The TableNameAttribute class is a class attribute
representing the mapping of schema table names to the DA LINQ table definition class.
For example, the following snippet shows that the table definition class MyOrderDetailsTable (client-side) is mapped to the OrderDetailsTable table in the schema (server-side).
public partial class MyOrderDetailsTable: ICloneable,
INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyPropertyChanging
This attribute is used by the DA LINQ engine internally for the proper configuration of serialization and deserialization routines.
- Reference: RemObjects.DataAbstract.dll
- Namespace: RemObjects.DataAbstract.Linq
- Ancestry: Attribute | TableNameAttribute
Contains the Schema name for the specified table. This property is read-only.
property Name: String read;
String Name { get; }
ReadOnly Property Name() As String
Instance Methods
Initializes a new instance of the TableNameAttribute class with the specified name for the table.
constructor(name: String)
TableNameAttribute(String name)
Sub New(name As String)
- name: Data table name
- Schemas
- DA LINQ Table Definitions