

Base class for the EcmaScript component. There's currently only 1 subclass of this. This class holds all the functionality needed to set a script, load it, run it and to debug it.









Sub New()


Holds the current callstack, only gets loaded when Debug is true.


property CallStack: ReadOnlyCollection<ScriptStackFrame> read;


ReadOnlyCollection<ScriptStackFrame> CallStack { get; }


ReadOnly Property CallStack() As ReadOnlyCollection<ScriptStackFrame>


Remove the script state and optionally reset the globals.


method Clear(aGlobals: Boolean)


void Clear(Boolean aGlobals)


Sub Clear(aGlobals As Boolean)


  • aGlobals:


If true, the engine places debug instructions in the compiled scripts and enables the debugging features.


property Debug: Boolean read write;


Boolean Debug { get; set; }


Property Debug() As Boolean


Called when a code breakpoint is triggered. Like an EcmaScript "debugger;" statement.


event DebugDebugger: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugDebugger()


Event DebugDebugger As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>


Called when an Exception occurs in the engine. Only works when Debug = true.


event DebugException: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugException()


Event DebugException As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>


Called when an Exception occurs in the engine and isn't caught. Only works when Debug = true.


event DebugExceptionUnwind: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugExceptionUnwind()


Event DebugExceptionUnwind As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>


Called when a function is entered. Only works when Debug = true.


event DebugFrameEnter: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugFrameEnter()


Event DebugFrameEnter As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>


Called when a function is exited. Only works when Debug = true.


event DebugFrameExit: EventHandler<ScriptDebugExitScopeEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugExitScopeEventArgs> DebugFrameExit()


Event DebugFrameExit As EventHandler<ScriptDebugExitScopeEventArgs>


Contains the last source location.


property DebugLastPos: PositionPair read;


PositionPair DebugLastPos { get; }


ReadOnly Property DebugLastPos() As PositionPair



event DebugThreadExit: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugThreadExit()


Event DebugThreadExit As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>


Called when the engine is at a source line. Only works when Debug = true.


event DebugTracePoint: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugTracePoint()


Event DebugTracePoint As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>



method Dispose(disposing: Boolean)


void Dispose(Boolean disposing)


Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)


  • disposing:


Expose a type to the engine so it can be used. Name is the name it will be available under.


method ExposeType(type: Type; name: String)


void ExposeType(Type type, String name)


Sub ExposeType(type As Type, name As String)


  • type:
  • name:


Contains the custom global variables in the engine (would not contain any runtime library functions or classes).


property Globals: ScriptScope read;


ScriptScope Globals { get; }


ReadOnly Property Globals() As ScriptScope


Returns true if there is a function by that name.


method HasFunction(aName: String): Boolean


Boolean HasFunction(String aName)


Function HasFunction(aName As String) As Boolean


  • aName:

IntRun  protected


method IntRun: Object


Object IntRun()


Function IntRun() As Object


Called when the engine is waiting to be resumed, when it's paused. When RunInThread is false, this can be used to handle windows messages. Only works when Debug = true.


event NonThreadedIdle: EventHandler;


delegate EventHandler NonThreadedIdle()


Event NonThreadedIdle As EventHandler


Pause the engine (only works if Debug is true).


method Pause


void Pause()


Sub Pause()


Run the current script.


method Run


void Run()


Sub Run()


This field contains the exception object that escaped the engine after the last run.


property RunException: Exception read write;


Exception RunException { get; set; }


Property RunException() As Exception

RunFunction (ScriptStatus, String, array of Object): Object

Run a function by it's name. Returns the result of the function if any. The function must exist, if not an exception is thrown. The aInitialStatus parameter is used for debugging, to step into a function or just run it.


method RunFunction(initialStatus: ScriptStatus; name: String; params args: array of Object): Object


Object RunFunction(ScriptStatus initialStatus, String name, params Object[] args)


Function RunFunction(initialStatus As ScriptStatus, name As String, ParamArray args As Object()) As Object


  • initialStatus:
  • name:
  • args:

RunFunction (String, array of Object): Object

Run a function by it's name. Returns the result of the function if any. The function must exist, if not an exception is thrown.


method RunFunction(name: String; params args: array of Object): Object


Object RunFunction(String name, params Object[] args)


Function RunFunction(name As String, ParamArray args As Object()) As Object


  • name:
  • args:


If true, the Run method starts a new thread and runs the script there, else Run blocks.


property RunInThread: Boolean read write;


Boolean RunInThread { get; set; }


Property RunInThread() As Boolean


Contains the result of running the script. For EcmaScript this is the last expression.


property RunResult: Object read;


Object RunResult { get; }


ReadOnly Property RunResult() As Object

SetDebug  protected


method SetDebug(b: Boolean)


void SetDebug(Boolean b)


Sub SetDebug(b As Boolean)


  • b:


Source of the script you want to run.


property Source: String read write;


String Source { get; set; }


Property Source() As String


Source file name of the script. This is used in error messages to denote where the errors are.


property SourceFileName: String read write;


String SourceFileName { get; set; }


Property SourceFileName() As String


Holds the current status of the engine.


property Status: ScriptStatus read write;


ScriptStatus Status { get; set; }


Property Status() As ScriptStatus


Triggered when the Status property is changed.


event StatusChanged: EventHandler;


delegate EventHandler StatusChanged()


Event StatusChanged As EventHandler


Step into the next function call (if any, else steps over it). Only works if Debug = true.


method StepInto


void StepInto()


Sub StepInto()


Step out of the current function. Only works if Debug = true.


method StepOut


void StepOut()


Sub StepOut()


Step over the next function call. Only works if Debug = true.


method StepOver


void StepOver()


Sub StepOver()


Stop the engine.


method Stop


void Stop()


Sub Stop()



Holds the current callstack, only gets loaded when Debug is true.


property CallStack: ReadOnlyCollection<ScriptStackFrame> read;


ReadOnlyCollection<ScriptStackFrame> CallStack { get; }


ReadOnly Property CallStack() As ReadOnlyCollection<ScriptStackFrame>


If true, the engine places debug instructions in the compiled scripts and enables the debugging features.


property Debug: Boolean read write;


Boolean Debug { get; set; }


Property Debug() As Boolean


Contains the last source location.


property DebugLastPos: PositionPair read;


PositionPair DebugLastPos { get; }


ReadOnly Property DebugLastPos() As PositionPair


Contains the custom global variables in the engine (would not contain any runtime library functions or classes).


property Globals: ScriptScope read;


ScriptScope Globals { get; }


ReadOnly Property Globals() As ScriptScope


This field contains the exception object that escaped the engine after the last run.


property RunException: Exception read write;


Exception RunException { get; set; }


Property RunException() As Exception


If true, the Run method starts a new thread and runs the script there, else Run blocks.


property RunInThread: Boolean read write;


Boolean RunInThread { get; set; }


Property RunInThread() As Boolean


Contains the result of running the script. For EcmaScript this is the last expression.


property RunResult: Object read;


Object RunResult { get; }


ReadOnly Property RunResult() As Object


Source of the script you want to run.


property Source: String read write;


String Source { get; set; }


Property Source() As String


Source file name of the script. This is used in error messages to denote where the errors are.


property SourceFileName: String read write;


String SourceFileName { get; set; }


Property SourceFileName() As String


Holds the current status of the engine.


property Status: ScriptStatus read write;


ScriptStatus Status { get; set; }


Property Status() As ScriptStatus








Sub New()


Remove the script state and optionally reset the globals.


method Clear(aGlobals: Boolean)


void Clear(Boolean aGlobals)


Sub Clear(aGlobals As Boolean)


  • aGlobals:



method Dispose(disposing: Boolean)


void Dispose(Boolean disposing)


Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)


  • disposing:


Expose a type to the engine so it can be used. Name is the name it will be available under.


method ExposeType(type: Type; name: String)


void ExposeType(Type type, String name)


Sub ExposeType(type As Type, name As String)


  • type:
  • name:


Returns true if there is a function by that name.


method HasFunction(aName: String): Boolean


Boolean HasFunction(String aName)


Function HasFunction(aName As String) As Boolean


  • aName:

IntRun  protected


method IntRun: Object


Object IntRun()


Function IntRun() As Object


Pause the engine (only works if Debug is true).


method Pause


void Pause()


Sub Pause()


Run the current script.


method Run


void Run()


Sub Run()

RunFunction (ScriptStatus, String, array of Object): Object

Run a function by it's name. Returns the result of the function if any. The function must exist, if not an exception is thrown. The aInitialStatus parameter is used for debugging, to step into a function or just run it.


method RunFunction(initialStatus: ScriptStatus; name: String; params args: array of Object): Object


Object RunFunction(ScriptStatus initialStatus, String name, params Object[] args)


Function RunFunction(initialStatus As ScriptStatus, name As String, ParamArray args As Object()) As Object


  • initialStatus:
  • name:
  • args:

RunFunction (String, array of Object): Object

Run a function by it's name. Returns the result of the function if any. The function must exist, if not an exception is thrown.


method RunFunction(name: String; params args: array of Object): Object


Object RunFunction(String name, params Object[] args)


Function RunFunction(name As String, ParamArray args As Object()) As Object


  • name:
  • args:

SetDebug  protected


method SetDebug(b: Boolean)


void SetDebug(Boolean b)


Sub SetDebug(b As Boolean)


  • b:


Step into the next function call (if any, else steps over it). Only works if Debug = true.


method StepInto


void StepInto()


Sub StepInto()


Step out of the current function. Only works if Debug = true.


method StepOut


void StepOut()


Sub StepOut()


Step over the next function call. Only works if Debug = true.


method StepOver


void StepOver()


Sub StepOver()


Stop the engine.


method Stop


void Stop()


Sub Stop()



Called when a code breakpoint is triggered. Like an EcmaScript "debugger;" statement.


event DebugDebugger: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugDebugger()


Event DebugDebugger As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>


Called when an Exception occurs in the engine. Only works when Debug = true.


event DebugException: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugException()


Event DebugException As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>


Called when an Exception occurs in the engine and isn't caught. Only works when Debug = true.


event DebugExceptionUnwind: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugExceptionUnwind()


Event DebugExceptionUnwind As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>


Called when a function is entered. Only works when Debug = true.


event DebugFrameEnter: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugFrameEnter()


Event DebugFrameEnter As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>


Called when a function is exited. Only works when Debug = true.


event DebugFrameExit: EventHandler<ScriptDebugExitScopeEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugExitScopeEventArgs> DebugFrameExit()


Event DebugFrameExit As EventHandler<ScriptDebugExitScopeEventArgs>



event DebugThreadExit: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugThreadExit()


Event DebugThreadExit As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>


Called when the engine is at a source line. Only works when Debug = true.


event DebugTracePoint: EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs> DebugTracePoint()


Event DebugTracePoint As EventHandler<ScriptDebugEventArgs>


Called when the engine is waiting to be resumed, when it's paused. When RunInThread is false, this can be used to handle windows messages. Only works when Debug = true.


event NonThreadedIdle: EventHandler;


delegate EventHandler NonThreadedIdle()


Event NonThreadedIdle As EventHandler


Triggered when the Status property is changed.


event StatusChanged: EventHandler;


delegate EventHandler StatusChanged()


Event StatusChanged As EventHandler