

LdapClient is a general purpose class for querying a remote Ldap server. It can connect to any server that implements the Ldap protocol, login and search the records the server is authorized to show.




Constructor for the Ldap client class.






Sub New()


A constant to pass to the Search API when the server should return all records.


const AllAttributes: String = "*";


const String AllAttributes = "*"


Dim AllAttributes As String = "*"


Bind is used to login, this overload let's you override the DN and password used to login.


method Bind


void Bind()


Sub Bind()

Bind (String, String, DigestType)

Bind is used to login, this overload let's you override the DN and password used to login.


method Bind(dn: String; password: String; digestType: DigestType)


void Bind(String dn, String password, DigestType digestType)


Sub Bind(dn As String, password As String, digestType As DigestType)


  • dn: Distinguished name
  • password: Password
  • digestType: Authentication method


BindDigest is used to define what authentication method is used. Currently only "None" is supported, which uses plain text authentication. Using StartTLS is recommended.


property BindDigest: DigestType read write;


DigestType BindDigest { get; set; }


Property BindDigest() As DigestType


BindDN is the distinguished name used to login (bind) to the Ldap server. A DN is an Ldap identifier like: uid=user,ou=users,dc=company,dc=com.


property BindDN: String read write;


String BindDN { get; set; }


Property BindDN() As String

BindingV4    (declared in Client)

Gets the binding which provides properties and methods such as address family, IPv4 address, port number etc for client to connect to the host network.


property BindingV4: Binding read;


Binding BindingV4 { get; }


ReadOnly Property BindingV4() As Binding

BindingV6    (declared in Client)

Gets the binding which provides properties and methods such as address family, IPv6 address, port number etc for client to connect to the host network.


property BindingV6: Binding read;


Binding BindingV6 { get; }


ReadOnly Property BindingV6() As Binding


BindPassword is the password used to login (bind) to the server.


property BindPassword: String read write;


String BindPassword { get; set; }


Property BindPassword() As String


Logs out and disconnects.


method Close


void Close()


Sub Close()

Connect    (declared in Client)


method Connect: Connection


Connection Connect()


Function Connect() As Connection

Connect (IPAddress, Int32): Connection    (declared in Client)


method Connect(host: IPAddress; port: Int32): Connection


Connection Connect(IPAddress host, Int32 port)


Function Connect(host As IPAddress, port As Int32) As Connection


  • host:
  • port:

Connect (String, Int32): Connection    (declared in Client)


method Connect(hostname: String; port: Int32): Connection


Connection Connect(String hostname, Int32 port)


Function Connect(hostname As String, port As Int32) As Connection


  • hostname:
  • port:

Connect (IPAddress, Int32, Binding): Connection    (declared in Client)

Overloaded. Use to connect the client to a remote network host using the specified host name (HostName) or IP address (HostAddress) and port number (Port) and/or Binding (BindingV4 or BindingV6).


class method Connect(host: IPAddress; port: Int32; binding: Binding): Connection


static Connection Connect(IPAddress host, Int32 port, Binding binding)


Shared Function Connect(host As IPAddress, port As Int32, binding As Binding) As Connection


  • host:
  • port:
  • binding:

Connect (String, Int32, Binding): Connection    (declared in Client)

Overloaded. Use to connect the client to a remote network host using the specified host name (HostName) or IP address (HostAddress) and port number (Port) and/or Binding (BindingV4 or BindingV6).


class method Connect(hostname: String; port: Int32; binding: Binding): Connection


static Connection Connect(String hostname, Int32 port, Binding binding)


Shared Function Connect(hostname As String, port As Int32, binding As Binding) As Connection


  • hostname:
  • port:
  • binding:


True when there is an active server connection.


property Connected: Boolean read;


Boolean Connected { get; }


ReadOnly Property Connected() As Boolean

ConnectionClass    (declared in Client)

Use the ConnectionClass property to specify an alternative Connection class to be used for out coming data connections. The class described by the assigned Type must be a descendant of Connection, and will be used for all connections that are established after the property has been set. Existing connections are not affected by changing the property.

If ConnectionType is null (default), instances of the Connection base class will be used.


property ConnectionClass: Type read write;


Type ConnectionClass { get; set; }


Property ConnectionClass() As Type

ConnectionFactory    (declared in Client)

Represents an interface for a connection.


property ConnectionFactory: IConnectionFactory read write;


IConnectionFactory ConnectionFactory { get; set; }


Property ConnectionFactory() As IConnectionFactory

ConnectionPool  protected    (declared in Client)


property ConnectionPool: ConnectionPool read write;


ConnectionPool ConnectionPool { get; set; }


Property ConnectionPool() As ConnectionPool

ConnectNew (IPAddress, Int32): Connection    (declared in Client)

Overloaded. Opens and returns new connection with specified IP address and port.


method ConnectNew(host: IPAddress; port: Int32): Connection


Connection ConnectNew(IPAddress host, Int32 port)


Function ConnectNew(host As IPAddress, port As Int32) As Connection


  • host:
  • port:

ConnectNew (String, Int32): Connection    (declared in Client)


method ConnectNew(hostname: String; port: Int32): Connection


Connection ConnectNew(String hostname, Int32 port)


Function ConnectNew(hostname As String, port As Int32) As Connection


  • hostname:
  • port:


Returns the current connection instance.


property CurrentConnection: Connection read;


Connection CurrentConnection { get; }


ReadOnly Property CurrentConnection() As Connection

DnsResolveType    (declared in Client)

Determines if the specified HostName should be look up only Once per application run (if you establish multiple connections to the server, the subsequent connections will use the cached IPAddress) or Always, for each connect (the Hostname will be resolved again for each subsequet connect).

You'll usually only change this setting off the defaut (Once) if you anticipate the IPAddress of the target host to change frequently.


property DnsResolveType: DnsResolveType read write;


DnsResolveType DnsResolveType { get; set; }


Property DnsResolveType() As DnsResolveType

EnableNagle    (declared in Client)

Set its value to true to enable the Nagle algorithm for send coalescing.


property EnableNagle: Boolean read write;


Boolean EnableNagle { get; set; }


Property EnableNagle() As Boolean


Escapes a string so it can be used as a value for an Ldap search filter.


class method Escape(s: String): String


static String Escape(String s)


Shared Function Escape(s As String) As String


  • s: the string to escape

GetConnection  protected    (declared in Client)


method GetConnection(host: IPAddress; port: Int32): Connection


Connection GetConnection(IPAddress host, Int32 port)


Function GetConnection(host As IPAddress, port As Int32) As Connection


  • host:
  • port:

GetDefaultConnectionPool  protected    (declared in Client)


method GetDefaultConnectionPool: ConnectionPool


ConnectionPool GetDefaultConnectionPool()


Function GetDefaultConnectionPool() As ConnectionPool

HostAddress    (declared in Client)

Gets or sets an Internet Protocol (IP) address.


property HostAddress: IPAddress read write;


IPAddress HostAddress { get; set; }


Property HostAddress() As IPAddress

HostName    (declared in Client)

The server host name or IP address that you intend the client to connect to.


property HostName: String read write;


String HostName { get; set; }


Property HostName() As String


Contains 389, the default port for Ldap.


const LdapPort: Int32 = 389;


const Int32 LdapPort = 389


Dim LdapPort As Int32 = 389


Contains 636, the default port for Ldap wrapped with Ssl.


const LdapSPort: Int32 = 636;


const Int32 LdapSPort = 636


Dim LdapSPort As Int32 = 636


Contains the Ldap version to use to login. Generally, you want to keep this on 3.


property LdapVersion: Int32 read write;


Int32 LdapVersion { get; set; }


Property LdapVersion() As Int32


True if a Bind call succeeded.


property LoggedIn: Boolean read;


Boolean LoggedIn { get; }


ReadOnly Property LoggedIn() As Boolean

NewConnection  protected    (declared in Client)


method NewConnection(binding: Binding): Connection


Connection NewConnection(Binding binding)


Function NewConnection(binding As Binding) As Connection


  • binding:


Contains the string to pass to Search when the server should return no attributes.


const NoAttributes: String = "1.1";


const String NoAttributes = "1.1"


Dim NoAttributes As String = "1.1"

OnResolvedHostName    (declared in Client)

This event is fired after the hostname has been successfully resolved.


event OnResolvedHostName: EventHandler<ResolvedHostNameEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ResolvedHostNameEventArgs> OnResolvedHostName()


Event OnResolvedHostName As EventHandler<ResolvedHostNameEventArgs>

OnResolveHostName    (declared in Client)

This event is fired before the Client attepts to resolve the sepcifed HostName to an IP address. It provides you with an option to perform the resolution yourself, obtain the IP address from an internal cache you're maintaing, or do some other processing (such as for example chaging the hostname to look up).


event OnResolveHostName: EventHandler<ResolveHostNameEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ResolveHostNameEventArgs> OnResolveHostName()


Event OnResolveHostName As EventHandler<ResolveHostNameEventArgs>


Connects and initializes TLS if necessary.


method Open


void Open()


Sub Open()

Port    (declared in Client)

The server Port that you intend the client to connect to.


property Port: Int32 read write;


Int32 Port { get; set; }


Property Port() As Int32

ReleaseConnection  protected    (declared in Client)


method ReleaseConnection(connection: Connection)


void ReleaseConnection(Connection connection)


Sub ReleaseConnection(connection As Connection)


  • connection:

ResolveHostName  protected    (declared in Client)


method ResolveHostName


void ResolveHostName()


Sub ResolveHostName()

ResolveHostNameIfNeeded  protected    (declared in Client)


method ResolveHostNameIfNeeded


void ResolveHostNameIfNeeded()


Sub ResolveHostNameIfNeeded()

Executes a search on the Ldap server. The parameters passed define where to search and what to return.


method Search(baseObject: String; scope: SearchScope; aliases: AliasDereferencing; size: Int32; time: Int32; typesOnly: Boolean; filter: String; attributes: array of String): LdapSearchResults


LdapSearchResults Search(String baseObject, SearchScope scope, AliasDereferencing aliases, Int32 size, Int32 time, Boolean typesOnly, String filter, String[] attributes)


Function Search(baseObject As String, scope As SearchScope, aliases As AliasDereferencing, size As Int32, time As Int32, typesOnly As Boolean, filter As String, attributes As String()) As LdapSearchResults


  • baseObject: The base distinguished name to start searching from
  • scope: The depth to execute this search query on
  • aliases: Indicates if aliases should be dereferenced and up to what level
  • size: The maximum number of items to return, or 0 if no client side maximum has to be enforced
  • time: The maximum number of seconds to spend searching for a record, or 0 if no client side limit has to be enforced
  • typesOnly: When true, only the attribute names (descriptions) are returned, not their value
  • filter: Filter in rfc 1960 format. If none is passed it will use "(objectClass=*)" which will return any object
  • attributes: Attributes to search for. Pass AllAttributes to return all attributes, or NoAttributes to return none

SslOptions    (declared in Client)


property SslOptions: SslConnectionFactory read write;


SslConnectionFactory SslOptions { get; set; }


Property SslOptions() As SslConnectionFactory

TriggerOnResolvedHostName  protected    (declared in Client)


method TriggerOnResolvedHostName(e: ResolvedHostNameEventArgs)


void TriggerOnResolvedHostName(ResolvedHostNameEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerOnResolvedHostName(e As ResolvedHostNameEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerOnResolveHostName  protected    (declared in Client)


method TriggerOnResolveHostName(e: ResolveHostNameEventArgs)


void TriggerOnResolveHostName(ResolveHostNameEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerOnResolveHostName(e As ResolveHostNameEventArgs)


  • e:


Logs out.


method Unbind


void Unbind()


Sub Unbind()


When UseStartTLS is set, the client will try to initiate a TLS connection after connecting. Note that this requires the server to implement the StartTLS extension. An alternative is to set the SslOptions.Enabled to true to wrap the entire connection in SSL (generally uses port 636 instead of 389).


property UseStartTLS: Boolean read write;


Boolean UseStartTLS { get; set; }


Property UseStartTLS() As Boolean



A constant to pass to the Search API when the server should return all records.


const AllAttributes: String = "*";


const String AllAttributes = "*"


Dim AllAttributes As String = "*"


Contains 389, the default port for Ldap.


const LdapPort: Int32 = 389;


const Int32 LdapPort = 389


Dim LdapPort As Int32 = 389


Contains 636, the default port for Ldap wrapped with Ssl.


const LdapSPort: Int32 = 636;


const Int32 LdapSPort = 636


Dim LdapSPort As Int32 = 636


Contains the string to pass to Search when the server should return no attributes.


const NoAttributes: String = "1.1";


const String NoAttributes = "1.1"


Dim NoAttributes As String = "1.1"



BindDigest is used to define what authentication method is used. Currently only "None" is supported, which uses plain text authentication. Using StartTLS is recommended.


property BindDigest: DigestType read write;


DigestType BindDigest { get; set; }


Property BindDigest() As DigestType


BindDN is the distinguished name used to login (bind) to the Ldap server. A DN is an Ldap identifier like: uid=user,ou=users,dc=company,dc=com.


property BindDN: String read write;


String BindDN { get; set; }


Property BindDN() As String

BindingV4    (declared in Client)

Gets the binding which provides properties and methods such as address family, IPv4 address, port number etc for client to connect to the host network.


property BindingV4: Binding read;


Binding BindingV4 { get; }


ReadOnly Property BindingV4() As Binding

BindingV6    (declared in Client)

Gets the binding which provides properties and methods such as address family, IPv6 address, port number etc for client to connect to the host network.


property BindingV6: Binding read;


Binding BindingV6 { get; }


ReadOnly Property BindingV6() As Binding


BindPassword is the password used to login (bind) to the server.


property BindPassword: String read write;


String BindPassword { get; set; }


Property BindPassword() As String


True when there is an active server connection.


property Connected: Boolean read;


Boolean Connected { get; }


ReadOnly Property Connected() As Boolean

ConnectionClass    (declared in Client)

Use the ConnectionClass property to specify an alternative Connection class to be used for out coming data connections. The class described by the assigned Type must be a descendant of Connection, and will be used for all connections that are established after the property has been set. Existing connections are not affected by changing the property.

If ConnectionType is null (default), instances of the Connection base class will be used.


property ConnectionClass: Type read write;


Type ConnectionClass { get; set; }


Property ConnectionClass() As Type

ConnectionFactory    (declared in Client)

Represents an interface for a connection.


property ConnectionFactory: IConnectionFactory read write;


IConnectionFactory ConnectionFactory { get; set; }


Property ConnectionFactory() As IConnectionFactory

ConnectionPool  protected    (declared in Client)


property ConnectionPool: ConnectionPool read write;


ConnectionPool ConnectionPool { get; set; }


Property ConnectionPool() As ConnectionPool


Returns the current connection instance.


property CurrentConnection: Connection read;


Connection CurrentConnection { get; }


ReadOnly Property CurrentConnection() As Connection

DnsResolveType    (declared in Client)

Determines if the specified HostName should be look up only Once per application run (if you establish multiple connections to the server, the subsequent connections will use the cached IPAddress) or Always, for each connect (the Hostname will be resolved again for each subsequet connect).

You'll usually only change this setting off the defaut (Once) if you anticipate the IPAddress of the target host to change frequently.


property DnsResolveType: DnsResolveType read write;


DnsResolveType DnsResolveType { get; set; }


Property DnsResolveType() As DnsResolveType

EnableNagle    (declared in Client)

Set its value to true to enable the Nagle algorithm for send coalescing.


property EnableNagle: Boolean read write;


Boolean EnableNagle { get; set; }


Property EnableNagle() As Boolean

HostAddress    (declared in Client)

Gets or sets an Internet Protocol (IP) address.


property HostAddress: IPAddress read write;


IPAddress HostAddress { get; set; }


Property HostAddress() As IPAddress

HostName    (declared in Client)

The server host name or IP address that you intend the client to connect to.


property HostName: String read write;


String HostName { get; set; }


Property HostName() As String


Contains the Ldap version to use to login. Generally, you want to keep this on 3.


property LdapVersion: Int32 read write;


Int32 LdapVersion { get; set; }


Property LdapVersion() As Int32


True if a Bind call succeeded.


property LoggedIn: Boolean read;


Boolean LoggedIn { get; }


ReadOnly Property LoggedIn() As Boolean

Port    (declared in Client)

The server Port that you intend the client to connect to.


property Port: Int32 read write;


Int32 Port { get; set; }


Property Port() As Int32

SslOptions    (declared in Client)


property SslOptions: SslConnectionFactory read write;


SslConnectionFactory SslOptions { get; set; }


Property SslOptions() As SslConnectionFactory


When UseStartTLS is set, the client will try to initiate a TLS connection after connecting. Note that this requires the server to implement the StartTLS extension. An alternative is to set the SslOptions.Enabled to true to wrap the entire connection in SSL (generally uses port 636 instead of 389).


property UseStartTLS: Boolean read write;


Boolean UseStartTLS { get; set; }


Property UseStartTLS() As Boolean


Connect (IPAddress, Int32, Binding): Connection    (declared in Client)

Overloaded. Use to connect the client to a remote network host using the specified host name (HostName) or IP address (HostAddress) and port number (Port) and/or Binding (BindingV4 or BindingV6).


class method Connect(host: IPAddress; port: Int32; binding: Binding): Connection


static Connection Connect(IPAddress host, Int32 port, Binding binding)


Shared Function Connect(host As IPAddress, port As Int32, binding As Binding) As Connection


  • host:
  • port:
  • binding:

Connect (String, Int32, Binding): Connection    (declared in Client)

Overloaded. Use to connect the client to a remote network host using the specified host name (HostName) or IP address (HostAddress) and port number (Port) and/or Binding (BindingV4 or BindingV6).


class method Connect(hostname: String; port: Int32; binding: Binding): Connection


static Connection Connect(String hostname, Int32 port, Binding binding)


Shared Function Connect(hostname As String, port As Int32, binding As Binding) As Connection


  • hostname:
  • port:
  • binding:


Escapes a string so it can be used as a value for an Ldap search filter.


class method Escape(s: String): String


static String Escape(String s)


Shared Function Escape(s As String) As String


  • s: the string to escape



Constructor for the Ldap client class.






Sub New()


Bind is used to login, this overload let's you override the DN and password used to login.


method Bind


void Bind()


Sub Bind()

Bind (String, String, DigestType)

Bind is used to login, this overload let's you override the DN and password used to login.


method Bind(dn: String; password: String; digestType: DigestType)


void Bind(String dn, String password, DigestType digestType)


Sub Bind(dn As String, password As String, digestType As DigestType)


  • dn: Distinguished name
  • password: Password
  • digestType: Authentication method


Logs out and disconnects.


method Close


void Close()


Sub Close()

Connect    (declared in Client)


method Connect: Connection


Connection Connect()


Function Connect() As Connection

Connect (IPAddress, Int32): Connection    (declared in Client)


method Connect(host: IPAddress; port: Int32): Connection


Connection Connect(IPAddress host, Int32 port)


Function Connect(host As IPAddress, port As Int32) As Connection


  • host:
  • port:

Connect (String, Int32): Connection    (declared in Client)


method Connect(hostname: String; port: Int32): Connection


Connection Connect(String hostname, Int32 port)


Function Connect(hostname As String, port As Int32) As Connection


  • hostname:
  • port:

ConnectNew (IPAddress, Int32): Connection    (declared in Client)

Overloaded. Opens and returns new connection with specified IP address and port.


method ConnectNew(host: IPAddress; port: Int32): Connection


Connection ConnectNew(IPAddress host, Int32 port)


Function ConnectNew(host As IPAddress, port As Int32) As Connection


  • host:
  • port:

ConnectNew (String, Int32): Connection    (declared in Client)


method ConnectNew(hostname: String; port: Int32): Connection


Connection ConnectNew(String hostname, Int32 port)


Function ConnectNew(hostname As String, port As Int32) As Connection


  • hostname:
  • port:

GetConnection  protected    (declared in Client)


method GetConnection(host: IPAddress; port: Int32): Connection


Connection GetConnection(IPAddress host, Int32 port)


Function GetConnection(host As IPAddress, port As Int32) As Connection


  • host:
  • port:

GetDefaultConnectionPool  protected    (declared in Client)


method GetDefaultConnectionPool: ConnectionPool


ConnectionPool GetDefaultConnectionPool()


Function GetDefaultConnectionPool() As ConnectionPool

NewConnection  protected    (declared in Client)


method NewConnection(binding: Binding): Connection


Connection NewConnection(Binding binding)


Function NewConnection(binding As Binding) As Connection


  • binding:


Connects and initializes TLS if necessary.


method Open


void Open()


Sub Open()

ReleaseConnection  protected    (declared in Client)


method ReleaseConnection(connection: Connection)


void ReleaseConnection(Connection connection)


Sub ReleaseConnection(connection As Connection)


  • connection:

ResolveHostName  protected    (declared in Client)


method ResolveHostName


void ResolveHostName()


Sub ResolveHostName()

ResolveHostNameIfNeeded  protected    (declared in Client)


method ResolveHostNameIfNeeded


void ResolveHostNameIfNeeded()


Sub ResolveHostNameIfNeeded()

Executes a search on the Ldap server. The parameters passed define where to search and what to return.


method Search(baseObject: String; scope: SearchScope; aliases: AliasDereferencing; size: Int32; time: Int32; typesOnly: Boolean; filter: String; attributes: array of String): LdapSearchResults


LdapSearchResults Search(String baseObject, SearchScope scope, AliasDereferencing aliases, Int32 size, Int32 time, Boolean typesOnly, String filter, String[] attributes)


Function Search(baseObject As String, scope As SearchScope, aliases As AliasDereferencing, size As Int32, time As Int32, typesOnly As Boolean, filter As String, attributes As String()) As LdapSearchResults


  • baseObject: The base distinguished name to start searching from
  • scope: The depth to execute this search query on
  • aliases: Indicates if aliases should be dereferenced and up to what level
  • size: The maximum number of items to return, or 0 if no client side maximum has to be enforced
  • time: The maximum number of seconds to spend searching for a record, or 0 if no client side limit has to be enforced
  • typesOnly: When true, only the attribute names (descriptions) are returned, not their value
  • filter: Filter in rfc 1960 format. If none is passed it will use "(objectClass=*)" which will return any object
  • attributes: Attributes to search for. Pass AllAttributes to return all attributes, or NoAttributes to return none

TriggerOnResolvedHostName  protected    (declared in Client)


method TriggerOnResolvedHostName(e: ResolvedHostNameEventArgs)


void TriggerOnResolvedHostName(ResolvedHostNameEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerOnResolvedHostName(e As ResolvedHostNameEventArgs)


  • e:

TriggerOnResolveHostName  protected    (declared in Client)


method TriggerOnResolveHostName(e: ResolveHostNameEventArgs)


void TriggerOnResolveHostName(ResolveHostNameEventArgs e)


Sub TriggerOnResolveHostName(e As ResolveHostNameEventArgs)


  • e:


Logs out.


method Unbind


void Unbind()


Sub Unbind()


OnResolvedHostName    (declared in Client)

This event is fired after the hostname has been successfully resolved.


event OnResolvedHostName: EventHandler<ResolvedHostNameEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ResolvedHostNameEventArgs> OnResolvedHostName()


Event OnResolvedHostName As EventHandler<ResolvedHostNameEventArgs>

OnResolveHostName    (declared in Client)

This event is fired before the Client attepts to resolve the sepcifed HostName to an IP address. It provides you with an option to perform the resolution yourself, obtain the IP address from an internal cache you're maintaing, or do some other processing (such as for example chaging the hostname to look up).


event OnResolveHostName: EventHandler<ResolveHostNameEventArgs>;


delegate EventHandler<ResolveHostNameEventArgs> OnResolveHostName()


Event OnResolveHostName As EventHandler<ResolveHostNameEventArgs>