

The TRODLLibrary class is used as an in-memory representation of a RODL file. It provides strongly-typed access to the services, and types defined within the RODL.



constructor Create  overload override

Creates a new instance with a unique GUID.

constructor Create

constructor Create (string)  reintroduce overload

Creates a new instance with a supplied value.

constructor Create(aCurrentFormat: string)


  • aCurrentFormat: Format

Abstract    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Equals true if the current TRODLComplexEntity object describes abstract objects, otherwise equals false.

property Abstract: Boolean read write

Add  overload virtual    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Adds a new object to the Items collection.

function Add: TRODLEntity

Add (TRODLEntity): Integer  override

Adds specified object to the Items collection.

function Add(anEntity: TRODLEntity): Integer


  • anEntity: Object


Returns the number of TRODLArray objects in the current library.

property ArrayCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLArray objects (section Arrays in the RODL file).

property Arrays[Index: Integer]: TRODLArray read

Assign  override    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Copies data from a given source.

procedure Assign(const Source: TRODLEntity)


  • Source: Instance whose properties will be copied

Attributes    (declared in TRODLEntity)

List of strings that represents object attributes.

property Attributes: TStrings read

AutoCreateParams    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Equals true if the described object has the ability to autocreate fields, otherwise equals false.

property AutoCreateParams: Boolean read write


Organizes the Arrays collection.

function CalcArrayOrder: IROStrings


Organizes the Enums collection.

function CalcEnumOrder: IROStrings


Organizes the EventSinks collection. First, the TRODLEventSink objects without ancestors or with ancestors that are not defined in the current RODL file are added. Then, the TRODLEventSink objects with ancestors defined in the current RODL file are added.

function CalcEventSinkOrder: IROStrings


Organizes the Exceptions collection. First, the TRODLException objects without ancestors or with ancestors not defined in the current RODL file are added. Then, the TRODLException objects with ancestors defined in the current RODL file are added.

function CalcExceptionOrder: IROStrings


Organizes the Services collection. First, the TRODLService objects without ancestors or with ancestors not defined in the current RODL file are added. Then, the TRODLService objects with ancestors defined in the current RODL file are added.

function CalcServiceOrder: IROStrings


Organizes the Structs collection. First, the TRODLStruct objects without ancestors or with ancestors not defined in the current RODL file are added. Then, the TRODLStruct objects with ancestors defined in the current RODL file are added.

function CalcStructOrder: IROStrings


function CheckForUsableName(aName: string): Boolean


  • aName:

Clear  override

Clears the Items collection.

procedure Clear


Clears duplicates in all items of the current library.

procedure ClearDuplicates

ContainsEntity    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Returns true if the aEntity object is found in the Items collection. If aRecurse is true, it searches recursively on all objects in the Items collection. By default, aRecurse is true.

function ContainsEntity(aEntity: TRODLEntity; aRecurse: Boolean): Boolean


  • aEntity: Object;
  • aRecurse: If true, the method searches recursively on all objects;

Count    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Count of items in the Items collection.

property Count: Integer read


Returns current format

property CurrentFormat: string read write

Data    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Object associated with the current TRODLEntity object. This property is needed to hold custom application-specific data at runtime for application coding convenience.

property Data: TObject read write


Sets DataSnap compatible mode

property DataSnapMode: Boolean read write

Delete  override

Deletes items with the specified Index from the Items collection.

procedure Delete(Index: Integer)


  • Index: Index of item that will be deleted;

Documentation    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Description of the current object.

property Documentation: UnicodeString read write

DontCodegen    (declared in TRODLEntity)

property DontCodegen: Boolean read write


Returns the number of TRODLEnum objects in the current library.

property EnumCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLEnum objects (section Enums in the RODL file).

property Enums[Index: Integer]: TRODLEnum read


Returns the number of TRODLEventSink objects in the current library.

property EventSinkCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLEventSink objects (section EventSinks in the RODL file).

property EventSinks[Index: Integer]: TRODLEventSink read


Returns the number of TRODLException objects in the current library.

property ExceptionCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLException objects (section Exceptions in the RODL file).

property Exceptions[Index: Integer]: TRODLException read

Exchange  virtual    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Exchanges two items in Items collection.

procedure Exchange(Index1: Integer; Index2: Integer)


  • Index1: First item index;
  • Index2: Second item index;


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindArray(const aArrayName: string): TRODLArray


  • aArrayName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindBaseService(const aServiceName: string): TRODLBaseService


  • aServiceName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindBaseStruct(const aStructName: string): TRODLBaseStruct


  • aStructName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindEnum(const aEnumName: string): TRODLEnum


  • aEnumName: Excaption name


function FindEventSink(const aEventSinkName: string): TRODLEventSink


  • aEventSinkName:


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindException(const aExceptionName: string): TRODLException


  • aExceptionName: Excaption name

FindGroup (string): TRODLGroup  overload

Finds a TRODLGroup object with the specified name in the Groups collection.

function FindGroup(const aGroupName: string): TRODLGroup


  • aGroupName: Name

FindGroup (TGUID): TRODLGroup  overload

Finds a TRODLGroup object with the specified aID GUID in the Groups collection.

function FindGroup(const aID: TGUID): TRODLGroup


  • aID: GUID


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindService(const aServiceName: string): TRODLService


  • aServiceName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindStruct(const aStructName: string): TRODLStruct


  • aStructName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindUse(const aUseName: string): TRODLUse


  • aUseName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindUseByFilename(const aUseRODLFile: string): TRODLUse


  • aUseRODLFile: Excaption name


Finds a TRODLUse object with the specified aID GUID in the Use collection.

function FindUseByUsedRodlID(const aID: TGUID): TRODLUse


  • aID:

GetArraysByElement (string, TRODLArray)  overload

procedure GetArraysByElement(const aElementName: string; aList: TRODLArray)


  • aElementName:
  • aList:

GetArraysByElement (string, TStringList)  overload

Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

procedure GetArraysByElement(const aElementName: string; aList: TStringList)


  • aElementName:
  • aList:

GetDontCodegen  protected virtual    (declared in TRODLEntity)

function GetDontCodegen: Boolean

GetItemClass  protected override

Returns the TRODLEntity class.

function GetItemClass: TRODLEntityClass


Finds the TRODLService object with the specified aServiceName name. If the TRODLService object is not defined, an exception is raised.

function GetService(const aServiceName: string): TRODLService


  • aServiceName:


Finds the TRODLStruct object with the specified aStructName name. If the TRODLStruct object is not defined, an exception is raised.

function GetStruct(const aStructName: string): TRODLStruct


  • aStructName:


Returns the number of TRODLGroup objects in the current library.

property GroupCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLGroup objects (section Groups in the RODL file).

property Groups[Index: Integer]: TRODLGroup read

GroupUnder    (declared in TRODLEntity)

If the object is contained in group, this property returns the group object, otherwise it returns nil.

property GroupUnder: TRODLGroup read write


Contains the collection of TRODLIncludes objects

property Includes: TRODLIncludes read write

Info    (declared in TRODLEntity)

The TRODLEntity object that is associated with the current object. It is needed for backwards compatibility.

property Info: TRODLEntity read

Insert (Integer): TRODLEntity  overload virtual    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Inserts a new object to the Items collection in the specified aIndex position.

function Insert(aIndex: Integer): TRODLEntity


  • aIndex:

Insert (Integer, TRODLEntity)  overload virtual    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Inserts an anEntity object to the Items collection in the specified aIndex position.

procedure Insert(aIndex: Integer; anEntity: TRODLEntity)


  • aIndex:
  • anEntity:

InUse    (declared in TRODLEntity)

property InUse: TRODLUseList read

InUseCount    (declared in TRODLEntity)

property InUseCount: Integer read

IsFromUsedRodl    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Indicates when a class refers to the linked RODL file. The linked RODL file is declared in the section Uses of the current RODL file.

property IsFromUsedRodl: Boolean read


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidCustomType(const aTypeName: string): Boolean


  • aTypeName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidEventSink(const aEventSink: string): Boolean


  • aEventSink: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidException(const aTypeName: string): Boolean


  • aTypeName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidService(const aServiceName: string): Boolean


  • aServiceName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidSimpleType(const aTypeName: string): Boolean


  • aTypeName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidType(const aTypeName: string): Boolean


  • aTypeName: Excaption name

ItemByName    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Returns the item with the specified aName name in the Items collection.

function ItemByName(const aName: string): TRODLEntity


  • aName:

ItemByUID    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Returns the item with the specified aUID UID in the Items collection.

function ItemByUID(const aUID: TGUID): TRODLEntity


  • aUID:

ItemClass    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Contains the class name of the current object.

property ItemClass: TRODLEntityClass read

Items    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Contains the collection of TRODLEntity objects.

property Items[Index: Integer]: TRODLEntity read

LocatedInRodlUse    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Detailed info about the RODL that is using the current TRODLEntity object.

property LocatedInRodlUse: TRODLUse read write

Name    (declared in TRODLEntity)

The Name of the current TRODLEntity object.

property Name: string read write


Namespace of the current TRODLLibrary object.

property Namespace: string read write

OriginalName    (declared in TRODLEntity)

The OriginalName of the current TRODLEntity object. If the private variable fOriginalName is not defined, OriginalName equals Name.

property OriginalName: string read write

Owner    (declared in TRODLEntity)

The Owner of the current TRODLEntity object.

property Owner: TRODLEntity read

OwnerLibrary    (declared in TRODLEntity)

The owner library of the current object.

property OwnerLibrary: TRODLLibrary read

ReadableEntityTypeName    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Returns the class name without the prefix 'TRODL'.

class function ReadableEntityTypeName: string

Remove  override

Removes the specified object from the Items collection.

procedure Remove(anEntity: TRODLEntity)


  • anEntity: Object that will be removed;


Removes unused items from library

procedure RemoveUnusedItems


Renames anEntity with new name

procedure Rename(anEntity: TRODLEntity; aNewName: string)


  • anEntity:
  • aNewName:


The name of the RODL file.

property RodlFilename: string read write


property ScopedEnums: Boolean read write


Returns the number of TRODLService objects in the current library.

property ServiceCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLService objects (section Services in the RODL file).

property Services[Index: Integer]: TRODLService read


procedure SetDestroyItemsMode(aMode: Boolean)


  • aMode:

Sort    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Sorts items in Items collection.

procedure Sort


Returns the number of the TRODLStruct objects in the current library.

property StructCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLStruct objects.

property Structs[Index: Integer]: TRODLStruct read

UID    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Unique identifier.

property UID: TGUID read write

UniqueName    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Generates unique names based on the aBaseName.

function UniqueName(aBaseName: string): string


  • aBaseName:


Contains the collection of TRODLUse objects (Uses section in the RODL file).

property Use[Index: Integer]: TRODLUse read


Returns the number of TRODLUse objects in the current library.

property UseCount: Integer read


procedure UseRODL(aFileName: string; aMessages: IROPluginMessages)


  • aFileName:
  • aMessages:

Validate  override    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Validates the current object.

procedure Validate(aMessages: IROPluginMessages)


  • aMessages: plugin


Abstract    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Equals true if the current TRODLComplexEntity object describes abstract objects, otherwise equals false.

property Abstract: Boolean read write


Returns the number of TRODLArray objects in the current library.

property ArrayCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLArray objects (section Arrays in the RODL file).

property Arrays[Index: Integer]: TRODLArray read

Attributes    (declared in TRODLEntity)

List of strings that represents object attributes.

property Attributes: TStrings read

AutoCreateParams    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Equals true if the described object has the ability to autocreate fields, otherwise equals false.

property AutoCreateParams: Boolean read write

Count    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Count of items in the Items collection.

property Count: Integer read


Returns current format

property CurrentFormat: string read write

Data    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Object associated with the current TRODLEntity object. This property is needed to hold custom application-specific data at runtime for application coding convenience.

property Data: TObject read write


Sets DataSnap compatible mode

property DataSnapMode: Boolean read write

Documentation    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Description of the current object.

property Documentation: UnicodeString read write

DontCodegen    (declared in TRODLEntity)

property DontCodegen: Boolean read write


Returns the number of TRODLEnum objects in the current library.

property EnumCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLEnum objects (section Enums in the RODL file).

property Enums[Index: Integer]: TRODLEnum read


Returns the number of TRODLEventSink objects in the current library.

property EventSinkCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLEventSink objects (section EventSinks in the RODL file).

property EventSinks[Index: Integer]: TRODLEventSink read


Returns the number of TRODLException objects in the current library.

property ExceptionCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLException objects (section Exceptions in the RODL file).

property Exceptions[Index: Integer]: TRODLException read


Returns the number of TRODLGroup objects in the current library.

property GroupCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLGroup objects (section Groups in the RODL file).

property Groups[Index: Integer]: TRODLGroup read

GroupUnder    (declared in TRODLEntity)

If the object is contained in group, this property returns the group object, otherwise it returns nil.

property GroupUnder: TRODLGroup read write


Contains the collection of TRODLIncludes objects

property Includes: TRODLIncludes read write

Info    (declared in TRODLEntity)

The TRODLEntity object that is associated with the current object. It is needed for backwards compatibility.

property Info: TRODLEntity read

InUse    (declared in TRODLEntity)

property InUse: TRODLUseList read

InUseCount    (declared in TRODLEntity)

property InUseCount: Integer read

IsFromUsedRodl    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Indicates when a class refers to the linked RODL file. The linked RODL file is declared in the section Uses of the current RODL file.

property IsFromUsedRodl: Boolean read

ItemClass    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Contains the class name of the current object.

property ItemClass: TRODLEntityClass read

Items    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Contains the collection of TRODLEntity objects.

property Items[Index: Integer]: TRODLEntity read

LocatedInRodlUse    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Detailed info about the RODL that is using the current TRODLEntity object.

property LocatedInRodlUse: TRODLUse read write

Name    (declared in TRODLEntity)

The Name of the current TRODLEntity object.

property Name: string read write


Namespace of the current TRODLLibrary object.

property Namespace: string read write

OriginalName    (declared in TRODLEntity)

The OriginalName of the current TRODLEntity object. If the private variable fOriginalName is not defined, OriginalName equals Name.

property OriginalName: string read write

Owner    (declared in TRODLEntity)

The Owner of the current TRODLEntity object.

property Owner: TRODLEntity read

OwnerLibrary    (declared in TRODLEntity)

The owner library of the current object.

property OwnerLibrary: TRODLLibrary read


The name of the RODL file.

property RodlFilename: string read write


property ScopedEnums: Boolean read write


Returns the number of TRODLService objects in the current library.

property ServiceCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLService objects (section Services in the RODL file).

property Services[Index: Integer]: TRODLService read


Returns the number of the TRODLStruct objects in the current library.

property StructCount: Integer read


Contains the collection of TRODLStruct objects.

property Structs[Index: Integer]: TRODLStruct read

UID    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Unique identifier.

property UID: TGUID read write


Contains the collection of TRODLUse objects (Uses section in the RODL file).

property Use[Index: Integer]: TRODLUse read


Returns the number of TRODLUse objects in the current library.

property UseCount: Integer read


ReadableEntityTypeName    (declared in TRODLEntity)

Returns the class name without the prefix 'TRODL'.

class function ReadableEntityTypeName: string


constructor Create  overload override

Creates a new instance with a unique GUID.

constructor Create

constructor Create (string)  reintroduce overload

Creates a new instance with a supplied value.

constructor Create(aCurrentFormat: string)


  • aCurrentFormat: Format

Add  overload virtual    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Adds a new object to the Items collection.

function Add: TRODLEntity

Add (TRODLEntity): Integer  override

Adds specified object to the Items collection.

function Add(anEntity: TRODLEntity): Integer


  • anEntity: Object

Assign  override    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Copies data from a given source.

procedure Assign(const Source: TRODLEntity)


  • Source: Instance whose properties will be copied


Organizes the Arrays collection.

function CalcArrayOrder: IROStrings


Organizes the Enums collection.

function CalcEnumOrder: IROStrings


Organizes the EventSinks collection. First, the TRODLEventSink objects without ancestors or with ancestors that are not defined in the current RODL file are added. Then, the TRODLEventSink objects with ancestors defined in the current RODL file are added.

function CalcEventSinkOrder: IROStrings


Organizes the Exceptions collection. First, the TRODLException objects without ancestors or with ancestors not defined in the current RODL file are added. Then, the TRODLException objects with ancestors defined in the current RODL file are added.

function CalcExceptionOrder: IROStrings


Organizes the Services collection. First, the TRODLService objects without ancestors or with ancestors not defined in the current RODL file are added. Then, the TRODLService objects with ancestors defined in the current RODL file are added.

function CalcServiceOrder: IROStrings


Organizes the Structs collection. First, the TRODLStruct objects without ancestors or with ancestors not defined in the current RODL file are added. Then, the TRODLStruct objects with ancestors defined in the current RODL file are added.

function CalcStructOrder: IROStrings


function CheckForUsableName(aName: string): Boolean


  • aName:

Clear  override

Clears the Items collection.

procedure Clear


Clears duplicates in all items of the current library.

procedure ClearDuplicates

ContainsEntity    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Returns true if the aEntity object is found in the Items collection. If aRecurse is true, it searches recursively on all objects in the Items collection. By default, aRecurse is true.

function ContainsEntity(aEntity: TRODLEntity; aRecurse: Boolean): Boolean


  • aEntity: Object;
  • aRecurse: If true, the method searches recursively on all objects;

Delete  override

Deletes items with the specified Index from the Items collection.

procedure Delete(Index: Integer)


  • Index: Index of item that will be deleted;

Exchange  virtual    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Exchanges two items in Items collection.

procedure Exchange(Index1: Integer; Index2: Integer)


  • Index1: First item index;
  • Index2: Second item index;


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindArray(const aArrayName: string): TRODLArray


  • aArrayName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindBaseService(const aServiceName: string): TRODLBaseService


  • aServiceName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindBaseStruct(const aStructName: string): TRODLBaseStruct


  • aStructName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindEnum(const aEnumName: string): TRODLEnum


  • aEnumName: Excaption name


function FindEventSink(const aEventSinkName: string): TRODLEventSink


  • aEventSinkName:


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindException(const aExceptionName: string): TRODLException


  • aExceptionName: Excaption name

FindGroup (string): TRODLGroup  overload

Finds a TRODLGroup object with the specified name in the Groups collection.

function FindGroup(const aGroupName: string): TRODLGroup


  • aGroupName: Name

FindGroup (TGUID): TRODLGroup  overload

Finds a TRODLGroup object with the specified aID GUID in the Groups collection.

function FindGroup(const aID: TGUID): TRODLGroup


  • aID: GUID


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindService(const aServiceName: string): TRODLService


  • aServiceName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindStruct(const aStructName: string): TRODLStruct


  • aStructName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindUse(const aUseName: string): TRODLUse


  • aUseName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function FindUseByFilename(const aUseRODLFile: string): TRODLUse


  • aUseRODLFile: Excaption name


Finds a TRODLUse object with the specified aID GUID in the Use collection.

function FindUseByUsedRodlID(const aID: TGUID): TRODLUse


  • aID:

GetArraysByElement (string, TRODLArray)  overload

procedure GetArraysByElement(const aElementName: string; aList: TRODLArray)


  • aElementName:
  • aList:

GetArraysByElement (string, TStringList)  overload

Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

procedure GetArraysByElement(const aElementName: string; aList: TStringList)


  • aElementName:
  • aList:

GetDontCodegen  protected virtual    (declared in TRODLEntity)

function GetDontCodegen: Boolean

GetItemClass  protected override

Returns the TRODLEntity class.

function GetItemClass: TRODLEntityClass


Finds the TRODLService object with the specified aServiceName name. If the TRODLService object is not defined, an exception is raised.

function GetService(const aServiceName: string): TRODLService


  • aServiceName:


Finds the TRODLStruct object with the specified aStructName name. If the TRODLStruct object is not defined, an exception is raised.

function GetStruct(const aStructName: string): TRODLStruct


  • aStructName:

Insert (Integer): TRODLEntity  overload virtual    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Inserts a new object to the Items collection in the specified aIndex position.

function Insert(aIndex: Integer): TRODLEntity


  • aIndex:

Insert (Integer, TRODLEntity)  overload virtual    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Inserts an anEntity object to the Items collection in the specified aIndex position.

procedure Insert(aIndex: Integer; anEntity: TRODLEntity)


  • aIndex:
  • anEntity:


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidCustomType(const aTypeName: string): Boolean


  • aTypeName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidEventSink(const aEventSink: string): Boolean


  • aEventSink: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidException(const aTypeName: string): Boolean


  • aTypeName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidService(const aServiceName: string): Boolean


  • aServiceName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidSimpleType(const aTypeName: string): Boolean


  • aTypeName: Excaption name


Finds and saves the TRODLArray objects whose field ElementType is the same as aElementName. The result is saved in the TList object.

function IsValidType(const aTypeName: string): Boolean


  • aTypeName: Excaption name

ItemByName    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Returns the item with the specified aName name in the Items collection.

function ItemByName(const aName: string): TRODLEntity


  • aName:

ItemByUID    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Returns the item with the specified aUID UID in the Items collection.

function ItemByUID(const aUID: TGUID): TRODLEntity


  • aUID:

Remove  override

Removes the specified object from the Items collection.

procedure Remove(anEntity: TRODLEntity)


  • anEntity: Object that will be removed;


Removes unused items from library

procedure RemoveUnusedItems


Renames anEntity with new name

procedure Rename(anEntity: TRODLEntity; aNewName: string)


  • anEntity:
  • aNewName:


procedure SetDestroyItemsMode(aMode: Boolean)


  • aMode:

Sort    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Sorts items in Items collection.

procedure Sort

UniqueName    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Generates unique names based on the aBaseName.

function UniqueName(aBaseName: string): string


  • aBaseName:


procedure UseRODL(aFileName: string; aMessages: IROPluginMessages)


  • aFileName:
  • aMessages:

Validate  override    (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)

Validates the current object.

procedure Validate(aMessages: IROPluginMessages)


  • aMessages: plugin