

The TROEncryptionEnvelope class is the part of RO Envelopes technology that allows to change incoming and outgoing messages according to user needs. Envelopes work by providing custom wrappers around the message; the encryption envelope is a pretty good example of using the RO Envelope approach.

The TROEncryptionEnvelope class uses RODEC (old-fashioned RO encryption that is incompatible with the encryption used on the .NET side) while the TROAESEncryptionEnvelope component uses DEC v5.x and .NET compatible AES encryption.

You can use the TROEncryptionEnvelope object to encrypt specified messages. To tie up the message and the TROEncryptionEnvelope object, you should use the message collection Envelopes and hook the items of the collection Envelopes with the TROEncryptionEnvelope object. The most important properties of the TROEncryptionEnvelope object are: the encryption method (the different kinds of encryption are declared in the TROEncryptionMethod enum), encryption send and receive keys and the UseCompression property, which determines whether the encrypted messages will be compressed. To tie up the encrypted messages on server and client side, the EnvelopeMarker property should be the same on both sides.



constructor Create  override

Standard component constructor

constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)


  • aOwner: Owner

Assign  override

Copies the contents of another, similar object.

procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)


  • Source: Instance whose properties will be copied

Encryption  deprecated

Represents the TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption object that encrypts and decrypts the specified messages of the current TROEncryptionEnvelope object. Contains the following information about the encryption method: EncryptionMethod (see the TROEncryptionMethod enum for all available encryption methods), EncryptionSendKey, EncryptionRecvKey and UseCompression (a boolean value that determines whether compression will be used with the encrypted messages). This information is contained in the visual properties of the current TROEncryptionEnvelope object.

property Encryption: TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption read write

EnvelopeMarker    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

This text mark can be used to distinguish envelopes.

property EnvelopeMarker: string read write

GetDefaultEnvelopeMarker  protected virtual    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Returns EnvelopeMarker used by default.

function GetDefaultEnvelopeMarker: string

IntProcessIncoming  protected override

If the Encryption is defined, the intProcessOutgoing procedure calls the Encrypt procedure of the TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption class, which encrypts the original Source message to the Dest cipher message given the Encryption options. Otherwise, the intProcessIncoming procedure calls the intProcessOutgoing procedure of the TROMessageEnvelope class, which copies the data from the Source to the Dest from the current position of the Source to the end. This procedure is virtual, so you can override it in the ancestor classes and call it before sending the message.

procedure IntProcessIncoming(Source: TStream; Dest: TStream; aMessage: IROMessage)


  • Source: Original message
  • Dest: Cipher message
  • aMessage: Specified message

IntProcessOutgoing  protected override

If the Encryption is defined, the intProcessOutgoing procedure calls the Encrypt procedure of the TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption class, which encrypts the original Source message to the Dest cipher message given the Encryption options. Otherwise, the intProcessIncoming procedure calls the intProcessOutgoing procedure of the TROMessageEnvelope class, which copies the data from the Source to the Dest from the current position of the Source to the end. This procedure is virtual, so you can override it in the ancestor classes and call it before sending the message.

procedure IntProcessOutgoing(Source: TStream; Dest: TStream; aMessage: IROMessage)


  • Source: Original message
  • Dest: Cipher message
  • aMessage: Specified message

Notification  protected override    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure Notification(aComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)


  • aComponent: component
  • Operation: operation

OnAfterEnvelopeProcessed    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Fires after processing of envelope

property OnAfterEnvelopeProcessed: TROMessageEnvelopeProcessed read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterEnvelopeProcessed(aMessageEnvelope: TROMessageEnvelope; aStream: TStream; aMode: TROMessageEnvelopeMode; aMessage: IROMessage)

OnBeforeEnvelopeProcessed    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Fires before processing of envelope

property OnBeforeEnvelopeProcessed: TROMessageEnvelopeProcessed read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeEnvelopeProcessed(aMessageEnvelope: TROMessageEnvelope; aStream: TStream; aMode: TROMessageEnvelopeMode; aMessage: IROMessage)

ProcessIncoming    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Encodes Source stream to Dest one.

function ProcessIncoming(aMessage: TROMessage; Source: TStream): TStream


  • aMessage: outgoing message
  • Source: stream

ProcessOutgoing    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Encodes Source stream to Dest one.

function ProcessOutgoing(aMessage: TROMessage; Dest: TStream): TStream


  • aMessage: outgoing message
  • Dest: stream

ReuseOriginalStream  protected    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Allows to reuse original stream

property ReuseOriginalStream: Boolean read write default True

ROFreeNotification    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)


  • aComponent: component

RORemoveFreeNotification    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)


  • aComponent: component

SendRemoveNotification  protected    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)


  • aComponent: component


Encryption  deprecated

Represents the TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption object that encrypts and decrypts the specified messages of the current TROEncryptionEnvelope object. Contains the following information about the encryption method: EncryptionMethod (see the TROEncryptionMethod enum for all available encryption methods), EncryptionSendKey, EncryptionRecvKey and UseCompression (a boolean value that determines whether compression will be used with the encrypted messages). This information is contained in the visual properties of the current TROEncryptionEnvelope object.

property Encryption: TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption read write

EnvelopeMarker    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

This text mark can be used to distinguish envelopes.

property EnvelopeMarker: string read write

ReuseOriginalStream  protected    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Allows to reuse original stream

property ReuseOriginalStream: Boolean read write default True


constructor Create  override

Standard component constructor

constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)


  • aOwner: Owner

Assign  override

Copies the contents of another, similar object.

procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)


  • Source: Instance whose properties will be copied

GetDefaultEnvelopeMarker  protected virtual    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Returns EnvelopeMarker used by default.

function GetDefaultEnvelopeMarker: string

IntProcessIncoming  protected override

If the Encryption is defined, the intProcessOutgoing procedure calls the Encrypt procedure of the TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption class, which encrypts the original Source message to the Dest cipher message given the Encryption options. Otherwise, the intProcessIncoming procedure calls the intProcessOutgoing procedure of the TROMessageEnvelope class, which copies the data from the Source to the Dest from the current position of the Source to the end. This procedure is virtual, so you can override it in the ancestor classes and call it before sending the message.

procedure IntProcessIncoming(Source: TStream; Dest: TStream; aMessage: IROMessage)


  • Source: Original message
  • Dest: Cipher message
  • aMessage: Specified message

IntProcessOutgoing  protected override

If the Encryption is defined, the intProcessOutgoing procedure calls the Encrypt procedure of the TROEnvelopeMessageEncryption class, which encrypts the original Source message to the Dest cipher message given the Encryption options. Otherwise, the intProcessIncoming procedure calls the intProcessOutgoing procedure of the TROMessageEnvelope class, which copies the data from the Source to the Dest from the current position of the Source to the end. This procedure is virtual, so you can override it in the ancestor classes and call it before sending the message.

procedure IntProcessOutgoing(Source: TStream; Dest: TStream; aMessage: IROMessage)


  • Source: Original message
  • Dest: Cipher message
  • aMessage: Specified message

Notification  protected override    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure Notification(aComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)


  • aComponent: component
  • Operation: operation

ProcessIncoming    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Encodes Source stream to Dest one.

function ProcessIncoming(aMessage: TROMessage; Source: TStream): TStream


  • aMessage: outgoing message
  • Source: stream

ProcessOutgoing    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Encodes Source stream to Dest one.

function ProcessOutgoing(aMessage: TROMessage; Dest: TStream): TStream


  • aMessage: outgoing message
  • Dest: stream

ROFreeNotification    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)


  • aComponent: component

RORemoveFreeNotification    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)


  • aComponent: component

SendRemoveNotification  protected    (declared in TROComponent)

Forwards notification messages to all owned components.

procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)


  • aComponent: component


OnAfterEnvelopeProcessed    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Fires after processing of envelope

property OnAfterEnvelopeProcessed: TROMessageEnvelopeProcessed read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterEnvelopeProcessed(aMessageEnvelope: TROMessageEnvelope; aStream: TStream; aMode: TROMessageEnvelopeMode; aMessage: IROMessage)

OnBeforeEnvelopeProcessed    (declared in TROMessageEnvelope)

Fires before processing of envelope

property OnBeforeEnvelopeProcessed: TROMessageEnvelopeProcessed read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeEnvelopeProcessed(aMessageEnvelope: TROMessageEnvelope; aStream: TStream; aMode: TROMessageEnvelopeMode; aMessage: IROMessage)