Macro Processor Overview

Data Abstract provides extensible macro support which allows you to create universal queries for different databases.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > {Date()}
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > {AddTime(Date(), 2, day)}

The two statements above will be converted to the right SQL dialect at runtime.

For Microsoft SQL Server connections:

SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > GetDate()
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > dateadd(GetDate(), 2, day)

For Oracle connections:

SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > SYSDATE + 2

For Firebird connections:

SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > (select current_timestamp from rdb$database)
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > dateadd(day, 2, (select current_timestamp from rdb$database))

For DBISAM Driver

SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + 172800000

For SQLite Driver

SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > date('now')
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > datetime(date('now'),'+2 days')

All Macros should be surrounded with {}

Macros Available

AddTime Copy Date DatePart
DateTime FormatDateTime FormatDate Length
LowerCase NoLockHint Time Trim
TrimLeft TrimRight UpperCase Where

AddTime - Returns a new datetime value based on adding an interval to the specified date. Notice that not all databases support this macro.

  • Syntax:

    {AddTime(date, interval, interval_type)}

  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE OrderDate > {AddTime(Date(), 2, day)}

  • Parameters:

    • date - a valid date
    • interval - number of days, weeks, etc as per next parameter
    • interval_type - sec, min, hour, day, week, month, year

Copy - Returns <count> characters starting from <index> from <string>

  • Syntax:

    {Copy(value, index, count)}

  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE {Copy(CustomerID, 1, 10)} = 'ALFKI'

  • Parameters:

    • value - string value or field name
    • index - position from where to start copying
    • count - number of characters to copy

Date - Returns the current date from the server.

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE OrderDate > {Date()}

DatePart - Returns an integer representing the specified datepart of the provided date.

  • Syntax:

    {DatePart(date, interval_type)}

  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Orders o WHERE DatePart(o.OrderDate, year) >= 2018

  • Parameters:

    • date - a valid date
    • interval_type - sec, min, hour, day, week, month, year

DateTime - Returns the current datetime from the server.

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE OrderDate > {DateTime()}

FormatDateTime - Formats the specified datetime to the datetime format used by the database.

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE OrderDate > {FormatDateTime('12/22/2003 15:22:34.123')}

  • Parameters:

    • value - string representation of a date

FormatDate - Formats the specified date to the date format used by the database.

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE OrderDate > {FormatDate('12/22/2003')}

  • Parameters:

    • value - string representation of a date

Length - Returns the length of the given string.

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE {Length(CustomerID)} = 3

  • Parameters:

    • value - string value or field name

LowerCase - Converts the given string to lower case.

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE {LowerCase(CustomerID)} = 'alfki'

  • Parameters:

    • value - string value or field name

NoLockHint - Returns (NOLOCK) for Microsoft SQL Server and empty string for other databases.

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table {NoLockHint}

Time - Returns the current time from the server.

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE OrderDate > {Time()}

Trim - Removes both leading and trailing spaces from a string

  • Syntax:

    {Trim(value, char)}

  • SELECT * FROM Table WHERE {Trim(CustomerID)} = 'ALFKI'
    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE {Trim(CustomerID),'.'} = 'ALFKI'

  • Parameters:

    • value - string value or field name
    • char - (optional) character to trim. The default value is space character (char(32))

TrimLeft - Removes the leading spaces from a string

  • Syntax:

    {TrimLeft(value, char)}

  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE {TrimLeft(CustomerID)} = 'ALFKI'
    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE {TrimLeft(CustomerID,'.')} = 'ALFKI'

  • Parameters:

    • value - string value or field name
    • char - (optional) character to trim. The default value is space character (char(32))

TrimRight - Removes the trailing spaces from a string.

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE {TrimRight(CustomerID)} = 'ALFKI'
    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE {TrimRight(CustomerID,'.')} = 'ALFKI'

  • Parameters:

    • value - string value or field name
    • char - (optional) character to trim. The default value is space character (char(32))

UpperCase - Converts the given string to upper case.

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE {UpperCase(CustomerID)} = 'ALFKI'

  • Parameters:

    • value - string value or field name

Where - Placeholder for the injection of the Dynamic Where statement.

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Status = 3 AND {WHERE}