Loading Data

The first thing you need to do is to actually get some data from the Relativity Server. You will start by getting the data for the Tasks table.

The Main Form

Before writing the code to get the data, add a TButton and a TDBGrid to the main form.

Main Form - Loading Data.

Add an onClick event handler to the Load Data button and set it to call the loadData method of the DataModule.

procedure TClientForm.btnLoadClick(Sender: TObject);

Also connect up the TDBGrid to use the ds_Tasks datasource from the DataModule.

Use the ds_tasks datasource

The DataModule

In the DataModule, implement the loadData method to simply open the tbk_tasks component.

procedure TClientDataModule.LoadData;

First Run

Run the application now. When you press the Load Data button, if everything is wired up right, it should first ask you to log in. Use Daniel/222 from the test data.

Opening the tbl_Tasks component would have triggered a request to the Relativity Server, which in turn triggers the Login process. If you are running in debug mode, you will get an exception dialog with a SessionNotFoundException. This exception is thrown when the server requires a login and doesn't have one.

Client Application - Login Request

Once you have logged in, you should see all the data in the Tasks table.

Client Application - First Run

The DataAbstract components have handled all the complexity behind retrieving the remote data and left you the simple task of opening the table, just as if it were connected to a local database.