The IROMessage interface is used by the Remoting SDK to implement message processing in a Service oriented architecture.
All custom RemObjects Messages have to implement the IROMessage interface.
Messages are implemented to create and encode requests in a specific format, such as SOAP or BinMessage, as well as to decode the response. The ultimate responsibility of a class implementing IROMessage is to provide a stream that will be communicated to the server by a client channel.
Though custom message implementations typically inherit from a TROMessage descendant, any IROMessage implementation can be passed to a TROProxy. The IROMessage implementation should know how to process the method parameters it is subsequently passed.
- Unit: uROClientIntf.pas
- Ancestry: IROMessage
Sets SOAP attributes (SOAP message only)
procedure ApplyAttributes2
Sets transport related attributes (SOAP message only)
procedure ApplyAttributes2_Transport(aTransport: IROTransport)
- aTransport: Transport channel
function CanRemapParameters: Boolean
Provides access to the ClientID read from the message. See event dispatching for a usage example.
property ClientID: TGUID read write
Ensures that the message content is complete before sending it by performing all necessary final processing. This method is called after all parameters have been written to a message and before the message will be sent. It should perform all necessary wrap-up to ensure that a subsequent call to WriteToStream will produce a complete message.
procedure Finalize
Destroys stream
procedure FreeStream
Envelopes collection.
function GetEnvelopes: TCollection
Initialize (IROTransport, string, string, string, TMessageType) overload
Initializes the message with the given parameters.
procedure Initialize(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string; aType: TMessageType)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- aLibraryName: RODL file name
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
- aType: Message type
Initialize (IROTransport, string, string, TMessageType) overload
Initializes the message with the given parameters.
procedure Initialize(const aTransport: IROTransport; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string; aType: TMessageType)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
- aType: Message type
Initializes an Event message with the given parameters.
procedure InitializeEventMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- aLibraryName: RODL file name
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
Initializes an Exception message with the given parameters.
procedure InitializeExceptionMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- aLibraryName: RODL file name
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
Performs additional initialization before reading.
procedure InitializeRead(const aTransport: IROTransport)
- aTransport: IROTransport
Initializes a mtRequest message with the given parameters.
procedure InitializeRequestMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- aLibraryName: RODL file name
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
Initializes a mtResponse message with the given parameters.
procedure InitializeResponseMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- aLibraryName: RODL file name
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
Contains the name of the interface or service that is to be or was called on the server.
property InterfaceName: string read write
Gets or sets the maximum number of messages to receive with one message call.
If a poll indicates that more messages have been queued than could be retrieved in a single call, subsequent calls are initiated immediately to receive all messages.
property MaxEventsPerPoll: Integer read
Contains the name of the message (i.e. the method name) that is to be or was called on the server.
property MessageName: string read write
Type of the message represented by the message instance.
property MessageType: TMessageType read
The general method to read any data.
procedure Read(const aName: string; aTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; var Ptr: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the data to read.
- Ptr: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ExtraAttributes: Set of TParamAttribute
Reads an array value.
function ReadArray(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aClass: Class of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads an array value.
function ReadArrayWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aClass: Class of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Binary value.
procedure ReadBinary(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Binary value.
procedure ReadBinaryWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: TROBinaryMemoryStream; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Boolean value.
procedure ReadBoolean(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Boolean value.
procedure ReadBooleanWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Boolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Currency value.
procedure ReadCurrency(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Currency value.
procedure ReadCurrencyWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Currency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a TDateTime value.
procedure ReadDateTime(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a TDateTime value.
procedure ReadDateTimeWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: TDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Decimal value.
procedure ReadDecimal(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Decimal value.
procedure ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Decimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Decimal value, C++Builder version
procedure ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling_cpp(const aName: string; out Value: Variant; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadDouble(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadDouble_(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling (string, TFloatType, , Integer) overload
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling (string, Double, Integer) overload
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Double; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadEnumerated(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the enuymerated type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadEnumeratedWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the enuymerated type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Exception value.
procedure ReadExceptionWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
ReadFromStream (TStream) overload
Writes the content of the message to aStream
procedure ReadFromStream(Source: TStream)
- Source: stream
ReadFromStream (TStream, Boolean) overload
Writes the content of the message to aStream
procedure ReadFromStream(Source: TStream; var aFreeStream: Boolean)
- Source: stream
- aFreeStream: free stream
Reads a GUID value.
procedure ReadGuid(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a GUID value.
procedure ReadGuidWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Guid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Integer value.
procedure ReadInt32(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Integer value.
procedure ReadInt32WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Integer; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Int64 value.
procedure ReadInt64(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Int64 value.
procedure ReadInt64WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Int64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Integer value (32 bits or less).
procedure ReadInteger(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer point type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Integer value (32 bits or less).
procedure ReadIntegerWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer point type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.
procedure ReadLegacyString(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be read (AnsiString or UTF8String)
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
- aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.
Reads a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.
procedure ReadLegacyStringWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: string; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be read (AnsiString or UTF8String)
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
- aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.
Reads a NullableBoolean value.
procedure ReadNullableBoolean(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableBoolean value.
procedure ReadNullableBooleanWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableCurrency value.
procedure ReadNullableCurrency(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableCurrency value.
procedure ReadNullableCurrencyWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDateTime value.
procedure ReadNullableDateTime(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDateTime value.
procedure ReadNullableDateTimeWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDecimal value.
procedure ReadNullableDecimal(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDecimal value.
procedure ReadNullableDecimalWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDouble value.
procedure ReadNullableDouble(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDouble value.
procedure ReadNullableDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableGuid value.
procedure ReadNullableGuid(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableGuid value.
procedure ReadNullableGuidWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableInt64 value.
procedure ReadNullableInt64(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableInt64 value.
procedure ReadNullableInt64WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableInteger value.
procedure ReadNullableInteger(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableInteger value.
procedure ReadNullableIntegerWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Struct value.
function ReadStruct(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aClass: Class of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Struct value.
function ReadStructWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aClass: Class of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads unicode string from stream
procedure ReadUnicodeString(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
- aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.
Reads unicode string from stream
procedure ReadUnicodeStringWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: UnicodeString; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
- aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.
Reads a Variant value.
procedure ReadVariant(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Variant value.
procedure ReadVariantWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Variant; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a XML value.
procedure ReadXml(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a XML value.
procedure ReadXmlWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: IXMLNode; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
procedure RemapParameters(const Parameters: array of string)
- Parameters:
Sets additional information.
procedure SetAttributes(aTransport: IROTransport; const aNames: array of string; const aValues: array of string)
- aTransport: Transport channel
- aNames: Names
- aValues: Values
procedure SetAutoGeneratedNamespaces(aValue: string)
- aValue:
procedure SetDefaultNamespaces(aValue: string)
- aValue:
Stores SOAP attributes (SOAP message only)
procedure StoreAttributes2(const aNames: array of string; const aValues: array of string)
- aNames: Names
- aValues: Values
Clears additional information.
procedure UnsetAttributes(aTransport: IROTransport)
- aTransport: Transport channel
Clears additional information.
procedure UnsetAttributes2
Clears additional information.
procedure UnsetAttributes2_Transport(aTransport: IROTransport)
- aTransport: Transport channel
Writes the value of the aName
parameter from Ptr
with the given aTypeInfo
and ExtraAttributes
to the message.
procedure Write(const aName: string; aTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Ptr: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aTypeInfo: RTI
- Ptr: Pointer to the source variable
- ExtraAttributes: set of TParamAttribute
Writes an array value.
procedure WriteArray(const aName: string; const Ref: ; aClass: TClass = nil; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- aClass: Class of the object to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Binary value.
procedure WriteBinary(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Boolean value.
procedure WriteBoolean(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Currency value.
procedure WriteCurrency(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a TDateTime value.
procedure WriteDateTime(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Decimal value.
procedure WriteDecimal(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Double value.
procedure WriteDouble(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point data type to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Double value.
procedure WriteDouble_(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes an enumerated value.
procedure WriteEnumerated(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information of the enumerated type.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes the exception to stream
procedure WriteException(Dest: TStream; anException: Exception)
- Dest: stream
- anException: free stream
Writes a GUID value.
procedure WriteGuid(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Integer value.
procedure WriteInt32(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Int64 value.
procedure WriteInt64(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Integer value (32 bits or less).
procedure WriteInteger(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer data type to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.
procedure WriteLegacyString(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be written (AnsiString or UTF8String)
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableBoolean value.
procedure WriteNullableBoolean(const aName: string; aValue: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableCurrency value.
procedure WriteNullableCurrency(const aName: string; aValue: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableDateTime value.
procedure WriteNullableDateTime(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableDecimal value.
procedure WriteNullableDecimal(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableDouble value.
procedure WriteNullableDouble(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableGuid value.
procedure WriteNullableGuid(const aName: string; aValue: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableInt64 value.
procedure WriteNullableInt64(const aName: string; aValue: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableInteger value.
procedure WriteNullableInteger(const aName: string; aValue: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Struct value.
procedure WriteStruct(const aName: string; const Ref: ; aClass: TClass = nil; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- aClass: Class of the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes the content of the message to aStream
procedure WriteToStream(Dest: TStream)
- Dest: stream
Writes a WideString value.
procedure WriteUnicodeString(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Variant value to the message.
procedure WriteVariant(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a XML value.
procedure WriteXml(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Provides access to the ClientID read from the message. See event dispatching for a usage example.
property ClientID: TGUID read write
Contains the name of the interface or service that is to be or was called on the server.
property InterfaceName: string read write
Gets or sets the maximum number of messages to receive with one message call.
If a poll indicates that more messages have been queued than could be retrieved in a single call, subsequent calls are initiated immediately to receive all messages.
property MaxEventsPerPoll: Integer read
Contains the name of the message (i.e. the method name) that is to be or was called on the server.
property MessageName: string read write
Type of the message represented by the message instance.
property MessageType: TMessageType read
Sets SOAP attributes (SOAP message only)
procedure ApplyAttributes2
Sets transport related attributes (SOAP message only)
procedure ApplyAttributes2_Transport(aTransport: IROTransport)
- aTransport: Transport channel
function CanRemapParameters: Boolean
Ensures that the message content is complete before sending it by performing all necessary final processing. This method is called after all parameters have been written to a message and before the message will be sent. It should perform all necessary wrap-up to ensure that a subsequent call to WriteToStream will produce a complete message.
procedure Finalize
Destroys stream
procedure FreeStream
Envelopes collection.
function GetEnvelopes: TCollection
Initialize (IROTransport, string, string, string, TMessageType) overload
Initializes the message with the given parameters.
procedure Initialize(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string; aType: TMessageType)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- aLibraryName: RODL file name
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
- aType: Message type
Initialize (IROTransport, string, string, TMessageType) overload
Initializes the message with the given parameters.
procedure Initialize(const aTransport: IROTransport; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string; aType: TMessageType)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
- aType: Message type
Initializes an Event message with the given parameters.
procedure InitializeEventMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- aLibraryName: RODL file name
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
Initializes an Exception message with the given parameters.
procedure InitializeExceptionMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- aLibraryName: RODL file name
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
Performs additional initialization before reading.
procedure InitializeRead(const aTransport: IROTransport)
- aTransport: IROTransport
Initializes a mtRequest message with the given parameters.
procedure InitializeRequestMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- aLibraryName: RODL file name
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
Initializes a mtResponse message with the given parameters.
procedure InitializeResponseMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)
- aTransport: IROTransport
- aLibraryName: RODL file name
- anInterfaceName: Interface name
- aMessageName: Message name
The general method to read any data.
procedure Read(const aName: string; aTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; var Ptr: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the data to read.
- Ptr: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ExtraAttributes: Set of TParamAttribute
Reads an array value.
function ReadArray(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aClass: Class of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads an array value.
function ReadArrayWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aClass: Class of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Binary value.
procedure ReadBinary(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Binary value.
procedure ReadBinaryWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: TROBinaryMemoryStream; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Boolean value.
procedure ReadBoolean(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Boolean value.
procedure ReadBooleanWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Boolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Currency value.
procedure ReadCurrency(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Currency value.
procedure ReadCurrencyWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Currency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a TDateTime value.
procedure ReadDateTime(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a TDateTime value.
procedure ReadDateTimeWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: TDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Decimal value.
procedure ReadDecimal(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Decimal value.
procedure ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Decimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Decimal value, C++Builder version
procedure ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling_cpp(const aName: string; out Value: Variant; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadDouble(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadDouble_(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling (string, TFloatType, , Integer) overload
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling (string, Double, Integer) overload
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Double; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadEnumerated(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the enuymerated type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Double value.
procedure ReadEnumeratedWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the enuymerated type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Exception value.
procedure ReadExceptionWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
ReadFromStream (TStream) overload
Writes the content of the message to aStream
procedure ReadFromStream(Source: TStream)
- Source: stream
ReadFromStream (TStream, Boolean) overload
Writes the content of the message to aStream
procedure ReadFromStream(Source: TStream; var aFreeStream: Boolean)
- Source: stream
- aFreeStream: free stream
Reads a GUID value.
procedure ReadGuid(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a GUID value.
procedure ReadGuidWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Guid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Integer value.
procedure ReadInt32(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Integer value.
procedure ReadInt32WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Integer; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Int64 value.
procedure ReadInt64(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Int64 value.
procedure ReadInt64WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Int64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Integer value (32 bits or less).
procedure ReadInteger(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer point type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Integer value (32 bits or less).
procedure ReadIntegerWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer point type to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.
procedure ReadLegacyString(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be read (AnsiString or UTF8String)
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
- aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.
Reads a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.
procedure ReadLegacyStringWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: string; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be read (AnsiString or UTF8String)
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
- aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.
Reads a NullableBoolean value.
procedure ReadNullableBoolean(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableBoolean value.
procedure ReadNullableBooleanWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableCurrency value.
procedure ReadNullableCurrency(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableCurrency value.
procedure ReadNullableCurrencyWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDateTime value.
procedure ReadNullableDateTime(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDateTime value.
procedure ReadNullableDateTimeWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDecimal value.
procedure ReadNullableDecimal(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDecimal value.
procedure ReadNullableDecimalWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDouble value.
procedure ReadNullableDouble(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableDouble value.
procedure ReadNullableDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableGuid value.
procedure ReadNullableGuid(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableGuid value.
procedure ReadNullableGuidWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableInt64 value.
procedure ReadNullableInt64(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableInt64 value.
procedure ReadNullableInt64WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableInteger value.
procedure ReadNullableInteger(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a NullableInteger value.
procedure ReadNullableIntegerWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Struct value.
function ReadStruct(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aClass: Class of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Struct value.
function ReadStructWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- aClass: Class of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads unicode string from stream
procedure ReadUnicodeString(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
- aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.
Reads unicode string from stream
procedure ReadUnicodeStringWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: UnicodeString; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
- aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.
Reads a Variant value.
procedure ReadVariant(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a Variant value.
procedure ReadVariantWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Variant; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a XML value.
procedure ReadXml(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Reads a XML value.
procedure ReadXmlWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: IXMLNode; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to read.
- Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
- ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
procedure RemapParameters(const Parameters: array of string)
- Parameters:
Sets additional information.
procedure SetAttributes(aTransport: IROTransport; const aNames: array of string; const aValues: array of string)
- aTransport: Transport channel
- aNames: Names
- aValues: Values
procedure SetAutoGeneratedNamespaces(aValue: string)
- aValue:
procedure SetDefaultNamespaces(aValue: string)
- aValue:
Stores SOAP attributes (SOAP message only)
procedure StoreAttributes2(const aNames: array of string; const aValues: array of string)
- aNames: Names
- aValues: Values
Clears additional information.
procedure UnsetAttributes(aTransport: IROTransport)
- aTransport: Transport channel
Clears additional information.
procedure UnsetAttributes2
Clears additional information.
procedure UnsetAttributes2_Transport(aTransport: IROTransport)
- aTransport: Transport channel
Writes the value of the aName
parameter from Ptr
with the given aTypeInfo
and ExtraAttributes
to the message.
procedure Write(const aName: string; aTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Ptr: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aTypeInfo: RTI
- Ptr: Pointer to the source variable
- ExtraAttributes: set of TParamAttribute
Writes an array value.
procedure WriteArray(const aName: string; const Ref: ; aClass: TClass = nil; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- aClass: Class of the object to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Binary value.
procedure WriteBinary(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Boolean value.
procedure WriteBoolean(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Currency value.
procedure WriteCurrency(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a TDateTime value.
procedure WriteDateTime(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Decimal value.
procedure WriteDecimal(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Double value.
procedure WriteDouble(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point data type to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Double value.
procedure WriteDouble_(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes an enumerated value.
procedure WriteEnumerated(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information of the enumerated type.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes the exception to stream
procedure WriteException(Dest: TStream; anException: Exception)
- Dest: stream
- anException: free stream
Writes a GUID value.
procedure WriteGuid(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Integer value.
procedure WriteInt32(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Int64 value.
procedure WriteInt64(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Integer value (32 bits or less).
procedure WriteInteger(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer data type to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.
procedure WriteLegacyString(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be written (AnsiString or UTF8String)
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableBoolean value.
procedure WriteNullableBoolean(const aName: string; aValue: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableCurrency value.
procedure WriteNullableCurrency(const aName: string; aValue: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableDateTime value.
procedure WriteNullableDateTime(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableDecimal value.
procedure WriteNullableDecimal(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableDouble value.
procedure WriteNullableDouble(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableGuid value.
procedure WriteNullableGuid(const aName: string; aValue: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableInt64 value.
procedure WriteNullableInt64(const aName: string; aValue: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a NullableInteger value.
procedure WriteNullableInteger(const aName: string; aValue: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- aValue: Value to write.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Struct value.
procedure WriteStruct(const aName: string; const Ref: ; aClass: TClass = nil; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- aClass: Class of the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes the content of the message to aStream
procedure WriteToStream(Dest: TStream)
- Dest: stream
Writes a WideString value.
procedure WriteUnicodeString(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a Variant value to the message.
procedure WriteVariant(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
Writes a XML value.
procedure WriteXml(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)
- aName: Name of the object to write.
- Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
- ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.