

DARelativityClientFile class represents a model for RelativityClient file, which acts as the link to the certain schema in the specified Relativity domain.

RelativityClient file can be opened by Schema Modeler 7 application (on Windows OS) and Sever Explorer application (on the Mac OS X)



adminLoginName  copy

Administrator login. You need to be logged as Administrator, to be able modify and apply changes in the schema on the Relativity

@property (copy) NSString *adminLoginName

adminPassword  copy

Administrator password. You need to be logged as Administrator, to be able modify and apply changes in the schema on the Relativity

@property (copy) NSString *adminPassword

aesPassword  copy

AES password (necessary only if Relativity is protected with AES password)

@property (copy) NSString *aesPassword


Array of the available domains, represented by DARelativityClientFileDomain instances. At least should contain single domain.

@property (readonly) NSMutableArray *domains

name  copy

Name of the Relativity. If URL property is not specified then Name property will be used for resolving Relativity service using Bonjour (ZeroConf)

@property (copy) NSString *name


Creates and returns an empty DARelativityClientFile instance.

+ (DARelativityClientFile *) relativityClientFile


Creates and returns DARelativityClientFile instance from given existing file.

+ (DARelativityClientFile *) relativityClientFileWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)filename


  • filename: FileName of the existing DARelatvityClientFile


Creates and returns DARelativityClientFile instance from existing file with given URL.

+ (DARelativityClientFile *) relativityClientFileWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)url


  • url: URL of the existing DARelatvityClientFile

URL  copy

Direct URL to the Relativity. If this property is specified then it will be used for connection. Name property value will be ignored.

@property (copy) NSURL *URL


Method that serializes given instance to a file.

- (void) writeToFile:(NSString *)filename atomically:(BOOL)atomically


  • filename: Name of the file
  • atomically: If YES, the data is written to a backup file, and then—assuming no errors occur—the backup file is renamed to the name specified by path; otherwise, the data is written directly to path.


Method that serializes DARelativityClientFile instance to the location, specified by given URL.

- (void) writeToURL:(NSURL *)url atomically:(BOOL)atomically


  • url: Destination URL
  • atomically: If YES, the data is written to a backup file, and then—assuming no errors occur—the backup file is renamed to the name specified by path; otherwise, the data is written directly to path.


adminLoginName  copy

Administrator login. You need to be logged as Administrator, to be able modify and apply changes in the schema on the Relativity

@property (copy) NSString *adminLoginName

adminPassword  copy

Administrator password. You need to be logged as Administrator, to be able modify and apply changes in the schema on the Relativity

@property (copy) NSString *adminPassword

aesPassword  copy

AES password (necessary only if Relativity is protected with AES password)

@property (copy) NSString *aesPassword


Array of the available domains, represented by DARelativityClientFileDomain instances. At least should contain single domain.

@property (readonly) NSMutableArray *domains

name  copy

Name of the Relativity. If URL property is not specified then Name property will be used for resolving Relativity service using Bonjour (ZeroConf)

@property (copy) NSString *name

URL  copy

Direct URL to the Relativity. If this property is specified then it will be used for connection. Name property value will be ignored.

@property (copy) NSURL *URL



Creates and returns an empty DARelativityClientFile instance.

+ (DARelativityClientFile *) relativityClientFile


Creates and returns DARelativityClientFile instance from given existing file.

+ (DARelativityClientFile *) relativityClientFileWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)filename


  • filename: FileName of the existing DARelatvityClientFile


Creates and returns DARelativityClientFile instance from existing file with given URL.

+ (DARelativityClientFile *) relativityClientFileWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)url


  • url: URL of the existing DARelatvityClientFile



Method that serializes given instance to a file.

- (void) writeToFile:(NSString *)filename atomically:(BOOL)atomically


  • filename: Name of the file
  • atomically: If YES, the data is written to a backup file, and then—assuming no errors occur—the backup file is renamed to the name specified by path; otherwise, the data is written directly to path.


Method that serializes DARelativityClientFile instance to the location, specified by given URL.

- (void) writeToURL:(NSURL *)url atomically:(BOOL)atomically


  • url: Destination URL
  • atomically: If YES, the data is written to a backup file, and then—assuming no errors occur—the backup file is renamed to the name specified by path; otherwise, the data is written directly to path.