ever be created... |
TROSOAPMessage | TROSoapMessage implements message encoding, using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), a standardized XML based protocol for exchanging messages between client and server... |
TROSocket | |
TROSocketOpenSSL | |
TROStream | The TROStream class wraps the access to a Delphi TStream class. TROStream has all the basic methods and properties of TStream, but also exposes the underlying wrapped object via the Stream property. |
TROStreamSerializer | The TROStreamSerializer class is used for serializing/deserializing any type of data for streaming (memory stream as default). |
TROStrings | The TROStrings class wraps the access to a Delphi TStrings instance to provide a reference-counted, interface-based reference that can be freed automatically as it goes out of scope. TROStrings exposes all the basic methods and properties of TStrings... |
TROSuperHTTPServer | This Super HTTP Server implements the server side of the new and enhanced HTTP based channel which provides a sophisticated and flexible communication channel that uses persistent connections to enable true asynchronous calls... |
TROSuperHTTPServerConnection | The TROSuperHTTPServerConnection class is part of the SuperHTTP server channel architecture. |
TROSuperHTTPServerResponse | The TROSuperHTTPServerResponse class implements the IROSuperHTTPServerResponse interface and is used for sending server responses like events etc. |
TROSuperHTTPWaitingConnection | The TROSuperHTTPWaitingConnection class is part of the Super HTTP server implementation. |
TROSuperTcpChannel | The socket based implementation of the client side Super TCP Channel. |
TROSuperTcpConnection | |
TROSuperTcpServer | This is the socket-based implementation of the Super TCP Channel, server side. Use this component if an advanced TCP channel needs to used. |
TROSynapseHTTPChannel | TROSynapseHTTPChannel implements an HTTP based channel that uses the HTTP implementation provided by the open source Synapse components that are available at |
TROSynapseHTTPServer | The Synapse based implementation of the server side HTTP Channel. Along with functionality inherited from to it's ancestor TROBaseHTTPServer it exposes some public members specific to Synapse. Please read ancestor's documentation for more information. |
TROSynapseProgress | TROSynapseProgress is a support class that subscribes to TBlockSocket.OnStatus event and calls TROTransportChannel.TriggerProgress with collected data. |
TROSynapseServerSocket | The TROSynapseServerSocket class is a Synapse based server socket for accepting incoming connections. |
TROSynapseSuperHTTPChannel | The Super HTTP Channel implements the enhanced HTTP based channel which provides a sophisticated and flexible communication channel which uses persistent... |
TROSynapseSuperHTTPServer | This Super HTTP Server implements the server side of the new and enhanced HTTP based channel which provides a sophisticated and flexible communication channel that uses persistent connections to enable true asynchronous calls... |
TROSynapseSuperTCPChannel | This class is the Synapse based implementation of the client part of Super TCP Channel for Delphi. More info about SuperTCP client channel methods and properties is available on the base class TROBaseSuperTCPChannel description page. |
TROSynapseSuperTcpConnection | |
TROSynapseSuperTCPServer | The Synapse based implementation of the server side Super TCP Channel. Exposes no new public functionality compared to it's ancestor TROBaseSuperTCPServer, please read ancestor's documentation for more information. |
TROSynapseTCPServer | TROSynapseTCPServer implements a TCP based server that uses the socket implementation provided by the open source Synapse components. |
TROSynchronizedSingletonClassFactory | This class provides a class factory that implements the Singleton pattern: only one instance of the Service class will ever be created, and this same... |
TROTcpServer | TROTCPServer implements a TCP based server that uses the socket implementation. |
TROThread | The TROThread class is a base class used by the Remoting SDK to implement an |
TROThreadPool | The TROThreadPool class is used by the Remoting SDK to perform a number of |
TROThreadTimer | The TROThreadTimer class allows to trigger an event repeatedly within a predefined time interval. |
TROTIdTCPServer | The TROTIdTCPServer class is an Indy based server socket to accept incoming connections. |
TROTransportChannel | TROTransportChannel is the common base class for all client channel implementations in Remoting SDK. |
TROUDPResponseThread | The TROUDPResponseThread class is used internally by the TROIndyUDPChannel class |
TROUri | Provides an object representation of a uniform resource identifier (URI) and easy access to the parts of the URI. |
TROUrlSchemaParser | TROUrlSchemaParser is designed for parsing URI string and detecting message and channel classes for specified URI. |
TROVariantList | The TROVariantList class is a specialization of the TStringList class, that |
TROWaitingRequest | This class is a part of super channels implementation and represents a request that is waiting for the remote server response. Because the super channels are asynchronous several requests can wait for the completion at the... |
TROWebBrokerServer | This components allows to use Remoting SDK server with WebBroker technology. This approach consists of using existing ISAPI or Apache web server to handle client requests in general and using web modules to handle... |
TROWinHttpServer | TROWinHttpServer implements an HTTP based server that uses the HTTP Server API. |
TROWinInetClientCert | This class serves as a Delphi wrapper around several WinInet structures and calls to work with client certificates. This class works together with WinInet based client channel TROWinInetHTTPChannel... |
TROWinInetHTTPChannel | TROWinInetHTTPChannel implements an HTTP based channel that uses the WinInet HTTP implementation provided by the Windows operating system. |
TROWinMessageChannel | TROWinMessageChannel implements a channel that uses Windows Messages to communicate between a client and a server on the same local machine. |
TROWinMessageServer | TROWinMessageServer implements a server that uses Windows Messages to communicate between a client and a server on the same local machine. |
TROXmlRpcMessage | TROXmlRpcMessage implements message encoding using the XML-RPC protocol, a predecessor of SOAP and Web Services. |
TROXmlRpcSerializer | The TROXmlRpcSerializer class is a specialization of the TROSerializer class |
TROXMLSerializer | The TROXMLSerializer class is used for serializing and deserializing data of any type to XML format. |
TROZeroConfBrowseAndResolveEngine | The TROZeroConfBrowseAndResolveEngine class provides methods for receiving information about the ZeroConf environment and services registered in it. |
TROZeroConfBrowseEngine | The TROZeroConfBrowseEngine class is used internally by the ZeroConf infrastructure to retrieve information about the ZeroConf environment and services registered in it. |
TROZeroConfBrowser | The TROZeroConfBrowser class provides methods for receiving information about the ZeroConf environment and services registered in it. |
TROZeroConfRegistration | The TROZeroConfRegistration component class is used to publish RO servers via ZeroConf facilities. It is necessary to instantiate the class object (drop the component to a form or create programmatically), set its properties... |
TROZeroConfRegistrationEngine | The TROZeroConfRegistrationEngine class is used to register services in the ZeroConf environment. |
TROZeroConfResolveEngine | The TROZeroConfResolveEngine class is used internally by the ZeroConf infrastructure to resolve domains and service types and -names to real server addresses and ports. |
TROZeroConfService | The TROZeroConfService class is used to hold information about discovered services in the ZeroConf environment. |
TXMLToRODL | The TXMLToRODL class is a specialization of the TRODLReader class for decoding streamed RODL data in the XML format into a TRODLLibrary instance. You may use it to load RODL files, resources, etc. |
TXPIdUDPServer | The TXPIdUDPServer class is a specialization of the TIdUDPServer class. |
XsDateTime | The XsDateTime class represents the DateTime value with given timezone offset. |
Interface | Notes |
IIPAsyncContext | The IIPAsyncContext represents the execution context for asynchronous data exchange between client and server. This interface is implemented by TIPAsyncContext, which is used internally by some Remoting SDK Server channels... |
IROActiveAsyncTransportChannel | The IROActiveAsyncTransportChannel interface is used to build an asynchronous channel with Remoting SDK (more information about Remoting SDK channels see Comparison of the Remoting SDK Channels)... |
IROActiveEventChannel | The IROActiveEventChannel interface is used to register a new TROEventReceiver object with the specified channel. |
IROActiveEventServer | IROActiveEventServer is an interface that provides methods for managing events. This interface is used by some Remoting SDK servers to support event... |
IROActiveEventServerList | The IROActiveEventServerList interface represents the related event server list. This interface contains the main DispatchEvent procedure, which executes the specified event for all items in the list. |
IROAsyncContext | The IROAsyncContext represents the execution context for asynchronous data exchange between client and server. This interface is implemented by TROAsyncContext, which is used internally by some Remoting SDK Server channels... |
IROAsyncInterface | This interface provides control of the proxy object for an asynchronous service interface. You can obtain this interface by casting a service interface from your auto-generated _Async unit to IROAsyncInterface. |
IROAsyncInterfaceEx | This interface is used for identification purposes only. You can obtain this interface by casting a service interface from your auto-generated _Async unit to IROAsyncInterfaceEx. |
IROAsyncRequest | Callback interface for handling results from TROAsyncRequest |
IROAsyncResponseStorage | The IROAsyncResponseStorage interface is used to manage requests and responses in the UDP channel (TROIndyUDPChannel class). You can implement the IROAsyncResponseStorage interface in your custom asynchronous channel for managing the storage of requests and responses. |
IROAsyncTransportChannel | The IROAsyncTransportChannel interface provides an application with the ability to process in asynchronous communication mode. |
IROBinMessage | IROMessage descendant, contains methods declarations for TROBinMessage. |
IROBroadcastNotification | The IROBroadcastNotification interface provides methods to react to a Discovery server response. |
IROClassFactory | Base interface of all class factories. You will not use this interface, but one of its descendants. |
IROClassFactory_ZeroConfig | The IROClassFactory_ZeroConfig interface provides methods for ZeroConf support. In Remoting SDK, this interface is used by TROClassFactory and all its descendants to provide ZeroConf support. |
IROCustomStreamableArray | The IROCustomStreamableArray interface is used as part of the custom array. The IROCustomStreamableArray interface has the property Count, which contains the count of elements in the custom array. Count is used in the serialization (TROSerializer... |
IROCustomStreamableClass | The IROCustomStreamableClass interface is an extended version of the IROCustomStreamableType which is designed to maintain the serialization ability. |
IROCustomStreamableEnum | The IROCustomStreamableEnum interface is used for storing/restoring enums with the help of the TROSerializer. |
IROCustomStreamableStruct | |
IROCustomStreamableType | The IROCustomStreamableType interface is used to introduce a serialization ability which is provided by the TROSerializer class. |
IRODestructorController | IRODestructorController is an interface that can be implemented in your service class to control the behavior of the TROPerClientClassFactory class. |
IRODestructorControllerEx | IRODestructorControllerEx is an interface that extends IRODestructorController it can be implemented by your service class to control behavior of TROPerClientClassFactory. |
IRODispatchNotifier | The IRODispatchNotifier interface provides methods for receiving notifications when a service methods are about to be invoked. In Remoting SDK, this interface is used by TROInvoker to notify services about incoming requests before their methods are actually invoked. |
IRODLEntityWithAncestor | The IRODLEntityWithAncestor interface represents a RODL entity and potentially its ancestor. This interface is implemented by the RODL elements that are eqipped to have an ancestor, like TRODLBaseStruct or TRODLBaseService. |
IRODllEventCallback | The IRODllEventCallback interface is used to process events in DLL Channels. This interface is used in Remoting SDK to notify the DLL Channel... |
IROEventReceiver | The IROEventReceiver interface is used to dispatch events. In Remoting SDK, a list of these interfaces is used by TROBaseActiveEventChannel to manage event receivers. |
IROEventReceiverInvokers | The IROEventReceiverInvokers interface provides methods for registering and unregistering clients that can receive events and for acquiring events data from the server. |
IROEventRepository | IROEventRepository is a base interface that provides methods for storing events in repository. In Remoting SDK, this interface is used by descendants of the TROEventWriter to store event data. |
IROEventSink | ROEventWriter forms the base interface for custom Event Sinks. |
IROEventsInvoker | The IROEventsInvoker interface is used to invoke events. |
IROEventWriter | ROEventWriter forms the base interface for Event Sink proxies on the RODL-based server. It contains a number of properties that allow you to control... |
IROEventWriter<T> | ROEventWriter<T> forms the base interface for Event Sink proxies on the Code-First servers. It contains a number of properties that allow you to control... |
IROGetServiceMetaData | |
IROHTTPClientCapabilities | The IROHttpClientCapabilities represents the execution context for data exchange between client and server. |
IROHTTPDispatcher | This interface specifies the extension for the message dispatcher interface allowing to support HTTP protocol specific features and to build HTTP dispatchers with extended functionality. |
IROHTTPRequest | This interface provides access to HTTP request parameters when server side objects need to pass HTTP requests information to each other. This interface is used internally and not exposed to the user level code. |
IROHTTPResponse | This interface provides access to HTTP response parameters when server side objects (message dispatchers or server channel) need to form a HTTP response and pass it back to the client. This interface is used internally and not exposed to the user level... |
IROHTTPServer | This interface declares ability of HTTP server channels to work with HTTP dispatchers. Those dispatchers are responsible for providing different services under different HTTP virtual paths. |
IROHTTPTransport | The IROHTTPTransport interface abstracts the common elements of the different HTTP Channels. |
IROHTTPTransportEx | This interface extends its ancestor by adding a property and methods to control the usage of content-encoding HTTP header field. |
IROInvoker | The IROInvoker interface is used by the Remoting SDK invocation framework to invoke the actual methods on your service implementation. |
IROLocalChannelEvents | |
IROLocalServerEvents | |
IROMessage | The IROMessage interface is used by the Remoting SDK to implement message processing in... |
IROMessageCloneable | The IROMessageCloneable interface is used by Remoting SDK |
IROMetadataReader | The IROMetadataReader interface is used by the Remoting SDK to retrieve |
IROModuleInfo | The IROModuleInfo interface is intended to extract RODL metadata and |
IROMultiThreadAwareChannel | |
IRONamedModuleInfo | The IRONamedModuleInfo interface is an extention of the IROModuleInfo |
IRONativeAccess | This interface allows to receive access to object that realizes the current interface. |
IROObjectActivation | The IROObjectActivation interface is used by the the Remoting SDK to allow service implementations to be notified for activation and deactivation (i.e. before and after they will be asked to serve a remote request). The TROInvoker takes care of it in the TROInvoker and TROInvoker methods. |
IROObjectRetainer | The IROObjectRetainer interface is used by the Remoting SDK to exactly control the lifetime of an object. |
IROObjectStreamExtender | The IROObjectStreamExtender is designed to read and write properties that cannot be accessed with the GetPropList function. |
IROObjectTimeout | IROObjectTimeout provides an event that your code can subscribe to in order to be notified about the expiration of a service instance. |
IROPackageAck | |
IROPerClientClassFactory | IROPerClientClassFactory allows to manually free specific sessions or all sessions of the TROPerClientClassFactory instance. |
IROPluginMessages | The IROPluginMessages interface logs problems during the validation of RODL structures from GUI tools like Service Builder. |
IROPooledClassFactory | The IROPooledClassFactory interface is designed to clear the pool of the TROPooledClassFactory instance. |
IRORemoteService | Defines the interface to access the set of basic properties any client side remote service connection must have: a client channel reference and a message reference. This interface is implemented by the TRORemoteService component that is used to forward all remote requests to the remote server. Also the instance of this interface is passed as a parameter to one of TROProxy constructors to initialize the service proxy. |
IRORolesAwareService | The IRORolesAwareService interface is used by the TROInvoker class for the validation of roles inside services. |
IROServerEventsBroker | The IROServerEventsBroker supports Event Sinks and Server Callbacks in scenarios when the client takes the active role of sending requests to the server, while the server... |
IROService | IROService is the base interface for custom services. |
IROServiceGroupSupport | This interface part of Service Group feature. |
IROSessionsChangesListener | The IROSessionsChangesListener interface, in conjunction with the |
IROSessionsChangesNotifier | The IROSessionsChangesNotifier interface, in conjunction with the |
IROSOAPMessage | IROSOAPMessage provides access to specific SOAP properties of TROSOAPMessage. |
IROStream | The IROStream interface wraps access to a Delphi TStream instance to provide a reference-counted, interface-based reference that can be freed automatically as it goes out of scope. IROStream exposes all the basic methods and properties of TStream, and also exposes the underlying wrapped object via the Stream property. Use one of the overloads of the global NewROStream function to instantiate a new IROStream... |
IROStreamAccess | The IROStreamAccess interface provides access to the underlying TStream. |
IROStrings | The IROStrings interface wraps access to a Delphi TStrings instance to provide a reference-counted, interface-based reference that can be freed automatically as it goes out of scope. IROStrings exposes all the basic methods and properties of TStrings, and also exposes the underlying wrapped object via the Strings property. Use one of the overloads of the global NewROStrings function to instantiate a new IROStrings... |
IROSuperHTTPServerConnection | The IROSuperHTTPServerConnection interface is used internally in the Server Channels infrastructure of the Server to implement Super HTTP Channel functionality. |
IROSuperHTTPServerResponse | The IROSuperHTTPServerResponse interface is used internally by the implementation of the TROBaseSuperHTTPServer class in the Server Channels infrastructure of the Server. |
IROTCPTransport | The IROTCPTransport interface extends the IROTransport |
IROTCPTransportProperties | The IROTCPTransportProperties extension of the IROTCPTransport |
IROThreadPoolCallback | The IROThreadPoolCallback interface provides asynchronous event processing via a callback mechanism. It allows to decouple event discovering threads from event processing threads. |
IROTransport | The IROTransport interface provides access to an underlying TObject |
IROTransportChannel | The IROTransportChannel interface is part of the Remoting SDK |
IROTransportChannelAsyncException | The IROTransportChannelAsyncException interface is complementary to the IROAsyncInterface interface to provide exception notification in an asynchronous mode. The TROTransportChannel class implements the IROTransportChannelAsyncException interface. |
IROTransportChannelEx | The IROTransportChannelEx interface extends the IROTransportChannel interface with a BeforeDispatch method, allowing to do a some preparation before performing the actual message dispatching. |
IROValidatedSessionsChangesListener | The IROValidatedSessionsChangesListener interface is used internally |
IZeroConfBrowseStrategy | The IZeroConfBrowseStrategy interface represents functions that are used to start and stop the specified service. |
IZeroConfRegistrationStrategy | The IZeroConfRegistrationStrategy interface describes methods that are required for registering services within the specified service discovery provider. |
IZeroConfResolveStrategy | The IZeroConfResolveStrategy interface describes methods that are required for obtaining information about specified services. |
IZeroConfServerChannel | The IZeroConfServerChannel interface represents the information about specified server channel: such as port that the server will listening on. |
Enum | Notes |
ROPoolBehavior | Enum for possible type of pool behaviour for pooled class factory TROPooledClassFactory in case when pool became full. |
ROStreamAsEncodingMode | Encoding mode |
TIPSocketMode | Address family specification |
TIpType | Specifies protocol version |
TMessageType | This enum contains the possible message types that client and server can send to each other. Messages of different types have different meaning in the same messaging protocol. The concrete messaging protocol can limit the number of message types supported... |
TParamAttribute | |
TProgressDirection | Enumerator used in OnProgress event hadler and specified direction. |
TProgressType | Enumerator used in OnProgress event handler and specifies a progress state |
TROAckState | |
TROClientAccessPolicyType | Determines how the server channel handles requests for the clientaccesspolicy.xml (security policy file used by Silverlight). |
TRODataType | Enumerator for all data types availiable in RODL. |
TRODBSessionManagerDataSetEnum | |
TRODispatchOption | Enumerator for types of load balancing and fault tolerance. |
TRODLParamFlag | This enum defines the different directions) that can be applied to a parameter. |
TRODLUseSplitMode | |
TROEncryptionMethod | The type of encryption method to be used. |
TROHTTPAcceptEncodingMode | The Accept-Encoding specifies the content-codings that are acceptable in the server response. |
TROHttpApiSecurityMode | |
TROIncludePlatform | |
TROJSONDataType | TROJSONDataType represents native JSON types: |
TROJSONVersion | |
TROMessageEnvelopeMode | Enumerator for events fired before BeforeEnvelopeProcessed and after AfterEnvelopeProcessed processing envelope defines is invelope in incoming or in outgoing message... |
TROOpenSSLOption | |
TROPluginMessageType | |
TROPoolBehavior | Enum for possible type of pool behaviour for pooled class factory TROPooledClassFactory in case when pool became full. |
TROPostMessageBinaryType | TROPostMessageBinaryType specifies encoding for binary types |
TROPoweredByType | |
TROProbingOption | Specifies how server will be handled during probing. |
TROResponseOption | |
TROSCAutoReconnectBehavior | Autorecconect behavior of super channels |
TROSCState | State of super channels. |
TROSearchOption | Enumerator for options during searching some item by name. |
TROServerType | The ServerType enumeration is used to represent type of the server channel being configured. |
TROSessionsActions | |
TROSoapMode | TROSoapMode represents SOAP encoding styles |
TROSocketMode | Socket mode |
TROURIType | TROURIType specifies protocol's type |
TROWinInetAccessType | TROWinInetAccessType represents type of access required: |
TROWinInetClientCertOption | TROWinInetClientCertOption specifies options of client's certificate. |
TROXmlRpcState | |
TROXmlRpcType | |
TROXMLSerializationOption | TROXMLSerializationOption defines several options used to control the exact layout of SOAP messages. |
Exception | Notes |
EDNSServiceException | EDNSServiceException is an exception class for ROZeroConf resolve errors. |
EIPSocketError | |
ELocalTimeInvalid | |
ENotImplemented | |
ENotSupportedException | |
EROAsyncException | EROAsyncException provides the base for exceptions related to asynchronous calls. |
EROAsyncNoAnswerYet | This exception is raised if the Retrieve_ method for an asynchronous call is called,but no response is available yet. |
EROAsyncRequestCancelledException | |
EROAsyncRequestException | |
EROBaseAsyncSocketError | |
EROBinaryConversionException | |
EROBSONException | This exception is raised when an error is occured during BSON processing |
EROBSONSerializerException | This exception is raised when an error is occured during generation of BSON |
EROChannelBusy | This exception is raised if an attempt is made to send a remote request to a channel that is busy. |
EROCircularReference | |
ERODiscoveryException | |
EROException | EROException is the base class for all custom Remoting SDK exceptions. |
EROIDEProblem | |
EROIncorrectUri | This exception is raised when problems are detected during parsing URI. |
EROInvalidStream | This exception is raised by various message classes when something wrong with message, usually during reading it. |
EROJSONException | This exception is raised when an error is occured during JSON processing |
EROJSONParseError | |
EROJSONSerializerException | This exception is raised when an error is occured during generation of JSON |
EROMessageTooLarge | This exception is raised by super channel when message size exceeds MaxPackageSize property value. |
EROPoolNoFreeObjects | This exception is raised by the TROPooledClassFactory if its pool behavior is set to pbFail and all pool instances are currently active serving requests. |
EROQueueFull | This exception is raised by super channel when it can process request because in ThreadPool or ThreadPool all threads are busy. |
EROResponseItem | |
EROSendNoResponse | This exception type is used internally by the ROSendNoResponse method. Please refer to the Asynchronous Calls help topics for more information. |
EROServerException | The EROServerException provides the base class for all custom exceptions defined in your application's RODL file and provides the basic functionality for enabling exceptions to be propagated from the server to the client and re-raised properly. It also... |
EROSessionExpired | This exception class is a descendant of the more generic EROSessionNotFound exception that is raised if a session still exists, but has expired since the last call. |
EROSessionNotFound | This exception is raised by servers requiring authentication, for example implemented using the Remoting SDK standard authentication pattern, to indicate that no session exists on the server yet, and a login... |
EROSocketError | |
EROSuperChannelException | |
EROSuperHTTPChannelException | |
EROSuperTCPChannelException | |
EROTimeout | |
EROUnknownExceptionReceivedFromServer | |
EROUnknownItem | This exception is raised during finding some item in RODL when it can't be found. |
EROUnknownServiceMethod | |
EROUnknownType | This exception is raised by the Remoting SDK streaming infrastructure if a complex type, that has not been registered, is found in the received message. |
EROUnregisteredServerException | This exception is raised on a client if any exception has been received form the server that is not known to the client application. |
EROUserError | |
EROWinInetHttpException | |
EROXmlRcpSerializerException | |
EROZeroConfException | EROZeroConfException is an exception class for ROZeroConf errors. |
SessionDoesNotHaveRequiredRolesException | This exception is raised during attempt execite service's method when user's session doesn't have neccessary role. |
SessionNotFoundException | This exception is raised by servers requiring authentication, for example implemented using the Remoting SDK standard authentication pattern, to indicate that no session exists on the server yet, and a login... |
UnknownServiceMethodException |
Alias | Type |
Binary |
TROBinaryMemoryStream |
CDATAString |
UnicodeString |
DataTypeNames_Array |
array [TRODataType] of string |
DataTypeRemapping_Array |
array [0..0] of TRODataTypeMapping |
DateTime |
TDateTime |
uRONullable.Decimal |
Variant |
uROTypes.Decimal |
Decimal |
uRONullable.Guid |
string |
uROTypes.Guid |
Guid |
JSON_Char |
UnicodeChar |
JSON_PChar |
PUnicodeChar |
JSON_String |
UnicodeString |
PAddrInfo |
PDecimal |
^TDecimal |
^fd_set |
PHostEnt |
^hostent |
PInAddr |
^in_addr |
PPaddrinfo |
^PAddrInfo |
PSockAddr |
^sockaddr |
Psockaddr_in |
^sockaddr_in |
PTimeVal |
^timeval |
PUnicodeChar |
PChar |
ROAnsiString |
string |
ROUTF8String |
string |
socklen_t |
Integer |
TBinHeaderArray |
array [0..BIN_HEADER_SIZE-1] of Byte |
TBinMessageSignature |
array [0..4] of Byte |
TBinMessageType |
Byte |
TBytes |
array of Byte |
TCharArray |
array of Char |
TDataFormat |
string |
TDecimal |
array [0..3] of Cardinal |
TDecimalVariant |
Decimal |
TDLLUnloadEvent |
TNotifyEvent |
TEnvelopeSignature |
array [0..4] of Byte |
TGuidString |
Guid |
uROIndySupport.TIdIndy10HackClient |
TIdTCPClient |
uROIndyTCPChannel.TIdIndy10HackClient |
TIdIndy10HackClient |
uROIndySupport.TIdTCPClientBaseClass |
TIdTCPClient |
uROIndyTCPChannel.TIdTCPClientBaseClass |
TIdTCPClientBaseClass |
uROIndyHTTPServer.TIdThreadClass |
TIdPeerThread |
uROIndyTCPServer.TIdThreadClass |
TIdPeerThread |
TROXMLSerializer.TList_Integer |
TList<Integer> |
TRODBEventRepository.TList_IROActiveEventServer |
TList<IROActiveEventServer> |
TROEventReceiver.TList_Object |
TList<TObject> |
TParamAttributes |
set of TParamAttribute |
TROBinaryMemoryStream |
TROBinaryMemoryStream |
TROBSONBinarySubType |
Byte |
Byte |
TROCryptoKey |
AnsiString |
TRODispatchOptions |
set of TRODispatchOption |
TRODLEntityList |
TList<TRODLEntity> |
TRODLOperationParamObjectList |
TObjectList<TRODLOperationParam> |
TRODLUseList |
TROEvent |
TEvent |
TROEventDataArray |
array of TROEventData |
TROHTTPAcceptEncodingModes |
set of TROHTTPAcceptEncodingMode |
TROHttpApiMethodInfoList |
TObjectList<TROHttpApiMethodInfo> |
TROHttpApiPrimitiveTypeList |
TDictionary<string, TROHttpApiPrimitiveType> |
TROSynapseHTTPServer |
TROIpSuperHTTPServer |
TROSynapseSuperHTTPServer |
TROIpTCPServer |
TROSynapseTCPServer |
TROMimeSetChar |
set of TROMimeChar |
TROOpenSSLOptions |
set of TROOpenSSLOption |
TROProbingOptions |
set of TROProbingOption |
TROProxyClasses |
TDictionary<string, TROProxyClass> |
TROResponseOptions |
set of TROResponseOption |
TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer |
TROSearchOptions |
set of TROSearchOption |
TROSessionIDs |
array of TGUID |
TROSessionKeys |
array of string |
TROStringBuilder |
TROSimpleStringBuilder |
TROSynapseHTTPServer |
uROSynapseHTTPServer.TROSynapseHTTPServer |
TROSynapseSuperHTTPServer |
uROSynapseSuperHTTPServer.TROSynapseSuperHTTPServer |
TROSynapseTCPServer |
uROSynapseTCPServer.TROSynapseTCPServer |
TROTransportChannels |
TDictionary<string, TROTransportChannelClass> |
TROWinInetClientCertOptions |
set of TROWinInetClientCertOption |
TROXMLSerializationOptions |
set of TROXMLSerializationOption |
TRTLCriticalSection |
Windows.TRTLCriticalSection |
TSessionID |
TSetOfChars |
TSysCharSet |
TSocket |
Cardinal |
TStringArray |
array of string |
uRONetSuperHttpChannel.TThreadID |
THandle |
uROSynapseSuperHttpChannel.TThreadID |
THandle |
TXMLSerializationOption |
TROXMLSerializationOption |
TXMLSerializationOptions |
TROXMLSerializationOptions |
u_char |
Byte |
u_int |
Cardinal |
u_long |
Cardinal |
u_short |
Word |
uint32 |
Cardinal |
UnicodeChar |
Char |
XMLFlagNamesArray |
array [TRODLParamFlag] of string |