The final feature of your sample app is to implement some search functionality. You are going to filter the list tasks according to their Objective. With the DADataTableController
, this is really simple to do. The whole search will happen on the client.
The Main Form
Add a new Search field directly to the toolbar. Name it Search and connect a new IBAction
method called filterAction
to the AppDelegate outlet.
In the AppDelegate.m file, implement the filterAction
- (IBAction)filterAction:(id)sender {
NSSearchField *sf = (NSSearchField *)sender;
NSString *pattern = sf.stringValue;
NSPredicate *condition = nil;
if (pattern.length > 0) {
condition = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(Task contains[cd] %@)", pattern];
[self.tableController setFilterPredicate:condition];
Implementing the filter was a simple as setting a predicate on the DADataTableController