Client for Relativity Server Wizard

This article is a continuation of Data Abstract New Project Wizard (.NET)

After choosing Relativity Server as the back-end for your .NET project, the next step is to select the server you wish to connect to in the Wizard. This will allow the wizard to retrieve the meta-data & schema information from the server.

If you are using Bonjour or ROZeroConf and the Relativity Server is running on your computer or elsewhere on the local network, it should be detected automatically, and can be selected from the list in the top half of the dialog. Alternatively, you can specify the fill address to your remote (or local) Relativity Server, at the bottom. Relativity Server usually runs on on port 7099, and the default address will end on /bin:

Once you picked a server and connected, you can choose the Domain you want to access. If your domain is not set up yet, you can also launch the admin tool to set one up.

By default, all installs of Relativity Server come with a pre-configured sample domain (DASamples) that contains our PCTrade Sample Database that you can use if you want to try out Data Abstract for .NET against sample data.

To fully get access to the domain, you will also need to provide the Data Login for the domain. The default login for newly created domains, as well as for the PCTrade Sample domain, is the username "simple" and the password "simple".

Next, the project wizard will show you a list of all tables exposed by the domain selected before, grouped by schema. You can select which tables you plan to access to have the wizard automatically generate the proper code stubs for the tables in question.

Don't worry: you can always add access to additional tables later on; there is also no harm in simply selecting all tables from the start, even if you don't need them yet.

As the last step, you can choose between some options for the generated client project.

Note: Depending on the project type, some options might not be available. For example, XSDs are not supported on Windows and Silverlight applications, so the wizard will default to DA LINQ (which we recommend to use in any case), and client-side Business Rules Scripting support may also not be available for these platforms.

  • DA LINQ and XSD are two different technologies for accessing and working with local data on the .NET platform. DA LINQ will generate strongly typed classes for your tables that you can work with using regular IEnumerable/sequence APIs such as for/each and LINQ. It is the more modern data access technology and generally recommended.
  • Data Streamers define how data is encoded for transfer between your client and the server. Bin2 is generally the best choice and should be selected unless you have explicit reasons not to. The choice you make here needs to reflect what is exposed by the server.
  • Finally, support for running Business Rules Scripting on the client side can be enabled, where available, allowing your client application to validate data locally and provide information on the invalid data without additional server roundtrips — assuming such business rules are defined on the server.


Click Finish, and you are done; the wizard will create your project(s) and open them in the IDE, ready to build and run.

You may want to continue reading about The Client Project Generated by the Data Abstract New Project Wizard.