Declaring the Domain and Schema

Declaring the Domain and Schema

The defines section of DataAccess.m has a number of entries used to define the location of Relativity Server and which domain and schema to use within Relativity Server.

#warning Define your server address and Relativity domain name below.

#define SERVER_URL                  @"http://localhost:7099/bin"
#define SERVICE_NAME                @"DataService" // Do not change when using Relativity Server

#define RELATIVITY_DOMAIN           @"MyDomain"
//#define RELATIVITY_SCHEMA         @"MySchema"

As you are building locally, you can just leave the SERVER_URL as http://localhost:7099/bin (Relativity Server runs on port 7099 by default).

The SERVICE_NAME will always be DataService when using Relativity Server.

You need to change the RELATIVITY_DOMAIN to DATutorial, uncomment the RELATIVITY_SCHEMA line and set it to Tasks.

#define SERVER_URL                  @"http://localhost:7099/bin"
#define SERVICE_NAME                @"DataService" 
#define RELATIVITY_DOMAIN           @"DATutorial"
#define RELATIVITY_SCHEMA           @"Tasks"

These settings now ensure that the DataAccess class will use the domain and schema you set up when you configured Relativity Server. Don't forget to remove the #warning once you have made the required changes.