The EcmaScriptErrorKind enumeration is used to provide information about exact kind of the script parser error that caused a ScriptParsingException exception.
- Reference: RemObjects.Script.dll
- Namespace: RemObjects.Script.EcmaScript
Value | Description |
CannotAssignValueToExpression | Cannot assign a value to the expression. |
CannotBreakHere | Cannot break here. |
CannotContinueHere | Cannot continue here. |
CannotReturnHere | Cannot return here. |
CatchOrFinallyExpected | catch or finally expected. |
ClosingBraceExpected | Closing brace expected. |
ClosingBracketExpected | Closing bracket expected. |
ClosingParenthesisExpected | Closing parenthesis expected. |
ColonExpected | Colon expected. |
CommentError | Unexpected end of file in comment. |
DuplicateIdentifier | Duplicate identifier found in the script. |
DuplicateLabel | Duplicate label found in the script. |
EInternalError | Internal parser error occurred. |
EnterInRegex | Line break in a regular expression definition. |
EOFInRegex | Unexpected end of file in regular expression. |
EOFInString | Unexpected end of file in string literal. |
FatalErrorWhileCompiling | Fatal error while compiling. Internal script engine error. |
IdentifierExpected | Identifier expected. |
InvalidEscapeSequence | Invalid escape sequence. |
OnlyOneDefaultAllowed | Only one default case allowed in a switch statement. |
OnlyOneVariableAllowed | Only one variable allowed in variable definition. |
OpeningBraceExpected | Opening brace expected. |
OpeningParenthesisExpected | Opening parenthesis expected. |
SemicolonExpected | Semicolon expected. |
SyntaxError | General syntax error. |
UnknownCharacter | Unknown character in the script. |
UnknownLabelTarget | Unknown label target used. |
WhileExpected | while keyword expected. |
WithNotAllowedInStrict | with statements are not allowed in a strict context. |