This is the base class for all background worker classes used by super channels, both client ans server side. Background workers are executed on background threads and support the major part of the channel functionality and asynchronous behavior of superchannels. This class is abstract, there are two derived classes used instead: TROSCClientWorker and TROSCServerWorker for client and server side respectively.
This class is internal use only, is not intended to be used by users.
- Unit: uROBaseSuperTcpConnection.pas
- Ancestry: TROBaseSuperChannelWorker
constructor Create
Creates the worker instance.
constructor Create(ABaseSuperConnection: TROBaseSuperTcpConnection)
- ABaseSuperConnection: The connection object to be associated with the worker, TROBaseSuperConnection instance.
BaseSuperConnection protected
Provides read-only access to the connection object (incoming or outgoing) that is paired with the worker object. The connection object is a TROBaseSuperConnection descendant and is assigned by the constructor.
property BaseSuperConnection: TROBaseSuperTcpConnection read
Acquires a lock using the internal synchronization object, used to synchronize write access to the underlying socket.
procedure BeginWriteLock
Gets or set the client unique identifer.
property ClientID: TGuid read write
Connected protected virtual
Called after the connection to the remote party established to do any specific actions at this moment.
procedure Connected
Instructs the connection object to disconnect.
procedure Disconnect
Disconnected protected virtual
Sets the worker to disconnected state.
procedure Disconnected(var aRestartLoop: Boolean)
- aRestartLoop:
value of this parameter indicates that the connection has to be reestablished.
The main processing method that is executed on a background thread.
procedure DoExecute
Releases a lock using the internal synchronization object, used to synchronize write access to the underlying socket.
procedure EndWriteLock
Used to generate a new package identifier in a thread safe manner. The package id is actually an order number of the data package (remote requests transmitted from clients to servers and events data transmitted from servers to clients) transmitted since the superchannel start. It increments from 1 to MaxInt for clients and decrements from -1 down to -MaxInt for servers. This method acquires a write lock prior to generate a new package id.
function GenerateId: Integer
GetDefaultResponse protected virtual
Returns a string that is transmitted to the socket in case of any superchannel protocol error. Superchannel protocol errors can happen when the remote party behavior differs from the one expected according to the superchannel protocol. Usually this happens when non-super channel is used on the remote side or remote superchannel implementation has errors.
function GetDefaultResponse: string
Idle protected virtual
This method is executed when the channel enters idle state: existing connection is disconnected and a new one is not established yet.
procedure Idle
IncomingData protected virtual abstract
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
procedure IncomingData(aId: Integer; aData: TStream)
- aId: The package id received.
- aData: The stream containing the incoming data, payload only.
IntSendData protected
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
function IntSendData(aId: Integer; aData: TStream): IROPackageAck
- aId: The package id received.
- aData: The stream containing the incoming data, payload only.
Allows to get or set the connected state flag that indicates wether the connection associated with the worker is established.
property IsConnected: Boolean read write
IsServer protected
Allows to get or set the flag that allows to distinguish client side worker from server ones. The value for this flag is set once by the constructor code of the derived class and is used by the unified code that supports superchannel protocol.
property IsServer: Boolean read write
LastData protected
Allows to get the last channel activity date and time. This value is reset every time the channel is about to send a data package or received one.
property LastData: TDateTime read
Determines the maximum size of the package that can be transmitted through the channel. The worker code compares this value to the data size to be transmitted and throws an exception in case of oversize.
property MaxPackageSize: Integer read write
This event is fired while buffered data transmission is performed (IntSendData and ReadStream methods). The event is fired after each data portion transmitted.
property OnProgress: TProgressEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnProgress(aSender: TObject; aType: TProgressType; aDirection: TProgressDirection; aTransferred: Integer; aTotal: Integer)
PingFrequency protected
Determines the time interval in seconds between attempts to send a ping package (such packages are used to make sure the remote party is up ad running, has nothing to with ICMP pings).
property PingFrequency: Integer read write
PingTimeout protected
Determines the time interval in seconds for remote party to answer a ping request package (such packages are used to make sure the remote party is up and running, has nothing to with ICMP pings). If ping request was not answered than the connection is considered broken so the client side reconnects and the server side removes the lost connection data from the memory.
property PingTimeout: Integer read write
ProcessOption protected
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
procedure ProcessOption(aData: TStream)
- aData: The stream containing the options agreement package.
ReadStream protected
Performs the buffered read from the associated connection object (finally from the socket).
function ReadStream(aDest: TStream; aLen: Integer): Boolean
- aDest: The stream to place the data into.
- aLen: The number of bytes to read.
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
procedure SendError(aId: Integer; aError: Byte)
- aId: The package id received.
- aError: The stream containing the incoming data, payload only.
SendOptions protected
Sends the protocol options agreement package.
procedure SendOptions(aData: ROUTF8String)
- aData: The package content, in the string form.
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
function SendPackage(aData: TStream; aId: Integer): IROPackageAck
- aData: The package id received.
- aId: The stream containing the incoming data, payload only.
SetAckDetails protected virtual
procedure SetAckDetails(aId: Integer; aOk: Boolean; aErrorNo: Integer)
- aId:
- aOk:
- aErrorNo:
Defines whether "acknowledgement" messages are skipped.
property SkipAck: Boolean read write
SupportsOptions protected
Called when the remote party initiates the protocol options agreement. Calls SendOptions to send the required options information.
procedure SupportsOptions
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
class procedure WaitForAck(aPackage: IROPackageAck; aTimeout: Integer)
- aPackage: The package id received.
- aTimeout: The stream containing the incoming data, payload only.
BaseSuperConnection protected
Provides read-only access to the connection object (incoming or outgoing) that is paired with the worker object. The connection object is a TROBaseSuperConnection descendant and is assigned by the constructor.
property BaseSuperConnection: TROBaseSuperTcpConnection read
Gets or set the client unique identifer.
property ClientID: TGuid read write
Allows to get or set the connected state flag that indicates wether the connection associated with the worker is established.
property IsConnected: Boolean read write
IsServer protected
Allows to get or set the flag that allows to distinguish client side worker from server ones. The value for this flag is set once by the constructor code of the derived class and is used by the unified code that supports superchannel protocol.
property IsServer: Boolean read write
LastData protected
Allows to get the last channel activity date and time. This value is reset every time the channel is about to send a data package or received one.
property LastData: TDateTime read
Determines the maximum size of the package that can be transmitted through the channel. The worker code compares this value to the data size to be transmitted and throws an exception in case of oversize.
property MaxPackageSize: Integer read write
PingFrequency protected
Determines the time interval in seconds between attempts to send a ping package (such packages are used to make sure the remote party is up ad running, has nothing to with ICMP pings).
property PingFrequency: Integer read write
PingTimeout protected
Determines the time interval in seconds for remote party to answer a ping request package (such packages are used to make sure the remote party is up and running, has nothing to with ICMP pings). If ping request was not answered than the connection is considered broken so the client side reconnects and the server side removes the lost connection data from the memory.
property PingTimeout: Integer read write
Defines whether "acknowledgement" messages are skipped.
property SkipAck: Boolean read write
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
class procedure WaitForAck(aPackage: IROPackageAck; aTimeout: Integer)
- aPackage: The package id received.
- aTimeout: The stream containing the incoming data, payload only.
constructor Create
Creates the worker instance.
constructor Create(ABaseSuperConnection: TROBaseSuperTcpConnection)
- ABaseSuperConnection: The connection object to be associated with the worker, TROBaseSuperConnection instance.
Acquires a lock using the internal synchronization object, used to synchronize write access to the underlying socket.
procedure BeginWriteLock
Connected protected virtual
Called after the connection to the remote party established to do any specific actions at this moment.
procedure Connected
Instructs the connection object to disconnect.
procedure Disconnect
Disconnected protected virtual
Sets the worker to disconnected state.
procedure Disconnected(var aRestartLoop: Boolean)
- aRestartLoop:
value of this parameter indicates that the connection has to be reestablished.
The main processing method that is executed on a background thread.
procedure DoExecute
Releases a lock using the internal synchronization object, used to synchronize write access to the underlying socket.
procedure EndWriteLock
Used to generate a new package identifier in a thread safe manner. The package id is actually an order number of the data package (remote requests transmitted from clients to servers and events data transmitted from servers to clients) transmitted since the superchannel start. It increments from 1 to MaxInt for clients and decrements from -1 down to -MaxInt for servers. This method acquires a write lock prior to generate a new package id.
function GenerateId: Integer
GetDefaultResponse protected virtual
Returns a string that is transmitted to the socket in case of any superchannel protocol error. Superchannel protocol errors can happen when the remote party behavior differs from the one expected according to the superchannel protocol. Usually this happens when non-super channel is used on the remote side or remote superchannel implementation has errors.
function GetDefaultResponse: string
Idle protected virtual
This method is executed when the channel enters idle state: existing connection is disconnected and a new one is not established yet.
procedure Idle
IncomingData protected virtual abstract
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
procedure IncomingData(aId: Integer; aData: TStream)
- aId: The package id received.
- aData: The stream containing the incoming data, payload only.
IntSendData protected
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
function IntSendData(aId: Integer; aData: TStream): IROPackageAck
- aId: The package id received.
- aData: The stream containing the incoming data, payload only.
ProcessOption protected
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
procedure ProcessOption(aData: TStream)
- aData: The stream containing the options agreement package.
ReadStream protected
Performs the buffered read from the associated connection object (finally from the socket).
function ReadStream(aDest: TStream; aLen: Integer): Boolean
- aDest: The stream to place the data into.
- aLen: The number of bytes to read.
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
procedure SendError(aId: Integer; aError: Byte)
- aId: The package id received.
- aError: The stream containing the incoming data, payload only.
SendOptions protected
Sends the protocol options agreement package.
procedure SendOptions(aData: ROUTF8String)
- aData: The package content, in the string form.
Called to process protocol options agreement packages.
function SendPackage(aData: TStream; aId: Integer): IROPackageAck
- aData: The package id received.
- aId: The stream containing the incoming data, payload only.
SetAckDetails protected virtual
procedure SetAckDetails(aId: Integer; aOk: Boolean; aErrorNo: Integer)
- aId:
- aOk:
- aErrorNo:
SupportsOptions protected
Called when the remote party initiates the protocol options agreement. Calls SendOptions to send the required options information.
procedure SupportsOptions
This event is fired while buffered data transmission is performed (IntSendData and ReadStream methods). The event is fired after each data portion transmitted.
property OnProgress: TProgressEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnProgress(aSender: TObject; aType: TProgressType; aDirection: TProgressDirection; aTransferred: Integer; aTotal: Integer)