The TRODLEnum object represents the enum in RODL.
- Unit: uRODL.pas
- Ancestry: TRODLEntity | TRODLComplexEntity | TRODLEnum
constructor Create override
Creates a new instance with a unique GUID.
constructor Create
Abstract (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Equals true if the current TRODLComplexEntity object describes abstract objects, otherwise equals false.
property Abstract: Boolean read write default False
Add overload virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Adds a new object to the Items collection.
function Add: TRODLEntity
Add reintroduce overload
Adds a new TRODLEnumValue object with the default name 'ValueN' to the TRODLEnum collection.
function Add: TRODLEnumValue
Add (TRODLEntity): Integer overload virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Adds specified object to the Items collection.
function Add(anEntity: TRODLEntity): Integer
- anEntity: Object
Add (TRODLEnumValue): Integer reintroduce overload
Adds a new TRODLEnumValue object to the TRODLEnum collection.
function Add(aStructElement: TRODLEnumValue): Integer
- aStructElement: item
Assign override
Copies data from a given source.
procedure Assign(const Source: TRODLEntity)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
Attributes (declared in TRODLEntity)
List of strings that represents object attributes.
property Attributes: TStrings read
AutoCreateParams (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Equals true if the described object has the ability to autocreate fields, otherwise equals false.
property AutoCreateParams: Boolean read write default True
Clear virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Clears the Items collection.
procedure Clear
ContainsEntity (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Returns true if the aEntity object is found in the Items collection. If aRecurse is true, it searches recursively on all objects in the Items collection. By default, aRecurse is true.
function ContainsEntity(aEntity: TRODLEntity; aRecurse: Boolean = True): Boolean
- aEntity: Object;
- aRecurse: If true, the method searches recursively on all objects;
Count (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Count of items in the Items collection.
property Count: Integer read
Data (declared in TRODLEntity)
Object associated with the current TRODLEntity object. This property is needed to hold custom application-specific data at runtime for application coding convenience.
property Data: TObject read write
Delete virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Deletes items with the specified Index from the Items collection.
procedure Delete(Index: Integer)
- Index: Index of item that will be deleted;
Documentation (declared in TRODLEntity)
Description of the current object.
property Documentation: UnicodeString read write
DontCodegen (declared in TRODLEntity)
property DontCodegen: Boolean read write default False
Exchange virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Exchanges two items in Items collection.
procedure Exchange(Index1: Integer; Index2: Integer)
- Index1: First item index;
- Index2: Second item index;
GetDontCodegen protected virtual (declared in TRODLEntity)
function GetDontCodegen: Boolean
GroupUnder (declared in TRODLEntity)
If the object is contained in group, this property returns the group object, otherwise it returns nil
property GroupUnder: TRODLGroup read write
Info (declared in TRODLEntity)
The TRODLEntity object that is associated with the current object. It is needed for backwards compatibility.
property Info: TRODLEntity read
Insert (Integer): TRODLEntity overload virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Inserts a new object to the Items collection in the specified aIndex position.
function Insert(aIndex: Integer): TRODLEntity
- aIndex:
Insert (Integer, TRODLEntity) overload virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Inserts an anEntity object to the Items collection in the specified aIndex position.
procedure Insert(aIndex: Integer; anEntity: TRODLEntity)
- aIndex:
- anEntity:
InUse (declared in TRODLEntity)
property InUse: TRODLUseList read
InUseCount (declared in TRODLEntity)
property InUseCount: Integer read
IsFromUsedRodl (declared in TRODLEntity)
Indicates when a class refers to the linked RODL file. The linked RODL file is declared in the section Uses of the current RODL file.
property IsFromUsedRodl: Boolean read
ItemByName (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Returns the item with the specified aName name in the Items collection.
function ItemByName(const aName: string): TRODLEntity
- aName:
ItemByUID (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Returns the item with the specified aUID UID in the Items collection.
function ItemByUID(const aUID: TGUID): TRODLEntity
- aUID:
ItemClass (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Contains the class name of the current object.
property ItemClass: TRODLEntityClass read
Items (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Contains the collection of TRODLEntity objects.
property Items[Index: Integer]: TRODLEntity read
Gets the TRODLEnum element at the specified Index.
property Items[Index: Integer]: TRODLEnumValue read
LocatedInRodlUse (declared in TRODLEntity)
Detailed info about the RODL that is using the current TRODLEntity object.
property LocatedInRodlUse: TRODLUse read write
Name (declared in TRODLEntity)
The Name of the current TRODLEntity object.
property Name: string read write
OriginalName (declared in TRODLEntity)
The OriginalName of the current TRODLEntity object. If the private variable fOriginalName is not defined, OriginalName equals Name.
property OriginalName: string read write
Owner (declared in TRODLEntity)
The Owner of the current TRODLEntity object.
property Owner: TRODLEntity read
OwnerLibrary (declared in TRODLEntity)
The owner library of the current object.
property OwnerLibrary: TRODLLibrary read
Determines the need to use prefixes with TRODLEnum elements.
property PrefixEnumValues: Boolean read write default True
ReadableEntityTypeName (declared in TRODLEntity)
Returns the class name without the prefix 'TRODL'.
class function ReadableEntityTypeName: string
Remove virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Removes the specified object from the Items collection.
procedure Remove(anEntity: TRODLEntity)
- anEntity: Object that will be removed;
Sort (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Sorts items in Items collection.
procedure Sort
UID (declared in TRODLEntity)
Unique identifier.
property UID: TGUID read write
UniqueName (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Generates unique names based on the aBaseName.
function UniqueName(aBaseName: string): string
- aBaseName:
Validate override
Validates the current object.
procedure Validate(aMessages: IROPluginMessages)
- aMessages: plugin
Abstract (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Equals true if the current TRODLComplexEntity object describes abstract objects, otherwise equals false.
property Abstract: Boolean read write default False
Attributes (declared in TRODLEntity)
List of strings that represents object attributes.
property Attributes: TStrings read
AutoCreateParams (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Equals true if the described object has the ability to autocreate fields, otherwise equals false.
property AutoCreateParams: Boolean read write default True
Count (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Count of items in the Items collection.
property Count: Integer read
Data (declared in TRODLEntity)
Object associated with the current TRODLEntity object. This property is needed to hold custom application-specific data at runtime for application coding convenience.
property Data: TObject read write
Documentation (declared in TRODLEntity)
Description of the current object.
property Documentation: UnicodeString read write
DontCodegen (declared in TRODLEntity)
property DontCodegen: Boolean read write default False
GroupUnder (declared in TRODLEntity)
If the object is contained in group, this property returns the group object, otherwise it returns nil
property GroupUnder: TRODLGroup read write
Info (declared in TRODLEntity)
The TRODLEntity object that is associated with the current object. It is needed for backwards compatibility.
property Info: TRODLEntity read
InUse (declared in TRODLEntity)
property InUse: TRODLUseList read
InUseCount (declared in TRODLEntity)
property InUseCount: Integer read
IsFromUsedRodl (declared in TRODLEntity)
Indicates when a class refers to the linked RODL file. The linked RODL file is declared in the section Uses of the current RODL file.
property IsFromUsedRodl: Boolean read
ItemClass (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Contains the class name of the current object.
property ItemClass: TRODLEntityClass read
Items (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Contains the collection of TRODLEntity objects.
property Items[Index: Integer]: TRODLEntity read
Gets the TRODLEnum element at the specified Index.
property Items[Index: Integer]: TRODLEnumValue read
LocatedInRodlUse (declared in TRODLEntity)
Detailed info about the RODL that is using the current TRODLEntity object.
property LocatedInRodlUse: TRODLUse read write
Name (declared in TRODLEntity)
The Name of the current TRODLEntity object.
property Name: string read write
OriginalName (declared in TRODLEntity)
The OriginalName of the current TRODLEntity object. If the private variable fOriginalName is not defined, OriginalName equals Name.
property OriginalName: string read write
Owner (declared in TRODLEntity)
The Owner of the current TRODLEntity object.
property Owner: TRODLEntity read
OwnerLibrary (declared in TRODLEntity)
The owner library of the current object.
property OwnerLibrary: TRODLLibrary read
Determines the need to use prefixes with TRODLEnum elements.
property PrefixEnumValues: Boolean read write default True
UID (declared in TRODLEntity)
Unique identifier.
property UID: TGUID read write
ReadableEntityTypeName (declared in TRODLEntity)
Returns the class name without the prefix 'TRODL'.
class function ReadableEntityTypeName: string
constructor Create override
Creates a new instance with a unique GUID.
constructor Create
Add overload virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Adds a new object to the Items collection.
function Add: TRODLEntity
Add reintroduce overload
Adds a new TRODLEnumValue object with the default name 'ValueN' to the TRODLEnum collection.
function Add: TRODLEnumValue
Add (TRODLEntity): Integer overload virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Adds specified object to the Items collection.
function Add(anEntity: TRODLEntity): Integer
- anEntity: Object
Add (TRODLEnumValue): Integer reintroduce overload
Adds a new TRODLEnumValue object to the TRODLEnum collection.
function Add(aStructElement: TRODLEnumValue): Integer
- aStructElement: item
Assign override
Copies data from a given source.
procedure Assign(const Source: TRODLEntity)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
Clear virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Clears the Items collection.
procedure Clear
ContainsEntity (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Returns true if the aEntity object is found in the Items collection. If aRecurse is true, it searches recursively on all objects in the Items collection. By default, aRecurse is true.
function ContainsEntity(aEntity: TRODLEntity; aRecurse: Boolean = True): Boolean
- aEntity: Object;
- aRecurse: If true, the method searches recursively on all objects;
Delete virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Deletes items with the specified Index from the Items collection.
procedure Delete(Index: Integer)
- Index: Index of item that will be deleted;
Exchange virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Exchanges two items in Items collection.
procedure Exchange(Index1: Integer; Index2: Integer)
- Index1: First item index;
- Index2: Second item index;
GetDontCodegen protected virtual (declared in TRODLEntity)
function GetDontCodegen: Boolean
Insert (Integer): TRODLEntity overload virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Inserts a new object to the Items collection in the specified aIndex position.
function Insert(aIndex: Integer): TRODLEntity
- aIndex:
Insert (Integer, TRODLEntity) overload virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Inserts an anEntity object to the Items collection in the specified aIndex position.
procedure Insert(aIndex: Integer; anEntity: TRODLEntity)
- aIndex:
- anEntity:
ItemByName (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Returns the item with the specified aName name in the Items collection.
function ItemByName(const aName: string): TRODLEntity
- aName:
ItemByUID (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Returns the item with the specified aUID UID in the Items collection.
function ItemByUID(const aUID: TGUID): TRODLEntity
- aUID:
Remove virtual (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Removes the specified object from the Items collection.
procedure Remove(anEntity: TRODLEntity)
- anEntity: Object that will be removed;
Sort (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Sorts items in Items collection.
procedure Sort
UniqueName (declared in TRODLComplexEntity)
Generates unique names based on the aBaseName.
function UniqueName(aBaseName: string): string
- aBaseName:
Validate override
Validates the current object.
procedure Validate(aMessages: IROPluginMessages)
- aMessages: plugin